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Composite & nanocomposite materials, MPM052 2010-2011

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2011-05-12 - 2011-05-20
Antal svar: 12
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 52%
Kontaktperson: Rodney Rychwalski»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Maskinteknik 300 hp
Utbildningsprogram studenten tillhör: Maskinteknik 300 hp

1. Was it helpful to revise (in Part F) the Griffith theory and the stress intensity factor approach?

11 svarande

Agree»9 81%
Hesistant»2 18%
Disagree»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.18

- If there is time, repetition is always a bearer of fruit.» (Agree)

2. Level of information presented in the course was....

12 svarande

Too low»0 0%
Reasonable»10 83%
Too high»2 16%

Genomsnitt: 2.16

- too much theory, not enough practical aspects => labs in contact moulding or VIM, or visit of a factory» (Too high)

3. Do you think the course should cover more or fewer topics?

12 svarande

More topics»1 8%
Reasonable»11 91%
Less topics»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.91

4. Tutorial problems with solutions helped to better understand computational aspects in the course

12 svarande

Agree»10 83%
Hesitant»1 8%
Disagree»1 8%

Genomsnitt: 1.25

5. Lab session (laminate theory) helped to better understand the the theoryy

12 svarande

Agree»11 91%
Hesitant»1 8%
Disagree»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.08

- Excellent execution and guidance, but I would suggest some case study practical data» (Agree)
- I guess it depends on your level of MATLAB-knowledge. If that level is rather low, more focus will be on getting the code right and manage the actual programming. Although I found MATLAB a great tool.» (Hesitant)

6. Diary/project was helpful to realize the engineering applicability

12 svarande

Agree»9 75%
Hesitant»2 16%
Disagree»1 8%

Genomsnitt: 1.33

- However it would be wise to include some case studies in the letures as this puts students on the proper path» (Agree)

7. Was the compendium a helpful source?

12 svarande

Agree»11 91%
Hesitant»1 8%
Disagree»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.08

- The language in the compendium is, being technical litterature, pedagogical and rather colorful.» (Agree)
- It was very nice and structured. Alot of information» (Agree)

8. The guest lecture, was it motivating and helpful? (Pls add a comment about the fact that it was at the end, and not as usually at the start of course)

10 svarande

Agree»8 80%
Hesitant»2 20%
Disagree»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.2

- Didn"t have it yet. Good to have it at the end.» (?)
- Having guest lectures in a course is almost always a good thing. It is always interesting to get the viewpoint from someone in the industry.» (Agree)
- It is always helpful and interesting» (Agree)
- it is always good to have a guest lecturer from the industry it gives it some seriuosness, that what we are learnig actually is used. I thought it didn"t matter that it was in the end of the course. then you could understand more of what he was talking about» (Agree)
- Haven"t had it yet.» (Hesitant)

9. Was the organization of the course clear and caring?

12 svarande

Agree»12 100%
Hesitant»0 0%
Disagree»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1

- Very good» (Agree)
- really good organised. liked the diffrent chapters and the problems to them and that one knew exactly what was coming in lecture» (Agree)

10. On the whole you would...

11 svarande

Recommend the course»10 90%
Hesitant»1 9%
Not recommend the course»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.09

- If you really look for something to change, have the lectures in HA2 or 3 instead. The chairs in MA are horrible :)» (Recommend the course)
- Rodney is one of the absolute best lecturers that I have come across during my years at Chalmers. Very pedagogical and interesting to listen to. It will be a huge loss for the course, and Chalmers, when Rodney retires.» (Recommend the course)
- Rodney is a great teacher and I"d learned alot during the course. One of the better courses I"d had. Henrik is also good» (Recommend the course)
- good course!» (Recommend the course)
- It could be modified making a direct link between materials (part A & B) and the design. Possibly put some lectures for the project assesment!!!» (Hesitant)

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