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Teacher competence building

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2011-05-25 - 2011-06-10
Antal svar: 155
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 51%
Kontaktperson: Claes Niklasson»

1. What category are you?

154 svarande

Professor»15 9%
Adjunct Professor»1 0%
Associate Professor»10 6%
Researcher»6 3%
Assistant Professor»13 8%
Post Doc»17 11%
PhD student»91 59%
Other»1 0%

Genomsnitt: 5.73

- biträdande professor» (Assistant Professor)
- I am a exchange PhD student» (PhD student)
- 14 weeks of teaching (25% of a year) so far.» (PhD student)
- I am a PhD Student at Chalmers University» (PhD student)

2. What do you consider the limiting factor(s) is for improvment as a teacher?

Please comment or suggest ideas.

155 svarande

(på denna fråga var det möjligt att välja flera svarsalternativ)

Time»109 70%
Money»22 14%
Lack of support from department/division»32 20%
Workload»78 50%
Lack of interest in teaching»16 10%
Teaching quality is not valued enough in my career»31 20%
Lack of strategy/vision on how to improve as a teacher»52 33%
Other things (please comment)»14 9%

- THE STRATEGY COULD BE AN "OFFICIAL" ONE PROVIDED BY THE INSTITUTION, SUCH AS A "TRACK TO FOLLOW", INCLUDING COURSES AND GOALS» (Time, Teaching quality is not valued enough in my career, Lack of strategy/vision on how to improve as a teacher)
- I have supervised some students (Masterthesis) but so far nobody has asked me to teach any courses.» (Other things (please comment))
- Lack of strategy for education » (Time, Workload, Other things (please comment))
- There is not much help for a new PhD student (it is not common that you can take the course teaching, learning and evaluation before teaching). I lacked some guidlines how to teach and what is expected from me. Also a lot of time goes to correct the labraport rather than improving the teaching and I usually find the time that I get for teaching is not enough for preparing, teaching and report correcting. » (Time, Lack of support from department/division, Workload, Lack of interest in teaching, Lack of strategy/vision on how to improve as a teacher)
- An improtant factor is that the person/professor responsable for the corse has a good corse structure and is him self angaged in improving the corse as such. I think this is most often the case, but I thik it is the most important factor.» (Time, Other things (please comment))
- As a laboratory supervisor, I"d like more clear guidelines on what your responsibilities are, how you should judge laboratory reports and how much effort you should put into your teaching.» (Time, Teaching quality is not valued enough in my career, Other things (please comment))
- Improvement with teaching is clearly limited by workload which is constantly too high due to ever ending need of getting funding, department don’,t understand how much time teaching really takes (way too much time is spent at home preparing things since no time exist for that during work), and monetary compensation... it is not fun spending research funding on teaching.» (Time, Money, Lack of support from department/division, Workload)
- PhD students are allowed only to assist in lab courses. Why not PhD students be given a chance to teach the courses that they are strong in ? I think this type feed back for the PhD students who are only allowed to assist in lab courses give any meaningful conclusion ?» (Other things (please comment))
- I don´,t know where to go to improve my teaching. Or if I could get institutional time for doing it.» (Time, Teaching quality is not valued enough in my career, Other things (please comment))
- Målstyrning, som att definiera vad eleverna ska lära sig? vad är syftet med respektive lab, projekt. Om det är tydligt är det också lättare att se till att detta kommer fram under labben.» (Time, Lack of strategy/vision on how to improve as a teacher, Other things (please comment))
- Age» (Other things (please comment))
- I signed up for the first course, but I have to wait for almost a year before I can attend.....» (Time, Lack of strategy/vision on how to improve as a teacher, Other things (please comment))
- Lack of communication between course responsible and teachers to lab assistants (like myself). Maybe the reasons for this are lack of pedagogic thought and/or documentation?» (Time, Lack of support from department/division, Other things (please comment))
- There is a compulsory teaching course for PhDs but it is more about how to do "presentations" .» (Lack of strategy/vision on how to improve as a teacher)
- The first and foremost limitation is time, due to the workload of teaching and other jobs, but as quality of teaching is not valued as high as scientific productivity, any pedagogical project will depend on priority of teaching and producing scientific results in the lab. However, it is very exciting to test out new methods for improving the results of teaching.» (Time, Workload, Teaching quality is not valued enough in my career)
- Lack of possibility to make changes, lack of confidence from the course leader.» (Time, Workload)
- Let me comment on these points: 1) Time and workload- teaching times are quite fixed, I have almost no flexibility in organizing my time as a teacher. I teach 4 times per week and I teach from January to June. I have to work holidays, weekends and evenings (sometimes nights) to accomodate my teaching duties into all of all my other duties as group leader and researcher. 2) Money is an issue in the sense that I feel my salary from the teaching budget is not following the investment of time that i put into it 3) I also do feel there is lack from the department, I would have expected that at least printing materials and exams is something paid by and organized by department. 4) last but not least- is there any sort of award for teaching? If I get really good reviews from the students, is there no one keeping track of this? Is it the same if I do good or bad as a teacher? I feel it is, at least as far as the institution is concerned. » (Time, Money, Lack of support from department/division, Workload, Teaching quality is not valued enough in my career)
- I think there is also a lack of feed-back, both from students and collegues.» (Time, Money, Lack of support from department/division, Workload, Teaching quality is not valued enough in my career)
- Some of us do not have the ability to transmit the knowledge to people that has not involved in our area, hence it will be useful to have teaching courses on the context of the offered studies» (Lack of support from department/division, Workload, Teaching quality is not valued enough in my career, Lack of strategy/vision on how to improve as a teacher)
- If you really have an interest in teaching I do not find any serious limiting factor» (Other things (please comment))
- As a PhD student, teaching is not my focus. It was an interesting learning experience, but not my passion. There is no incentive for me to really spend more time improving my teaching, although I did work very very hard in some cases to construct thorough lessons and projects. I think there is way too much teaching required at Chalmers. 5-10% is too much, 15% is a waste of my time as a PhD student.» (Time, Other things (please comment))
- You would like to improve but there is really no time to do it.» (Time, Workload)
- When teaching works well, the driving force for improving further is less and the focus and time is put on research and supervision, which might not be a problem. It might be part of the strategy. Another strategy we should consider is how much we focus on improvement/development of the teachers vs development of courses/new courses. » (Other things (please comment))
- Insufficient resources (money and man power), and to some extent management interest for DEVELOPING programs/courses/teacher skills. The economic optimum is to have the same person giving the same lectures year after year. Developing as a teacher is too much seen as an individual responsibility.» (Time, Money, Lack of support from department/division, Workload, Lack of strategy/vision on how to improve as a teacher, Other things (please comment))

3. What kind of training would you prefer

149 svarande

Support in teaching methods»40 26%
Training in teaching in English/Swedish»20 13%
Presentation techniques»23 15%
Guidance/supervision in doing Pedagogical projects»17 11%
Support for participation in education conferences»7 4%
Pedagogic courses»19 12%
Support from Learning centre.»6 4%
Other - Please comment»17 11%

Genomsnitt: 3.65

- Leadership (for candidate/master thesis students)» (?)
- As a PhD i already got a course in pedagogy which I found very good. However I am only teaching the lab part of a course and feel that the interest in developing this lab is not very high from the teachers side. So not really training. » (?)
- Feedback is essential» (Support in teaching methods)
- Practical support during/after course by skilled teacher is far more valuable than traditional courses. Teaching is a skill!» (Support in teaching methods)
- I would like to have a coach, that could give me feed-back on my teaching. » (Support in teaching methods)
- I also prefer presentation techniques» (Support in teaching methods)
- All above mentioned alternatives are interesting» (Support in teaching methods)
- I think that I recquire to improve my pedagogical methods to teach, a good way would be having a closer guidance to learn how to teach» (Support in teaching methods)
- This combined with supporting in teaching methods and pedegogic courses» (Training in teaching in English/Swedish)
- I can not speak swedish, but am really interested in teaching, so perhaps if we were given any time to study swedish as part of our phd program, because unless planned we dont really have time to learn the language.» (Training in teaching in English/Swedish)
- I think teaching mentors would be an excellent idea. As an assistant professor, I"ve never before had the responsibility for a full course, and is now expected to know what to do/how to handle things, without any structured guidance. » (Presentation techniques)
- It would be very valuable to be able to get feedback of methods to try at diffrent scenarios. The pedagogical project course given at CKK is a good option to get feedback in one project you design for yourself, and is a very nice course, but would be very nice to have support in this when needed.» (Guidance/supervision in doing Pedagogical projects)
- I think all of these things are good!» (Pedagogic courses)
- Hard to pick one thing, a combination is needed. But stronger integration with professional pedagogy is desirable.» (Pedagogic courses)
- That way I would get time at work assigned for developing my teaching.» (Pedagogic courses)
- The staff of CKK should be subject to stricter supervision, the staff there should be subject to regular inspection of their own teaching events to make sure that the quality is maintained. This supervision should be by a panel of Chalmers university teachers and persons involved in the training of school teachers. Part of the supervision will include random inspections of teaching events.» (Pedagogic courses)
- Which I will participate in, eventually.» (Pedagogic courses)
- Support from the Learning Centre that I would very much like to have would be to get a book of rules, duties and instructions that as a teacher for undergrads I need to know. I assume when students start at Chalmers, they get very detailed guidebooks on their rights. As a teacher I never recevied anything similar. It can be difficult to navigate. » (Support from Learning centre.)
- Interanl network with disucssion on teaching visions» (Other - Please comment)
- To me the pedagogic course inculded in the PhD education was sufficient. As stated above, what I want is a general guideline on how to evaluate the students work and a clarification as to what my role and responsibilities are.» (Other - Please comment)
- Support in identifying weaknesses in my own pedagogical competence, and personalized help for remedying these weaknesses. I think pedagogical development (both personal and for courses) should be focused on real issues rather than general courses that are taken for improving your CV and which do not address the real problems. » (Other - Please comment)
- Mer kollegial diskussion om undervisningsmetoder inom institutionen. innehållet i våra program måste engagera fler av våra lärare.» (Other - Please comment)
- None» (Other - Please comment)
- Have received adequate training.» (Other - Please comment)
- I don’,t think more training will help with any of the problems I mention above... It would only add to workload and make more research money being spent on teaching.» (Other - Please comment)
- Input från huvudansvariga vad de vill att eleverna ska lära sig på respektive lab som vi handleder, vilka principer, metoder, baskunskaper vill man att dom ska få ett grepp om. Avstämmning av mina resonemang som handledare med den almänna bilden. » (Other - Please comment)
- Cruches» (Other - Please comment)
- Tillgång till personal som kan programmera interaktiva hemsidor.» (Other - Please comment)
- Financial support to implement new materials and methods in available courses» (Other - Please comment)
- I think all of the above mentioned methods could be useful, it depends on what kind of problems you have and what kind of teaching you do. In general I think personal feed-back is more needed than general conferences with people from many different areas, though that could also be interesting. I would like to discuss how to solve the specific problems I meet in my teaching and not some general hypothetical problem. Here I think collegues can help each other very much. When I am assigned a laboration etc. I would also like an introduction to the purpose and goals of the laboration. I want to know what the person responsible for the course expects from me.» (Other - Please comment)
- science education and experience (am speaking about my colleagues)» (Other - Please comment)
- Since I have been occupied in many kinds of teaching, from A-level tp teacher training and I am soon going to retire I do not want any traing.» (Other - Please comment)
- None. PhD students should be smart enough to understand what is important to teach to or share with the students. Id does however help to have frequent discussions with the professor of the course, but there is no problem with this communication. it is actually quite good at Chalmers. Pedagogic courses are a complete waste of time. I"d rather have my teeth drilled. » (Other - Please comment)
- Discussions with senior researchers and teachers is most valueable. » (Other - Please comment)
- Support for finding adopting, and follow-up of "efficient" teaching methods, given the existing level of financing.» (Other - Please comment)

4. Do you in general feel a need for pedagogical training?

154 svarande

Yes definitly»48 31%
Yes if there is time»50 32%
Maybe»43 27%
Not at all»13 8%

Genomsnitt: 2.13

- Everyone should have some pedagogical training... perhaps in the range of 15-30 ECTS?» (Yes definitly)
- I think it is important not only for my teaching but also for conferences and other interactions with people interested in what you are doing in the research.» (Yes definitly)
- I think everyone doing teaching needs pedagogical training, but as said above for PhD students I think the training given in the mandatory course is sufficient.» (Yes definitly)
- To be crude, not for me in particular but for many! others. But those who need it, don"t usually want it...» (Yes definitly)
- after attending the course, you better realize» (Yes definitly)
- Introduce a system where university teachers can be inspected randomly by another qualified university teacher who will observe teaching events. Rather than using the feedback from the students as a guide to how well a teacher is teaching use observations of lessons by an external expert (a senior university teacher of engineering or science) to test how well the teacher is working. The content, learning aids and methods used should all be examined. Also introduce testing for students both the start and end of each year, this will allow us to determine how much effect our teaching has on the intellectual development of the students. » (Yes definitly)
- I believe the art of pedagogy in general is undervalued among natural scientists/engineers. Knowing a subject doesn"t automatically make you a good teacher of the subject. The quality of techers is extremely important for how the students feel about their classes, and how they learn, and I don"t think most teachers realize this. My experience from my time as a student at Chalmers is that almost all teachers need much more pedagogical training.» (Yes definitly)
- The PhD students has at least the compulsory course to attend.» (Yes definitly)
- In my opinion you are never fully trained as a teacher. You could always improve...» (Yes definitly)
- It"s very important to have this training for us that are beginning career in the academic field » (Yes definitly)
- I have taken 2 pedagogical courses at CKK and have realized that other courses offer training in other skills that would be very useful to develop.» (Yes if there is time)
- much higher priority has (scientific) competence - there seems international consensus that todays didactics have overall failed» (Yes if there is time)
- just taking two pedagogical courses » (Maybe)
- I think I"m doing quite OK, but of course it can be improved. However, it is hard to find the time to attend these type of courses when you are always stressed out about getting your reserach going. » (Maybe)
- I have received teacher training both at Chalmers and my previous employer. I do not personally feel the need for more but it may be needed by others.» (Maybe)
- It is quite clear that the teachers on some of the pedagogical courses have a competence level that is not very high. The most value is gained by meeting fellow teachers etc.» (Maybe)
- Training is not that useful for lab courses - it is very hard for a PhD student to bring generalised teaching tips to practical use.» (Maybe)
- Foremost for the ones that have taught for long and are stuck in a mode of "I just have to get this course done". There should be an excitement for teaching.» (Maybe)
- I have done 15 credits in pedagogics recently which were very helpful.» (Maybe)
- I believe the larger problem is the short time reserved for teaching at a course. The hours we get are not enough even to do what we have to do at each course. Developing our own teaching (with the tips and tricks we have already learned from the basic pedagogic course) would take even more time and since we do not get those extra hours that work would have to be done on our free time. With the risk of seeming bitter I prefer doing sports and being out in the sun.» (Not at all)
- I will only teach 2 more years so it is better to give other people pedagogical training» (Not at all)
- I know I"m a good teacher.» (Not at all)
- No, I have many years of experience of teaching and a degree in univeristy teaching and learning. » (Not at all)
- Please no. Again, I would rather have my teeth drilled.» (Not at all)

5. Please give suggestion for the Department on how to improve the quality of teaching/learning

- Make sure that funding is available for devoting personell to development of new elements in the course (e.g. lab work).»
- Generally, I think it is a matter of not enough time and money. These are related of course. Furhter, as a PhD student, we have as a maximum 20% teaching and if we have a lot of courses to teach in there is not much time to spend in each course.»
- Support PhD´,s with interest in improving leadership »
- More clear structures from the profesor responsible for the course.»
- Pedagogic price at the department.»
- The strategy/culture for teaching should be made clear and a natural part of all employees part of your work. There should be an education for assistant professors. The teaching, education, coordination duties should be paid to an extent where it is possible for engaged people to actually make improvements. If our culture actually allows people to be proud and recognised for good teaching, we would alos foster people with good abilities in this area. Is there a H-factor in teaching??????»
- Alla doktorander läser en pedagogik-kurs. Jag tror alla lärare skulle ha nytta av den. »
- Guidlines for new PhD students. The new student should also know where to go if there are any troubles (the examiner of the course is not always so informative)»
- Make the quality of the course a part of the yearly evaluations and make the quality of the course matter somehow. It should not be possible to do the least amount of work and still be teaching a course. However, we have to realize that improved quality will cost more money and will sometimes stand in conflict with the time spent on research. »
- have people from CKK visit our classes? how to improve teaching of the silverbacks? I dont know!»
- Ointresse av undervisning ser jag som den stora begränsningen. Fånga doktoranders vilja att undervisa är inte lätt, det ligger på individuell vilja. Men support från avdelningen där man kan få lära sig pedagogik praktiskt kan vara en bra idé. Sen skulle man kunna utvärdera möjligheterna till att ge mer undervisning till de som brinner för det och lite mindre (dock ej ta bort det) för de som inte gillar det lika mycket. Det kommer garanterat höja kvaliteten, när de som vill göra en sak får göra det.»
- If we as PhD students would get more time per course we are teaching in, we could put more effort into making it pedagogical. It would also be good if the professors had more time to communicate with us PhD students who are teaching in their courses, so we know we are teaching the right things and on the correct level.»
- From what I have heard on corse evaluations the students do not read the corse books since they know that they can pass with just the lecture notes. I dont know how but to stress the importance of reading the corse books is important I think. »
- Is there any kind of evaluation that the time spent on e.g. lab course, matches the time given to us as PhD students. At the moment I feel that there is just enough time to prepare and hold the lab but no time to thoroughly give the students feedback on e.g. the reports they write.»
- The "status" for doing teaching is too low. Teaching is not always considered "real" work, as compared to research.»
- Give it higher status/priority. At the moment it seems to be more as a mandatory thing that shouldn"t take up too much time of your research.»
- if the department would give/assign more time for a PhD student pro prepare that would help»
- Have teaching experience/visions as an important factor when recruiting seniors (Ass.Prof., Prof. etc). Should be a valuable merit. The undergraduate students should feel a strong connection to the research done at the Department. This means that the department need to encourage and give resources to researcher in order to develop interesting and high level courses. »
- As long as teaching is (a lot) less valued than scientific results and obtained funding it is impossible to spend an aweful lot of time on developing courses and/or teaching.»
- - Evaluate the course and make changes every year, nothing is perfect - Let the education take time, othervise it will not be improved»
- Could there be a pedagogical mentor system, or someone appointed with a real responsibility, mandate and budget to address these issues?»
- make everyone, both experienced and unexperienced teachers, take the 1½, day "comunication seminar". Talk to Julie Gold for information about the short course.»
- ask comments and suggestions from both teaschers and students after each course»
- Större engagemang för helheten i programmen vore önskvärt. Vi kanske skulle ha fler lärarkollegier?»
- Encourage discussions between teachers about teaching techniques. Use feedback from students about what was good/bad and try to improve the bad things! Let another teacher participate in a lecture and evaluate each other.»
- More people and less working load..»
- Same as 4. That is: I believe the larger problem is the short time reserved for teaching at a course. The hours we get are not enough even to do what we have to do at each course. Developing our own teaching (with the tips and tricks we have already learned from the basic pedagogic course) would take even more time and since we do not get those extra hours that work would have to be done during our free time. With the risk of seeming bitter I prefer doing sports and being out in the sun.»
- From my point of view, more exercises(or tutorial) parts may be helpful. Some courses only contain lectures besides lab parts. Tests or problem sloving provides another way reviewing the knowledge learnt in lectures. »
- We should have several workshops (2/year), where teachers meet and discuss about all the encountered problems, how to solve them and also get guidance and advices from more experienced teachers. Also, we should have a follow up system in order to assess the impact of the workshops on the teaching quality.»
- I think you should have evaluations of the kind where a good teacher (someone who both students and faculty consider a good teacher) sits in on your lectures and gives you useful feedback. And I think a decent record of those shiuld be required for Docent qualification. »
- Less courses to teach in! Right now I have a teaching load that would take maybe 30 % of my time to get a good result but I only have 20 % teaching in my contract which means that either (or more likely both) my research and teaching will suffer and I will always feel that my time is not enough.»
- provide more information to guide how upgrade the high quality of teaching/learning»
- Maybe have a seminar-day dedicated to teaching with interesting lectures etc. on how to improve adn different techniques etc. I would love to go on such a day, but most likely not everyone, so this should be mandatory! for the professors at least, since most think that they are brilliant in teaching, but a majority actually suck at it...»
- wholistic approach. Both teacher and Students (should be motivated)»
- Reduce the required number of exams. The requirement to produce three 4 hour exams per year is crazy for 3 reasons. 1. It encourages superficial learning because for each year, 12 hours of unique exam questions will exist for perhaps 28 contact hours of teaching - students can easily prepare for exams just by reading the last three exams rather than thinking about the learning material - its hard to avoid repetition of questions if the ratio is as even as about 1:2,5. 2. The production workload is abnormally high: Chalmers teachers have to produce three times as many exams as academics at other universities, where the norm is "no reexamination without a medical certificate". 3. The marking workload is abnormally high - since students have so many chances to pass they don"t study properly for the first exam, resulting in a multiplication of marking activity. Some even take omtentor for the previous years" course, and unsurprisingly, fail. Chalmers is trying to be incredibly nice to its students, but I believe the indirect effects of this attitude impact on the quality of learning and teaching. For starters the number of omtentor should be reduced to one.»
- Make the teaching worth more for the person doing the teaching, e.g. compensate the course examiners and main lectures directly. Make 100% certain that all time spent by PhD students gets compensated for, i.e. that the department directly pay for the time each student does. To the supervisor, who would make yealry reports on PhD teaching. »
- Set aside more time/ money for smaller cources = higher quality to be given. absolutely nessecary for a University aspiring high.»
- Funding is too low for the workload associated with giving courses.»
- Raise the status. Only research achievements are really appreciated today.»
- Above all, teaching at the cemical department needs to be valued more. There must be an overall view from the senior staff that it is important with good courses, and that time for improving courses is given. It is fatous to think that this will not demand any resources. And it is hopeless when you as a PhD student tries to convince the course examiner that the course has to be improved, but gets no response. »
- The main responsible for a cource needs to inform all labb personell about the purpose with each lab, what knowledge that should be taught etc...»
- more time for teaching education. 3 hp is absolutely not enough. »
- Put money into helping us course-responsible old wild men to involve researchers just recruited from assistant-professorships in the teaching of undergraduate students, in particular we need more female teachers. The unusual high number of female teknologer at the Chemistry-programs give us a unique chance to improve the gender-composition at the level of senior researchers, and having a higher number of (young)female researchers acting in the class-room is the way to go. »
- Not only PhD students should need to take the course in pedagogic. Also other Teachers who more often have lectures. »
- Better continuity when someone else are taking over a course.»
- Make sure the TAs get enough time to gain insight in the course/field they are teaching - do not only count the actuall hours in the lab but give time for proper preparation, preferrably together with the teacher responsible for the course. »
- Good teaching needs to be rewarded by faculty support for the teachers research, otherwise the optimal career strategy will always be to do passable teaching but not more.»
- There should be a pedagogic thought behind the bacherlors programmes and a progression of skills and knowledge to be attained during the programme. These should be broken down into the individual courses and the teachers AND LAB ASSISTANTS should be informed on what is expected of the students as prerequisites and after the course AND BE ABLE TO ALERT WHEN THESE TARGETS ARE NOT MET (=continuous improvement). As lab assistant in a biotech course I have not gotten any information to that effect and when inquiring I have gotten the strong impression that such a pedagogical plan does not exist. (And yes, I have read the course plan and dissected it in the teaching, learning and evaluation course. It didn"t pass.)»
- Send also "older" teachers to the pedagogy class. Make teachers have study-visits at eachothers lessons. »
- Pedagogical course + training teaching methods + follow-up evaluations»
- I think the pedagogical day conference "KUL" that was arranged in january was a great initiative where a variety of different pedagogical experiences was shared among teachers. Maybe something similar could be done in Chemistry or arrange a seminar series with pedagical presentations. »
- Involve the PhD:s in the planning and evaluation/changes for future courses.»
- En mycket stor del av lärarnas tid åtgår till att rätta inlämningsuppgifter rapporter mm. Professionell språkrättning av rapporter skulle både underlätta för läraren och vara till stort stöd för studenterna. Lärarna behöver också mötas och utbyta erfarenheter och tips på hur man kan minimera den undervisningstid som inte innehåller möte med studenterna t.ex. automatisk rättninga av inlämningsuppgifter på webben.»
- Jag skulle vilja ha en konsult/coach som jag träffade 5 ggr, där vi identiferade två saker som skulle göra min undervisningen bättre. Sedan skulle jag jobba med det och coachen kunde genom regelbundna träffar följa upp mina framsteg.»
- 1. provide training to those who request it and insist on sending for training those who get bad evaluations 2. reward and award teachers who perform well 3. provide guidlines, rules, rights and duties to teachers 4. organize information days for teachers so we get to meet people in the learning centre and learn what kind of help is available»
- Support by setting common criteria for evaluation. Support with the formal administrative things around teaching and course responsibility.»
- I think "power point" has become the only way of communication between teacher and students. Probably it is better to think about other ways as well!»
- Place more emphasize on the pedagogical qualities of the teachers: make it an important factor when hiring employees which will take part in teaching and have more pedagogy training continously (not only for new personnel!). »
- I think the department should give a better introduction to new PhD student. The course "Teaching, Learning and Evaluation" by Tom Adawi is very good, but as a new PhD student you also need an introduction to the specific thing you are going to teach. I think the person responsible for the course in many cases could give a better introduction, and it does not need to be very long. The system with PhD students instructing other PhD students is not sufficient, though it works well for more practical issues (finding equipment etc.), because information get lost every time a lab/tutorial is handed over to some new. I think also the equipment should be better maintained/replaced. A lot of time is spent on temporarily fixing malfunctioning equipment, and that is time that could have been spent with the students instead. I also feel sorry for students that have to do a laboration with equipment that you know beforehand is not going to work and that as consequence has to analyse another group"s data in order to be able to draw any conclusions from the labwork. I also think that there is a need for more problem oriented laborations where the students can try their own ides instead of the demontrative laborations. The bachelor projects are very good.»
- 1-To decrease the amount of teaching for each person 2-to have monthly meetings to share our experience in our teachings »
- step-wise feed-back from students lecture by lecture. The curriculum is penetrated together with the students and goals set - and teaching/learning evaluated hour by hour.»
- I cannot suggest on this, as I have been poorly involved in teaching/learning. By the way, I think that post docs should be more involved in such tasks, maybe by offering specific topics on our research area. A collection of talks concerning the biochemical process technology give by a group of us, for example.»
- Have some training course for teachers.»
- Göra reklam för och erbjuda kurser»
- Mentorship would be nice to know the quality of our teaching.»
- One of the suggestion is related to more seminars, presentations and discussions with the students regarding their master projects. »
- Chemical and Biological Engineering»
- More PhD students to reduce the number of courses taught per PhD student. »
- ask students, film a lecture so that each teacher can see him/herself?, a lot of universities have nowadays lectures online available so that the student can listen once more? »
- I thinkt it is good for all, not only the PhD students, to attend to a pedagogical course once in a while. »
- Give it time!»
- First we should identify the needs. Summarize how we have work previously what actions have beeen done. Then we can give suggestions what to do. What is quality of teachning? High grades? Great thesis work? Selfgoing and creative engineer? »
- More teaching aids especially visual ones and real life applications, I find it easier to recall a concept if its associated with a real life application or a tangible item. Lectures and concepts should be built in a logical manner»
- The time which is provided to prepare for teaching is very limited. I think it is important that it is ok to spend some time on preparing and also improving the courses. »
- Someone to comment our work as a teacher. What was good/what can be improved. »
- More focus on the organizations responsibility to facilitate development of courses and individuals in order to improve the efficiency of the student learning.»
- Give more importance to teaching (as compared to the 100% research focus), maybe consider teaching courses/seminars etc as department work.»
- First, the new aspect have to be included in the teaching programs. »
- The major limiting factor is time. My experience is that in order to be a really good teacher, you need to spend a lot of your free time. If you at some level enjoy teaching and think it is important- you do so, but otherwise you don"t. I would also appreciate to have persons experienced in science pedagogy to discuss and learn from. E.g. "How can I explain this in a good way?" or "Can we come up with a new exercise that makes this both interesting and understandable?" I.e. some kind of forum for pedagogy and teaching.»
- 1. giving the teacher a choice of subject 2. deciding on the lesson with phd student who is doing the lab perhaps»
- participating in more teaching courses and improving the course, like time.»
- Providing freely relevant scientific disscosion and tutorial courses with limited groups of students can lead us to know other idea and other aspects.This can improve our skills for scientifc disscussion.»
- One way to improve the process is to give more advice in the teaching methods and a closer guidance to improve the presentation and pedagogic techniques »
- I think it is good enough. In our group professor check the assistants presentations and give some ideas to develop the teaching skills. »
- More focus on project(s) based learning, and team based problem solving. »
- Fortsätt inkludera kandidat- och Masterstudenter i forskningen!»

6. In 2012 the quality of our Master (Chalmers and KB) thesis will be evaluated by external panels. Please give suggestions on how to improve the quality of our Master Thesis.

- From my point of view (1 Master thesis student so far), the quality is good.»
- Give students better experience in goal-focusing and presentation by doing candidate projects in smaller groups.»
- meeting the supervisor not only to talk about the experiments in the project but also meetings assigned just to look a bit into the theory behind the methods the student uses as that seems to be cut short quite often»
- Let experienced and well trained people deal with examination. URKUND should be used.»
- Training in supervsion of all personnel that is officially and inoffically involved in supervision. Some documentation on the requirements on MSc work»
- I havn"t got any information how the new master programs will look like but I think that a good master program have couses that gives the students not only skills in a certain area but also improves writing and presentation techniques and gives good support the students»
- Tydligare mallar för hur man skriver en uppsats och vad som förväntas vad gäller vetenskaplig kvalitet och språk. På internet kan det finnas mallar man kan använda inte bara för framsida men även för inledande sidor så att konsekvens skapas. Krav på att examinator och huvudhandledare inte är samma person, att examinator måste vara lägst docent. Ännu tydligare riktlinjer för bedömning för examinator och student.»
- I don"t know. »
- maybe to introduce collaborations between different universities where even master students can participate. And in general to involve M.S. more in the research projects, so they feel themselves as a part of a bigger team.»
- A maximum number of Master Thesis works that a single examinor can be in charge of per year is one way of improving the quality. Maybe 5 is a good number. With more you will not be able to be a good supervisor or even not be able to give valuable feedback on a thesis report. Also, check quality of idea of industrial diploma works before anyone is allowed to start performing an external diploma work.»
- - Continuing meetings - Set up clear goals for the deparment »
- set a mid-checking for Master program»
- Säkerställ att examinationen fungerar som tänkt. Varje examinator måste förstå rollen och ansvaret som det innebär att godkänna ett examensarbete. Institutionen bör förtydliga detta ansvar specifikt med hänsyn till den kommande utvärderingen.»
- Interviews when it comes to how will be accepter as a diploma worker at the department.»
- No comments on this. I think it is quite good.»
- Each thesis should be evaluated by external persons from the beginning´,, ex. the supervisor should submit the thesis to one or two external evaluator(s) which are working in the same or similar area. It would be like a peer-review. This should work well, since usually the supervisors have a broad range of potential reviewers.»
- Improved communication with the industry. The examiner should make sure that the companies in the collaboartion will give the student what is needed to make a good job (software, data, workplace, etc.). »
- Make sure that the workload and responsibility of master thesises isn"t dumped on the pHD students shoulders alone, as it mostly is now... The "man in charge" has no idea of whats going on until he sees a shitty report in the end and then starts to complain... bummer.»
- One thing could be to offer training courses in academic writing also on this level.»
- The supervisor focus on publishing the result in a journal, might improve the quality.»
- Seems pretty good to me already.»
- Make sure they are read by at least 2 professors (and signed off) plus make a language check, i.e. department pays for having them checked by a professional, before they are published.»
- Change the system at Chalmers to increase the number of options which a panel of examiners have. The examiners should be allowed to 1. Fail 2. Pass 3. Pass a student subject to corrections being made to a thesis. »
- Offer a course in technical writing (in English) as an optional master course.»
- I did not take my master at chalmers so I don"t know... I guess you first have to look at which part you think needs improvement. Is it the knowledge, the repportwriting, the use of analysis intruments or what?»
- Educate the supervisors (often PhD students) »
- Organization is key. Another important factor is to obtain data on how the graduates have done and what the job prospects are. An evaluation panel will be interested in this. What is the vision for the future of this degree?»
- I believe it will be very important to make sure that industrial thesises are written with good help from the industrial supervisor. Sometimes I feel that they do not see the thesis as their problem..»
- Studenterna behöver mer guidning i hur man skriver en bra rapport. Utbytes studenter måste testas bättre innan de tas in på masterprogrammen. Vissa har ingen lab vana och är förskräckligt dåliga på engelska. Hur skall det kunna resultera i ett bra masterprojekt? »
- Important that the supervisor/s have time to support and also consider the importance on the bachelor work so the students know how to write a report. »
- Supervision of master theses should count as teaching! In this case the students would get more attention and better guidance, and this would hopefully improve quality of work. »
- I think we can propose Plan A and Plan B for the theses rather than just having one plan. asking master students to present in regular group meetings. setting certain check points (e.g. every month) to evaluate the progress in the presence of main + co- supervisor + a mentor. »
- Not sure I understand what this is all about.»
- It would be beneficial if master students can get optional help with English writing (general grammar, etc). »
- Professionell språkrättning av rapporterna skulle frigöra tid för examinatorn att fokusera på innehållet och totalt ge studenterna bättre feedback. »
- Students have in general little experience in writing a scientific text, plan experiments and question results. This must be trained earlier. However, it might be improved with the first students who have passed the updated batchelor project/exam.»
- jag upplever att det är ganska stor spridning i vad folk anser är bra kvalitet på en avhandling. Så mitt förslag är att för att få vara handledare eller kanske än bättre examinator så skulle man ha en endagskurs där man fick diskutera och jobba igenom frågor som, hur ser en bra exjobbsavhandling ut, vad skall vi bedömma, insats eller uppnådda resultat eller vetenskapligt tillvägagångssätt, utforma och gå igenom HISS för exjobbsrapporter. »
- At this time I don"t have enough information about this, to have an opinion. »
- English language tests should be used when admitting students to Master programs. Such as IELTS. Weak language knowledge is a major obstacle when doing the thesis work. Common quality criteria that we can use to compare thesis work and reports with. Clear criteria for when a student thesis project can be given the grade Failed. Clear criteria for the responsibilities of a thesis supervisor. Example: How much are we supposed to help with the English when the student is weak? Clear time limits for the thesis project. Organise the master thesis projects more as the candidate project course. »
- I think the supervisors need better criteria of what a master project should include and what the student has to accomplish in order to pass (in think this works very well for the bachelor projects). My feeling is that currently all students pass no matter what they do. Perhaps you should not be allowed to be the examiner and supervisor of the same project? Also, I think Chalmers should have some criteria for the quality of the language (English) in the reports. I know cases where the language has been such a big problem that it has been impossible to judge wheter the students has understood what he has done. In those cases the student has passed because the examiner argued that he should evaluate scientific skills and not English skills, while I think the examniner should have failed the student. I think it is part of a master degree to be able to express yourself in understandable English. »
- I think we should work on rising the student" motivation in their masters project to improve their qualities. one way to define more industrial projects which is good for their future careers. Or to have more collaboration with PhD or Postdocs and motivate them to have paper from their project. »
- linguistics and logic have to be scrutinized better by the advisers»
- Sorry, I can not suggest on this point.»
- A standard for Master Thesis is set.»
- Någon typ av refereesystem.»
- I agree. Rigth now, the quality of master thesis varies a lot depending on personal ambition. By having external panels, this will give good input for improvement.»
- One of the suggestion is related to more seminars, presentations and discussions with the students regarding their master projects. »
- evaluate by at least on academic faculty in another department and send a questionnaire for general evaluation»
- English was a problem for about 10% of the foreign students. In most of the courses I taught, about 15-20% of the students were quite bad. There seemed to be a complete lack of fundamental requirements needed to comprehend and learn from the lessons in the various master"s courses I taught. I also have caught students cheating on several occasions. I would say then that the most important change that is needed would be more stringent application requirements. They need some Matlab, some calculus, physics and thermodynamics. I think the course load at Chalmers is not overly difficult, so there is no reason that some of the students should be performing so poorly. Also, I have never found the rule that students can choose to take exams 5 times to be worthwhile. It makes life more difficult for the teacher, it is confusing for the students, and it makes grades seem a bit obsolete. I think that if exams are to be given multiple times to each student, try to at least limit it to 2 times or 6 months. Perhaps I never really understood the point of taking exams more than once to begin with. Overall I feel that it reduces the "quality" of the students.»
- security!!! introducing to the lab and the equipment they should use, then define the main goal/aim and make sure that they understand. could also define "sub goals/aims" on the way to keep the student motivated. »
- Keep the timeline and do not add more tasks to the project during the way.»
- Make sure that all exchange students know English well enough.»
- Send out evaluation criterias/matrix to all supervisors. »
- Have a central place where thesis work is advertised, specify the time, equipment and objectives to be met, and a monthly follow up on the student work.»
- Sammanfattningarna bör publiceras på hemsidan. Detta ger en slags självkontroll av arbetenas kvalitet. (Om det inte redan sker, jag undervisar ju inte och har inte kollat hur det ligger till.)»
- I think it is important to get more practice in writing. Many students have problems when it comes to writing their master thesis.»
- We need to be more active in planning/follow up also of Master theisis works carried out in cooperation with and/or at industrial partners.»
- Set clear guidelines and milestones that should be followed, both by supervisors, examiner, and student»
- The master thesis student has to be more responsible and has to work alone in order but the supervisor have to be available in any time. The thesis work must be more relevant with the industrial application. »
- I think they will greatly benefit by peer review or review by phd students before it is submitted for printing and phd students can be made interested by may be given a few credit points for reviewing a set number of thesis.»
- having more contacts with other universities and their teachers, using their facilities . Considering more money for providing the materials like instruments, licences and ... to have a better and less time consuming projects.»
- To me, master thesis is good opportunity for evaluation students to convince their supervisor for hiring as a PhD position. So, master thesis should not be a part of other projects,Which means that any thesis should be new title or independent from other subjects.This can be good criteria for choosing capable students resulting in extend their master projects to PhD project. For example optimization studies of previous works are not perfect subject.»
- Having a presentation in a conference or a publication of the research project in a scientific journal could give a higher value to the master thesis and a better formation for the master student»
- Master students should publish their thesis in a journal before their graduation. It will be beneficial for the students and supervisors. Otherwise always bout party will consider as wasting time.»
- Master students should be assigned or asked to choose lab from the time of admission, and should be encouraged to publish/attend scientific conferences during the course. »
- Jag tror att fokus behöver ligga på utveckling av själva Master-studenten snarare än dennes skrivna rapport.»

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