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Electric drives 1, ENM055, MPEPO,HT2007

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2007-10-13 - 2007-11-05
Antal svar: 42
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 54%
Kontaktperson: Lena Peterson»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Chalmers
Utbildningsprogram studenten tillhör: Elektroteknik 300 hp

1. What is your study background?

42 svarande

Chalmers - Electrical Engineering programme»16 38%
Chalmers - Other programme»1 2%
Other Swedish university - Electrical Engineering programme»0 0%
Other Swedish university - other programmet»1 2%
Foreign university - Electrical Engineering programme»19 45%
Foreign university - other programme»4 9%
Other»1 2%

Genomsnitt: 3.52

Your own effort

2. How many hours per week did you spend on this course?

We mean total time, that is, it comprises the time you spent in class and the time you spent on your own work. Try to estimate the average time over the entire study period.

42 svarande

At most 15 hours/week»6 14%
Around 20 hours/week»15 35%
Around 25 hours/week»11 26%
Around 30 hours/week»7 16%
At least 35 hours/week»3 7%

Genomsnitt: 2.66

- I put nearly a lot of effort on this course because it was of great importance.» (Around 20 hours/week)
- the course load was too heavy, i do not have enough time for self studying» (Around 20 hours/week)
- To much time on lab and labreport» (Around 30 hours/week)
- that much even is not enough as the course is very wide and much is said in each class.» (At least 35 hours/week)

3. How large part of the teaching offered did you attend?

42 svarande

0%»0 0%
25%»0 0%
50%»4 9%
75%»22 52%
100%»16 38%

Genomsnitt: 4.28

- Didn"t go to the tutorials that much.» (75%)
- I tried not to miss any class but some of the classes were so useless that I left at the break.» (75%)
- Had an other course with lectures on the same time, therefore I missed a few classes» (75%)
- of course about 95%» (100%)

Goals and goal fulfilment

The course syllabus states the course goals in terms of learning outcomes, i.e., knowledge, skills and attitudes to be acquired by the student during the course.

4. How understandable are the course goals?

42 svarande

I have not seen/read the goals»4 9%
The goals are difficult to understand»1 2%
The goals give some guidance, but could be clearer»20 47%
The goals clearly describe what I am supposed to learn»17 40%

Genomsnitt: 3.19

- The course may have had many goals but I think TOO MANY GOALS that will lead to being regarded as NO GOALS.» (The goals are difficult to understand)
- The goals could be more specified. » (The goals clearly describe what I am supposed to learn)
- I didn"t really look or think about them during the course» (The goals clearly describe what I am supposed to learn)

5. Are the goals reasonable considering your background and the number of credits?

Answer this this question and the succeeding one, only if you do know the course goals.

39 svarande

No, the goals are set too low»3 7%
Yes, the goals seem reasonable»29 74%
No, the goals are set too high»7 17%

Genomsnitt: 2.1

- depends how deep the subject has to be understood» (Yes, the goals seem reasonable)
- Not in difficulty but there was to many different stuff, hard to really seperate the variety of motors and magnets and truly understand how they work.» (No, the goals are set too high)
- No, not at all. This course want to explore the world of motors and generators and due to vastness of the world, it can not do anything. It should have been more focused.» (No, the goals are set too high)
- I think it was to much different types of engines.. It was to much to keep apart and knowing what belongs to what..» (No, the goals are set too high)

6. Was there any parts of the course material that you feel you lacked the necessary background for?

41 svarande

No parts»26 63%
Some parts»13 31%
Large parts»1 2%
Great parts»1 2%

Genomsnitt: 1.43

- PID Control» (Some parts)
- The modern Elect.Machines like Brushless, Claw-Pole, etc...» (Some parts)
- PowerWorld and MATLAB» (Some parts)
- Some parts had slipped my mind from older courses, (or had not been considered that much in older courses) so I had do look in to it a bit extra.» (Some parts)
- permanent magnets, claw pole motors, swicth reluctance drives» (Some parts)
- Yes, yes, yes. All international students lacked background for many parts.» (Great parts)

7. Were there any parts of the course material that you feel overlap with you previous studies?

41 svarande

No parts»9 21%
Some part»26 63%
Large parts»5 12%
Great parts»1 2%

Genomsnitt: 1.95

- Because i have learned this course before. So some parts are overlapped.» (Some part)
- Some kinds of machine: DCM, IM, SM» (Some part)
- controlling» (Some part)
- DC- and Induction motors from the course "Elteknik"» (Some part)
- Mmmm... Yes, I had studied some parts before.» (Some part)
- dc motor, induction motor, synchronous machine.» (Some part)
- the conventional electric machines (DC ,INduction and synchronous)» (Some part)
- I had studied the induction machine and briefly the DC-machine before, but not in the same perspective as to compare different features of different machines. so I didn"t mind.» (Some part)
- Dc machines, Induction machines and synchronous machines» (Some part)
- control part» (Some part)
- about electrical machines » (Large parts)
- In swedish: Elfält, elteknik, högfrekvensteknik, reglerteknik» (Great parts)

8. Did the examination assess whether you have reached the goals?

40 svarande

No, not at all»1 2%
To some extent»13 32%
Yes, definitely»15 37%
I don"t know/have not been examined yet»11 27%

Genomsnitt: 2.9

- I think no. The examination problems were not good. They were just some questions that can be found in any book.» (No, not at all)
- but some what simpler and i doubt if exactly they show if the goals are met.» (To some extent)
- I thought the exam was not challenging enough. For example, in case of multiple choise questions they could have been followed by a brief motivation to raise the level of difficulty i the exam. » (To some extent)
- i do not know the exam result» (I don"t know/have not been examined yet)

Teaching and course administration

9. To what extent has the teaching been of help for your learning?

42 svarande

Small extent»3 7%
Some extent»12 28%
Large extent»23 54%
Great extent»4 9%

Genomsnitt: 2.66

- The teaching was good. The professor had a very extensive knowledge on the subject but as an overall express, "The course did not help so much" because we did not have time to study anything.» (Some extent)
- The turtorials could me more organized..» (Some extent)
- Good teaching in lectures, not as good in tutorials.» (Large extent)

10. Do you feel that the level of detail with which the lectures covered the subjects was appropriate for your learning?

42 svarande

Much too shallow»4 9%
Somewhat too shallow»4 9%
Adequate»31 73%
Somewhat too deep»3 7%
Much to deep»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.78

- Very shallow. The course just touched every subject but with no detail.» (Much too shallow)
- it was a too bright range that was tried to cover, would have been better to do less and to go in deeper» (Much too shallow)
- i was expecting this cource to deal with methods to control electrical motors, but the cource was mainly about the machine itself and that part in my openion was not treated with the expected depth, i think it would have been better if the kinds of machines treated in the cource were limited to the conventional types and handeled with more careful detailed study insted of dealing with a various kinds of machines without going deep enough in staudying any of them.» (Somewhat too shallow)
- Well, I do believe it is better to give much details for the classical Machines like Induction and Synchronous and even it would be better to change the name of the course to Elect.Machines instead of Elect.Drives and devote the second course to Elect.Drives after taking the necessary dose of Power Electronics, otherwise the course will be something in between.» (Somewhat too shallow)
- of course due to time shortage much in detail is not discussed in the class.» (Adequate)
- Some parts where too deep compared to others.» (Somewhat too deep)

11. In the lectures, to what extent were the topics to skip well-selected?

39 svarande

Little extent»7 17%
Some extext»19 48%
Large extent»13 33%
Great extent»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.15

- Winding.» (Little extent)
- In the end, she skipped many subjects to be able to focus on more important subjects but very late!» (Some extext)
- hard for me to say» (Some extext)

12. To what extent did you find the lectures interactive?

42 svarande

Little extent»4 9%
Some extent»19 45%
Large extent»16 38%
Great extent»3 7%

Genomsnitt: 2.42

- Nearly not at all. The lectures were just a tradational classroom that the professor teaches and student listens. This should be revised for sure!» (Little extent)
- Sonja tried hard but the swedish students including myself is happy just to listen» (Some extent)
- Switch reluctance motor. Labs.» (Some extent)
- good» (Large extent)

13. In the lectures, to what extent was there enough focus on those topics that need more discussion?

42 svarande

Little extent»8 19%
Some extent»16 38%
Large extent»18 42%
Great extent»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.23

- I think there were many subjects that needed a lot of discussion but were simply skipped.» (Some extent)
- Classical Machines needs more discussion» (Some extent)
- but I missed a more thoroughly discussion on which motor to choose for different purposes, it could be explained more easily and more focused.» (Large extent)

14. To what extent was there enough time between lecture and corresponding tutorial to prepare for the tutorial?

40 svarande

Little extent»22 55%
Some extent»7 17%
Large extent»11 27%
Great extent»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.72

- I never did prepare myself more than went to lecture and read the book» (?)
- Not unusual to have the tutorial immediately after the lecture.» (Little extent)
- Nearly no time. We were at the classes all the time and did not have any time to prepare for tutorials.» (Little extent)
- I think it would be better if the tutorial papers where put on the web 1 or 2 days before the tutorials. Then you could tackle the exercises on your own and then see how to do it in class if you have problems. » (Little extent)
- The tutorials were too closed lecture. We had no time to prepare ourself for the tutorials.» (Little extent)
- sometimes tutorials are solved soon after the lecture class» (Little extent)
- this was not good! Directly after a class the tutorial is of little help, mostly it is just a time for copying the blackboard. so the tutorial could be efter a day or like a 2 hour free time to look into the material. otherwise I em not following and I feel the time is wasted.» (Little extent)

15. In the tutorials, to what extent were the problems appropriately selected for your learning?

42 svarande

Little extent»7 16%
Some extent»12 28%
Large extent»18 42%
Great extent»5 11%

Genomsnitt: 2.5

- It seams alright. » (Some extent)
- Well, the tutorial problems were useful but Tarik, the tutorial professor"s explanations were extremely bad and nearly not useful at all.» (Large extent)

16. In the tutorials, to what extent did the tutor answer the students questions properly?

42 svarande

Little extent»14 33%
Some extent»12 28%
Large extent»11 26%
Great extent»5 11%

Genomsnitt: 2.16

- He had problems explaining» (Little extent)
- He probably knew the answers but he wasn"t very good at explaining» (Little extent)
- Many times a student didn"t get any answer to what he wanted to ask. Could be problems with language...» (Little extent)
- Many times, Tarik did not answer and many times his answer was really bad.» (Little extent)
- not poroer way of using math, no derivatons, highly simplified formulars / relatation (sometimes you cannot even say a formula was offered) that ony fit in special cases» (Some extent)
- There were few questions in tutorial, and I believe it was because of the short time between lecture and tutorial. The questions come after you sit for yourself and try to solve the problems.» (Large extent)

17. To what extent has the the course literature and other material been of help for your learning?

42 svarande

Small extent»8 19%
Some extent»15 35%
Large extent»13 30%
Great extent»6 14%

Genomsnitt: 2.4

- would be good for next year to have som sort of list of formulas» (Small extent)
- a lecture should replace a book and it not require» (Small extent)
- Haven"t almost read the book at all.» (Small extent)
- Afterall, I have to say that this course gives insight into many subjects but does not give any details.» (Some extent)
- The slides from the lecture was very good. with the lecture notes there is hardly any need to open the book.» (Some extent)
- The book was more oriented to discussion which was good. » (Large extent)
- 70% was close to the book» (Large extent)
- I often miss things and therefore need to be able to learn myself. The book was really good but we never got any answers to those tutorials that was connected to subjects outside that book. Made it impossible for me to catch up!» (Great extent)

18. To what extent has the experimental work been of help for your learning?

42 svarande

Small extent»5 11%
Some extent»8 19%
Large extent»19 45%
Great extent»10 23%

Genomsnitt: 2.8

- I would like to suggest that there should be also some experiments for the synchronous as well as the Induction machines» (Small extent)
- i wish if there was experiments dealing with other kinds of drives ( IM drives in particular )» (Some extent)
- Having to write a report made it necessary to get into it. So it was good.» (Large extent)
- unfortunately it covers only 20% of the material» (Large extent)
- The experimental work was extremely good and useful, especially they gave very good understanding of how DC motors work.» (Great extent)

19. To what extent has the computer lab been of help for your learning?

42 svarande

Small extent»6 14%
Some extent»10 23%
Large extent»20 47%
Great extent»6 14%

Genomsnitt: 2.61

- The computer lab were just an introduction to MATLAB and was not related to course I think. It was just a simulation exercise.» (Small extent)
- sama as above.» (Large extent)
- buy it self not so much, but together with the experimental work its good» (Large extent)

20. To what extent has the trial exam been of help for your learning?

41 svarande

Small extent»5 12%
Some extent»6 14%
Large extent»19 46%
Great extent»11 26%

Genomsnitt: 2.87

- Didn"t go.» (?)
- A good way to get started.» (Some extent)
- it made me study so it was good.» (Large extent)
- The trial exam really did help.» (Great extent)

21. To what extent has the lab-report writing been of help for your learning?

42 svarande

Small extent»9 21%
Some extent»14 33%
Large extent»16 38%
Great extent»3 7%

Genomsnitt: 2.3

- I think the labs were so so useful but the report writing I think was just wasting time. SUGGESTION: Give us some forms to fill in our results and short questions.» (Small extent)
- I do prefer that there will be no lab report and instead the students should prepare themself well before the labs by doing the assignments and before starting the labs the assistant should assess the knowledge of the students by asking some questions and based on that he can decide wheather the student is ready to carry out the experiment or not.Also after the end of each lab the assistant should discuss the results with the students and give the necessary comments.I think this will be more helpful. Other things the number of the assistants are quite small compared with the number of the groups» (Small extent)
- took to much time» (Some extent)
- When you write the report you already know all the answers to the questions so there is just waste of time for my learning to write a report on all the labs. This time that I spent could be used for further reading etc. A report on the computerlab was though good, because it lead to deeper understanding.» (Some extent)
- see above» (Large extent)
- it is good to write things on your own, but takes a lot of time, especialy working on the report with others» (Large extent)

22. How well did the course administration, web page, handouts etc work?

42 svarande

Very badly»1 2%
Rather badly»4 9%
Rather well»18 42%
Very well»19 45%

Genomsnitt: 3.3

- You have such a nice system with the schedule in the student portalen. Why you don"t use it?» (Very badly)
- How about putting some solutions and not only answers on the course page more sooner.» (Rather badly)
- Solutions to tutorials took several weeks to appear on the web page» (Rather badly)
- Only because of the tutorials. The questions with solutions should be on the homepage after the tutorial. How should be otherwise be able to lurn things?!» (Rather badly)
- Our printer quotas are not adjusted so that we can print the slides ourselves.. so to have them handed out before every lecture should be obvious!» (Rather badly)
- Except for what I mentioned in question 14» (Rather well)
- Please use Time Edit next year and keep it updated. There is no reaon not to use it.» (Rather well)
- But I think the tutorials should be on the web page alot sooner so you can look at them before the utorial and start to think about the questions. And then It should be posted on the web page if the lecture had had any handouts that day, so if youre sick or something, you know that there is something you should try to get. » (Rather well)
- need some handouts» (Rather well)
- The webpage and especially its handouts section was extremely good. Keep up the good work. Really useful...» (Very well)

Study climate

23. How were the opportunities for asking questions and getting help?

41 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Rather poor»2 4%
Rather good»14 34%
Very good»22 53%
I did not seek help»3 7%

Genomsnitt: 3.63

- In Sonja"s classes she answered the questions well but in Tarik"s classes it was awful.» (Rather good)

24. How well has cooperation between you and your fellow students worked?

41 svarande

Very poorly»1 2%
Rather poorly»1 2%
Rather well»16 39%
Very well»22 53%
I did not seek cooperation»1 2%

Genomsnitt: 3.51

- It worked...» (Rather well)

25. How was the course workload?

41 svarande

Too low»0 0%
Low»2 4%
Adequate»16 39%
High»16 39%
Too high»7 17%

Genomsnitt: 3.68

- depends on the way you learn things, either only scratching the surface or understand things deeply, this was more scratching the surface» (Adequate)
- A lot of topics, very difficult to get into them all. Perhaps remove one or two not so common motor types» (High)
- It was so many pages to read... it felt like I never would pass them!» (High)
- Actually the amount of material was not that horrible to go through, when I think about it. The week was just very ineffecive. After monday and tuesday you had a lot of catching up to do, (in both courses) but then there were labs and new lectures. » (High)
- Too too high... The course touched nearly everything but in short period of time and very shallow...» (Too high)

26. How was the total workload this study period?

41 svarande

Too low»0 0%
Low»1 2%
Adequate»13 31%
High»15 36%
Too high»12 29%

Genomsnitt: 3.92

- Just ineffective which made it more heavy.» (Adequate)
- too much lections, very few time to selfstudy, which is the most important thing, but that is a general poblem in all courses here» (Adequate)
- three courses...» (Too high)
- Extremely tight... Very bad...» (Too high)
- Have read 3 courses at the same time!» (Too high)

Summarizing questions

27. What is your general impression of the course?

41 svarande

Poor»1 2%
Fair»8 19%
Adequate»7 17%
Good»24 58%
Excellent»1 2%

Genomsnitt: 3.39

- Well, I think the course did not achieve what everybody expected.» (Fair)
- Since it gave just a through knowledge in some topics that should have been discussed in more deatails.i.e the classical Elect.Machines» (Fair)
- superficial, easy exam, not deep understanding required» (Fair)
- But it didn"t feel like Tarik had prepared himself enough, that is why I didn"t attend so many tutorials.» (Good)
- The tutorials were not very good.» (Good)
- To much engines!» (Good)

28. To what extent did you find the course subjects suitable for your future career?

41 svarande

Little extent»2 4%
Some extent»12 29%
Large extent»15 36%
Great extent»8 19%
Don"t know»4 9%

Genomsnitt: 3

- Not participating in the masters programme.» (Some extent)
- The DC & Synchrous & Induction motors were very good but other parts were less useful.» (Large extent)
- I think it was very good of Sonja to tell us things like: "You should be able to say this about this machine when someone asks you", I think she prepared us for real life not only for the exam. » (Great extent)
- I"m still not sure what it will be...» (Don"t know)

29. What should definitely be preserved to next year?

- Sonja. She a very good teacher with clear slides and she repeats without being nagging. »
- Lectures,but more focus on the important things»
- Laboration»
- LAB and Computer»
- Sonja, her slides and her interaction at classes»
- The Computer lab»
- Sonja»
- The webpage and good work...»
- All the lecture slides, reading materials.»
- The laboration»
- The tutorial because its a good way to start your studies early.»
- Keep lecture notes on the web.»
- DC,IM,Synchronous and switched reluctance machines »
- The classical Machines like Synch and induction, but with more details in steady state and dynamics»
- Nil»
- Sonja!!! Very good teacher! As a female student, I think she was a very good model.»
- The lectures were good, it felt like you got something out of it. Especially when I had just looked a litle bit on the material beforehand.»
- Everything»
- it`better to add time in tutorial »
- everyhting»
- labarotory»

30. What should definitely be changed to next year?

- Too messy writing during the tutorials. Need a better structure and a better hand-writing!»
- tutorials»
- Better tutor in the tutorials, or better exlanation of the theory. »
- It"s not necessary to have too detailed solutions for tutorials, just give us the idea, the formula, and the final result. We can do ourself the calculation. Spend time for more problems»
- Less topics but more detailed information instead and increase the speed in lectures since the contents could be taught/learned much faster!»
- Tarek should put mor effort into writing more "readable" and spend more times on each task, even though it may seem clear to him.»
- The tutorials»
- the amount of topics is much to high and need more deepening»
- Solutions to tutorials have to be available much earlier!!»
- Tutorials with solutions on the webpage must be there to next year. (The solutions is already on paper so how difficult can it be to scan them? If the students find that it won"t help them to read the solutions, then fine.. they wont"t read them. For the rest of us, please help!)»
- The materials in the course should be lessened...»
- Schedule for the course: Tutorials should have distance to lectures. Should have clearly guides for labs. The tutorial answers should be hand out.»
- I think that the report for the first 2 labs. was just a waste of time. But i don"t think that it DEFINETLY should be changed. »
- Perhaps summarize the results of the laboratory experiments and which conclusions are the most important.»
- PM design»
- I suugest not to give much deatails for some topics like PM design and modern machines»
- Nil»
- The tutorial teacher»
- I believe people like different ways to study. For me it would be better if the information given in tutorials could be accesed without attending to the tutorial. I rather start solving the problem myself, and if necessary look at a complete solution. I"m not talking about all the problems, just the ones given during tutorials anyway. Then there could be another kind of turorial, where there is time for student to sit and work with the problems together, and if necessary ask the present tutor for help or explination. And if many students or groups have similar or an importent question it could be brought to everyones attention by the tutor along with a discussion. Instead of just sitting and copying the blackbord to not be left in the dark otherwise.»
- There should be more emphasis on induction, syncronous and dc drives because they are mostly available for industrial use in our everyday operations.»
- using units, proper use of math, better formula work, less material but more intense,»

31. Additional comments

- Big gap between lectures and tutorials»
- The course should have more lectures on PID control system»
- Thanks a lot to everybody... You did your best to provide a good eductions... Really thank you... Wish you the health and success...»
- More time slot be given to Laboratory experiments. The size of the course materials be reviewed to enable student adequatly study on their own»
- no»
- It was a good course»

Kursutvärderingssystem från