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Methods of Interaction Analysis, VT11, TDA466

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2011-05-17 - 2011-05-17
Antal svar: 5
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: ?%
Kontaktperson: Jon Mjölnevik»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Informationsteknik 300 hp

1. It was clear from the beginning what was expected of me in the course.

5 svarande

1, Do not agree at all.»2 40%
0 0%
3 60%
4, Agree completely.»0 0%
No answer.»0

Genomsnitt: 2.2

- I still don"t know what was expected of me...» (1, Do not agree at all.)
- The class was not structured very well and wandered quite a bit.» (1, Do not agree at all.)

2. Do you think that you had enough knowledge to take the course?

- Some basic experience in interviews in general would have been very helpful»
- Yes.»
- Yes.»
- yes»

3. As a whole, how satisfied are you with the course?

- Well... It was at least easy..»
- Very disappointed. It"s the only class in the program that I have been disappointed with. The lecturer has weak english speaking capability and many slides were in swedish with no translation. Additionally, much of the course content featured very narrow examples from the lecturer"s personal experience, and was not broad enough to encompass many other methods. There really wasn"t a good connection between methods like interviewing and so forth and how to then carry that forward through the design.»
- I am fairly satisfied, it was an useful course for me.»

4. Regarding lectures, seminars, projects, etc you have participated in: Please mention three good things in the course and three things that can be improved.

- Good: The lecture when we was to design a product that was to be used 10 years from now. I don"t remember anything more than that.. The interviews weren"t very giving. Lectures might have been enough.»
- I can"t really think of three things I was satisfied with. Three improvements are the grading. Feedback was either non-existent or very late, and/or very vague and ambiguous. The lecturer does not seem at all interested in discussion with the class and frequently came off as defensive when the class asked questions or offered feedback. Also, the content of the course was too narrow and very basic. Overall, I would simply say the lecturer is either not interested in teaching and just wants to do research or needs some coaching in how to improve their lecturing abilities. Another possibility is that he should only lecture lower-level swedish speaking students.»
- The good about the course is that the lectures were short and the subject was pretty clear and well presented. I would suggest more hands-on practice.»

5. The information about the examinations was clear.

5 svarande

1, Do not agree at all.»1 20%
1 20%
3 60%
4, Agree completely.»0 0%
No answer.»0

Genomsnitt: 2.4

- Grades for the exam were not sent out in a timely manner and there was no opportunity to discuss it. My grade was far too low for the effort put into the class and the exam and I have concerns that the lecturer"s english reading level was not sufficient to fully evaluate my written exam.» (1, Do not agree at all.)
- Why did we have a "dugga" instead of a real exam? And why wasn"t it anynomous? » (2)

6. The information about schedules was good.

5 svarande

1, Do not agree at all.»1 20%
2 40%
1 20%
4, Agree completely.»1 20%
No answer.»0

Genomsnitt: 2.4

- The lecturer could never be bothered to publish the class schedule on the website or as a calendar. It comes across as laziness and was incredibly disruptive to everyone in the class to not have this information in an easy to access place. Instead of correcting this and taking charge, the lecturer chose to make excuses and blame the system for his failure.» (1, Do not agree at all.)
- There were some issues regarding the schedule, in other courses this has been solved by using for example Google calendar on the course website. » (2)

7. How did you experience the physical work environment?

- Not very nice, and the noise from the projector was terrible»
- n/a»

8. How did you experience the psychological work environment?

- Felt like being back at the gymnasium. Fairly easy.»
- n/a»

9. The course literature such as books, articles, and compendia functioned as a good support in your studies.

5 svarande

1, Do not agree at all.»1 20%
1 20%
3 60%
4, Agree completely.»0 0%
No answer.»0

Genomsnitt: 2.4

- There was no good material, only papers written by the lecturer.» (1, Do not agree at all.)

10. You have acquired the knowledge and skills specified in the goals of the course plan?

5 svarande

1, Do not agree at all.»1 25%
0 0%
2 50%
4, Agree completely.»1 25%
No answer.»1

Genomsnitt: 2.75

- No, I"ve learned far more on my own than from this class. » (1, Do not agree at all.)

11. What do you think about the teachers’,,pedagogical abilities? (Could they explain course content in a comprehensive way?)

- Insufficient. He lacks enthusiasm for the content and does not present a bigger vision for the class. I would encourage either this course to be restructured or a new lecturer chosen.»
- yes»

12. It was clear from the beginning what was expected of me in the course.

5 svarande

1, Do not agree at all.»2 40%
0 0%
3 60%
4, Agree completely.»0 0%
No answer.»0

Genomsnitt: 2.2

- When the course was over everybody thought "Was that it? Nothing more?". Too easy.» (1, Do not agree at all.)
- The class was not structured very well and wandered quite a bit.» (1, Do not agree at all.)
- It would have been easier to answer this if the evaluation had come earlier. Also, the course wasn"t bad but I"m not sure if it"s necessary. It was to great extent a repetition of the methodology course. » (3)

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