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Drinking Water Engineering, BOM075

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2007-12-18 - 2008-01-31
Antal svar: 18
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 54%
Kontaktperson: Britt-Marie Wilen»

Your own effort

1. How many hours per week did you spend on this course?

We mean total time, that is, it comprises the time you spent in class and the time you spent on your own work. Try to estimate the average time over the entire study period.

18 svarande

At most 15 hours/week»5 27%
Around 20 hours/week»6 33%
Around 25 hours/week»5 27%
Around 30 hours/week»1 5%
At least 35 hours/week»1 5%

Genomsnitt: 2.27

- Lagom arbetsbelastning, men lite hetsigt med sista uppgiften.» (Around 20 hours/week)

2. How large part of the teaching offered did you attend?

18 svarande

0%»0 0%
25%»2 11%
50%»0 0%
75%»5 27%
100%»11 61%

Genomsnitt: 4.38

- Jag är kåraktiv och har varit bortrest delar av kursen.» (25%)

Goals and goal fulfilment

The course syllabus states the course goals in terms of learning outcomes, i.e., knowledge, skills and attitudes to be acquired by the student during the course.

3. How understandable are the course goals?

18 svarande

I have not seen/read the goals»4 22%
The goals are difficult to understand»0 0%
The goals give some guidance, but could be clearer»8 44%
The goals clearly describe what I am supposed to learn»6 33%

Genomsnitt: 2.88

- The only difficult parts are the parts with chemistry but later everything is understood better.» (The goals give some guidance, but could be clearer)
- It is strange that the exercises, which stand for half of the grade are mostly to do at home (thus, more or less alone) and essentially at the end of the course (consequently we are in a hurry) Concerning the book, it was not clear at the beginnning if we have to go so deep into details (formula, name of all the chamiclas...)» (The goals give some guidance, but could be clearer)

4. Are the goals reasonable considering your background and the number of credits?

Answer this this question and the succeeding one, only if you do know the course goals.

15 svarande

No, the goals are set too low»0 0%
Yes, the goals seem reasonable»15 100%
No, the goals are set too high»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2

- The goals are reasonable on average. I think that they are too low on especially the raw water and too high on the treatment (too many methods)» (Yes, the goals seem reasonable)

5. Did the examination assess whether you have reached the goals?

16 svarande

No, not at all»0 0%
To some extent»1 6%
Yes, definitely»14 87%
I don"t know/have not been examined yet»1 6%

Genomsnitt: 3

Teaching and course administration

6. To what extent has the teaching been of help for your learning?

18 svarande

Small extent»0 0%
Some extent»5 27%
Large extent»11 61%
Great extent»2 11%

Genomsnitt: 2.83

- Det mesta lärde man sig när man satt tillsammans och pluggade, tyvärr var det inte så mycket sådan tid schemalagd (räknestuga), speciellt inte på treatmentdelen.» (Some extent)
- Especially help in the computer lab and with reports has been helpful.» (Large extent)
- Great help in the matters of disinfection, modeling and water works design.» (Large extent)
- It helped to simplify and to see what is the most important to know. Unfortunately, there are sometimes some mistakes in the slides.» (Large extent)

7. To what extent has the the course literature and other material been of help for your learning?

18 svarande

Small extent»3 16%
Some extent»10 55%
Large extent»4 22%
Great extent»1 5%

Genomsnitt: 2.16

- Riktigt dålig bok.» (Small extent)
- Kursboken har jag knappast tittat i, känns orelevant då det fokuserar på USA och onödigt mycket text om lite vettig fakta. Även US-enheter gör det ännu mer omotiverat. Glad att jag inte köpte boken med tanke på högt pris.» (Small extent)
- I like the book, but the examples calculated in it gives no guidance at all. Serves more to confuse you. » (Some extent)
- The book speaks too much about US regulations. Need broader literature on chemical treatment.» (Some extent)
- Boken var ju ingen höjdare direkt, men föreläsnings-pdferna var bra» (Some extent)
- the slides were very helpful but not the book!» (Large extent)

8. How well did the course administration, web page, handouts etc work?

18 svarande

Very badly»1 5%
Rather badly»1 5%
Rather well»10 55%
Very well»6 33%

Genomsnitt: 3.16

- Att i vissa fall bara lägga ut massa övningar som studenterna skall förstå och räkna utan övningstillfällen är INTE ok. Att det sedan är fel på många ställen och dåliga förklaringar gör inte saken bättre. Motiveringen: "det är bra med fel i lösningar för att studenterna skall vara uppmärksamma" känns allvarligt talat väldigt väldigt fel.» (Very badly)
- First time to upload a report through home page. Easy for the most part, but I was never registered with my group and had troubles with it.» (Rather well)
- Maybe it is an good idea to number the lectures, so that a number in the schedule is easy related with lecture handouts.» (Rather well)
- It would have been much better if the handouts are available before 1 or 2 day ahead of the lectures.» (Rather well)
- got promisses though of handouts that never came» (Rather well)
- Lite rörigt med sorteringen på hemsidan, bra med inlämningsgrejen.» (Rather well)
- ok, but could be better. some time delay for some of the promissed handouts, errors in solved exercices (part 2).. But otherwise good. Felt well-informed during the course!» (Rather well)

Study climate

9. How were the opportunities for asking questions and getting help?

18 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Rather poor»1 5%
Rather good»9 50%
Very good»7 38%
I did not seek help»1 5%

Genomsnitt: 3.44

- Raw water & distrubutionsdelen kändes väl ok. Treatment delen lades det dock bara ut övningar på hemsidan så hjälpen där var i stort obefintlig, det var till att gå upp på avdelningen och fråga.» (Rather poor)
- I would have liked to see more set times to ask questions the week before the exam. » (Rather good)
- The extra exercise setting was helpful.» (Rather good)
- Som sagt, lite mer räknestuga hade hjälpt mycket på treatmentdelen.» (Rather good)
- the teachers were lways aware of any questions from the students. And we are even not afraid of asking stupid questions :)Unfortunately sometimes a student or the teacher switch in swedish, what is not fair and pleasent for the international student (especially during the visit of the drinking water plant...)» (Rather good)

10. How well has cooperation between you and your fellow students worked?

18 svarande

Very poorly»0 0%
Rather poorly»0 0%
Rather well»7 38%
Very well»10 55%
I did not seek cooperation»1 5%

Genomsnitt: 3.66

- Ok, regarding that I"ve been away much.» (Rather well)
- It was hard to meet at the same time because of a very different timetable» (Rather well)
- Förutom att en i "gruppen" inte dök upp på de två sista projekten» (Very well)
- Fick försöka lära oss treatment-övningarna (speciellt chemical treatment) själva.» (Very well)

11. How was the course workload?

18 svarande

Too low»0 0%
Low»1 5%
Adequate»9 50%
High»8 44%
Too high»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 3.38

- See comment on question 4.» (Low)
- I didn"t do the weekly assignments, and then the work load was ok.» (Adequate)
- Sent sista projekt (EPANET), synd eftersom man bara stressa igenom det. Annars mycket bra upplägg projektarbete och weekly assignments.» (Adequate)
- except the plant excersice, the load was a bit to hight» (Adequate)
- if we plan to work on the weekly exam.» (High)

12. How was the total workload this study period?

18 svarande

Too low»0 0%
Low»1 5%
Adequate»5 27%
High»10 55%
Too high»2 11%

Genomsnitt: 3.72

- No worse than average.» (Adequate)
- Mycket läsa och teori i både DWE och Environmental System Analysis.» (High)

Summarizing questions

13. What is your general impression of the course?

18 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Fair»2 11%
Adequate»3 16%
Good»12 66%
Excellent»1 5%

Genomsnitt: 3.66

- Treatment-delen drar tyvärr ner betyget på kursen mycket» (Fair)
- Mostly because I had no intress in the subject» (Fair)
- Nice course, but accents could be put more on raw water (it is a geo-program), and on groundwater, both in the raw water part and in the treatment.» (Adequate)
- A favourite subject, and I was not dissapointed.» (Good)
- Men mer förkunskaper i Kemi hade behövts. Tyckte Britt-Maries Lektioner kunde lagts så att hon gav en mer grundläggande genomgång till kemin först, för jag förstod helt ärligt ingenting ett tag. Har inte läst kemi b på gymnasiet, och det var många som kände som jag. Den labrapporten vi skrev i ettan lärde oss istort sätt inget av detta.» (Good)
- I like the subject about drinking water so for me was good.» (Good)

14. What should definitely be preserved to next year?

- Weekly assignments, the division into three parts and project assignments. Those were the ones where you learned most.»
- Excursion, especially to the Mölndal plant. Weekly exercises.»
- The weekly problem is good method.»
- The modeling of distribution and water works assignment. Think is a good way to understand with cases.»
- good that the weekly assingmnets gives bonus credits. good with many small group projects intead of one big, better workload this way.»
- "Raw water" och "Distrubution" delarna. Upplägget med weekly assignments.»
- Weekly Assignments,Site visits,class works,Distribution software.»
- Veckouppgifterna.»
- I like the general idea with three different parts, each with its own assignment. »
- more reality practise»
- -The open-minded state of the teacher (it is very pleasent to be not afraid of asking questions) -the visit of the drinking water plant -the projects (they help a lot to understand the course)»
- the weekly assignments»

15. What should definitely be changed to next year?

- The project presentations. It gives us nothing to give two-minute presentations. Better then to either to a full presentation of all three parts together, or to let just two groups present each project. (Unknowing of which ofcourse.)»
- 2nd project was more demanding than 3rd, though we expected it the other way around, so prepared for that in the planning. Feedback on weekly exercises like the last time would be nice every time (at least presenting the right answers). This also stimulates people to do these exercises.»
- The project of designing the drinking water treatment.»
- Maybe more cases and deciding barriers to need, disinfection methods, etc.»
- the studyvistit was bad cause we did not hear anything»
- Omfattning och upplägg på "treatment" delen. För att citera Lars B: "det är bättre att vara riktigt bra på lite än att vara skit på allt"...»
- In my opinion labratory experments for the chemical analysis of water treatment is important.»
- Studiebesöket, men det var ju aldrig meningen att vi skulle hamna där vi hamnade.»
- maybe to put the field trip a bit later on in the course. As it was, I felt I didn"t get as much out of it as I wanted (partly because it was difficult to hear what was said..) And make sure the guides know how to speak english!! What else is the point for all the exchange students?»
- none»
- -speak ONLY in english (even the students) »
- This course should be optional instead of compulsory»
- some of the lectures had to many slides! maybe it is an idea to cut down on them?»


16. How did you find the teacher Thomas Pettersson?

18 svarande

very poor»0 0%
rather poor»0 0%
rather good»4 22%
very good»6 33%
excellent»6 33%
no comment»2 11%

Genomsnitt: 4.33

- sometimes the lecture can be speeded up» (very good)
- Bra förberedd, bra genomförda föreläsningar.» (very good)
- clear, understandable, speak only in english. Some mistakes in the corrstions of the exercise» (very good)
- Really know how to explain.» (excellent)
- Engagerad och verkar förstå svårigheterna för studenterna» (excellent)
- Missed all of his lectures, so no comment.» (no comment)

17. How did you find the teacher Britt-Marie Wilén?

18 svarande

very poor»0 0%
rather poor»3 16%
rather good»9 50%
very good»4 22%
excellent»1 5%
no comment»1 5%

Genomsnitt: 3.33

- Väldigt mycket info på powerpoint "slides" som bara hastades igenom för att det egentligen inte var så viktigt, stryk då detta istället. Verkar ha en stor övertro på studenternas kunskaper gällande kemiska jämviktsekvationer och reaktioner.» (rather poor)
- looks inconvenient and not sure about what she tells. Should make clearer which parts are important and which are background.» (rather good)
- Helt okej för det mesta, men lite orelevant information i en del fall.» (rather good)
- Många, många slides. Alla inte helt relevanta att gå igenom. Skulle ha lämnat mer plats för lärarstödd räkning/räknestuga» (rather good)
- Made the chemistry part seem less scarry, at least for me. Just keep your head cool, BM! (seemed a bit nervous sometimes, and lost the words when trying to explain something - confusing sometimes)» (rather good)
- Speak too easily in swedish Too many mistakes in the slides » (rather good)
- Good lecturer and pedagogic. Too eager to answer long questions in full class sometimes.» (very good)
- Help at every moment.» (very good)

18. How did you find the teacher Anna Johansson?

17 svarande

very poor»0 0%
rather poor»0 0%
rather good»2 11%
very good»3 17%
excellent»2 11%
no comment»10 58%

Genomsnitt: 5.17

- Endast en dag så svårt att bilda uppfattning» (rather good)

19. How did you find the teacher Johan Åström ?

17 svarande

very poor»0 0%
rather poor»3 17%
rather good»3 17%
very good»9 52%
excellent»0 0%
no comment»2 11%

Genomsnitt: 3.7

- Bra och intressanta föreläsningar på lagom nivå.» (rather good)
- After the first time much more convenient.» (very good)
- also seemed a bit nervous at first and perhaps made things a bit confusing - but no need!» (very good)

20. How did you find the teacher Katrin Steier ?

17 svarande

very poor»0 0%
rather poor»0 0%
rather good»2 11%
very good»6 35%
excellent»3 17%
no comment»6 35%

Genomsnitt: 4.76

- Stor verklighetsförankring här! Mycket bra på EPANET övningarna med hjälp i programmet och hur det funkar i verkligheten osv.» (very good)
- Duktig och ambitiös.» (excellent)

Course content

21. How did you find the lectures?

17 svarande

very poor»0 0%
rather poor»0 0%
rather good»7 41%
very good»8 47%
excellent»1 5%
no comment»1 5%

Genomsnitt: 3.76

- Some very informative and some derived the question: why did I get out of bed?» (rather good)
- Varierande kvalitet men i regel rätt bra» (rather good)
- Blandat, bra "raw water" och "distrubution" sämre "treatment". se kommentarer angående lärarna ovan» (rather good)

22. How did you find the exercises?

17 svarande

very poor»0 0%
rather poor»1 5%
rather good»4 23%
very good»10 58%
excellent»1 5%
no comment»1 5%

Genomsnitt: 3.82

- Blandat, bra "raw water" och "distrubution" sämre "treatment". se kommentarer angående lärarna ovan» (rather poor)
- Some can be more demanding. An exercise setting on treatment is desired.» (rather good)
- more perhaps?» (rather good)
- More exercises! Not only in computer rooms, but hand calculation exercises before exam week as well. » (very good)
- Bra och kul med sånna uppgifter speciellt epa-net, kemi uppgiften var dock alldelles för omfattande i jämförelse» (very good)

23. How did you find the EPANET exercise?

17 svarande

very poor»0 0%
rather poor»0 0%
rather good»2 11%
very good»7 41%
excellent»6 35%
no comment»2 11%

Genomsnitt: 4.47

- Övningen i sig var bra och kändes relevant. Syn bara att det bästa/roligaste låg så sent att man bara stressade igenom övningen. + för tydliga instruktioner i uppgiften» (rather good)
- Nice to see the real thing, although the exercise was not that demanding (but if expanded, also more time should be given)» (very good)
- Missed the exercise, has not yet finished the exercise. Very hard to do on your own when there"s noone to ask.» (no comment)

24. How did you find the weekly assignments?

17 svarande

very poor»0 0%
rather poor»0 0%
rather good»5 29%
very good»8 47%
excellent»2 11%
no comment»2 11%

Genomsnitt: 4.05

- Good way to review the things read and seen in lectures. Nice way to gain points and learn.» (rather good)
- it was pretty hard to just use 200 waord for som of them since the questions were broad.» (rather good)
- to short of time to do the assignment» (rather good)
- Good for learning process.» (very good)
- Lite dumt att det inte stod med i boken i vissa fall men, det är ju bokens fel. Ny litteratur? Fast vänta tills näst-nästa år så man kan kränga boken.» (very good)
- Nyttiga» (very good)
- Hjälper väldigt mycket för att man ska läsa på innan föreläsningar.» (excellent)
- Didn"t do them, but keep for next year. I would have liked to have more time. If we"ve had three or four days to do them I might have managed.» (no comment)

25. How did you find the project assignment in distribution systems?

17 svarande

very poor»0 0%
rather poor»1 5%
rather good»4 23%
very good»9 52%
excellent»1 5%
no comment»2 11%

Genomsnitt: 3.94

- Nice to see the real thing, although the exercise was not that demanding (but if expanded, also more time should be given)» (very good)

26. How did you find the project assignment in treatment processes?

17 svarande

very poor»2 11%
rather poor»0 0%
rather good»6 35%
very good»6 35%
excellent»1 5%
no comment»2 11%

Genomsnitt: 3.58

- Too much to calculate in too little time! Very interesting and exciting though.» (rather good)
- Good for learning, but maybe a bit too short time. To solve this problem, the assignments can be distributed directly after the previous one.» (rather good)
- För mycket.» (rather good)
- Kändes omfattande, svårt att veta dock hur man räknade på alla saker» (rather good)
- Lärofyllt» (very good)

27. How did you find the study visit?

17 svarande

very poor»3 17%
rather poor»6 35%
rather good»3 17%
very good»3 17%
excellent»2 11%
no comment»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.7

- Riktigt dåligt att de inte kunde snacka engelska. Sen var man för dåligt påläst vid denna delen av kursen, skulle tagit alla treatment steg innan tror jag.» (very poor)
- Jag hörde nästan ingenting, det var jättejobbigt att försöka lyssna så jag kollade mest runt. Alelyckan passade inte riktigt bra att besöka. Men inne i kontrollrummet funkade det fint.» (very poor)
- The group was very divided and the information was lost in the noise. Better at Lackarebäck where they have microphones.» (rather poor)
- the idea of it was good but the result was bad since we could not hear anything. maybe it should have been later in the course when we knew more about the different processes» (rather poor)
- Svårt att höra på Alelyckan» (rather poor)
- There needs to be an English guide, otherwise the whole trip will be in wain.» (rather poor)
- as mentioned - english guides please! » (rather poor)
- I think the visit was good. But, It was in sWedish and there`s a lot of International students who don"t speak english so, was kind of bad in that way.» (rather good)
- Especially the Mölndal plant, that was a bit more sophisticated. Maybe it can take place at the end of the treatment part.» (very good)

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