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Project in Applied Mechanics, TME130

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2010-05-12 - 2010-06-10
Antal svar: 17
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 56%
Kontaktperson: Tomas Grönstedt»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Chalmers
Utbildningsprogram studenten tillhör: Maskinteknik 300 hp

Your own effort

1. How many hours per week did you spend on this course?

17 svarande

At most 15 hours/week»1 5%
Around 20 hours/week»2 11%
Around 25 hours/week»4 23%
Around 30 hours/week»7 41%
At least 35 hours/week»3 17%

Genomsnitt: 3.52

- Blev tvungen att lägga ner för mycket tid på denna kursen.» (Around 25 hours/week)
- acLn4Y <a href="http://qoxcoipwnahe.com/">qoxcoipwnahe</a>, [url=http://fidrdkiijssd.com/]fidrdkiijssd[/url], [link=http://cxdiddwghlkn.com/]cxdiddwghlkn[/link], http://nnecivzkpmde.com/» (Around 30 hours/week)

2. How large part of the teaching offered did you attend?

16 svarande

0-20%»0 0%
20-40%»0 0%
40-60%»0 0%
60-80%»1 6%
80-100%»15 93%

Genomsnitt: 4.93

- acLn4Y <a href="http://qoxcoipwnahe.com/">qoxcoipwnahe</a>, [url=http://fidrdkiijssd.com/]fidrdkiijssd[/url], [link=http://cxdiddwghlkn.com/]cxdiddwghlkn[/link], http://nnecivzkpmde.com/» ()

Goals and goal fulfilment

3. How understandable are the course goals?

The course PM states:

After completion of this course, you should be able to:
•, Use ANSYS Workbench to model fluid mechanics, solid mechanics and structural dynamics aspects of wind turbine blades. Every student will learn some basic “,,howtos”,, for all specializations and get more in depth knowledge for your particular specialization.
•,, Depending on specialization you will learn how to:
- Develop structural dynamic models by system identification (Solid/EMA)
- Build up simple composite material models (Solid/EMA)
- Methods to preliminary design, CAD, mesh and compute flows around wind turbine blades (2D/3D) (Fluids)
- Collect pressure data on a 2D profile using the linear cascade testing facility.
- Design suitable stiffening structures for wind turbine blades.
- show insight and ability to work in teams and collaborate in groups with different compositions
- be able to give written and oral presentations of a larger technical investigation

17 svarande

No idea what they mean?»0 0%
A bit fuzzy»0 0%
Understandable»13 76%
Crystal clear»4 23%

Genomsnitt: 3.23

- acLn4Y <a href="http://qoxcoipwnahe.com/">qoxcoipwnahe</a>, [url=http://fidrdkiijssd.com/]fidrdkiijssd[/url], [link=http://cxdiddwghlkn.com/]cxdiddwghlkn[/link], http://nnecivzkpmde.com/» (Understandable)

4. To which extent did you have to establish the abilities that the goals state?

17 svarande

Not at all»0 0%
To some extent»9 52%
To a high degree»8 47%

Genomsnitt: 2.47

- using Ansys was hellish» (To some extent)
- acLn4Y <a href="http://qoxcoipwnahe.com/">qoxcoipwnahe</a>, [url=http://fidrdkiijssd.com/]fidrdkiijssd[/url], [link=http://cxdiddwghlkn.com/]cxdiddwghlkn[/link], http://nnecivzkpmde.com/» (To some extent)

Teaching and course administration

5. How well did the course administration, course PM, web page, handouts etc work?

17 svarande

Poor»2 11%
Fair»2 11%
Acceptable»3 17%
Good»7 41%
Excellent»3 17%

Genomsnitt: 3.41

- The course web page was really bad and it was hard to find the documents you needed. Please create more folders next time so you know where to search.» (Poor)
- The course web page was flooded with unsorted documents.» (Poor)
- acLn4Y <a href="http://qoxcoipwnahe.com/">qoxcoipwnahe</a>, [url=http://fidrdkiijssd.com/]fidrdkiijssd[/url], [link=http://cxdiddwghlkn.com/]cxdiddwghlkn[/link], http://nnecivzkpmde.com/» (Fair)
- Till slut fanns så många filer och dokument att det blev rörigt.» (Acceptable)

6. How do you rate the project related teaching given in this course?

In particular, are these lectures relevant for the course, did you find the feedback session on the planning report useful? What was most important to you in the project related work, for instance the group dynamics part or the project definition part?

16 svarande

Poor»4 25%
Fair»0 0%
Acceptable»3 18%
Good»9 56%
Excellent»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 3.06

- project definition part was the most important one for me and I believe the rest of the group also think so. Since it is only 8 weeks group dynamic isn´,t that important but the project is.» (?)
- Ämnet som sådant är flummigt och ointressant. Det hade ingen praktisk betydelse för arbetet i gruppen förutom det extra jobb det innebar att lägga till delar i rapporterna för sakens skull.» (Poor)
- The group dynamics sessions was just waste of time. Many of us have already had courses in group dynamics and I don"t think we need it in this short course. The industrial lecturer was good, but we did not have much time, so it would have been better if we could work more with the project instead. I think it"s better if you focus more on the project, because it"s the most important part of the course. The planning report was a bit useless because I don"t think you need it in such a short project. And it was strange that we had to hand it in after 4 weeks, when half the project had passed.» (Poor)
- I don"t think that the group dynamics lectures helped solving any problems in the project.» (Poor)
- The content of Malin lecture is interesting, but maybe a bit ahead of what is doable in the course.» (Acceptable)
- The project definition part was the best and most useful part.» (Good)
- acLn4Y <a href="http://qoxcoipwnahe.com/">qoxcoipwnahe</a>, [url=http://fidrdkiijssd.com/]fidrdkiijssd[/url], [link=http://cxdiddwghlkn.com/]cxdiddwghlkn[/link], http://nnecivzkpmde.com/» (Good)

7. If you were a fluids student: how do you rate the specialization?

Please make some additional comments.

9 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Fair»0 0%
Acceptable»1 11%
Good»6 66%
Excellent»2 22%

Genomsnitt: 4.11

- acLn4Y <a href="http://qoxcoipwnahe.com/">qoxcoipwnahe</a>, [url=http://fidrdkiijssd.com/]fidrdkiijssd[/url], [link=http://cxdiddwghlkn.com/]cxdiddwghlkn[/link], http://nnecivzkpmde.com/» (Acceptable)
- I get the experience of working in real world.» (Good)
- It was good, better computer would have helped and I would also like to be more involved in the 3D calculation. But most important, I have learned alot! » (Good)

8. If you were a solids/EMA student: how do you rate this specialization?

Please make some additional comments.

12 svarande

Poor»1 8%
Fair»1 8%
Acceptable»2 16%
Good»7 58%
Excellent»1 8%

Genomsnitt: 3.5

- Projektet var uppbyggt på ett sådant sätt att, för att generalisera en smula, fluiddelen var rättfram och svår att misslyckas med, medan soliddelen å andra sidan var omöjlig att lyckas med, * Hitta en kritisk sprickstorlek utan att ha en aning om sprickgeometrin och utan kunskaper i hur man behandlar ett sådant problem med FEM. * Låta resultatet på hela projektet bero på de materialegenskaper som framtogs med EMA, när ingen tidigare arbetat inom detta område. Detta ledde till att EMA-delen tog orimligt mycket tid i anspråk. Dessutom var ju hela proceduren iterativ i någon mening, vilket definitivt inte gjorde saken bättre. Utöver detta blir det inte lättare när varken datorerna eller programvaran fungerar. Lägg därtill att det inte fanns någon handledare som hade tillräcklig erfarenhet av programmet för att komma fram till lösningar på de allvarliga problem som uppstod, så är det som upplagt för misslyckanden.» (Poor)
- Thomas Abrahamsson lectures was really good.» (Good)
- It was interesting with the EMA-session. But hard to really know how to use the results because we had never done it before. The problems with ANSYS made the solid-part a bit hard, and it was bad that we couldn"t use our own geometry. We could have learnt much more then.» (Good)
- acLn4Y <a href="http://qoxcoipwnahe.com/">qoxcoipwnahe</a>, [url=http://fidrdkiijssd.com/]fidrdkiijssd[/url], [link=http://cxdiddwghlkn.com/]cxdiddwghlkn[/link], http://nnecivzkpmde.com/» (Good)

9. What is your overall rating of this course?

17 svarande

Poor»2 11%
Fair»1 5%
Acceptable»3 17%
Good»9 52%
Excellent»2 11%

Genomsnitt: 3.47

- I förhållande till hur mycket tid som lades ner på denna kursen är det kunskapsmässiga utbytet skralt. Frustrationen var enorm.» (Poor)
- There were very large problems with computers, disk space, licenses, a program that we didn"t know how to use... This frustrating mess of computer problems spoiled my impression of the course.» (Poor)
- The work load was really too high. It was hard to also focus on the other course, because this course took too much time. » (Fair)
- acLn4Y <a href="http://qoxcoipwnahe.com/">qoxcoipwnahe</a>, [url=http://fidrdkiijssd.com/]fidrdkiijssd[/url], [link=http://cxdiddwghlkn.com/]cxdiddwghlkn[/link], http://nnecivzkpmde.com/» (Acceptable)

10. Comments on the guest lecture - as given by Kim Branner

- It was good but all topics were related to the solid part and not fluid.»
- Han var duktig, även om vindkraft kanske inte är det intressantaste området man kan tänka sig.»
- A little bit boring. Because he mainly talked about solid not fluid. »
- It was interesting, but was too late in the course. At that time, we wanted to focus on the work instead.»
- Interesting»
- acLn4Y <a href="http://qoxcoipwnahe.com/">qoxcoipwnahe</a>, [url=http://fidrdkiijssd.com/]fidrdkiijssd[/url], [link=http://cxdiddwghlkn.com/]cxdiddwghlkn[/link], http://nnecivzkpmde.com/»
- Good. It was a bit too solid specific.»

General questions

11. How does this course differ from other courses you have read in the programme?

- It did. »
- It was good especial that we had to validate and compare our result.»
- It feels like working on real task and gives more independence.»
- It is a project. The other cousrse ar more traditional.»
- It was a good opportunity to apply that all i have learned throughout my study career. it helped in developing a better understanding and was a good opportunity to work in a team.»
- Den största skillnaden är att man i normala fall får lägga ner mycket tid, samtidigt som man lär sig mycket. I detta fallet fick man lägga ner mycket tid utan att lära sig mycket. Dessutom är projektkurser aldrig att föredra eftersom du då måste förlita dig på att andra gör sitt jobb. I en normal kurs kan du påverka utgången till större del på egen hand.»
- The examination form and the practise of real software (Ansys)»
- I think this course is good, especially for international student. This course makes me closer to my classmates.»
- It was higher work load. But we learned many different things in the course.»
- It is the only project course, interaction between the specialisations fluid / solid etc.»
- acLn4Y <a href="http://qoxcoipwnahe.com/">qoxcoipwnahe</a>, [url=http://fidrdkiijssd.com/]fidrdkiijssd[/url], [link=http://cxdiddwghlkn.com/]cxdiddwghlkn[/link], http://nnecivzkpmde.com/»
- We actually learn what we study here.»

12. What should definitely be preserved to next year?

- EMA»
- All the material was prepared well.»
- lecture about team dynamics by mouline are really nice. second lecture should be in the mid of the course not in last couple of weeks. »
- Alla de inblandade lärarna har varit väldigt hjälpsamma och trevliga, så de borde bevaras.»
- The many opportunities in the computer rooms»
- Better computer»
- Ansys Workbench»
- A real case where both solid and fluid should work together. »
- acLn4Y <a href="http://qoxcoipwnahe.com/">qoxcoipwnahe</a>, [url=http://fidrdkiijssd.com/]fidrdkiijssd[/url], [link=http://cxdiddwghlkn.com/]cxdiddwghlkn[/link], http://nnecivzkpmde.com/»
- The challenging task of the project itself!»
- The experiments.»

13. What should definitely be changed to next year?

- Group dynamics part of the course did not feel like a integreted part but rather just added outside all other things.»
- The hardware and software facilities should be improved.»
- Model geometry should be provided for solid specialisation. It will make it possible to put more efforts in designing stiffners.»
- may be the geometry of the blade can be made simpler. and focus is more on the learning of the software than handling of complex geometries. also if some guidance is given about also validation. because we had to make 2d simulations and if we had some idea how to compare we would have focused on the cases that can be used for validations. »
- * Inför betygskriterier så att man vet vad som krävs. * Strunta i datorerna och låt studenterna räkna för hand. Då slipper man frustrationen som uppstår på grund av datoreländet. * Hela projektupplägget borde skrotas och istället kunde exempelvis soliddelen få en kurs i kompositmekanik eller EMA.»
- tha ansys tutorial for mechanics. It was almost useless exepted for the interface handeling. We should have more tutorial on mesh controls.»
- the wind tunnel lab should be improved»
- the computer»
- The examinators. The organization of the course was really bad, and sometimes it felt as if they hadn"t talked about some things. Because they didn"t know what the other person had said. Also take away the composite material because it"s really hard to model and to get good results.»
- The wind tunnel lab should be done with a profile that corresponds to a cross section to the real blade. »
- Computerroom mt13, It gave us all headache. I think the groupdynamic could be mentioned and some exercises carried out but the main think is to get the project done. »
- acLn4Y <a href="http://qoxcoipwnahe.com/">qoxcoipwnahe</a>, [url=http://fidrdkiijssd.com/]fidrdkiijssd[/url], [link=http://cxdiddwghlkn.com/]cxdiddwghlkn[/link], http://nnecivzkpmde.com/»
- The computer resources.»
- I think you should try to choose a project that can be solved in a good way with the resources available. It is perhaps not a good idea to ask for a CFD simulation that requires several million cells to be resolved when you know that the disk space is limited. When nobody knows CAD very well, a geometry with 19 cross sections is maybe also too heavy.»

14. Additional comments!

- The report part of the project nneds to be more scientific. I would advice to have some kind of lecture, preferably in the beginning, that explains what the scientific method is and how one writes a scientific report. »
- Overall, I"m happy with this course.»
- Should not focus so much on planning reports and group dynamics in a project that is only over 7 weeks.»
- acLn4Y <a href="http://qoxcoipwnahe.com/">qoxcoipwnahe</a>, [url=http://fidrdkiijssd.com/]fidrdkiijssd[/url], [link=http://cxdiddwghlkn.com/]cxdiddwghlkn[/link], http://nnecivzkpmde.com/»

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