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Project Management, IBB135 2010-2011 LP4

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2011-05-17 - 2011-05-25
Antal svar: 57
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 91%
Kontaktperson: Jan Wickenberg»

About you

1. What is your total working experience of product (and service) development projects?


Working as a project member
56 svarande

None»14 26%
1 - 3 months»5 9%
4 - 6 months»13 24%
7 - 12 months»8 15%
More than a year»13 24%
No answer»3

Genomsnitt: 3.01

Working as a project manager / project leader
56 svarande

None»30 61%
1 - 3 months»13 26%
4 - 6 months»4 8%
7 - 12 months»0 0%
More than a year»2 4%
No answer»7

Genomsnitt: 1.59

2. Where did you receive your Bachelor degree?

57 svarande

I (Industrial Engineering & Management) at Chalmers»4 7%
Elsewhere at Chalmers»27 49%
A Swedish university other than Chalmers»1 1%
A European university elsewhere than in Sweden»12 21%
A non-European university»11 20%
No answer»2

Genomsnitt: 2.98

3. Who was your Research Project supervisor?

57 svarande

Ivan Angsvik (groups RPA1-RPA4)»20 35%
Christian Sandström (groups RPB1-RPB4)»18 31%
Jan Wickenberg (groups RPC1-RPC4)»19 33%

Genomsnitt: 1.98

About the course

4. This helped me understand the basics of project management


- I got two points, first one is for fine tuning, second one is VERY important. 1. Jan"s way of presenting is good. To be honest he is one of the best teachers I"ve had during my years at Chalmers. (He is not as good as Jörnmark though.) But if I"m going to come with some very important critique, his style of presenting is somewhat self-righteous and he could perhaps tone that down a bit to be even better. 2. I certainly don"t agree with how he presents the name of students during class when he has negative things to say about them and makes them feel ashamed infront of the whole class. Sure mention positive things and name people. But mention only what you don"t like, don"t mention names here infront of the whole class. If you feel the need to say this to them, then do that in a private setting either during breaks or in an email. Someone who have a low self-esteem could really take that bad when you make them seem bad infront of the class. E.g. if that would have happend to my ex-girlfriend she would have gotten really depressed and that could have made her miss not only the PM course but also the other course she"s taken that period. I can"t stress how important this is. I know you think that you have you back clear since you ask the class if it"s OK that you read their answers, but Jan of all people should know that hardly no one would dare to say no in that situation when he asks like that infront of the class, especially not the weak ones who will take his public critique badly. When I heard it the first time I actually considered reporting him because I" quite sure that isn"t allowed.»
- Personally, I think it was the COMBINATION of the book, hand-outs, lectures etc that made me understand the basics. It was a good mixture, and it is always good to have different inputs (such as book, articles and different lecturers).»
- Ivan is really OK but compare to Jan and even Jan"s handout his better than average style get puts in the shadow.»
- Lectures where more interesting than reading the book...»
- I thought Jan"s way of teaching was incredible. He managed to relate things together which anyone else could not even think of. This made it a lot easier for me to understand some of the concepts and methods. »
- »
- I think Ivan was a bit nervous. That probably made him a little confused in the presentation.»
- I think that an amalgamation of the different techniques used (book, lectures, literature reviews) gave a varied and more interesting learning experience than just lectures. I can easily relate to Jan"s teaching style and visual communications.»
- Did not read Maylor but still got a high grade in the BT, thanks to good lectures. As for the lectures after the basic test, the didn"t work for me personally unfortunately.»
- Out of context some of the slides may be hard to fully understand, but as I was on all lectures I could put it in a context. »
- Jan"s sweet voice is number one.»
- can´,t say much about Ivans lecture because he only had one.»
- I luckily started studying the book before the course started, which was useful.»
- Usually I am the only one who can teach me (i.e. I almost never learn/can concentrate on lectures, I can to learn everything "by myself") but this was the first course when I learned more in lectures than from the book.»
- PM Basics lecture slide were very useful to really understand what was the most important extend of Maylor project management textbook. Therefore it helped studying for the basic test focusing our reading of the textbook on the most important part. Lecture hand-outs were, for some, talking about things that either were too evident or too precise but for the most what missed was a context to explain and detail in what it can be useful to know that kind of things. Meaning that articles should in my opinion been described more clearly as a focus on a specific aspect of PM. A recommandation could be to develop a little bit more the head lines on the IBB125 course pdf file. ("Shadow side", "organizing project work" etc...) Moreover, some arcticle are way too long to really grab them. It leads us to focus on the abstract a bit too much. »
- I think the pace of the basics lectures were too high to really learn from it.»
- One of the best lecturer so far in Chalmers. Enjoyed most of the classes Jan lectured.»
- very well planed course! might be the best planned course I evere attended»
- Jan is a very good lecturer, but it went really really fast. »

Reading the text-book (Maylor)
57 svarande

I totally agree»27 49%
I agree to some extent»20 36%
I neither agree nor disagree»5 9%
I disagree to some extent»1 1%
I totally disagree»2 3%
No answer»2

Genomsnitt: 1.74

Reading the lecture hand-outs
57 svarande

I totally agree»17 29%
I agree to some extent»23 40%
I neither agree nor disagree»14 24%
I disagree to some extent»2 3%
I totally disagree»1 1%
No answer»0

Genomsnitt: 2.07

Attending the PM Basics lectures
57 svarande

I totally agree»29 50%
I agree to some extent»22 38%
I neither agree nor disagree»4 7%
I disagree to some extent»1 1%
I totally disagree»1 1%
No answer»0

Genomsnitt: 1.64

Jans presentation style during the lectures
57 svarande

I totally agree»34 59%
I agree to some extent»16 28%
I neither agree nor disagree»6 10%
I disagree to some extent»0 0%
I totally disagree»1 1%
No answer»0

Genomsnitt: 1.56

Ivans presentation style during the lectures
57 svarande

I totally agree»4 8%
I agree to some extent»21 45%
I neither agree nor disagree»15 32%
I disagree to some extent»5 10%
I totally disagree»1 2%
No answer»11

Genomsnitt: 2.52

5. The Preparatory Texts


- Please spread the hand in dates out over the week. Or at least put them all at Friday. Having them at Monday morning is slightly sadistic since you won"t prioritize them during the week and then one can"t relaxe during the weekend.»
- I would have liked personal feedback, sincee that would have made it much easier to know whether you were "on the right track" or not. Thus, I didn"t learn the reflective writing style, since I do not think it was enough with just mention some comments during lectures. »
- The mandatory part and the deadline is a good thing for making it happened.»
- I think without the hand-ins, the home exam would be more difficult.»
- It is good with mandatory hand-ins, but it had been nice to have two deadlines. one on monday and one on wednesday. »
- I found the preparatory texts extremely boring and I do not think I learnt all that I could have from them. »
- some times there are too many articles to read, i only focused in deliver a hand in on time. that in really learn and reflect them. »
- I would indeed read some of the articles (maybe even more carefully then I did now due to the fact that I had to "read" some of the crappy ones as well) even if it wasn"t mandatory.»
- Some text for me wasn"t rocket science, perhaps I read some of them during courses previously. »
- I did not put enough time to reflect on the articles. I did not learn much about reflection there, I think I had some of that skill from previous experience. I guess that is up to judgement soon.»
- The preparatory work was a way to start reflect upon the subjects but I thought that the discussions on the lectures yielded more insight in how to think and reflect. I think that it might would have been better not to have mandatory hand ins, but instead make it mandatory to read the articles and bring an intriguing question about each article to discuss on a seminar about the articles. I believe this would have been good as I found that discussions brought deeper knowledge than just reading texts. »
- Being mandatory and not graded is the best way for preparatory work.»
- I would prefer more guiding and specific questions to answer (and reason about) regarding each text. Just reasoning feels a bit abstract.»
- If I would have known how much I have need for the work with the prep. texts in the home exam, I would have put much more time on them! Tell next years students!!! Don"t start with them on sunday afternoon when you wake up in hangover...,)»
- It would have been more helpful to discuss the articles more during the lectures, and I also feel that writing the summaries was not necessary, it would have been enough with handing in just reflections and questions.»
- Q1: "Lots" is a bit strong, but it is true that one full afternoon at least was required in order to do the work properly. Q2: I learned things, but except from stage gate, nothing that is tangible. Q4: If not mandatory, no need to lie, I would have done 66% less that what I did in the preparation work.»
- What I missed was a short introduction/theory section on the specific area before reading the articles every week. That would have made it easier to understand the articles when reading and reflecting. But not too much ofcourse - you have to find out yourself the importance of the articles.»
- Without the preparatory work, my project performance would have been much much lower. »
- I think it is very good to force thinks like this, it makes it easier to be student (if you don"t want to be a very lazy student) and it makes the class aligned, so we can follow lectures and discuss with the same basis. I guess previous knowledge is variating, and this decrease the differences. »

I put lots of effort in the preparatory work
57 svarande

I totally agree»11 19%
I agree to some extent»33 57%
I neither agree nor disagree»8 14%
I disagree to some extent»4 7%
I totally disagree»1 1%
No answer»0

Genomsnitt: 2.14

The preparatory work made me learn much about project management
56 svarande

I totally agree»15 26%
I agree to some extent»23 41%
I neither agree nor disagree»12 21%
I disagree to some extent»4 7%
I totally disagree»2 3%
No answer»0

Genomsnitt: 2.19

The preparatory work made me learn the reflective writing style (required for the Research Report and the Home Exam)
57 svarande

I totally agree»12 21%
I agree to some extent»24 42%
I neither agree nor disagree»11 19%
I disagree to some extent»8 14%
I totally disagree»2 3%
No answer»0

Genomsnitt: 2.36

I would have invested the same effort in the preparatory work without the hand-ins being mandatory
57 svarande

I totally agree»3 5%
I agree to some extent»8 14%
I neither agree nor disagree»2 3%
I disagree to some extent»15 26%
I totally disagree»28 50%
No answer»1

Genomsnitt: 4.01

6. The Research Project Work


- It would be great if Jan could have had some project managers lined up that we could have interviewed instead of trying to find one our selves. At least a few the help the groups that had difficulty fining a project. I would like to have received more written information about the student assessment. Exactly what were we suppose to do. In our group we didn"t feel that anyone "outshined" anyone else, sure we had slightly different roles, but they also varied somewhat during the project. »
- yes, it was frustrating to cooperate, however, actually, from a learning point of view... it was actaully quite good ,p. Even though I believe that a group with fewer members would produce a better RESULT, I still think it"s good with 5-6 people since it good practice working in groups of that size.»
- It would be nice if it was mandatory to do the student assessment also in the middle of the project work, this since now you get feedback but you did not have any opportunity to change your behavior to help the group better. Since if someone say "I think s/he did not contribute to the report" you may want to know about it earlier, but since no one tells you it is hard to live up to peoples expectations. »
- "I fully understood what was expected to be delivered regarding the preliminary report, presentation, and final report" Hard to answer without the final results...»
- Christian was really good.»
- I was part of a very motivated group who all worked well together as a team. We were slightly unsure of what was expected in the presentations or how "finalised" the preliminary report had to be, but this gave us a chance to debate and organise our own time and resources in accordance to the deadlines. »
- Would have been better for me if we could have chosen own group. This interfered much with my other project when all of us where in different groups. But on the other hand it was a experience working with 5 strangers, first time for me.»
- It was very fuzzy on what the different parts of the report should contain. I have never written a similar report, just technical reports before.»
- While grading each other, people may miss inidcating the bad points of their friends and focus on very small mistakes of the ones they don"t like.»
- i dont think it was well informed what exactly what was expected of us, especially for the preliminary report.»
- The low-achievers dropped out leaving the most motivated, maybe time-commitment or desired grade should play in when groups are assigned.»
- Our group came with a quite happy and positive mind to one of our meetings with Jan but went away quite confused and frustrated after he had tried to explain that we were a bit on the wrong way...I guess...I didn"t understand so much of that meeting. We were kind of "pushed" down in the cavity that follows after the first happy-excitement in the team lifecycle model, by Jan. Of course he didn"t mean anything bad, but he could maybe have been clearer and more supportive that time.,)»
- Since this was a new type of project, performing studies I had not done before, it was until the end hard to understand how to perform the research project and the report. I do feel that I understand it better now than I did before taking the course, and I am happy that I have this experience now.»
- The number of team members was perfect. The research prject was difficult to find and if I would have to do it again, I would not study the subject we choosed. Ideed, even if I actually learn from it, the chosen topic required skilled that I didn"t have. I loved the way feedback had been made. It was the first time I did it like that, so I didn"t do exactly the maximum of what I could, but now I know what to expect for any further feedback in the same style.»
- I think Ivan could have had more comments on our work, but he was very committed. For example he didn"t read our theory part in the first draft of the work, because he didn"t think he would have any comments. However I think it would have been useful to see if the theory fitted with the rest etc. »
- It was difficult to do the analysis of the interviews and how to present the information. Moreover we had some disagreements regarding referencing and which sources to use. I believe this will result in lower grade for our project.»

I would have preferred a fully theoretical course, and not have to investigate a real-world project
57 svarande

I totally agree»0 0%
I agree to some extent»4 7%
I neither agree nor disagree»2 3%
I disagree to some extent»15 26%
I totally disagree»36 63%
No answer»0

Genomsnitt: 4.45

It was easy to find a project to study
57 svarande

I totally agree»6 10%
I agree to some extent»12 21%
I neither agree nor disagree»18 31%
I disagree to some extent»16 28%
I totally disagree»5 8%
No answer»0

Genomsnitt: 3.03

Cooperating with the other students in my Research Project group was frustrating to me
57 svarande

I totally agree»2 3%
I agree to some extent»10 17%
I neither agree nor disagree»10 17%
I disagree to some extent»18 31%
I totally disagree»17 29%
No answer»0

Genomsnitt: 3.66

Research project groups would perform better with fewer members
57 svarande

I totally agree»11 20%
I agree to some extent»21 38%
I neither agree nor disagree»11 20%
I disagree to some extent»7 12%
I totally disagree»5 9%
No answer»2

Genomsnitt: 2.52

Research project groups would perform better with more members
57 svarande

I totally agree»0 0%
I agree to some extent»3 5%
I neither agree nor disagree»5 8%
I disagree to some extent»15 26%
I totally disagree»33 58%
No answer»1

Genomsnitt: 4.39

Our supervisor made himself available for us
57 svarande

I totally agree»31 54%
I agree to some extent»20 35%
I neither agree nor disagree»5 8%
I disagree to some extent»1 1%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer»0

Genomsnitt: 1.57

Our supervisor took great interest in helping us
57 svarande

I totally agree»22 39%
I agree to some extent»20 35%
I neither agree nor disagree»9 16%
I disagree to some extent»5 8%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer»1

Genomsnitt: 1.94

Regarding the Student Assessment, I found it difficult to give feedback to others (on their performance)
57 svarande

I totally agree»2 3%
I agree to some extent»13 22%
I neither agree nor disagree»16 28%
I disagree to some extent»16 28%
I totally disagree»10 17%
No answer»0

Genomsnitt: 3.33

Regarding the Student Assessment, I found it difficult to receive feedback from others (on my performance)
57 svarande

I totally agree»1 1%
I agree to some extent»8 14%
I neither agree nor disagree»15 26%
I disagree to some extent»13 22%
I totally disagree»20 35%
No answer»0

Genomsnitt: 3.75

The Project presentations contributed to my learning of presentation skills
56 svarande

I totally agree»10 19%
I agree to some extent»15 28%
I neither agree nor disagree»16 30%
I disagree to some extent»6 11%
I totally disagree»5 9%
No answer»4

Genomsnitt: 2.63

The Project presentations contributed to my learning of how to get feedback from an audience
57 svarande

I totally agree»9 16%
I agree to some extent»21 38%
I neither agree nor disagree»15 27%
I disagree to some extent»5 9%
I totally disagree»5 9%
No answer»2

Genomsnitt: 2.56

Our chairman (Ivan, Christian, or Jan) chaired the Project presentations in a good way
57 svarande

I totally agree»25 43%
I agree to some extent»21 36%
I neither agree nor disagree»8 14%
I disagree to some extent»2 3%
I totally disagree»1 1%
No answer»0

Genomsnitt: 1.82

I fully understood what was expected to be delivered regarding the preliminary report, presentation, and final report
57 svarande

I totally agree»17 30%
I agree to some extent»24 42%
I neither agree nor disagree»6 10%
I disagree to some extent»8 14%
I totally disagree»1 1%
No answer»1

Genomsnitt: 2.14

7. The Lectures

There are two questions for each topic. Content means "the contents of this lecture were relevant", and Presentation means "the lecturer made a fine effort of presenting the contents"


- In total, I think it was a good mix of aspects. Good with different lecturers as well.»
- I would have learned more in some topics. Like shadows of PM, Power, Leadership and motivation (practically not theories). I liked the closing lecture.»
- cant remember the "No answer" ones...»
- Did not attend lectures, although for in general, i didn"t like the part when the hand ins were discussed, feels like a waste to me.»
- Super interesting content! Im really glad I took this course.»
- I don"t remember this! My answers are kinda arbitrary.»
- I have to admit that Jan is a damn good lecturer...»
- It maybe sounds unreal, but Jan was a great teacher (maybe the best I had) and even if the lecture had been going for 4 hours in the afternoon you just wanted to hear more... »
- I wish that I had been able to go to all the lectures because I found them very interesting and educational. The reason for missing them were other mandatory events that collided.»
- After the introduction lesson I was a bit scared because of the predicted workload of the course. In the end the course was as tough as presented, also because I had difficult times with the project.»
- Ana (or is it Anna?) held an interesting lecture, but it was a bit to much information, it was hard to concentrate.»

Course Introduction - contents
57 svarande

I totally agree»30 54%
I agree to some extent»21 38%
I neither agree nor disagree»3 5%
I disagree to some extent»1 1%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer/I did not attend»2

Genomsnitt: 1.54

Course Introduction - presentation (Jan)
57 svarande

I totally agree»34 61%
I agree to some extent»20 36%
I neither agree nor disagree»1 1%
I disagree to some extent»0 0%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer/I did not attend»2

Genomsnitt: 1.4

Introduction to the Research Project work - contents
57 svarande

I totally agree»24 45%
I agree to some extent»24 45%
I neither agree nor disagree»4 7%
I disagree to some extent»1 1%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer/I did not attend»4

Genomsnitt: 1.66

Introduction to the Research Project work - presentation (Jan)
57 svarande

I totally agree»32 60%
I agree to some extent»17 32%
I neither agree nor disagree»3 5%
I disagree to some extent»1 1%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer/I did not attend»4

Genomsnitt: 1.49

Shadows of Project Management - contents
57 svarande

I totally agree»29 55%
I agree to some extent»19 36%
I neither agree nor disagree»4 7%
I disagree to some extent»0 0%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer/I did not attend»5

Genomsnitt: 1.51

Shadows of Project Management - presentation (Jan)
57 svarande

I totally agree»34 65%
I agree to some extent»15 28%
I neither agree nor disagree»3 5%
I disagree to some extent»0 0%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer/I did not attend»5

Genomsnitt: 1.4

Power, Leadership and Motivation - contents
57 svarande

I totally agree»30 56%
I agree to some extent»21 39%
I neither agree nor disagree»1 1%
I disagree to some extent»1 1%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer/I did not attend»4

Genomsnitt: 1.49

Power, Leadership and Motivation - presentation (Jan)
57 svarande

I totally agree»36 67%
I agree to some extent»15 28%
I neither agree nor disagree»2 3%
I disagree to some extent»0 0%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer/I did not attend»4

Genomsnitt: 1.35

Pentagon Wars - contents
57 svarande

I totally agree»27 51%
I agree to some extent»17 32%
I neither agree nor disagree»4 7%
I disagree to some extent»4 7%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer/I did not attend»5

Genomsnitt: 1.71

Pentagon Wars - presentation (Jan Wickenberg)
56 svarande

I totally agree»27 52%
I agree to some extent»15 29%
I neither agree nor disagree»4 7%
I disagree to some extent»5 9%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer/I did not attend»5

Genomsnitt: 1.74

Organizing Project Work - contents
56 svarande

I totally agree»26 52%
I agree to some extent»17 34%
I neither agree nor disagree»4 8%
I disagree to some extent»3 6%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer/I did not attend»6

Genomsnitt: 1.68

Organizing Project Work - presentation (Jan)
57 svarande

I totally agree»29 56%
I agree to some extent»18 35%
I neither agree nor disagree»3 5%
I disagree to some extent»1 1%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer/I did not attend»6

Genomsnitt: 1.52

The Early Phases of NPD - contents
56 svarande

I totally agree»15 33%
I agree to some extent»22 48%
I neither agree nor disagree»8 17%
I disagree to some extent»0 0%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer/I did not attend»11

Genomsnitt: 1.84

The Early Phases of NPD - presentation (Maria Elmquist)
57 svarande

I totally agree»14 30%
I agree to some extent»22 47%
I neither agree nor disagree»9 19%
I disagree to some extent»1 2%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer/I did not attend»11

Genomsnitt: 1.93

Estimating Project Work - contents
57 svarande

I totally agree»18 38%
I agree to some extent»23 48%
I neither agree nor disagree»3 6%
I disagree to some extent»3 6%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer/I did not attend»10

Genomsnitt: 1.8

Estimating Project Work - presentation (Ana Magazinius)
57 svarande

I totally agree»18 39%
I agree to some extent»19 41%
I neither agree nor disagree»8 17%
I disagree to some extent»0 0%
I totally disagree»1 2%
No answer/I did not attend»11

Genomsnitt: 1.84

The Closing Lecture - contents
57 svarande

I totally agree»21 42%
I agree to some extent»18 36%
I neither agree nor disagree»6 12%
I disagree to some extent»4 8%
I totally disagree»1 2%
No answer/I did not attend»7

Genomsnitt: 1.92

The Closing Lecture - presentation (Jan)
57 svarande

I totally agree»27 52%
I agree to some extent»17 33%
I neither agree nor disagree»5 9%
I disagree to some extent»1 1%
I totally disagree»1 1%
No answer/I did not attend»6

Genomsnitt: 1.66

8. The course administration


- It would be good if course PM and PM fro research project work could have been up-dated with the dates for hand-ins and so on. I am used to looking in the PM for such dates, but here I got the impression that the same PM is used for several differnt courses..?»
- Online web schedule was just useful to check that your iCal was right. So itself not necessary.»
- I would like to have the schedule in the course pm.»
- At least the parts I used worked fine»
- The idea with a google calendar was great! The only problem is that no other course use it, so it was merely more work to get it working. You should convince other tutors about it!»
- Jan"s effort in this course is much appreciated, and is a key factor to why so many people performed so well.»
- High quality information, easy to find and follow. Simplified studying this course.»
- I think both PM:s could be in the same document... The google calendar was awesome.»
- iCalendar were so useful and easy to use! Thank you! Weekly e-mail are useful because it remind us of the dead line (in case of lng weekend) and the Word file attached to it provided a great structure for the hand in. »
- Had some troubles with the schedule after a couple of weeks (using android mobile).»
- The PM:s could be a little bit more readable with better layout (if there was more space to get an overview)»
- I think that to hand out lecture hand-outs is a waste. I think it is easier to take notes in a separate notebook. If you want to have a look at the slides at a later stage it is easy to find the digitally.»

Having the course schedule as an iCalendar subscription file was useful to me
57 svarande

I totally agree»20 42%
I agree to some extent»13 27%
I neither agree nor disagree»10 21%
I disagree to some extent»1 2%
I totally disagree»3 6%
No answer/I did not use it»10

Genomsnitt: 2.02

The on-line web schedule was useful to me
57 svarande

I totally agree»20 40%
I agree to some extent»16 32%
I neither agree nor disagree»7 14%
I disagree to some extent»2 4%
I totally disagree»4 8%
No answer/I did not use it»8

Genomsnitt: 2.06

The News section was kept relevant at all times
56 svarande

I totally agree»25 47%
I agree to some extent»17 32%
I neither agree nor disagree»10 18%
I disagree to some extent»1 1%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer/I did not use it»3

Genomsnitt: 1.75

The weekly e-mail was useful to me
57 svarande

I totally agree»49 85%
I agree to some extent»4 7%
I neither agree nor disagree»3 5%
I disagree to some extent»0 0%
I totally disagree»1 1%
No answer/I did not use it»0

Genomsnitt: 1.24

The Course PM was relevant
57 svarande

I totally agree»34 59%
I agree to some extent»16 28%
I neither agree nor disagree»5 8%
I disagree to some extent»2 3%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer/I did not use it»0

Genomsnitt: 1.56

The PM for the Research Project Work was relevant
57 svarande

I totally agree»38 66%
I agree to some extent»15 26%
I neither agree nor disagree»4 7%
I disagree to some extent»0 0%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer/I did not use it»0

Genomsnitt: 1.4

The hand-out section was kept relevant
57 svarande

I totally agree»34 61%
I agree to some extent»16 29%
I neither agree nor disagree»5 9%
I disagree to some extent»0 0%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer/I did not use it»2

Genomsnitt: 1.47

9. Questions never asked before


- For Buchanan and Argyris, I guess need to use the tactics of both of them in order to understand a bit better and be a little less frustrated.. However, I don"t care of I will make more money since more money doesn"t make you happy =). However, understand a bit better and be a little bit less frustrated would be nice =).»
- I would say Huygens–,Fresnel principle ,) Regarding last question, change it to understand much better, much less frustrated and much more money (so I can afford being a PhD).»
- For the last one : "Hopefully !!!"»
- i dont expect to make a little bit more money, if it happens its ok but is not the target.»
- evaluate what exactly?»
- "make a little more money" hard to predict...»
- Huygen and Newton should have communicated more. But at least Einstein was able to read their "lessons learnt documents" to provide another theory. »
- ...»
- Huygens theorem explains how but not why. I can agree with that I will understand better and be less frustrated but I can with no certainty say that I will earn more money. »
- Yes, Aryris rules! But Jan made me afraid a bit about the shadows of the company and politics.»
- I happen to like worms... (honest answer would be more in the middle or right for that question)»
- I will be as frustrated, but hopefully better at coping with it. »
- Golden middle rules ,)»
- I"m not sure I understand the question. What am I supposed to answer to? If I agree to Huygens theorem? I guess it is more "how relevant this is" I"m not sure I will make more money because of this course, but maybe you know better than me?»
- I don"t really see how this will course will make me earn more money. I see why to make such a statement in the beginning of a course though»

Huygens theorem explains the refraction of light
57 svarande

I totally agree»13 30%
I agree to some extent»12 28%
I neither agree nor disagree»10 23%
I disagree to some extent»5 11%
I totally disagree»2 4%
No answer»15

Genomsnitt: 2.3

Dave Buchanan rules! I would rather eat a can of worms than be a Argyris softie!
57 svarande

I totally agree»4 8%
I agree to some extent»8 16%
I neither agree nor disagree»14 29%
I disagree to some extent»13 27%
I totally disagree»9 18%
No answer»9

Genomsnitt: 3.31

Chris Argyris rules! The world is a darker place because of Buchanan bandits!
56 svarande

I totally agree»7 14%
I agree to some extent»18 36%
I neither agree nor disagree»18 36%
I disagree to some extent»4 8%
I totally disagree»2 4%
No answer»7

Genomsnitt: 2.51

In the future, after taking this course, I will understand a little bit better, be a little bit less frustrated, and make a little more money
57 svarande

I totally agree»22 42%
I agree to some extent»24 46%
I neither agree nor disagree»3 5%
I disagree to some extent»3 5%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer»5

Genomsnitt: 1.75

Chalmers standard questions

10. How was the course workload?

57 svarande

Too low»0 0%
Low»0 0%
Adequate»11 19%
High»36 63%
Too high»10 17%
No answer»0

Genomsnitt: 3.98

- It was maybe high, but as it was regular and organized, adequate is the word for me. (For example I"ve had other courses with a smaller work load but because of a bad organization, often ended up in 3 projects to deliver in a row in the same week. That"s something at least that didn"t happen in the PM course...)» (Adequate)
- Was what could be expected for 7.5 credits. » (Adequate)
- It was really ok. Before the course started I considered about choosing some other course because I thought this would kill me (e.g. based on the homepages) but it was just normal for me. In my own university (Aalto/TKK) many of my 5cr. major courses (in Systems analysis) are harder.» (Adequate)
- Well, it is a high course load. However, I think it is adequate. People tend to forget that Chalmers has a higher pace: 25 hours a week. I believe that I spend less than 25 hours a week in this course.» (Adequate)
- I liked it, a lot of courses have to low workload. I want to learn stuff, it was really god.» (High)
- But fair.» (High)
- Project management is a "quick training" about PM"s responsibilities so in my opinion, the high workload is needed.» (High)
- The reason I felt that it was high was perhaps due to the fact that I had a lot of work for other courses, therefore I felt that I had less time to concentrate in Project Management. In an ideal world I would have liked to just had one or the other» (High)
- The workload was high, but the contents relevant. That is how it should be. Quite often at Chalmers, the workload is high and the contents irrelevant» (High)
- Although there was a lot of work this was explained, if somewhat dauntingly, before the course started and it allowed me to plan my time for this quarter. Knowing this beforehand prepared me to know how much effort it would take and made me more determined to "beat it". » (High)
- Happy I started studying early.» (High)
- It was between High and too high. » (High)
- It has been very intense, but the reason for why this course was hard to take now was because of another work-intense course that I took along with it. Since this was a project development project, there were difficulties with co-ordinating the work in the two courses, but I see it as a valuable experience for my future career, which will most likely involve the same co-ordinational difficulties.» (High)
- I think the workload is a bit high, but I think it is good and important that Jan really explains why so we get to see he has good intentions.» (High)
- I have had a really hard time keeping up the tempo, and also pass my other course that had been suffer beside this course.» (Too high)
- Prep work before lectures is a good thing, but a project work, 16 hand ins and a home exam is too much. Pick 2 of them.» (Too high)
- Compared to other 7,5 hp courses at Chalmers this one had a little too high workload. » (Too high)
- ARE you kidding me!? is that even a question? it´,s way too much for being a masters course....» (Too high)
- It was too high...though I can"t say what should have been taken away because all of the parts were useful and good. This course together with another demanding course made this period the most hectic in my time at Chalmers especially the final two weeks.» (Too high)

11. What is your general impression of the course?

57 svarande

Worst course ever»0 0%
Fair»1 1%
Adequate»2 3%
Good»21 36%
Excellent»30 52%
Best course ever»3 5%
No answer»0

Genomsnitt: 4.56

- It´,s between one of the worst courses and adequate...I and probably others had the grade set about after the first quiz...the follow up question is how much effort people put into coming work when they now they only can get a pass or fail?» (Fair)
- the theory is given quite fast. and the project research is too specific and the teams as expected doesn work easily. so the learning target is hardly achieved by all the team members. now i can ay i know a bit more, specially in communications management (research topic) and know some theory, but doesnt feel it give me a lot of skills for management. i think the research project objective remains theoretical, as we dont have hands-on a project. woudl be fun if somehow we could create small projects where we can face the same things. could be done even with lego kits.» (Adequate)
- The content in this course is really interesting, so if you looking only at the content it is Excellent. But the workload is more a 15point course, so I have been greatful if this where a 15 point corse instead so you had have time to take in al information and not hurry throw everything.» (Good)
- Healthy choice to not put much effort into irrelevant theory. Real life experience like the research projects are far more useful for the students. » (Good)
- I have to say that taking that course was a huuuuge challenge for me: I"ve already had the same one in my home school, with even the same heading "Project Management". But it was (in my mind) really crappy, messy and I ended up with just good enough results to pass it, only one idea in my head "Okay even if I didn"t learn anything, at least I"m done with those bullshits" (sorry for my words). But this year I decided to take another shot, telling myself "after all maybe taught by another teacher in another language and cultural context, that will change everything." And I have to say, that worked, I"ve changed my mind. So in conclusion, you changed the mind of a student from "it"s just useless" to "actually maybe not, that"s even interesting and good", and for what it"s worth, knowing my initial opinion and how narrow-minded I can be sometimes, that"s something! » (Good)
- I thought the course was very well designed and enjoyed the lecture style, but I just don"t think that the subject matter is that interesting to me. Most of the content seems very self-evident.» (Good)
- To be honest, it"s a "weak excellent". But it deserves more than a good.» (Excellent)
- It is hard saying best course ever since I have a problem with project being so un-logical. But I like the execution and content of the course. » (Excellent)
- I wanted to quit after your e-mail before the first lecture, I came to the first lecture and work because the course was presented in an interesting way. » (Excellent)
- Great lectures, but frankly not a subject I"m interested in (which of course is not your fault in any way)» (Excellent)
- Have learned a lot, study a real PM project was the highlight of the course.» (Excellent)
- A very good course with very inspiring lecturer. I felt that I really wanted to go to the lectures and it was easy to follow the content of the lectures. » (Excellent)
- All the courses teach somethings but may not all you will use in the future. Im sure that I will use the ones I learned in this one.» (Excellent)
- Definitely one of the best courses I have had but I know one (in my own uni) that was better, sorry.» (Excellent)
- Between excellent and best course ever. The only negative thing was that it took time and sometimes I needed to prioritize these course more than my other course. » (Excellent)
- Learnt A LOT, even if has been frustrating to know how to do in order to perform well.» (Excellent)
- Regarding lectures and how engaged and inspired they made me feel i give a "best course ever" grading!» (Excellent)
- Jan is the best teacher I ever had, structured, well planned, well knowledge to give relevance material and they were also so funny and provide one to remember» (Excellent)
- Learnt a lot and that almost counterbalanced that the workload was perceived as too high.» (Excellent)
- I had a course before that was brilliant, best course ever. So second best ever.» (Excellent)
- Yes, really. I"ve taken some compulsory courses at Chalmers about similar topics, but they were held by people who never worked at other places than Chalmers. So, their courses were only theoretical and you always had the feeling that "this is not how it"s done in reality". In this course, it was a refreshing opposite and you always thought: "hmm, THIS is how it"s done in reality". » (Best course ever)
- Definitely one of the best courses on Chalmers.» (Best course ever)

12. What should definitely be preserved to next year?

- Lecturing Style, Research Project Work»
- Mandatory hand ins. But not on monday morning!»
- Mandatory hand-ins.»
- Nearly everything.»
- The research project»
- the mandatory hand-ins.»
- Research project work»
- Jan, iCal»
- The Research Project Home Exam»
- Home exam (havent finished it yet, but seems much more giving then a traditional exam), research projects, guest lectures.»
- Almost everything I would say...»
- I think the course was balanced and I think most of it should be preserved as it is.»
- - weekly e-mail - style of lecture - feedback to presentation and report - pre-readings for improving reflection skills»
- The introduction part, its a good way of getting the basics before the "real" course starts.»
- Teaching style - visual etc»
- Project Research»
- The assignment»
- Research Project!»
- The lecturer »
- Basic test»
- The content of the lectures»
- Research project and pentagon wars movie!»
- The Pentagon War movie»
- Jan. I learned about good presentation more with watching Jan than doing the presentation.»
- the grading system...its totally unfair...»
- the research project»
- Jan"s commitment and analogies! :)»
- Everything»
- the articles»
- Jan, The course book»
- Uuum...everything? The home exam was great, I have absolutely never learned as much from an exam (ok, I have never written any home exam before...). But also rest of the course was good.»
- well, I would say keep the format as it is, because I really enjoyed the whole course. »
- The lectures»
- The lectures and the research project»
- The enthousiasm of the teacher and the example being used.»
- Jan :) Maylors textbook is ok some of the articles as well. I would suggest a new article from Anne Keegan: Quantity versus Quality in Project-Based Learning Practices »
- The preparatory readings, though some of them should be updated. Some may be relevant, but still too old, and give the sensation that the course is out of date too.»
- All the lectures! And most essential is to keep the project work, but I think the whole course and its content is of relevance and the structure of the course should be kept. »
- I wrote this on the lesson learn questions...»
- The Maylor textbook as the main literature. Jan Wickenberg as the charismatic lecturer. The home-exam (but maybe not handed out so late).»
- The research project, the hand ins and the introduction to project management»
- Feedback and discussion around the hand-ins. I think how it was carried out the first time was vary good, with discussion around the reflections. The second and the third time there were no discussion, which I missed a bit. Hence, I also spend less effort on the last hand-in.»
- Early basic test and preparatory work»

13. What should definitely be changed to next year?

- Compalsary Handins»
- The date for the hand ins! And maybe spread them out over the week. Plus don"t give negative feedback to specific students infront of the whole class.»
- The feedback on the mandatory hand-ins. If it is possible, a short written personal comment would have been really good so you know if your doing ok.»
- I have a hard time pointing at something. Was kind of boring not having any articles between week 5 and home exam =(»
- Less people in the research project groups»
- hand in a part on monday and a part on wednesday. »
- I would like you to take into consideration the program of the students in the research work. I ended up with three from IT and as they are not as trained in case writing as I-students and I dont think IT-students in my general opinion have as high goals as an I-student, it would be preferable to try to distribute students with different education background evenly.»
- Extend the learning process: the last week dedicated to discuss, and maybe write a report, by group of 5 or 5 students about how to learn at the end of a project. How can we use the knowledge learned during the research project work for example?»
- Perhaps removing the home exam and having a heavier focus on the hand ins. »
- mm..boring articles»
- The Preparatory Articles.....IT WAS SO BORING!!!»
- Remove the mandatory hand ins, change it to discussion lectures (split the class into random groups) where you discuss/reflect upon say 2-4 articles each time. Why hand in something you dont get feedback on anyway? useless idea to me...»
- Except some extremely boring articles, not that much...»
- - information to course book should be available earlier in order to have time to read it before Basic Test !»
- The distribution of the points for Basics, Project Work and Home Exam.»
- Not so many texts to read because then it is not done so well»
- the exam should be one day instead of home exam»
- Basics Test (Resit) date should not be close to Home Exam submission date. »
- Home exam»
- Less writing and more discussion! I also think that it would have been better not to do such a large-scale project and the groups should be smaller. »
- Buchanan"s article maybe? Or the number of articles to be read can be reduced.»
- none»
- The stress in the first two weeks.»
- grade system...not so much to read...it doesn´,t help...it´,s just interesting...but way too much reading...»
- information that reading the articles would help understanding upcoming lectures»
- I didn"t think the guest lecturer were all that good. I kind of missed Jan.»
- Is reading Maylor really that necessary? and have a test on him after two weeks really make us know more about project mgmt? Its like a reference book. all I learned was from the articles.»
- That it is only 8 weeks.»
- Nothing should "definitely" be changed but... 1. don"t scare students that it would be a fking hard course, just describe what you have to do in it. 2. Don"t say that we shouldn"t kill ourselves with the articles!! I thought it"s ok to just read them half-sloppy but I should have "killed" myself much more with them! There"s no idea to make a half-hearted effort with them! If you want us to not use too many hours on them, include less articles and tell student to read and reflect over them carefully! 3. the second basic test was at quite bad time, just before DL of the home exam...:/ 4. free coffe in the last lecture would have been great!»
- Maybe give the students 4-5 articles each week instead of 5-6, because in my case if I want to produce something qualitative I need time, so better with few qualitative papers than many less qualitative papers. Its not about being lazy its just that I want to make a good job!»
- The research project, introduce it earlier.»
- Writing summaries to all articles for the weekly hand-ins.»
- Definitely is a bit strong, but maybe the choice of article can be changed or at least their purpose should be explain a little bit more deeply.»
- some of the article were very common sense and some too frustrating! also the deadline for the preparatory work...please not on monday! all the weekend goes off , Student syndrome !!!»
- There is one detail about the teacher that really bothered me, though has nothing to do with the content of the course. It is the way he presents aspirations/ motivations of students and the posible and simplified goals of life, saying "go and make a fortune, or stay in the academy", I personaly hated every time he stated that. That could be his way of thinking, and I can"t change that, or maybe was not seriously but there is an underlaying message there that is not precisely correct. That statement clearly it has nothing to do with reality, keep on teaching under such assumptions and way of thinking is simply irresponsible. I would expect teachers to be people trying to lead, or at least, encourage new thinkings, and not people trying to keep the status quo even when they know it"s wrong!»
- Give a little more guidance, or perhaps an earlier introduction to the project work in order to make it easier to find a company and ease on the time pressure.»
- I wrote this on the lesson learn questions...»
- Maybe it doesn"t really have to be an Exam AND an home exam AND a research work AND 16 articles to read. I"m not sure what should be taken away though.»
- The project work was one of the worst I have ever experienced and I put a lot of effort in it just to make it roll in one direction and not in four, something that might not be seen in my grades. The student assessment didn"t work that well when you have written almost the half of the report and put more effort and work into the project, but all other members vote for "excellence" to everyone, even though trying to explain that everyone didn"t contribute on the same level. I was voted down. »
- nothing»
- I don"t know. I think it was pretty good! Well, maybe start the home-exam a bit later. This year I finished my courses monday in exam-week. It was a bit strange to have to exams before the exam week, and nothing in exam week. No I also remember that I am not big fan of monday-deadlines. Have the deadline at friday 20.00 instead. I guess you are aware of the students syndrome, so it means that we spend time on this during the weekend. I think the weekend should be catch-up for other things, things you didn"t have time to do during the week. Also, as one person mentioned in class: Divide the two hand-ins: so hand in at friday evening and tuesday noon for instance.»
- The home exam representing 40% of the course effort»

14. Additional comments

- Hand-ins can be kept optional and additional bonus points can be awarded based upon how much hand-ins are submitted by a student.»
- Thank you, all!»
- Cheers»
- The course turned out better than I expected after the first lecture. I dont believe this kind of topic can be "teached out" in a much better way than Jan is doing it.»
- Why can"t all courses at Chalmers be like this?»
- The home exams did not reflect the knowledge learnt at the lectures. Especially the risk management question and leasson learned was not part a big part of the course and therefore I was disapointed with the exam. I think that you should gain benefit of attending the lectures instead of taking another course in risk management to be able to answer properly.»
- Overall I am happy that I have very good lecturer. »
- No Comments»
- fun course»
- useful and enjoyable.»
- none»
- Aj lajked it!»
- I never thought you could make such a great course about this kind of subject, congratulations! Jan for president! ...oh yeah you dont have that in Sweden? Well King is ok also!»
- Jan, Never stop teach people, because you are very good at it!»
- Regarding Q1-I interpreted that "working" with PD projects include working in school projects towards companies.»
- Very useful for the global knowledge. To fast on the use of tools.»
- Thank you for a very inspiring course! It has required a lot of effort and time but have definately been worth it! And I"m glad I did not abandon the course, despite being scared by the initial e-mail regarding the content of the course :)»
- no added more than that I am so satisfied as I could be and I´,m so glad that i took this course dispite this deterent mail that i got before entering the course.»
- I really enjoyed the course and particular Jan"s presentation style. I think he achieved the rare situation where students enjoyed the lectures enough to be annoyed about missing them. »

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