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Project Management, IBB135 2009-2010 LP4

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2010-05-18 - 2010-05-27
Antal svar: 71
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 92%
Kontaktperson: Jan Wickenberg»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Chalmers
Klass: Övriga
Utbildningsprogram studenten tillhör: Övriga studenter

Teaching and workplace experience

1. What is your total professional experience of projects?


Working as a project member
71 svarande

None»31 44%
1-3 months»13 18%
4-6 months»7 10%
7-12 months»7 10%
More than a year»11 15%
No answer»2

Genomsnitt: 2.33

Working as a project manager / project leader
63 svarande

None»49 81%
1-3 months»5 8%
4-6 months»1 1%
7-12 months»4 6%
More than a year»1 1%
No answer»3

Genomsnitt: 1.38

2. Where did you receive your Bachelor degree?

70 svarande

I (Industrial Engineering & Management) at Chalmers»7 10%
Elsewhere at Chalmers»29 42%
A Swedish university other than Chalmers»1 1%
A European university elsewhere than in Sweden»13 18%
A non-European university»19 27%
No answer»1

Genomsnitt: 3.11

- Engineering Physics» (Elsewhere at Chalmers)
- Mechanical Engineering» (Elsewhere at Chalmers)
- Mechanical Engineering Chalmers» (Elsewhere at Chalmers)
- Maskiningenjör, Chalmers Lindholmen» (Elsewhere at Chalmers)
- Received my bachelor at engineering physics» (Elsewhere at Chalmers)
- Technically I haven"t filed for my Bachelor degree yet though.» (Elsewhere at Chalmers)
- ESIEE : Ecole Supérieure d"Ingénieurs en Electronique et Electrotechnique» (A European university elsewhere than in Sweden)
- Mechanical Engineering» (A European university elsewhere than in Sweden)
- Tecnológico de Monterrey» (A non-European university)
- Canada» (A non-European university)
- Viswesvaraiah Technological University, Karnataka, India» (A non-European university)

The Project Management Basics

3. About the Project Management Basics


- I only went to one of David Loid"s lectures on the basics, so it is hard for me to evaluate his job. The text book is a bit toughh to read, having a lot of information at every page and not being the most easy to understand in every part. On the other hand, it was clearly defined parts in the book, which made it easier, and it also seemed to give the basic understanding that was meant by reading it.»
- David sometimes seemed to discover the slides while he was presenting them. I did not read the book before the first test because I didn"t believe that we *really* had to read the whole book. It appeared we did have to.»
- lecture slides were enough for basic exam. Double thumbs up David!»
- Even If i didn"t read it completely, I think the basis of project management were clearly explain in this book. A lot of Pinto"s thoughts could be discussed regarding the veracity of his statements, but if this book was the Bible of project management we will not need to attend this course. So I rather prefer having a book to discuss on. It is a good value for the money I spent!»
- The problems in project management seem to be a bit more complex than what is described in Pinto, but the book offers a fairly good starting point.»
- Too short time to read Pinto thourougly before the exam, should at least be three weeks. David gave great lectures, but three lectures for a complete book is a bit too few. Never have an exam on holiday/re-exam period! »
- Om syftet endast är att lära grunderna i project managagement så är den lite onödigt omfattande, kan tyckas. Men överlag så tycker jag absolut att boken är bra.»
- The lectures are so good that pinto didn"t ad much to my understanding.»
- I think Pinto is a good book but it"s too expensive. The slides are also an important tool to study.»
- boken var väldigt amerikansk och beskriver allt med lite för många ord.»
- Didn"t use the text-book by Pinto.»
- too long lectures, 4 hours is to boring both for me and for loid»
- It´,s a good reference book, but nothing special. It is a good book for a start.»
- question no 5 is totally unanswerable since i dont know what the challenges and problems are with no experience.»
- föreläsningsanteckningarna var tillräckligt bra för att behöva köpa boken»
- Sorry, i was not able to comment on book by Pinto. Because i didnt take basic test due to personal reasons. I have read through it when carrying out research project and Take home exam. »
- Lektionerna gällande PM basic upplevde jag ostrukturerade, stressade samt oinspirerande. Alldeles för mycket slides, dåligt med tid och ofta utan någon direkt poäng med de otaliga utläggningarna. Rekommenderar således, strukturera lektionen, förbered poängen med presentationen, finns det ingen poäng, skaffa en eller ändra uppläggning. »
- In my opinion the lectures had a little too much information, and although David did a good job of fitting in time for reflections, however I felt that after each class I couldnt remember most of the information I had listened to. Regarding the book, I feel it is slightly confusing. It highlights a lot theories on similar subjects but it does not conclude which theories are more better.Apart from a couple of chapters it was really hard to read and comprehend what point the writer want to put through.»
- David Loid did a very good job!»

The PM Basics lectures covered important topics
71 svarande

I totally agree»34 47%
I agree to some extent»31 43%
I neither agree nor disagree»5 7%
I disagree to some extent»1 1%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer»0

Genomsnitt: 1.61

David Loid did a good job presenting the three PM Basics lectures
71 svarande

I totally agree»34 50%
I agree to some extent»23 34%
I neither agree nor disagree»4 5%
I disagree to some extent»4 5%
I totally disagree»2 2%
No answer»4

Genomsnitt: 1.76

I studied the text-book (Pinto) thoroughly before the test(s)
71 svarande

I totally agree»20 29%
I agree to some extent»24 35%
I neither agree nor disagree»12 17%
I disagree to some extent»6 8%
I totally disagree»5 7%
No answer»4

Genomsnitt: 2.28

The text-book (Pinto) presents project management tools and methods in a good way
70 svarande

I totally agree»11 16%
I agree to some extent»28 41%
I neither agree nor disagree»23 34%
I disagree to some extent»4 5%
I totally disagree»1 1%
No answer»3

Genomsnitt: 2.34

The text-book (Pinto) gives a good understanding of the underlying problems and challenges in project management
70 svarande

I totally agree»6 9%
I agree to some extent»25 39%
I neither agree nor disagree»24 37%
I disagree to some extent»8 12%
I totally disagree»1 1%
No answer»6

Genomsnitt: 2.57

The text-book (Pinto) gives good value for the money I spent
71 svarande

I totally agree»3 4%
I agree to some extent»12 19%
I neither agree nor disagree»27 42%
I disagree to some extent»13 20%
I totally disagree»8 12%
No answer»8

Genomsnitt: 3.17

The Literature Seminars

4. The Literature Seminars


- I did not felt shy during the seminars, but I did not had anything to say, so I was mostly quiet. For me the articles were so boring that it was really hard to even read through them. Luckily during seminars I understand little more about them. Now after the seminars I think the articles were good, but otherwise I"m not social science person and that stuff is simply far from my interest»
- One of the articles (Bamberger) was hard to understand, which I felt my entire seminar group agreed on. The seminars led by David and Jan were dissimilar, in my point of view the one held by Jan was better for my learning even though the group was bigger. I believe this to be due to the fact that the atmosphere in that seminar was more friendly, and that discussion was more focused on small and more specific questions that were better suited for a large-group discussion.»
- It was very good and I would say that make it three and reduce some other stuff in the course.»
- Those seminars were for me a first experience of trying to speak, and defend my opinion in english and that was a real challenge. But I think those were really well organized, and everyone has the opportunity to express himself. It is not easy when you are a bit ashamed of your level of english to argue against Swedish and others persons with a high-level of english. But it was a great experience»
- I think I had learned more if preparation to the seminars had been more structured. For example that there would have been defined qustions that should be answered, (based on the articles).»
- The planning preparation with 5 articles was too much, both to read and write. I learned a lot more in the organizing seminar, since I could analyze those articles better and be more prepared.»
- Too many texts, but the chosen texts were somewhat interesting. »
- I think the organization seminar was better because it was easier to create a discussion around those articles. The planning articles were quantitative and harder to reflect upon which made the discussion a bit more about understandning the articles rather than discussing the content. »
- Ang organizing articles: Förstod aldrig vad syftet var med att lägga ut +2 artiklar som inte var med i seminariet... Jan är mycket bra seminarledare. All cred, keep up the good work!»
- Artiklarna hade väldigt olika nivå, vissa var bra, men andra var riktigt riktigt dåliga. dålig koll på vilka som var bra o dåliga, men jag Verganti och Marmgren var intressanta.»
- Overall there was to little time to be able to talk, Jan talked way to much, often saying good things, but then give us a lecture, not a seminar. By the way, i really liked what he sid, though it was not a seminar.»
- The 2nd seminar when there were two groups on the same time I did not feel it was equally good to the first one with David. And I also liked the first seminar much more where the whole group was discussing together, and the supervisor did not take so much part of the seminar. »
- You can skip one of the planning reports that were written in a technical manner, as well as the weird one that none understood the purpose of having there.»
- Poängen med seminarierna var...? att alla skulle delat aktivt? lärande om planning & Organisation? att vi skulle förstå "hur läsa akademisk text"? klargör vad ni vill med dessa aktiviteter och stötta er avsikt tydligt. »
- Some of the articles were very similar and had very subtle differences.»

In my preparation before the seminars, I learnt a lot regarding the different topics
71 svarande

I totally agree»16 22%
I agree to some extent»42 59%
I neither agree nor disagree»10 14%
I disagree to some extent»2 2%
I totally disagree»1 1%
No answer»0

Genomsnitt: 2.01

During the seminars, I learnt a lot regarding the different topics
70 svarande

I totally agree»24 34%
I agree to some extent»29 41%
I neither agree nor disagree»15 21%
I disagree to some extent»2 2%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer»0

Genomsnitt: 1.92

During the seminars, I learnt a lot regarding how to understand academic texts in general
71 svarande

I totally agree»18 25%
I agree to some extent»32 45%
I neither agree nor disagree»13 18%
I disagree to some extent»6 8%
I totally disagree»2 2%
No answer»0

Genomsnitt: 2.18

During the seminars, I learnt a lot regarding how discussing and collectively reflecting create learning
71 svarande

I totally agree»23 33%
I agree to some extent»24 34%
I neither agree nor disagree»18 26%
I disagree to some extent»3 4%
I totally disagree»1 1%
No answer»2

Genomsnitt: 2.05

The Planning articles were well chosen
71 svarande

I totally agree»14 19%
I agree to some extent»33 46%
I neither agree nor disagree»20 28%
I disagree to some extent»4 5%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer»0

Genomsnitt: 2.19

The Organizing articles were well chosen
70 svarande

I totally agree»14 20%
I agree to some extent»38 54%
I neither agree nor disagree»13 18%
I disagree to some extent»5 7%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer»0

Genomsnitt: 2.12

I prepared well before the seminars
71 svarande

I totally agree»21 29%
I agree to some extent»38 53%
I neither agree nor disagree»6 8%
I disagree to some extent»6 8%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer»0

Genomsnitt: 1.95

I felt shy (feared to speak) during the seminars
71 svarande

I totally agree»5 7%
I agree to some extent»15 21%
I neither agree nor disagree»10 14%
I disagree to some extent»7 9%
I totally disagree»34 47%
No answer»0

Genomsnitt: 3.7

David Loid chaired his seminars in a good way
71 svarande

I totally agree»16 38%
I agree to some extent»16 38%
I neither agree nor disagree»5 11%
I disagree to some extent»4 9%
I totally disagree»1 2%
No answer»29

Genomsnitt: 2

Jan Wickenberg chaired his seminars in a good way
71 svarande

I totally agree»29 47%
I agree to some extent»23 37%
I neither agree nor disagree»7 11%
I disagree to some extent»2 3%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer»10

Genomsnitt: 1.7

Per Svensson chaired his seminar in a good way
70 svarande

I totally agree»1 7%
I agree to some extent»6 46%
I neither agree nor disagree»2 15%
I disagree to some extent»1 7%
I totally disagree»3 23%
No answer»57

Genomsnitt: 2.92

The Lectures

5. The Lectures

There are two questions for each topic. Content means "the contents of this lecture are relevant", and Presentation means "the lecturer made a fine effort of presenting the contents"


- The lecture on the shadow system one of the best and most interesting lectures i"ve ever attended.»
- As often with guest lecturers the problem can be that there lectures do not reflect much what is learnt in the course, and that they have problems focusing on the topic. The Project Planning lecture stand out in being a good lecture held by a guest in bringing and relevant info about planning.»
- Lectures and presentation were good but could be improved in a way that we as a student don"t have to read all the book.Just present those topics which are important and discuss it in detail.»
- I had three courses this quarter, this is the reason why I couldn"t attend all the lectures. I missed some interesting course I think. »
- eva hådding did a great job. otherwise I think the lectures have been to shallow, I would rather see a lessons that were going deeper into some problems than trying to cover every topic presented by Pinto. By the use of for example "instuderingsfrågor" before the exam, you could still provide a wide knowledge area, but it would be more intresting lessons. Futhermore I think you often tell stories that are to time-consuming in relation to its learning outcome. So many times during this coarse I have been thinking: "if you have a point with this, MAKE IT!!" So, please bring more content into the lessons!!»
- You"re a great lecturer Jan. Unfortunately I remember more about funny stories than project management itself.»
- Both Jan and David were very good lecturers and held interesting lectures. Good interaction with the audience. The Shadow system was one of the most interesting lectures in my four Chalmers years. »
- Överlag mycket bra och intressanta föreläsningar! Jag uppskattar mycket de personliga reflektionerna och diskussionerna som Jan stod för. Davids grundlektioner var också mycket bra. Något mustiga kanska. »
- David har en förmåga att låta som "Så här är det!", men har ändå gjort ett bra jobb. Jan borde hålla mer föreläsningar, föreläsningarna får en själv att tänka och komma fram till egna slutsatser, vilket är bra.»
- In general the lectures where excelent, congratulations to all!»
- The guest lecturerers were not good in educating and presenting.»
- I really apreciated the lectures of Ana and Jan in special.»
- Did not attend many classes/don"t remeber them well»
- I had a different expectation on the leadership lecture. I was expecting different culture promotes different ledarship styles, what to expect in real life etc. »
- The content on POwer Politics and Shadow system was slightly less than I expected.»
- Ana Magazinius and David Loid did a very good job!»

Project Planning - contents
71 svarande

I totally agree»14 24%
I agree to some extent»28 49%
I neither agree nor disagree»13 22%
I disagree to some extent»2 3%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer/I did not attend»14

Genomsnitt: 2.05

Project Planning - presentation (Eva Hådding)
71 svarande

I totally agree»15 27%
I agree to some extent»22 40%
I neither agree nor disagree»15 27%
I disagree to some extent»2 3%
I totally disagree»1 1%
No answer/I did not attend»16

Genomsnitt: 2.12

Project Organizing - contents
71 svarande

I totally agree»25 41%
I agree to some extent»28 46%
I neither agree nor disagree»7 11%
I disagree to some extent»0 0%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer/I did not attend»11

Genomsnitt: 1.7

Project Organizing - presentation (David Loid)
70 svarande

I totally agree»25 41%
I agree to some extent»28 46%
I neither agree nor disagree»6 10%
I disagree to some extent»1 1%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer/I did not attend»10

Genomsnitt: 1.71

Leadership - contents
70 svarande

I totally agree»14 22%
I agree to some extent»24 38%
I neither agree nor disagree»16 25%
I disagree to some extent»7 11%
I totally disagree»2 3%
No answer/I did not attend»7

Genomsnitt: 2.34

Leadership - presentation (Sven Kylén)
71 svarande

I totally agree»5 8%
I agree to some extent»18 30%
I neither agree nor disagree»17 28%
I disagree to some extent»11 18%
I totally disagree»8 13%
No answer/I did not attend»12

Genomsnitt: 2.98

Pentagon Wars - contents
71 svarande

I totally agree»20 44%
I agree to some extent»15 33%
I neither agree nor disagree»7 15%
I disagree to some extent»3 6%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer/I did not attend»26

Genomsnitt: 1.84

Pentagon Wars - presentation (Jan Wickenberg)
71 svarande

I totally agree»23 54%
I agree to some extent»13 30%
I neither agree nor disagree»4 9%
I disagree to some extent»2 4%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer/I did not attend»29

Genomsnitt: 1.64

Power and Politics - contents
71 svarande

I totally agree»31 50%
I agree to some extent»20 32%
I neither agree nor disagree»9 14%
I disagree to some extent»1 1%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer/I did not attend»10

Genomsnitt: 1.67

Power and Politics - presentation (Jan Wickenberg)
71 svarande

I totally agree»37 62%
I agree to some extent»20 33%
I neither agree nor disagree»2 3%
I disagree to some extent»0 0%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer/I did not attend»12

Genomsnitt: 1.4

The Shadow System - contents
71 svarande

I totally agree»27 46%
I agree to some extent»28 48%
I neither agree nor disagree»3 5%
I disagree to some extent»0 0%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer/I did not attend»13

Genomsnitt: 1.58

The Shadow System - presentation (Jan Wickenberg)
71 svarande

I totally agree»32 57%
I agree to some extent»19 33%
I neither agree nor disagree»5 8%
I disagree to some extent»0 0%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer/I did not attend»15

Genomsnitt: 1.51

Estimating Project Work - contents
71 svarande

I totally agree»15 34%
I agree to some extent»18 40%
I neither agree nor disagree»9 20%
I disagree to some extent»2 4%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer/I did not attend»27

Genomsnitt: 1.95

Estimating Project Work - presentation (Ana Magazinius)
71 svarande

I totally agree»14 32%
I agree to some extent»14 32%
I neither agree nor disagree»13 30%
I disagree to some extent»2 4%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer/I did not attend»28

Genomsnitt: 2.06

The Research Project

6. Our supervisor was

71 svarande

Michael Eriksson (RPA1-RPA4)»24 33%
David Loid (RPB1-RPB4)»19 26%
Jan Wickenberg (RPC1-RPC5)»28 39%

Genomsnitt: 2.05

- Michael was a considerable help for our project, I think he succeed in making us trying to analyze with a deeper perception the information we found.» (Michael Eriksson (RPA1-RPA4))
- He was always available. Very good point.» (Michael Eriksson (RPA1-RPA4))
- Very well co ordinated and motivated. I am happy with his role.» (Michael Eriksson (RPA1-RPA4))
- He was very helpful and forthcoming. His inputs to the report really gave us direction i feel.» (Michael Eriksson (RPA1-RPA4))
- I was so positively surprised when this coarse started, to get three supervisor meetings for one case - good intention. BUT, I was very disapointed on the quality of the supervison. We felt that these meetings did not contribute much. We felt that david had not prepaered, and he was not mentally present during meetings. He answered in his phone during meetings, he took us for another group and he did not questioned our ideas or tried to challange or question our ideas. His behaviour was nothing like what can be expect from a supervisor. » (David Loid (RPB1-RPB4))
- Lite dålig med att få möta med under ordinarie arbetstid om han arbetar inom denna. Kan ge oss lite mer fokus när vi väl träffas.» (David Loid (RPB1-RPB4))
- We had a lot of help from Jan Wickenberg.» (Jan Wickenberg (RPC1-RPC5))
- what is there to comment here ?» (Jan Wickenberg (RPC1-RPC5))
- Easy to reach and seems to take his work in this course very seriously, in a good way that is. Allways quick to answer and very frank.» (Jan Wickenberg (RPC1-RPC5))
- Neither of the above (Ulrika Badenfelt).» (Jan Wickenberg (RPC1-RPC5))
- good supervisor» (Jan Wickenberg (RPC1-RPC5))
- He is the best supervisor ever!» (Jan Wickenberg (RPC1-RPC5))
- He supervised us very nicely and i think we got lot of time from him during meetings and discussions» (Jan Wickenberg (RPC1-RPC5))

7. The Research Project


- I did not made presentation, so I did not gained presenting skills. The goal of the project was very fuzzy, one week before the deadline I finally understand what the teacher wants from us. If it was intended to be so unclear then it is OK, but otherwise more explanation would be useful.»
- I felt that the research project might have been redundant since it didn"t give any true focus on the management issue of the observed project. A number of forced themes might help this.»
- It is not the first time, nor the biggest report I"ve written, and I do think that the learning outcomes if focusing on group dynamics and academic research are more or less the same for every report written, which makes these learning outcomes not that significant. I thought it was really good to go out study a project in real life, but the hardest part I think was to understand what to ask about, how to get the right answers, how to interpret the answers. By part, it felt like the learning outcomes perhaps not was those intended.»
- David var ointresserad och ej påläst, blandade ihop gruppernas arbeten. Svarade i telefon och var riktigt ointresserad. Tycker han gjorde ett mycket dåligt jobb, tyvärr. Han var ju duktig på föreläsningarna. Han behöver ta arbetena mer seriöst.»
- what you discussed during supervision sessions that what you wanted from us is entirely different from what is mentioned in research project work PM.»
- Perhaps have several smaller group assignments instead. Presentation before the final draft was a good idea, it was more interesting to give and recieve feedback.»
- I think David could have talen a more active role during presentations, to make sure that every group got valuable response. Because in my experience a supervisor chairing a presentation can contraol that to some extent without taking over.»
- Student assessment: No one wanted/dared to give negative feedback. There"s been some free-riding and students very hard to cooperate with, but we all ended up with the same color. Individual anonymous assessment would be preferable.»
- Even do a learned a few things from the research project, the learning efficiency is very low. There must be less time consuming ways to learn those things... »
- If possible do not give out the gradings from the short test before the final hand in of research project. People with lower than 12p may become unmotivated and instead of help the project just becomes a burden. »
- I was very happy with Michael as our supervisor, he assisted us in the best possible way. Very skilled as supervisor.»
- Ang. assessment: Jag hade gärna sågat ett flertal av gruppmedlemmarna. Jag gjorde dock inte detta, då jag inte såg meningen med utvärderingen - det gynnade inte mig att såga någon annans insats, och det skulle inte "skipa rättvisa" (genom att ex. sänka betyget för den slappa deltagaren) genom att såga någon. Att ge grönt till alla medlemmarna var politiskt korrekt och gjorde att konflikter undveks. Att ta konflikten efter projektets avslut kan ju vara klokt (att vänta med den så att det inte påverkar rapportens kvalitet), men den skulle knappast vara konstruktiv och därmed onödig. I vår grupp ex-vis, var det en student som knappt medverkade på ett enda möte, samt skrev inte ett enda ord i rapporten (ändå poängbedömdes denne som grönt genom ett enhälligt beslut). Jag tycker att man skulle kunna utvärdera varandra anonymt (poängmässigt) och att detta skulle kunna vara grunden till om den aktuella studenten hänger och dinglar mellan två betygsgränser, alt. rena +/- poäng i examinationen, exvis. Jag antar att de flesta utvärderade varandra på samma sätt (satte grönt på samtliga) - även om de innerst inne hade önskat göra något annat. Angående projektet i allmänhet: Jag förstår syftet med projeket och att det finns flera potentiella inlärningsmöjligheter till att ha caset. Exvis, så kan man tycka att om gruppen misslyckas, så finns det uppenbarligen ingen tillräckligt bra pro-m i gruppen som klarar av att driva igenom projektet, och man kan därmed (empiriskt uppbackad) tycka att de har misslyckats med tanke på kursens syfte. Dock så anser jag att jag inte har lärt mig något konstruktivt genom detta. Alla vet redan att det är skitsvårt att genomföra ett projekt med expedition robinsson-förutsättningar (ingen förutbestämd "hierarki"). Även om det relativt snart finns en informell hierarki så baseras den på folks engagemang, målsättning, kompetens och seriösitet. (Icke uttalade) konflikter (irritations/störnings-moment) uppstår oftast då någon igruppen vill lägga ribban högre än de andra, varpå den mest seriösa (för att nå upp till sitt eget mål) måste hjälpa över de andra över ribban. Och "de andra" kan märka att "jag kan/vill inte nå upp till den nivån, därför sätter jag mig på en stubbe och gör ingenting". Även om de hjälper till kan deras resultat vara lika mycket värt (eller mindre) än om de hade suttit kvar på stubben. Detta är ingen ny erfarenhet för alla studenter. Lärdomen har alla fått sen länge, varför det är onödigt att konstatera den på nytt. VIKTIGT: Projektarbetet tog väldigt, väldigt mycket energi för mig - energi som kunde lagts på exvis fler seminarier/individuell hemtenta, vilket jag hade lärt mig mycket, mycket mer på. Dock förstår jag givetvis att det är svårt/omöjligt att ha en ProM-kurs utan ett projekt.»
- Regarding the Student Assessment: All the group-members put a green color to their name themselfs and I know that other groups did that too. I had two persons in our groop that I personally would like to give the worst grading to because they where always late to meeting or didn"t show up at all and they did not write good stuff to the report. But they have still got the best grading because no one in our groop have time to do the grading seriously now when the exam week is coming up.»
- I have done A LOT of project work in my bachelor and am still doing them in my master degree.»
- The best part of the feedback of the presentations was when we talk with the coordinator. »
- Frågorna är lite konstigt ställda så att jag känner att mina svar blir konstiga. Men jag är väldigt nöjd med projektet och presentationen, David var bra när han var tillgänglig!»
- Most of the presentations showed that the people do not know how one should go ahead. It was task to present the work and not to ask the audience "What shall we do next" !!!! In general this project take to much time. Additionally it turns out that people who work very skilled can get frusrated by people who have a low level or are not so interested in this course. It would be better to cancel the presentations, form groups of max. 3 people! »
- Student assessments are good for pointing out the students that are exceptionally good or exceptionally bad. These assessments are not to be used as a detailed scale over student performance. Perhaps three options would suffice, not contributing, contributing and rambo contributer.»
- I had a lot of responsibility for my group (since they all lacked practical and theoretical experience of PM, and none had taken any prerequisite courses) and then bad private things happened and I could no longer invest the time and effort to properly manage the group. So it became frustrating as I could not meet the expectations, yet no one else was qualified or willing to take responsibility while I was away.»
- The real world project didnt give much, I rather had a project that in some way trained me to be a project manager not just to look at someone else. »
- i did not do the presentation»
- I realy liked the way the presentation is done. Realy worth to get feedback on our project from the others. And, it helped our team a lot to better analyse our project.»
- I suggest it is better to read the comments from the individual assessments instead of using the grading, because even though a person has not been involved much in the work you don"t want to lower his grade... and people are generally to shy to ask the team members for a high grade. »
- Could have gotten a bit more feedback how we handled the presentation and the feedback from the audience.»
- Regarding the Student Assessment, I believe that it reduces free-riding among project members. Iy should be individual assessment instead of shared assessment.»

I would have preferred a fully theoretical course, and not have to investigate a real-world project
71 svarande

I totally agree»4 5%
I agree to some extent»11 15%
I neither agree nor disagree»5 7%
I disagree to some extent»9 12%
I totally disagree»42 59%
No answer»0

Genomsnitt: 4.04

Cooperating with the other students in my Project Work group was frustrating to me
69 svarande

I totally agree»7 10%
I agree to some extent»19 27%
I neither agree nor disagree»5 7%
I disagree to some extent»15 21%
I totally disagree»23 33%
No answer»0

Genomsnitt: 3.4

Cooperating with the other students in my Project Work group has helped me better understand the social dynamics of work groups without formal leadership
70 svarande

I totally agree»14 20%
I agree to some extent»23 32%
I neither agree nor disagree»24 34%
I disagree to some extent»4 5%
I totally disagree»5 7%
No answer»0

Genomsnitt: 2.47

Our supervision helped us better understand what goes on in real-life projects
70 svarande

I totally agree»15 21%
I agree to some extent»20 28%
I neither agree nor disagree»17 24%
I disagree to some extent»11 15%
I totally disagree»6 8%
No answer»1

Genomsnitt: 2.6

Our supervision helped us better understand how to make use of available academic research
70 svarande

I totally agree»17 25%
I agree to some extent»24 35%
I neither agree nor disagree»14 20%
I disagree to some extent»8 11%
I totally disagree»5 7%
No answer»2

Genomsnitt: 2.41

Our supervision helped us better understand how to perform academic research on our own
70 svarande

I totally agree»15 22%
I agree to some extent»26 38%
I neither agree nor disagree»15 22%
I disagree to some extent»5 7%
I totally disagree»7 10%
No answer»2

Genomsnitt: 2.45

Our supervisor made himself available for us
69 svarande

I totally agree»48 69%
I agree to some extent»14 20%
I neither agree nor disagree»4 5%
I disagree to some extent»3 4%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer»0

Genomsnitt: 1.44

Our supervisor took great interest in helping us
70 svarande

I totally agree»41 58%
I agree to some extent»19 27%
I neither agree nor disagree»5 7%
I disagree to some extent»4 5%
I totally disagree»1 1%
No answer»0

Genomsnitt: 1.64

Regarding the Student Assessment, I believe that it reduces free-riding among project members
69 svarande

I totally agree»9 13%
I agree to some extent»21 30%
I neither agree nor disagree»21 30%
I disagree to some extent»9 13%
I totally disagree»8 11%
No answer»1

Genomsnitt: 2.79

Regarding the Student Assessment, I found it difficult to give feedback to others (on their performance)
69 svarande

I totally agree»12 17%
I agree to some extent»15 22%
I neither agree nor disagree»13 19%
I disagree to some extent»7 10%
I totally disagree»20 29%
No answer»2

Genomsnitt: 3.11

Regarding the Student Assessment, I found it difficult to receive feedback from others (on my performance)
70 svarande

I totally agree»7 10%
I agree to some extent»13 20%
I neither agree nor disagree»14 21%
I disagree to some extent»9 13%
I totally disagree»22 33%
No answer»5

Genomsnitt: 3.4

The Project presentations contributed to my learning of presentation skills
70 svarande

I totally agree»16 27%
I agree to some extent»11 18%
I neither agree nor disagree»19 32%
I disagree to some extent»6 10%
I totally disagree»7 11%
No answer»11

Genomsnitt: 2.61

The Project presentations contributed to my learning of how to get feedback from an audience
70 svarande

I totally agree»20 30%
I agree to some extent»22 33%
I neither agree nor disagree»14 21%
I disagree to some extent»3 4%
I totally disagree»6 9%
No answer»5

Genomsnitt: 2.27

Our supervisor chaired the Project presentations in a good way
70 svarande

I totally agree»29 43%
I agree to some extent»24 36%
I neither agree nor disagree»8 12%
I disagree to some extent»4 6%
I totally disagree»1 1%
No answer»4

Genomsnitt: 1.84

The Course in General

8. The course administration


- I would prefer to get all the scheduling information from timeEdid. All other teachers manage to make updates there, so why the management people cannot do it.»
- The PM for the Research Project could have been clearer, since it was a bit tricky to get everyone in the group in understanding what was expected. It would also have been easier for us students, if all supervisor had agreed on using the same outline for the report, avoiding a lot of uncertainties about what is thought to be an analysis, a background etc.»
- I would have preferred to have a Google calendar. and why not using the classical fire system for submissions ?»
- Det skall stå allt i pm från början, skalla inte komma ny information under tidens gång, tex att redovisningen var obligatoriskt. Ni måste göra något åt schemat så alla vet vad som gäller. det är väldigt sällan i andra kurser det ligger en ical schema länk, så det letar man inte efter.»
- I am not going to declare a war against PCs but iCal is great! The overall organization of this course was very helpful to keep focus on what was needed to be done. And at a student level, it is always nice to know what to do next!»
- Jan, practice in writing shorter emails :)»
- both PMs, good and useful! A luxury to be provided with such clear guidlines for how to structure a case. »
- Try to put all information in one place, now it was to calenders, the one in the news section, the ical and the news section. The weekly e-mail was good, put exactly the same information should be stated on the course homepage as well.»
- First time the iCalendar was used in a course for me and I was very happy for it. Saved me alot of time.»
- bra med iCal. Jag tycker dock att man skulle kunna komplettera med ännu mer information i denna. Exvis vilka kapitel (ämnen) som berörs vid vilka tillfällen, och vem som håller i föreläsningarna. Annars, mycket bra. Kritik: jag körde länge på en ical-fil från Chalmers Schedule, och den var inte aktuell. Jag kanske missade ev. information om att denna var oanvändbar. Men som sagt, bra med iCal-filen!»
- Can you put the calander to a type that can be uploaded to gmails calendar? Timeedit have that option. I had to put the whole schedule in my gmail-calendar by hand.»
- Nästa gång du gör en kalender så ta inte med läsveckorna, de flesta har nog det redan och får då dubbla. och det går inte att ta bort när man prenumerera på din kalender.»
- Very nice organisation ... nearly all questions have been answered during the weeks!»
- The course administration was really good.»
- Weekly e-mail could be more condensed.»
- The PM for the research project work was useless, it didnt describe what to do very well and because there are 3 different exterminator on the reports with different criterias it is not very strange...»
- i am not sure but i didnt really understand how the information flow was in this course, mails, studieportalen and all info where coming from different directions. But the good thing is that i never really though about it, when i needed the info it was there. So it didnt give me any problems.»
- PM för projektet var ju bra när det väl kom upp på hemsidan...»
- Why isn"t there a better way to download files, so that you can download all folders and files at once?! It can take some time to get all things down.»

Having the course schedule as an iCalendar subscription file was useful to me
69 svarande

I totally agree»32 55%
I agree to some extent»15 25%
I neither agree nor disagree»3 5%
I disagree to some extent»0 0%
I totally disagree»8 13%
No answer/I did not use it»11

Genomsnitt: 1.91

The on-line web schedule was useful to me
69 svarande

I totally agree»32 50%
I agree to some extent»18 28%
I neither agree nor disagree»9 14%
I disagree to some extent»1 1%
I totally disagree»4 6%
No answer/I did not use it»5

Genomsnitt: 1.85

The News section was kept relevant at all times
68 svarande

I totally agree»37 56%
I agree to some extent»22 33%
I neither agree nor disagree»6 9%
I disagree to some extent»1 1%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer/I did not use it»2

Genomsnitt: 1.56

The weekly e-mail was useful to me
69 svarande

I totally agree»36 52%
I agree to some extent»19 27%
I neither agree nor disagree»9 13%
I disagree to some extent»3 4%
I totally disagree»2 2%
No answer/I did not use it»0

Genomsnitt: 1.78

The Course PM was relevant
68 svarande

I totally agree»29 43%
I agree to some extent»25 37%
I neither agree nor disagree»9 13%
I disagree to some extent»3 4%
I totally disagree»0 0%
No answer/I did not use it»2

Genomsnitt: 1.78

The PM for the Research Project Work was relevant
69 svarande

I totally agree»31 44%
I agree to some extent»22 31%
I neither agree nor disagree»9 13%
I disagree to some extent»4 5%
I totally disagree»3 4%
No answer/I did not use it»0

Genomsnitt: 1.92

The hand-out section was kept relevant
69 svarande

I totally agree»33 48%
I agree to some extent»25 36%
I neither agree nor disagree»9 13%
I disagree to some extent»0 0%
I totally disagree»1 1%
No answer/I did not use it»1

Genomsnitt: 1.69

9. How many hours per week did you spend on this course?

We mean total time, that is, it comprises the time you spent in class and the time you spent on your own work. Try to estimate the average time over the entire study period.
(This is one of the Chalmers standard questions)

71 svarande

At most 15 hours/week»7 10%
Around 20 hours/week»23 34%
Around 25 hours/week»24 36%
Around 30 hours/week»7 10%
At least 35 hours/week»5 7%
No answer»5

Genomsnitt: 2.69

- I agree on the course beeing intense, but not over-intense. The part that was actually taken most of the time was the project work, and the fact that a group of 6 from different programmes sometimes find it really hard to have spare time at the same time.» (Around 25 hours/week)
- This was a work intensive course and the basic test was almost like an examination in a regular course. All the examinations: basic test, seminars, research project and home exam are at least one too much.» (Around 25 hours/week)
- Denna kursen har varit mycket energikrävande. Främst/enbart på grund av projektarbetet.» (At least 35 hours/week)
- I can´,t answer. Because, I do not count time or remember when I need to study. » (No answer)
- I feel I"m too much of a statistical anomaly to estimate time.» (No answer)

10. How was the course workload?

71 svarande

Too low»0 0%
Low»0 0%
Adequate»22 31%
High»30 43%
Too high»17 24%
No answer»2

Genomsnitt: 3.92

- I don"t think that there were too much things to do. Each of the part of this course, Basics test, Seminars, Project group and home exam need a lot a researches and as a result a lot of analyze... But it is true that it have been difficult for me regarding the time spent on checking the quality of the language... But I glad to say that this course contributed a lot in increasing my knowledge of english. Thank you for that.» (Adequate)
- I think all those warnings about the high workload and so on, not needed. Exam during easter break NOT OK!» (Adequate)
- You wrote on the home page that this course have a big work load. I would not agree! I have studied three courses this semester. I consider the work load on this course and another management course I"ve taken to be the same together as one not-management course would have. But it"s good for me so I have time to study 150%» (Adequate)
- The research project takes too long! The rest is nice and a good learning outcome is provided!» (Adequate)
- It was high, but not unrealistic.» (High)
- The two first weeks were the worst part because of the Test exam. To study Pinto supposes a too high workload,» (High)
- I think that the home exam could be avoided.» (High)
- Basic test, Research project and Home exam is too much in a course of 7.5 credits. The basic test compares to an ordinary exam in any other course and therefore it would be sufficient with the Basic test and the Research project or perhaps including the material for the basic test in the Home exam.» (Too high)
- I would perform much better on different tasks if there weren"t so many elements during the course. It"s much recurrence when having seminar preparations, project, home exam and so on.» (Too high)
- A really interesting course, but a bit to high work intense.» (Too high)
- I think this course would pass for 15 ECTS. When i show my grades to a future employer they only see that i took a 7,5 points PM-course, but they don"t know how much learning it really gave, hence remaking the course to 15 points would give a better outcome. The work load corresponds to a 15 poins course.» (Too high)
- Projektarbetet.» (Too high)
- The project created unnecessary stress. It would be much better with a case. It is not fair to have one dugga, several literature seminars, one big project and a home exam. Remove at least one part.» (Too high)
- Like your warning at the beginning of the course.» (Too high)
- The project work was to much work» (Too high)
- extremely too high» (Too high)
- I feel I"m too much of a statistical anomaly to estimate workload.» (No answer)

11. What is your general impression of the course?

71 svarande

Worst course ever»0 0%
Fair»6 8%
Adequate»4 5%
Good»21 29%
Excellent»37 52%
Best course ever»3 4%
No answer»0

Genomsnitt: 4.38

- Anser att attityden gällande svårigheten samt arbetsbördan på kursen bör lugnas, det är bara onödigt att "skrämma" upp studenterna. Återigen, vad är poängen med en sådan attityd? Kursen är inte jobbigare än andra!» (Fair)
- Good staff with a lot of commitment to the course. But the quality of the lectures varied, sometimes it was really good, next time a sleeping pill.» (Fair)
- I have learned alot and I like the subject. But I don"t think the Jan and David have done what they could have done to make this good. To sum up: I have learnt alot, but it could have been done much less painful. What is the meaning of present a coarse during coarse introduction as it is going to be so hard and so painful?! Don"t you want positive students and to communicate that you, David and Jan should be our tools to create understanding and learning. Skip the attitude!!! And futhermore, less shallow lessons!» (Adequate)
- My impression is negativly impacted by the high workload. Jan wants us to become "reflective students". How can one become a reflective student when there is no time for reflection. Some of these thoughts and concepts that are presented in the course or the project research demand time before they are fully understood and can be reflected upon.» (Adequate)
- I had really high expectations, and a lot of them were fulfilled, but it felt a bit as the course was loosing some of its importance when the seminars were done.» (Good)
- I thought it would cover more on leadership, and Managing the projects (not selecting projects, forming groups etc.) I would like to see more real-life examples of how to handle specific situations that may occur.» (Good)
- The course was really good, but of course there are things to change. And the work load was too high. Some element in the course could be skipped, and my opinion is that the literature seminars.» (Good)
- For someone who did not know anything about PM in the beginning ... i know by now really a lot i think!» (Good)
- The course is good, I just wish I would have had a better opportunity to attend and learn more from it in a less unorthodox way.» (Good)
- in general good, but the grading system ruined the whole course» (Good)
- The content of the course was very good and interesting. However the Home exam could be modified to include the material for the Basic test which then could be removed.» (Excellent)
- Jan gjorde ett bra jobb, seriöst och intressant upplägg. David fallerade på RP, tyvärr. Annars en av det bättre kurserna jag läst. Ojämn rättning på första och andra pm-test vilket var synd, då jag skrev första. » (Excellent)
- If I had only this course in a quarter, I would have opted for best course ever.» (Excellent)
- In comparison with the courses that I usually have scientific courses mostly, this one was really refreshing. I liked the atmosphere during the course, I liked working on it.» (Excellent)
- Very good content, a good examiner, good supervisors etc. » (Excellent)
- Som sagt, jag förstår syftet med projektarbetet. Men det har resulterat i alldeles för mycket stress. Om jag är nära att dö av spårvagnen i korsningen västra hamngatan - södra hamngatan så lär jag mig att titta i backspegeln en extra gång, och på så vis undvika liknande situationer i framtiden.» (Excellent)
- This course had a nice research approach. This is a good way of keeping a high standard in a subject that otherwise might be a bit "flummigt".» (Excellent)
- The Product Development Management course may be slightly better.» (Excellent)
- Could be better with improved course syllabus and more lectures by Jan» (Excellent)
- I would have like to have this course before we started our Product Development project which is in 3rd and 4th quarter. A lot of theories learnt in this course really made sense and provided a much better overview of the spectrum of the viewpoints. » (Excellent)

12. What should definitely be preserved to next year?

- Jan»
- Jan Wickenberg»
- Project work»
- The lecture on Shadow management.»
- The seminars. I think the discussions from them are helpful in the writing of the home exam.»
- Research project»
- Literature Seminars»
- every thing I would say.»
- Bra upplägg, gärna annan gruppindelning.»
- Jan and his funny way to explain!!!!!»
- As I said before, the atmosphere, you succeed in making this domain really interesting and giving me the desire of looking for more knowledge about the role of project manager. I don"t think I have the sufficient knowledge to say what should be kept or not. But the role of an engineer isn"t it to learn the basis and go by himself looking for more information if necessary? So it that way, I don"t think that anything should be change for now. Sincerely, this course was a real pleasure.»
- Jan is a great and inspiring teacher, David also held good lectures. The movie was a nice and interesting way of teaching about politics. The lit.sem. was a good practice in reading, understanding and discussing.»
- the well written PMs and Eva Hådding.»
- The literature seminars »
- The fact that you choose the groups of the research project since it is better to learn how to work with students from all over the world.»
- Jan and David and the lectures most be preserved. Especially the shadows of management lecture. »
- Student assesment, a very good way of presenting infromally and to get response before the report was finished.»
- * Kursens struktur i allmänhet (grunder -> reflektion) * Seminarierna, vilket uppmuntrar till reflektion på ett väldigt bra sätt.»
- Jan and David!»
- an early exame, that"s allways good to get the theory read in time, and is at good help for the rest of the course.»
- the politics and power lecture»
- Jan Wickenberg and his unchanged thoughts and motivation(if it remains unchanged till next year) for this course. I am not doing fun and itś, a sincere comments from me.»
- The Research project work (inernational, different backgroud people...) Pentagon wars. The 3 first lectures about pinto because I hadn"t followed this kind of courses before and I think they were important for my understanding. The semminars. »
- Group work with random selection of the members and seminars»
- innehållet är bra, behåll de som de är»
- literature seminar, the movie, project research,basic test»
- the pojects»
- The basic exam is good to get an overview and therefore it is easier to understand as well as to discuss!»
- project research arrangement.»
- The research project. The feedback oriented presentations.»
- The research project.»
- Jan Wickenberg»
- Jan Wickenberg»
- the lectures was pretty good, some was a bit too long. »
- The Lectures»
- Jan is a good techer, i learned a lot from his way of thinking, but i know the people that didnt get him as a supervisor sidnt get the same positive feeling of what theyve learned from the course.»
- having the opposition before the final hand in! Should be introduced in all courses. literature seminars - the articles gives better overview. »
- Guest lecturers»
- the research project work»
- the good structure of the course, the timetable and the emails»
- the presentation form by asking the audience and getting feedback»
- Jan and David, you both are confidence-inspiring and seem to have good experience of project management.»
- Research Project, home exam and seminars. Work load is well distributed through the study period, even it feels hard in the beginning»
- Presentation, guest lectures, project»
- The outline, the moments»
- Everything. Espeaciall, setting the basic exam after the first two weeks is very beneficial. It helps me to learn everything before I start working on my research project and literature seminars.»
- Research project and literature review»
- The administrative part was excellent. Avoid to have the basic test in the eastern break. The home exam was good.»
- The projects and the analysis of the projects»
- The literature seminars.»
- David Loids and Jan Wickenbergs humerous way of presenting. It actually motivated me to attend the lectures but also made it easier to speak up and discuss in the class.»

13. What should definitely be changed to next year?

- The grading, accoring to the "dugga". And the placement of the "dugga"»
- 1. Basic Test at Eastern 2. Lectures 4 hours in a row»
- Basic test. It was like test on memory, how much you remember from the book. I think it is much more important to understand the book, not memorizing it. For example the 9th question in the re-test in may it was memorizing the chapter. I have read it, I remembered that there was that chapter, but why I have to know what was written in the page 250.»
- Remove the Basic test and include the information in the Home exam instead.»
- Bamberger article should be removed from the seminars or an additional paper needs to be added to explain the background to the article.»
- Members of groups in the research project (less)»
- PM Basic test should only have pass/fail criteria.»
- The grading system should not be dependent on PM basic test. It should not be like this, that you have to score above 12 to get 4 or 5.I really hate this concept. By the way who gave it I want to thank him ,).Just make it mandatory to pass it but don"t grade on PM basic test. The reason why I am saying this is, people concentrate more on the PM basic exam than on the project work. »
- Allt måste stå i PM från början. Schemat måste lösas på bättre sätt(information)»
- research project structure.»
- See previou question...»
- Sven did not give an interesting lecture, keep the topic but let Jan or David take it.»
- David"s attitude when supervising.»
- The work intense (Maybe the literature seminars)»
- I think the preparations for the litterature seminars required too much time, this is a very good way of learning. Maybe removing the PM basics and only focus on the underlying problems in PM.»
- Gör seminarerna till ett examinationsmoment! Exvis 5 examinations-poäng till vardera seminarie. Förslag: max 3-4 poäng på det skriftliga och 1-2 poäng till för bra resonemang/bidrag till bra diskussion. Även om man la ner väldigt mycket jobb på att förbereda sig på seminarerna så gav det inget speciellt tillbaka - förutom lärdomarna och ett eventuellt "försprång" inför projektet & hemtentan. Jag tycker dock inte att den moroten/tårtan i närheten speglar det nerlagda jobbet (så mycket försprång innebär det faktiskt inte).»
- Sven!»
- In the research work, a contact with some project managers before would help to get the students going.»
- Too much workload. It"s also very bad to say that if a student don"t get 12 points on the dugga he can"t get more than a 3 in grade, thats very frustrating and destroys the motivation for the rest of the course.»
- Sven Kylén and his lecture on "Changing". If changing really means what he says on his lecture, then itś, better for a project manager not to be changed and become bloody(as he stated on his model during lecture) and kill himself/herself. But I also think if the students are non-influenced and smart enough to understand what he really means, then he should be allowed to have such a lecture so that the new project managers can learn and understand that such type of situation or thoughts also exists in the society and might need to face during project life time. But if students are very much influenced and simple minded, then such type of lecture should not be introduced as it will have an unimaginable bad impact on their simple mind.»
- Leadership (Sven Kylén)lecture. »
- Class on Pinto should more interactive, not only presenting Pinto thought but also the main lacks of this book. Seminar assignments should be marked»
- Få ihop projektgrupperna första lektionen och få igång projektet med en gång. Vid vårt första handledarmöte 2 skoldagar efter vi fått projektgrupperna sa vår handledare att vi låg 4 veckor efter! väldigt dåligt! inte motiverande!»
- student assessment»
- The Pm for the projects, they were not really exaplaining how they wanted the paper to be in the PM.»
- Change the organization of the research project as already mentioned above!»
- longer the pinto study period and shorter time and reduce content of the home exam.»
- The instructions for the feedback presenttations should be clearer.»
- The seminars»
- Maybe try to separate lectures so that 4 hours in a row of lecturing can be avoided»
- To my knowledge, nothing.»
- the research project work, clearer instructions (earlier)»
- The home exam»
- The way students are graded should definitely be changed. What I mean to say is there should not be any limit on the individual marks one is getting from home exam, basic test and project. A collective of all of them should decide the total grade and not the 12 marks limit of basic test and so on. If one has not performed good in the basic test and has performed very well in the research project and home exam, the total grade should be on the whole and not on the home exam basis only. »
- Grading system, it is very stupid since it is demotivating the students when they cant rech high grades. This makes the homeexam and the project work quality low. Suggestion is to have the theory in the end of the course. Or redo the grading system to a total sum of points and no limit specially for the "dugga". If you get low score on the dugga then you you will probably struggle in coming up to the points u need and also struggle with the homeexam and project work. Seems fair!»
- the research project should not be such a big part of the course - that was according to me the least contributing. »
- Less social science more practical examples»
- some of the guest lecturer»
- other guest lecturers, basic test during holidays»
- the resaerch paper nobody understood»
- Better guest lectures. A little too much regarding IT, and the Leadership lecture was a joke, left in halftime. A product development project leader at for example Ericsson, Volvo, SKF or RUAG would be nice.»
- Articles for the seminars (add some that make students think, but not ones that kill them by numbers), Loid"s way of leading seminars (less teacher power, more student discussion)»
- the workload...the home exam could be easier»
- The duggga times... it was really bad to have one possibility in the re-eam week (allowed??) and the other one just after valborg, students don"t generally want to study that weekend. This was really unthougtful!!»
- PM Basic Exam should arrange only once and no limitation on the point to get the better grade. Because somebody, who didn"t have a chance to get higher grade, had less motivation in the research project and sometime they didn"t put much effort on the group work. »
- Tight shcedule. Make bit easy with work load»
- The quality of the lectures, try to keep them at the same level. And please change the content of the leadership lecture, this was not pleasing at all.»
- The basic test condition for the garding must be changed, the besic test must ne necessary to pass the course but not for the grade, as the guy who got 9,11 marks is not highly motivated »
- May be the content of information in the Pinto lectures could be reduced and only the important issues be discussed n class and the rest be left to self study. Also the choice of the book may be reviewed»
- The creation of the project research groups. Let people create own groups, because it is easier to work with arrogant people if you have chosen it yourself, the if the arrogant people have been apointed to you.»

14. Additional comments

- Great lecturing that brought enthusiasm and attention to the class.»
- High workload regarding the basic test for just 20 points!»
- Really stupid to have the basic test so early.. If you get under 12 - why should you give effort more than for a grade 3?»
- Thank you for the box of candies during the seminar ...»
- One of the best courses I have taken at Chalmers! Gives a lot to a student who is used to only technical courses.»
- Samtliga föreläsare (jag missade någon dock) var mycket bra, och er approach tilltalar mig väldigt mycket - all cred! Framförallt Jan W. tycker jag har en eftersträvansvärd inställning till sitt jobb. Det är inspirerande med en så karismatisk föreläsare som verkligen uppmuntrar en till att våga satsa och tro på sin egen "individualitet" - det man tror på. Jag har fått ett litet uppvaknande genom detta faktiskt. Många föreläsare "uppmuntrar" snarare till att rätta sig in i det akademiska ledet/lägga sig till rätta i formen för att gjutas. Keep up the good work! Tack för en trevlig kurs & trevlig sommar, /Momarorkokusos Jojohohanonsossosonon»
- This has been a really inspiring course and the teaching has been superb! Really relevant content!»
- It was not a bad course and helps me to learn something about project management. Thanks to CHALMERS for giving me chance to enroll the course. This course should be free for all students in Chalmers and there should not be any restriction if any student wants to join the course.»
- Maybe the project presentations should be earlier. »
- Bra kurs! men kör mer själv Jan!»
- really good course in general»
- Hi Jan, I"m not sure where I should write my response code. So here it is: 4717404768»
- the instructions of the research project was very poor, I think I know what was expected off us now but it took a while. »
- Great Course!»
- Maybe make the last lectures mandatory, i skipped them because of a high workload in other courses, but i kind of regret it.»
- less work would maybe improve the motivation of the students, i felt that fact during the literature seminar »
- the course was good in many aspects I hope other courses should learn from this and try to maximize learning.»
- This course has very much inspired me to become a first-rate project manager, to take responsibility for uneasy tasks that is fun, an to... make a little more money.»
- The Pentagon Wars is a great movie, but should not be interrupted for analysis, discussion can be done afterwards»
- Well organized and interesting course. Felt like you all like what you do, and that is important for spreading enthusiasm. Good work! »
- It was a superb experience. i was only unhappy that i was not able to take basic test even after giving us 2 chances. Please inform us when the next exam comes in summer holidays. I am eagerly waiting for it. Thanks»
- Really enjoyed the presentation styles of all the lecturers, Jan and Loid especially. I never once felt bored in the class which is slightly unsual.»
- This course is overall good. But there is no point in torturing students with this kind of workload. I think it can have more of a negative impact, than positive. »

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