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TEK175 Manufacturing and supply chain planning 2010

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2010-12-15 - 2011-01-30
Antal svar: 32
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 60%
Kontaktperson: Patrik Jonsson»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Industriell ekonomi 300 hp
Utbildningsprogram studenten tillhör: Industriell ekonomi 300 hp

Your background and own effort

1. What is your educational background?

32 svarande

Chalmers I-programme»14 43%
Chalmers Other programme»7 21%
Sweden, Other university than Chalmers»1 3%
European exchange student (Erasmus etc)»4 12%
European MSc programme student with BSc from outside Sweden»4 12%
Non-European MSc programme student with BSc from outside Swe»2 6%

Genomsnitt: 2.46

- Teknisk Fysik med ett år utbytesstudier MSc Industriell Ekonomi» (Chalmers Other programme)

2. How large part of the teaching offered did you attend?

32 svarande

0%»1 3%
25%»1 3%
50%»5 15%
75%»14 43%
100%»11 34%

Genomsnitt: 4.03

- The first two weeks I was abroad and after I got stuck in Scotland due to heavy snowfall for two weeks.» (25%)
- would have wanted to participate 100%, have worked a lot during this period» (50%)
- Tråkigt nog hade jag många andra projekt som tog föreläsningstid. Jag ångrar min prioritering nu efteråt.» (50%)
- more like 85%» (75%)
- Only missed one lecture due to the Syllabus (capacity planning). » (100%)

3. Have you taken the final written exam of this course when answering this survey?

31 svarande

Yes»27 87%
No»4 12%

Genomsnitt: 1.12

Goals and goal fulfilment

4. How understandable are the course goals (described in the syllabus)?

32 svarande

I have not seen/read the goals»2 6%
The goals are difficult to understand»2 6%
The goals give some guidance, but could be clearer»6 18%
The goals clearly describe what I am supposed to learn»22 68%

Genomsnitt: 3.5

5. Did the examination (final written exam and group assignments) assess whether you have reached the goals?

Don"t answer this question if you haven"t done the final written exam yet.

30 svarande

No, not at all»0 0%
To some extent»17 56%
Yes, definitely»10 33%
I don"t know/have not been examined yet»3 10%

Genomsnitt: 2.53

- More focus on assignments and other tasks than on a final examination would help (at least me) to remember the content of the course longer, and not only for the exam.» (To some extent)
- too much details» (To some extent)
- Some questions was a bit unspecific.» (To some extent)
- I think that the questions were to specific, and did not fully test that you had a generall idea about the cource topics. There was one or two questions that were really poorly formulated or just poor, it was something like what is your thought about this...I didn"t feel like a-c were three questions, but one.» (To some extent)
- Particularly the calculations on the final exam could have been made more interesting.» (To some extent)
- The exam didn"t really focus on the same that the lectures did, as example the exam did focus on differences between methods but those were not compared at the lectures.» (To some extent)
- The calculations were somewhat easy, otherwise the scope and formulation was very good» (To some extent)
- Some questions at the exam could be questioned, e.g. the calculation questions were a bit too easy and the "inventory question" didn"t quite connect to what had been discussed in the course. » (Yes, definitely)

Course structure and content

6. To what extent has the lectures been of help for you to learn the subject?

32 svarande

Small extent»2 6%
Some extent»7 21%
Large extent»20 62%
Great extent»3 9%

Genomsnitt: 2.75

- Specially Stig-Arnes lectures gave extra depth into the reading and lecture material. Very good!» (Large extent)
- They give a good understanding. To remember all of it though it is vital to read the book carefully.» (Great extent)

7. To what extent has the quantitative problem seminars been of help for you to learn the subject?

32 svarande

Small extent»2 6%
Some extent»7 21%
Large extent»12 37%
Great extent»11 34%

Genomsnitt: 3

- These quantitative problem seminar did focus on letting us do the calculations for ourselves, this is a strategy that is by far better than just looking at a lecturer solving problems.» (Large extent)
- It was really good to have this opportunity to hear how the others had solved their problems, and also to hear Patriks comments.» (Large extent)
- Those seminars were really good, recommend having more of them.» (Great extent)
- Linéa was great.» (Great extent)
- From my personal point of view the quantitative problems had shown in a more clear way the advantages and disavantages for the different methods learned.» (Great extent)
- Would have been impossible to learn all this without the problems in the book!» (Great extent)

8. To what extent has the guest lectures (Fredrik Helgesson and Emil Jonsson) been of help for you to learn the subject?

31 svarande

Small extent»7 22%
Some extent»12 38%
Large extent»12 38%
Great extent»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.16

- Helgesson was really good and Emil also.» (Some extent)
- Fredrik Helgenssons lecture was too early in the course. It was good, but I don"t really remember what he said because I had not much knowledge myself to relate to the lecture.» (Some extent)
- Both Fredrik H and Emil J were good lecturer, as usually when it comes to guest lectures they don"t bring much to learn which is beneficial when writing the exam (but with two-three guest lecturers that isn"t a problem).» (Some extent)
- It is always really helpful and interesting to listen to the guest lecturers talk about their experiences.» (Some extent)

9. To what extent has the Jonsson & Mattsson book been of help for you to learn the subject?

32 svarande

Small extent»0 0%
Some extent»2 6%
Large extent»16 50%
Great extent»14 43%

Genomsnitt: 3.37

- I believe the book is good when it comes to the division of chapters, but the actual text is sometimes very difficult to understand and doesn"t make sense. You can read a sentence 10 times and still not undertand what the authors wants to say. On top of my head, this was the case when learning about e.g. time fences. The time fences were also quite confusing since they had the same names in all different levels (S&OP, MPS etc) but meant totally different things.» (Some extent)
- The book is good but some chapters state things that are very obvious if you have studied 4 years at the I-program. Also, I would like to know the story behind the picture on the cover of the book. =)» (Large extent)
- Book content was covered very well on the exam» (Great extent)

10. To what extent have the articles been of help for you to learn the subject?

32 svarande

Small extent»7 21%
Some extent»15 46%
Large extent»8 25%
Great extent»2 6%

Genomsnitt: 2.15

- The articles about IT was very general. Articles for the second seminar very good.» (Some extent)
- They gave perspective to the book, made us realize that the whole book is useful. At first, I thought that the more advanced the method, the better results. Articles show quite the opposite.» (Great extent)

11. To what extent has Group assignment 1 (Excel) been of help for you to learn the subject?

32 svarande

Small extent»5 15%
Some extent»6 18%
Large extent»14 43%
Great extent»7 21%

Genomsnitt: 2.71

- Make this seminar bigger part of the course, maybe 20-30% and let us calculate safety stock, lot size etc by our self from a lot data in excel and information about a company situation. » (Some extent)
- I think the task was ok but the students I did the task together with was not very ambitious and I did therefore not learn much.» (Some extent)
- It"s good with excersises like this, but more than half of the work was already done (the simulation program), and I didn"t really understand what was going on "under the hood". It would be much better if we had to do the calculations ourself, but in a more simplified matter perhaps.» (Some extent)
- It liked it but it didn"t give much to the exam (or knowledge), a suggestion is that the assignment is constructed so that the participants needs to have understanding in the differences between the methods (like safety stock). Stig-Arne did very well on the seminar.» (Some extent)
- went deeper into that part of the literature that was for the assignment, and help me understand it better.» (Large extent)
- Discussions about especially the chapters 12 and 13 helped learning and understanding a lot!» (Great extent)
- It was tricky to figure out what we were acctually going to do, but once we had done the case, we had learnt so much about the differences between the methods. That kind of understanding and remembering is hard to come across by just reading the book.» (Great extent)

12. To what extent has Group assignment 2 (Contingency) been of help for you to learn the subject?

32 svarande

Small extent»2 6%
Some extent»15 46%
Large extent»13 40%
Great extent»2 6%

Genomsnitt: 2.46

- The task was ok, although perhaps a bit difficult. But since we had the same groups as in the previous assignment I did not learn very much. Good that it did not weight too heavy for the final grade since the other ones in my group did not want to work very hard on this assignment either...» (Some extent)
- In the beginning I was negative, but later on it helped to give some clarence (which were needed). Also the seminar was nice.» (Some extent)
- The case was given late in the course, and the workload at that time was really heavy so this case was harder. Once finished it gave a good understanding, especially when Patrik talked about the reports and the theory on the seminar! I learned so much during that seminar!» (Some extent)
- It was difficult to understand the importance of the assignment before the actual presentations had taken place.» (Large extent)
- The seminars and presentations were rather dull and boring. The subject is extremely theoretical, and since most of us dont have experience it becomes very hard to grasp. Maybe something more practical (like a game) rather than a presentation/seminar can be designed.» (Large extent)

13. How did you perceive the mix between lectures, guest lectures, assignments, seminars, own literature studies, etc.?

31 svarande

Small extent»0 0%
Some extent»8 25%
Large extent»20 64%
Great extent»3 9%

Genomsnitt: 2.83

- I would say less lectures and more time points for the seminar so we realyy learn in practice. The book is good and very much the same as the lectures, so you do not have to cover everything in the lectures. » (?)
- There is a mix but it is not really utilized.» (Some extent)
- A bit difficult to answer that questions with the bulletpoint-answers provided.. But it was ok I suppose.» (Large extent)
- good» (Large extent)
- I dont understand this question... yes, there was quite some mix between learnings methods? maybe something more practical (a model, a game, ...) could help the learning.» (Large extent)
- The cases took a lot of time, it would have been good to place them earlier in the course, so there is more time to read in the end and not so much stress. » (Large extent)

14. What course activities have been most important for you to prepare for the final written exam?

- Seminars and quantitative problems»
- Calculation sessions»
- Reading the book»
- Lectures, quantative problem exercises»
- Own literature studies.»
- Doing the quantitative exercises in the course book and reading the course book.»
- the assignments and own literature studies»
- exercises»
- Own literature studies»
- Own studies.»
- problem seminars and old exams»
- reading the book»
- The quantitative problem seminars»
- The mid term exam and the problem solving seminars.»
- Me and a friend "interogated" each other about terms in the book, and it worked fairly well.»
- Literature assignment»
- Course book and lecture slides»
- The seminar 1»
- Especially own literature studies but in some extend also the lectures, but the exam were less focus on the lectures and more on the course book.»
- Group assignment 1»
- The contingency assigmnent which forced you to read and really understand the processes and methods»
- Assignment 2, exercises and own literature studies»
- Assignment seminars!!!»
- The cases and seminars have been valuable, but so has the lectures. In the end, studying the book together with the ppt:s from the lectures give the best view of the course, and then you connect the different subjects in the course to each other and get a full understanding. »

Course administration

15. How well did the course administration, web page, handouts etc work?

32 svarande

Very badly»0 0%
Rather badly»1 3%
Rather well»15 46%
Very well»16 50%

Genomsnitt: 3.46

- I think that the exercises should have been uploaded directly after each seminar.» (Rather badly)
- I would have prefered if the answers to the exams could have been posted on the web-page (lock them to participants of the course). It often took very long before the quantitative problems were posted on the web page.» (Rather well)
- Slides always online before the lectures, which is really good.» (Very well)

Study climate

16. How were the opportunities for asking questions and getting help?

31 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Rather poor»1 3%
Rather good»11 35%
Very good»15 48%
I did not seek help»4 12%

Genomsnitt: 3.7

- Some supervising on the assignments would had been helpful.» (Rather poor)
- The seminars with Linnea were great, maybe it would even be possible to have one or two more of those, even if it is just to ask questions about the problems in the book.» (Rather good)

17. How was the course workload (i.e. only consider the MSCP course and not Freight Transport!)?

32 svarande

Too low»0 0%
Low»0 0%
Adequate»18 56%
High»12 37%
Too high»2 6%

Genomsnitt: 3.5

- Could maybe have the literature assignment earlier.. was a little to much load in the end of the semester when you like to prepare for the exam» (Adequate)
- Quite normal.. not so high. We were given plenty of study time as well as free time. I wouldnt mind higher workload. But then again.. they all say that the masters are easier than the first three years» (Adequate)
- In the end it was too high. If the cases were moved back I think the course would be more balanced.» (High)
- The workload was very unbalanced. In the beginning of the course I had very little to do. In the end it was way too much to do.» (Too high)

18. How was the total workload this study period (i.e. for the courses Freight transport + MSCP together)?

32 svarande

Too low»0 0%
Low»2 6%
Adequate»19 59%
High»8 25%
Too high»3 9%

Genomsnitt: 3.37

Summarising questions

19. What is your general impression of the course?

32 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Fair»0 0%
Adequate»5 15%
Good»21 65%
Excellent»6 18%

Genomsnitt: 4.03

- A quite interesting subject but way too little connection to companies and practical work. Also a too little focus on Supply Chain, much more narrow focus» (Adequate)
- The course is good, but if there was any way of making it feel less "accounting-clerk-like" it would be a bonus.» (Good)
- Much of the concepts were confusing because of inconsistency, I have heard that this is the way in the industry but it makes it harder for us.» (Good)
- Gave a through understanding and solid theoretical base to learn from. We are by no means ready to take on MSC tasks in companies yet. Something more practical to relate the education to would be nice. Maybe a real-life case instead of the excel macro from assignment 1? Or a study visit?» (Good)
- Really interesting subject » (Excellent)
- I learned a lot, and it was very interesting.» (Excellent)

20. What should definitely be preserved to next year?

- The seminars, the quantative lectures, the guest lectures, Stig-Arne. »
- Mid term exam»
- Patrik and Stig-Arne, they make classes interesting, even four hour sessions Mid-term»
- Course book (but the excercises need to be overlooked because of lots of errors)»
- the seminars definitely and of course the lectures.»
- exercises »
- The calculation classes and guest lectures»
- Mid-term exam. Bonus points.»
- The quantitative problem seminars.»
- Mid term exam, guest lectures, seminars»
- Literature Assignment, It has helped me a lot in getting a deeper understanding.»
- mid-term exam, assignment 1, contingency assignment, guest lectures»
- Seminar 1»
- The teaching strategy at the quantitative problem seminars. Keep the mid-term exam.»
- Assignments»
- Both the assignmets were good!»
- The exercises and assignment 2»
- If I have to pick 1 on which the course stand or fall... Assignment seminars!»
- the basis of the subject and that the ABC Analysis was finally clearly introduced by Stig-Arne, which will help us all in the future»
- guest lectures»
- Cases, lectures, seminars. »

21. What should definitely be changed to next year?

- Connect the importance of MPC to SCM and why an understanding of this field is important even though you dont work with planning. Examinate 60% on the final exam and 40% on the semniars (practical work). »
- I didn"t think the cases were so good, maybe they could be more related to the course book?»
- Change the structure to have a better workload during the whole course.»
- literature assignment, have it earlier and more clear!»
- assignments»
- If possible more than two days between both exams.»
- Seminar 2. It"s to difficult.»
- If possible: change the description of group assignment 2.»
- The content of the course is adequate»
- Decide in advance of which group who is responsible to present what! In that case every group can prepare that part much better. A little boring to prepare for a presentation and then don"t get to present.»
- I would have liked to have the presentation of Group Assignment 2 in week 6 instead of 7. Put the mid-term exam earlier as well, in week 4. Otherwise the changes presented earlier.»
- Dont have the presentation the last week»
- Nothing in particular,)»
- Further develop assignment 1 and try to reach a deeper level during the lectures. The exam questions were of another dimension than was percieved on the lectures. Assignment 2 was very helpful to give this deeper understanding of the subject and maybe it is possible to give this deeper understanding also through the lectures. »
- Nothing "definite" that I can think of off hand...»
- more focus on real world, not as much theories. why not small cases and discussions all the time then just a massive final exam. more supply chain thinking as well needed»
- Cases more in the beginning.»

22. Would you have chosen to study an optional course in this field (Manufacturing and supply chain planning) if available during coming semesters?

- Yes»
- Maybe, why not?»
- Depending on the specific focus, generally: Yes»
- Definitely!! 100%»
- Yes»
- Yes.»
- No, but mainly because the topic feels a bit tedious. I however believe such a course could be useful for those who have the stamina to take it.»
- Yes, particularly if it was available in sp3, since none of the courses offered there was really within my scope of interest.»
- Definitively »
- Yes, definitely..»
- yes!»
- yes»
- No, I think the level of knowledge I"ve achieved through this course is sufficient and I don"t find any reason to further investigate the subject at the moment.»
- Yes, even though I am more interested in freight transport, this is a solid and very good course in MSC.»
- No»
- I don"t think so»
- Maybe.»

23. Additional comments

- Really interesting course, and learned a lot!»
- Thanks for bonus points! That motivates!»
- I think that this was a nice cource with good lecturers (Patrik and Stig-Arne) and interesting content.»
- I have 3 years of experience in a manufacturing company it was really interesting to learned what companies must do but they are not doing.»
- I believe in "learning by doing". I would like to see alot more practical things to understand the concepts and how to apply them. It would be interesting to for example work out your own S&OP plan, and then apply it to MPS and execution and control, so see how the flow of information goes. It took me and many others in the class a very long time to understand the connections between these levels. Also, I believe it is negative to base (almost) everything on the same authors, which are also our lecturers. It doesn"t give us a perspective and explains alternative methods, especially when it comes to a subject that seems so subjective in the processes (i.e. is it always called S&OP? are there any other ways to achieve the same things? etc)»
- I think all the seminars were really good, I learnt alot from them.»

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