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Teknik och samhälle lp4, TEK225

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2010-09-07 - 2010-09-31
Antal svar: 16
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: ?%
Kontaktperson: Ilona Heldal»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Affärsutveckling bygg

Choose first

1. School/city:

16 svarande

Chalmers»15 93%
GU»1 6%

Genomsnitt: 1.06

2. Describe your background

- Läser på informationsteknik.»
- Third year of the Computer Science program (300hp).»
- Computer Science, interest in Computer Security.»
- Computer Science, interest in Computer Security.»

Your own effort

3. How many hours per week did you spend on this course?*

16 svarande

At most 15 hours»4 25%
Around 20 hours»4 25%
Around 30 hours»7 43%
At least 35 hours»1 6%

Genomsnitt: 2.31

4. How large part of the teaching offered did you attend?*

16 svarande

Less than 25%»3 18%
Around 40%»2 12%
Around 50%»6 37%
At least 60%»5 31%

Genomsnitt: 2.81

5. What do you think about your previous knowledge compared with other students at your programme?

16 svarande

Better»3 18%
Equal»13 81%
Worse»0 0%
Other»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.81 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

Genomsnitt totalt för detta stycke: 1.81

Goals and fullfilment of goals

6. Do you gained better understanding in technology development in todays society?*

16 svarande

No»1 6%
Insufficient»1 6%
Sufficient»12 75%
Definitively»2 12%

Genomsnitt: 2.93 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- I barely attended the non-mandatory stuff. Sad, but I choose to put my energy elsewhere.» (No)
- Yes, the project work was immensely helpful in understanding how technology meets with society.» (Definitively)
- Yes, the project work was immensely helpful in understanding how technology meets with society.» (Definitively)

7. Were the learning outcomes in relation to understanding ...

1) the development of technologies in specific and social environments or
2) analyzing a situation from macro to micro levels or vice versa
3) Be able to critically search for information and assess the quality of different sources of information.

15 svarande

Very insufficient»1 6%
Insufficient»1 6%
Sufficient»11 73%
Excellent»2 13%

Genomsnitt: 2.93

- What little part of the course that I went to, I found it all kind of fuzzy.» (Insufficient)
- Maybe not in sustainability» (Sufficient)
- As for 2, we started with a very broad title, and with Ilona"s help we were able to narrow down our main focus. As for 3, our search and data collection abilities enhanced when we conducted a literature review at an early stage of our project work.» (Excellent)
- As for 2, we started with a very broad title, and with Ilona"s help we were able to narrow down our main focus. As for 3, our search and data collection abilities enhanced when we conducted a literature review at an early stage of our project work.» (Excellent)

8. Are the aims and goals reasonable in relation to your pre-knowledge?

15 svarande

No, the goals are to elementar»1 6%
Yes, the goals are reasonable»14 93%
No, the goals are too ambitious»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.93

- I managed to pass the course with good grades basically without taking it, and I have not taken any similar course before.» (No, the goals are to elementar)

9. Are the goals reasonable in relation to the scope and amount of credits?

16 svarande

Too small scope in relation to credits»0 0%
Reasonable scope in relation to credits»16 100%
Too wide scope in relation to credits»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2

- I believe these kind of courses, that are easy to pass while the student chooses how much knowledge he or her want to gain, also fills a purpose at Chalmers.» (Reasonable scope in relation to credits)
- The 7.5 credits are, no doubt, a fair share for this course.» (Reasonable scope in relation to credits)
- The 7.5 credits are, no doubt, a fair share for this course.» (Reasonable scope in relation to credits)
Genomsnitt totalt för detta stycke: 2.93

Education and course administration

10. How did the organisation, direct information etc. function?

15 svarande

Very bad»0 0%
Rather bad»0 0%
Rather good»6 40%
Very good»9 60%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 3.6

- Ilona and the assistants were very cooperative and tolerating, and there was always a space for a friendly discussion. Course page on the student portal was always up-to-date to meet teacher"s requirements and our needs.» (Very good)
- Ilona and the assistants were very cooperative and tolerating, and there was always a space for a friendly discussion. Course page on the student portal was always up-to-date to meet teacher"s requirements and our needs.» (Very good)

11. How was the course workload?

16 svarande

Too low»0 0%
Low»3 18%
Adequate»8 50%
High»4 25%
Too high»1 6%

Genomsnitt: 3.18

12. Were the lectures relevant? See schedule

15 svarande

No»0 0%
Some»7 50%
Yes»7 50%
No opinion»1

Genomsnitt: 2.5

- They were relevant, but not to pass the course.» (Some)
- I appreciated Erlands lecture a lot.» (Some)
- esp Erlands» (Some)
- I"d like to say that relevance depended alot on the choice of project work and which area it involved.» (Some)
- I"d like to say that relevance depended alot on the choice of project work and which area it involved.» (Some)
- Kunde inte gå på så många som jag hoppades. Men dem var relevanta.» (Yes)
- The lectures were outstanding. Meeting a new lecturer each session is an adventure per se.» (Yes)
- The lectures were outstanding. Meeting a new lecturer each session is an adventure per se.» (Yes)

13. How large part of the teaching offered did you attend?

15 svarande

0%»1 6%
25%»2 13%
50%»6 40%
75%»6 40%
100%»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 3.13

14. Were the seminars relevant?

16 svarande

No (please, comment)»1 6%
To some extent (please, comment)»4 25%
They were helpful»3 18%
Definitively»8 50%

Genomsnitt: 3.12

- Kunde inte närvara på dem så kan inte uttrycka någon åsikt.» (No (please, comment))
- They were kind of interesting, but not mandatory to pass the course in practice.» (To some extent (please, comment))
- I only attended one, and that one was quite boring and not very relevant.» (To some extent (please, comment))
- Eventhough the seminars were helpful, they did leave questions on how the project work was supposed to be based in terms of the relationship between technology and society. How these two pillars interact with eachother.» (To some extent (please, comment))
- Eventhough the seminars were helpful, they did leave questions on how the project work was supposed to be based in terms of the relationship between technology and society. How these two pillars interact with eachother.» (To some extent (please, comment))
- Ilona"s seminars presented a perfect opportunity for brainstorming and interacting with our colleagues.» (Definitively)
- Ilona"s seminars presented a perfect opportunity for brainstorming and interacting with our colleagues.» (Definitively)

15. Did you find the project supervision relevant?

16 svarande

Not at all»0 0%
To some extent»0 0%
They were helpful»7 43%
Definitively»9 56%

Genomsnitt: 3.56

- Without it it would have been hard to know what approach we should have had to the project.» (Definitively)
- The consultation occasions were very useful in guiding our work. They are something you cannot see in other courses.» (Definitively)
- The consultation occasions were very useful in guiding our work. They are something you cannot see in other courses.» (Definitively)

16. What support have you got for your learning from course literature and other material?

16 svarande

Very little»1 6%
Rather little»5 33%
Rather big»6 40%
Very big»3 20%
No opinion»1

Genomsnitt: 2.73

- My opinion is that the literature supplied in "Studieportalen" was relevant for the different lectures, but when it came to the take home exam it only gave some facts within in its area while the main focus for the exam was the individual thoughts and discussions for the choosen questions.» (Rather little)
- My opinion is that the literature supplied in "Studieportalen" was relevant for the different lectures, but when it came to the take-home exam it only gave some facts within in its area while the main focus for the exam was the individual thoughts and discussions about the subject in the choosen questions.» (Rather little)
- Vissa var långa-svåra » (Rather big)
- I learned that an IT guy"s life is not only about coding (!), and am really appreciative of that.» (Very big)
- I learned that an IT guy"s life is not only about coding (!), and am really appreciative of that.» (Very big)

17. Do you had enough support from the involved teacher(s)?

16 svarande

To a small extent»0 0%
To some extent»0 0%
Yes»9 60%
Definitively»6 40%
No opinion»1

Genomsnitt: 3.4

18. Is the theme for the course during this study period challenging enough?

I.e security and sustainability. Please comment this question!

15 svarande

No, not at all»0 0%
To some extent»2 14%
They were helpful»10 71%
Definitively»2 14%
No opinion»1

Genomsnitt: 3

- ALthough extra reading should be done by students.» (They were helpful)
- Jag tyckte om säkerhetsfokuset.» (They were helpful)
- They are both important and modern issues.» (Definitively)
- N/A to me.» (No opinion)

Examination: Project and take home exam

19. Was the time for preparation for your project enough?

15 svarande

No, not at all»0 0%
Yes, to some extent»0 0%
Yes»13 100%
I wished to have more time»0 0%
No opinion»2

Genomsnitt: 3

- Time needed for the project depended on what the other course was. In my case I could"ve managed with half of the time. » (Yes)
- Time needed for the project depended on what the other course was. In my case I could"ve managed with half of the time. » (Yes)
- N/A to me.» (No opinion)
- N/A to me.» (No opinion)

20. What grade would you give the project as a means to learning?

15 svarande

1 Very bad»0 0%
2 Bad»0 0%
3 Average»2 13%
4 Good»11 73%
5 Very good»2 13%

Genomsnitt: 4

- It do put perspective on the relationship between technology and society.» (4 Good)
- It do put perspective on the relationship between technology and society.» (4 Good)
- N/A to me.» (5 Very good)
- N/A to me.» (5 Very good)

21. Was the time for preparation for the take home exam enough?

15 svarande

To a small extent»0 0%
To some extent»4 30%
Yes»9 69%
I wished to have more time»0 0%
No opinion»2

Genomsnitt: 2.69

- Kunde varit lite mer tid.» (To some extent)
- N/A to me.» (No opinion)
- N/A to me.» (No opinion)

22. Comparing take-home vs regular exam do you:

15 svarande

Much prefer regular exam»1 6%
Prefer regular exam»2 13%
Have no opinion»1 6%
Prefer take-home exam»8 53%
Much prefer take-home exam»3 20%

Genomsnitt: 3.66

- .. for this course» (Prefer take-home exam)
- ..for this course» (Prefer take-home exam)
- In this case, with these type of questions and areas, a take-home exam is better because it took upto four hours to answer each of the question, for some questions even more time. There"s a lot information to grasp and process, and the only way to be sure that the question has been answered correctly is to read the literature while typing.» (Prefer take-home exam)
- In this case, with these type of questions and areas, a take-home exam is better because it took upto four hours to answer each of the question, for some questions even more time. There"s a lot information to grasp and process, and the only way to be sure that the question has been answered correctly is to read the literature while typing.» (Prefer take-home exam)
- Håll kvar kursen på samma sätt. Man lär sig bättre med en hemtenta, annars pluggar man lätt bara in saker och sen glömmer det.» (Much prefer take-home exam)
- A take-home exam is an opportunity to challenge yourself, look at what others did so far and then start innovating. A regular exam is much like an antique, too much pressure on students for no rational reason. Sometimes however, a regular exam is inevitable, but definitely NOT for Ilona"s course.» (Much prefer take-home exam)
- A take-home exam is an opportunity to challenge yourself, look at what others did so far and then start innovating. A regular exam is much like an antique, too much pressure on students for no rational reason. Sometimes however, a regular exam is inevitable, but definitely NOT for Ilona"s course.» (Much prefer take-home exam)

23. What grade would you give the take-home exam as a means to learning?

15 svarande

1 Very bad»0 0%
2 Bad»0 0%
3 Average»1 6%
4 Good»12 80%
5 Very good»2 13%

Genomsnitt: 4.06

- N/A to me.» (5 Very good)
- N/A to me.» (5 Very good)

24. Did the examination assess whether you have reached the goals?

15 svarande

No, not at all»1 6%
To some extent»3 20%
Yes, definitely»11 73%
I don"t know/have not been examined yet»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.66

- Hade ej tid göra den pga krock med annat, så får göra om under annan LP.» (No, not at all)


25. How well did the course information, handouts etc work?

15 svarande

Very badly»0 0%
Rather badly»0 0%
Rather well»7 46%
Very well»8 53%

Genomsnitt: 3.53

26. How well has cooperation between you and your fellow students worked?

15 svarande

Very poorly»0 0%
Rather poorly»0 0%
Rather well»2 13%
Very well»13 86%
I did not seek cooperation»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 3.86

- I normally work solo until I took this course. It was a great joy to create the collaborative working place for me and my colleagues in the team, and then using it for our work on the project.» (Very well)
- I normally work solo until I took this course. It was a great joy to create the collaborative working place for me and my colleagues in the team, and then using it for our work on the project.» (Very well)

27. How do you rate the possibilities to get assistance and ask questions?

15 svarande

Very bad»0 0%
Rather bad»0 0%
Good»6 40%
Very good»9 60%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 3.6

- Ilona was always there softly-smiling!» (Very good)
- Ilona was always there softly-smiling!» (Very good)
- Jag fick snabba svar :-)» (Very good)

Concluding questions

28. If you compare the course with other courses you have attended, how difficult was the course?

15 svarande

Very easy»1 6%
Easy»2 13%
The same»9 60%
Difficult»3 20%
Very difficult»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.93

- Depends on the individuals background, but in my case I found it to be quite equal with other courses I"ve taken. » (The same)
- Depends on the individuals background, but in my case I found it to be quite equal with other courses I"ve taken.» (The same)
- Annorlunda. Trevligt.» (The same)
- too much to read» (Difficult)

29. What is your general impression of the course?

15 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Fair»2 13%
Adequate»4 26%
Good»7 46%
Excellent»2 13%

Genomsnitt: 3.6

- different» (Good)
- Mycket Bra!» (Excellent)
- Mycket Bra!» (Excellent)

30. Do you think the course should cover more or fewer topics?

15 svarande

More»1 6%
Reasonable»11 73%
Fewer»3 20%

Genomsnitt: 2.13 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- The topics considered are adequate for the time-run of the course.» (Reasonable)
- The topics considered are adequate for the time-run of the course.» (Reasonable)
- I think it was enough topics. There is just so much a person can comprehend and I prefer quality before quantity.» (Reasonable)
- Två fokus är för mycket.» (Reasonable)
- Inte fler i alla fall.» (Fewer)
- maybe focus only on security - or on sustainability» (Fewer)

31. What should be preserved for next year?

- Det mesta.»
- The many guest teachers and many interesting subjects.»
- Ilona and then everything in the course.»
- Ilona and then everything in the course.»
- the focus on security ...»
- security»
- Säkerhetfokuset»

32. What should be changed for next year?

- Kanske något ämne mindre.»
- It is hard to tell. For this course to get a higher "status" it would need to give a more serious impression. Perhaps the goal and purpose can be better formulated?»
- Added actually! Perhaps Ilona would think about installing a more challenging course with a similar structure and content to this on, but on the second-cycle level.»
- Added actually! Perhaps Ilona would think about installing a more challenging course with a similar structure and content to this on, but on the second-cycle level.»

33. Other comments

- We are genuinely appreciative of all the support we got.»
- Added actually! Perhaps Ilona would think about installing a more challenging course with a similar structure and content to this on, but on the second-cycle level.»
Genomsnitt totalt för detta stycke: 2.13

Genomsnitt totalt för alla frågor: 2.29
Beräknat jämförelseindex: 0.49

* obligatoriska frågor

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