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ENM045 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems engineering, ENM045

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2010-10-11 - 2010-10-31
Antal svar: 35
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 61%
Kontaktperson: Valborg Ekman»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Elektroteknik 300 hp
Utbildningsprogram studenten tillhör: Elektroteknik 300 hp

Your own effort

1. How many hours per week did you spend on this course?

We mean total time, that is, it comprises the time you spent in class and the time you spent on your own work. Try to estimate the average time over the entire study period.

34 svarande

At most 15 hours/week»16 47%
Around 20 hours/week»13 38%
Around 25 hours/week»3 8%
Around 30 hours/week»2 5%
At least 35 hours/week»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.73

- Tempot kunde gott varit högre i början. » (At most 15 hours/week)

2. How large part of the teaching offered did you attend?

34 svarande

0%»0 0%
25%»2 5%
50%»5 14%
75%»13 38%
100%»14 41%

Genomsnitt: 4.14

Goals and goal fulfilment

The course syllabus states the course goals in terms of learning outcomes, i.e., knowledge, skills and attitudes to be acquired by the student during the course.

3. How understandable are the course goals?

33 svarande

I have not seen/read the goals»3 9%
The goals are difficult to understand»1 3%
The goals give some guidance, but could be clearer»14 42%
The goals clearly describe what I am supposed to learn»15 45%

Genomsnitt: 3.24

4. Are the goals reasonable considering your background and the number of credits?

Answer this this question and the succeeding one, only if you do know the course goals.

31 svarande

No, the goals are set too low»3 9%
Yes, the goals seem reasonable»23 74%
No, the goals are set too high»5 16%

Genomsnitt: 2.06

5. Did the examination assess whether you have reached the goals?

32 svarande

No, not at all»0 0%
To some extent»8 25%
Yes, definitely»12 37%
I don"t know/have not been examined yet»12 37%

Genomsnitt: 3.12

- Content in the course and on exams which is not included in the course goals, such as electric motors and control systems engineering basics.» (To some extent)
- Content in the course and on exams which is not included in the course goals, such as electric motors and control systems engineering basics.» (To some extent)
- it probably will looking at old exams..» (I don"t know/have not been examined yet)
- But seeing the exam oh the past year, I will say that to some extent but not completely.» (I don"t know/have not been examined yet)

Teaching and course administration

6. To what extent has the teaching been of help for your learning?

34 svarande

Small extent»4 11%
Some extent»15 44%
Large extent»14 41%
Great extent»1 2%

Genomsnitt: 2.35

- The teachers are always here if we have questions.» (Large extent)

7. To what extent has the course literature and other material been of help for your learning?

34 svarande

Small extent»13 38%
Some extent»9 26%
Large extent»11 32%
Great extent»1 2%

Genomsnitt: 2

- Didn´,t buy the book.» (Small extent)
- Didn´,t even bought the book since we were told that is was crap more or less, didn´,t miss it either.» (Small extent)
- Did not buy the book since I heard it was very bad. Glad I didn"t.» (Small extent)
- The course book - Achieving the indoor climate - was not really of any help at all. » (Small extent)
- Not very good literature, too extensive and not interesting to read as much is said many times in the book.» (Some extent)
- Not very good literature, too extensive and not interesting to read as much is said many times in the book.» (Some extent)

8. How well did the course administration, web page, handouts etc work?

34 svarande

Very badly»1 2%
Rather badly»4 11%
Rather well»16 47%
Very well»13 38%

Genomsnitt: 3.2

- Kunde ju ha lagt upp alla uppgifter och sånt i början av kursen. Man visste aldrig hur mycket man hade att göra. Föreläsningshandouts las upp efter föreläsningar, då har man ju ingen nytta av dem!» (Very badly)
- For the handouts the teacher should organize it with files.» (Rather badly)
- No information on what was included in the coarse. New exercises appeared in week 7.» (Rather badly)
- The scheduall was often unclear and last minute.» (Rather badly)
- New things turned up in the last study week. It was hard to get a grip on what the course was all about since the excercises weren"t uploaded until after half the study period. » (Rather badly)
- No definitive schedule before the last week...» (Rather well)

Study climate

9. How were the opportunities for asking questions and getting help?

34 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Rather poor»2 5%
Rather good»12 35%
Very good»12 35%
I did not seek help»8 23%

Genomsnitt: 3.76

- The profesor on vacation (ok one week only) and only two days a week to be able to contact you. Had those days been the same days as the ones we had clas things would have been better. Believe it or not we have more things to do than this corse alone!» (Rather poor)
- Would have been good with "räknestugor", instead of just demonstrations of all the excercises. I learn more when I do the excercises myself.» (Rather good)

10. How well has cooperation between you and your fellow students worked?

34 svarande

Very poorly»0 0%
Rather poorly»0 0%
Rather well»13 38%
Very well»21 61%
I did not seek cooperation»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 3.61

11. How was the course workload?

33 svarande

Too low»0 0%
Low»7 21%
Adequate»18 54%
High»7 21%
Too high»1 3%

Genomsnitt: 3.06

- I början var det inget att göra sen kom alla uppgifter upp i slutet och då satt man i skiten!» (Adequate)
- Hardly any work in the firts three weeks, then loads! » (High)

12. How was the total workload this study period?

34 svarande

Too low»1 2%
Low»2 5%
Adequate»20 58%
High»10 29%
Too high»1 2%

Genomsnitt: 3.23

- But manageable.» (High)

Summarizing questions

13. What is your general impression of the course?

34 svarande

Poor»2 5%
Fair»4 11%
Adequate»13 38%
Good»14 41%
Excellent»1 2%

Genomsnitt: 3.23

- Booring and messy from too many different subjects.» (Poor)
- Too much repetition of basiv knowledge in control systems engineering and electromechanics, which is not related to the goal of this course - to design HVAC systems, not to construct fan motors.» (Poor)
- Too much repetition of basiv knowledge in control systems engineering and electromechanics, which is not related to the goal of this course - to design HVAC systems, not to construct fan motors.» (Poor)
- it´,s not a master course, more like a beginners course in my opinion.» (Fair)
- Confusing about the coarse content.» (Good)
- a bit to extensive for the time it has» (Good)

14. What should definitely be preserved to next year?

- - Exercises and examples during the lectures - Lecturers coming from outside (eg presention of the study visit)»
- keep with the external interventions! »
- The course is very essential to our master programme..but too overloaded...»
- The diversity of subjects involved. The course involves a lot of different things, wich is great, but keep it more advanced please. »
- The study visit was nice, but should have been earlier in the course (not two the last week).»
- The teachers" availability. The fact that there are several teachers.»
- The study visit to the HVAC lab.»
- study visit. Lab visit»
- The study visits.»
- It"s good that we get to touch a lot of subjects. The motor drive lecture is very good even if it"s quite far from the topic !»
- The PF-notes.»
- Study visit.»
- yes»
- The BV2 exercise is good to give a feeling for HVAC systems, but it could be improved by doing it in class with a teacher instead of doing it on your own.»
- The BV2 exercise is good to give a feeling for HVAC systems, but it could be improved by doing it in class with a teacher instead of doing it on your own.»
- BV2 simuleringen men bättre anknytning till teorin och räkneuppgifterna. »
- study visit»
- Psychoöetrics and applied flows mechanics and electric öotors gave us the opportunity to apply the course imto exercises done in classes. It was very interesting»
- Study visit. It was very interesting.»

15. What should definitely be changed to next year?

- Less hours spent with the explanantions of BV2. Maybe it could be better to have more precise explanations about how the program works but the file we are given is already very good!»
- the time, I mean more time or the course can be divided btn two terms.»
- Raise the level of the course, it is simply too basic (easy), after all we are at the 4th year now. »
- Booring lectures, hard to see a connection between the different lecturers" classes (why is electrical drives important for an hvac-engineer?), did not learn much from the BV2-exercise.»
- Skip the book and write a small compendium.»
- the system control area. A bit complex and seen in a rush»
- A more comprehensive lab with more envolvement from both students and teachers helping.»
- Some lectures are very repetitive, we get twice the same. We could be solving prolems.»
- Upload all the excercises at the start. Write a course PM with all the excercises included (when they should be done, when there will be a lecture concerning them etc. Have "räknestugor". Hardly anyone bought the book so if a better one could be found, that would be good.»
- The practical example (BV2) was too easy.»
- no»
- Focus on the important things! Keep focus on HVAC systems instead of subsystems like electrical motors and control systems, this is knowledge from previous courses and does not need repetition in this course!»
- Focus on the important things! Keep focus on HVAC systems instead of subsystems like electrical motors and control systems, this is knowledge from previous courses and does not need repetition in this course!»
- De olika delarna i kursen måste hänga samman mycket mer. Kanske ha något case där man skall designa hela systemet efter det man lärt sig. Där kan man även få in mer verkliga fall än enskilda komponenters betydelse. Det bör även läggas in några övningslektioner där man kan få möjlighet att räkna själv och få hjälp av en assistent. »
- less time spent on vb2»
- More exercices should be done in the class session course for Indoor climate and HVAC control. »

16. Additional comments

- BV2 projects very interesting»
- Would not have choosen the course if it wasn"t mandatory.»
- It was hard to know, at the lectures, what we had to learn and what was extra material. The exam was only on a small part of the course.»
- Intressant kurs, men kan göras mycket mer intressantare. Bättre struktur från början och mer engagemang av examinatorn. »
- BV2 exercise was interesting but should be explained more for people with no base in HVAC.»

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