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Course evaluation, Creating New Business 2008, TEK010

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2008-12-12 - 2008-12-20
Antal svar: 59
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 73%
Kontaktperson: Jennie Björk»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Chalmers

1. I am a student originally coming from,*

59 svarande

the Department of Technology Management and Economics»36 61%
another department at Chalmers »3 5%
another Swedish university »1 1%
I am an international student »12 20%
I am an exchange student »7 11%

Genomsnitt: 2.16

2. Overall the course was:*

On a scale where 1 = very poor and 5 = very good

59 svarande

0 0%
0 0%
12 20%
35 59%
12 20%

Genomsnitt: 4 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- Too much work for the credits, which creates frustration in the lack of time and actually serve to decrease learning and promote shortcuts, rather than deeplearning. » (3)
- Too heavy work load» (3)
- Overall a good course but the gigantic scope of the projcet along with the fact that parts of the course were not new to me makes the grade go down a bit.» (3)
- Good content but to little time to do everything good.» (4)
- Interesting content» (4)
- Liked the content of the course. Nice to finally use some knowledge...» (4)
- An extreme work burden lowers the overall impresseion. 2 quizes, 1 huge report and one final exam with a lot of reading. » (4)

3. How much did you learn from the course?*

On a scale where 1 = nothing at all and 5 = very much

59 svarande

0 0%
0 0%
16 27%
31 52%
12 20%

Genomsnitt: 3.93 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- I would like to have more time to study the course. The project was time consuming without a specific reason.» (3)
- Working with a real company was very educational. On the bright side of the badly split up casegroups » (3)
- Good project, fun to work with a "real" company!» (4)
- The project and the lectures were very instructive.» (4)
- The case gave a lot.» (4)

4. The structure of the course was:*

On a scale where 1 = difficult to follow and 5 = really easy to follow

59 svarande

0 0%
6 10%
25 42%
26 44%
2 3%

Genomsnitt: 3.4 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- too much with 2 quiz, case and exam» (2)
- I think improvements how each part relates to each other are needed. Also, when lecures are ended with a lot of content still to cover you sacrifice some structure as well. » (2)
- could be better divided into clear blocks» (2)
- It lacks of structure, maybe diverse parts of the course should be interlinked» (2)
- We had a quiz on the last chapters of the book (8-12, 16, 18, 19)and then a lecture on chapter 11.» (3)
- it was very good but it could have been more coordinated with the other course» (3)
- Good lectures, but far too much material. Three books, articles and a project...» (3)
- There were a lot for read, and some times I didn"t perceive cordination between the lecture and the readings» (3)
- Good» (4)

5. The pace of the course was*

On a scale where 1 = too slow and 5 = too fast

59 svarande

0 0%
0 0%
21 35%
28 47%
10 16%

Genomsnitt: 3.81 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- Lectures was good, but overall material and workload was too much» (3)
- A lot of readings on top of the project work.» (4)
- The pace for the course itself was OK. Altough, it gets a little bit much with the TC&IT course at the same time.» (4)
- Maybe not too fast but there was too much work with the project and this effected be possibilities to focus on the other» (4)
- due to small groups» (4)
- Case was biggest we"ve done due to the high expecations from company and supervisor. Thats fine, but then we cant have 3 tests also. » (5)
- Way to much to do.» (5)
- There was too much reading that was not covered in lectures and not relevant for the report writing.» (5)

6. The administration of the course was*

On a scale where 1 = very poor and 5 = very good

59 svarande

1 1%
5 8%
16 27%
24 40%
13 22%

Genomsnitt: 3.72 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- Extremely poor I would say. You cannot ask us to buy and read books and then remove them from the reading list, what signals will that send? The same case with the quiz, removing chapters very close to the quiz is not really fair. Even though it reduces the work burden for the class in total, but is not very fair to persons having spent time reading them. » (1)
- There were too many changes in what was supposed to be read. Firstly the start up book and then the change in chapters for the second quiz» (2)
- Didn"t have much contact with admin.» (3)
- Some news were not published on the homepage just spoken about in class, so if you"re ill you"ll miss out» (4)
- Haven"t had any problem. » (5)

7. Did the course meet your expectations? *

On a scale where 1 = not at all and 5 = very much

59 svarande

0 0%
3 5%
11 18%
32 54%
13 22%

Genomsnitt: 3.93 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- I would expect to learn more» (3)
- good course. good with live case.» (4)

8. How demanding was the course?*

On a scale where 1 = not demanding at all and 5 = very demanding

59 svarande

0 0%
0 0%
10 16%
27 45%
22 37%

Genomsnitt: 4.2 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- A lot to read, since is was both books as well as articles.» (4)
- quite much to do in the end (quiz+exam+ case)» (4)
- Demanding in time rather than understanding » (4)
- The workload, considering the intensity of the project and the amount of material to read required a lot of effort. It was manageable since it was interesting, but I think it is too much for a course of this extent.» (4)
- Too much work in too little time. It was unfair to us and the course itself which was really interesting.» (5)
- Case was biggest we"ve done due to the high expecations from company and supervisor. Thats fine, but then we cant have 3 tests also. » (5)
- The project work required a lot of time which made the course demanding in terms of heavy workload. Also the task of analyzing a business model is huge and it is not easy to know what to focus on when you have just started the course, the company doesn"t have any special request and not the supervisor either.» (5)
- The project was very unevenly distributed between the project members» (5)
- The project was very demanding but it was learningful, maybe decreees the other work, such as quiz if the project will bee this demanding in the future» (5)
- Very demanding, because the readings...» (5)

9. How difficult was the course?*

On a scale where 1 = not difficult at all and 5 = very difficult

59 svarande

3 5%
3 5%
24 40%
25 42%
4 6%

Genomsnitt: 3.4 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- no rocket science.... but still good» (2)
- Good level» (3)
- Hard to tell before the exam. But so fare, pretty well balanced.» (3)
- It was not difficult just an extreme amount of readings. Highly questionable if this is what should make a course difficult» (3)
- the content was not that difficult but the project was very difficult, what can we say that will make a difference?» (4)

10. Did the examination forms (Project report, quiz and exam) mirror the course content?*

On a scale where 1 = not at all and 5 = very much

59 svarande

1 1%
7 11%
11 18%
28 47%
12 20%

Genomsnitt: 3.72 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- too much!» (1)
- The quiz was really bad. Why should we learn EACH SINGLE word in the book?» (2)
- The project work was very good for learning but group work in pre-determined groups will not give grades reflecting each group member"s contribution. The quizzes did not measure understanding but specific sentences from the book (or even the book"s appendices).» (2)
- The quizes are unnecessary, what is the meaning of learning a lot of definitons where only a few words differ among the different alternatives. Furthermore, having read all the literature was not really beneficial on the final exam. » (2)
- Some question in quizzes were out of scope. For instance, it seems to be mistake to ask for the duration of an utility patent, instead of asking for its definition» (2)
- The project course did not mirror the course content rather a small aspect of it. The quiz was ok if we haven"t so much work load.» (3)
- The exam was not related in a good manner to the readings. » (3)
- The second quizz includes questions for chapters of the book that was not part of the course» (3)
- Keep it to 1 quiz!» (3)
- The final examination was confusing, ... questions very large and a lot of mini questions inside.... » (3)
- Yes it does, but maybe it can be better timed with the TCIT cource » (4)
- Yes. I think so, but the detail level on the question for the second quiz was silly. Does it really matter if we know all defenitions down the individual word level? Come on... Do you want to provide us with detail knowledge or broad understanding?» (4)
- möjligtvis fråga 4b som inte riktigt kändes som den låg inom ramen, att man skulle räkna på hur mycket och hur många gånger man ska ta in kapital etc. » (4)
- The final examn was good, although a bit more time to write would have been good. But the quizes were not good. Why ask on definitions from the appendix?? Is that the most important part of the book??» (4)
- I didnt like the fact thatthe exam was structured so disproportionately. That the bulk of the points lay in one single question i mean. better guidance on how many pages per question would be appreciated.» (4)

11. Did the examination forms give opportunities for reflection and learning?*

On a scale where 1 = not at all and 5 = very much

59 svarande

1 1%
6 10%
21 35%
24 40%
7 11%

Genomsnitt: 3.5 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- Reflection- no, I spent all the time i had trying to get my thoughts down on paper! The only thing i reflected on was the fact that i wish i had had a word processing program to write on - i think one should keep in mind that students today are very used to writing on the computer, and structuring and writing entire essays by hand limits our ability to express what we know. That is also why i think smaller questions covering many different topics would be beneficial. In that way, an overall pictur eof how the student knows is easier to obtain.» (1)
- The project work - absolutely. The quizzes - absolutely not as we didn"t even get the right answers to them afterwards.» (2)
- it rarely does...» (2)
- No the exams were much more focused on just stuffing yourself full of information.» (2)
- Haven"t written the exam yet. However, the case was very rewarding in terms of having the opportunity to reflect and learn a lot.» (3)
- I think a seminar is better than a quiz. It generally provides deeper understanding.» (3)
- Certainly not the quizes. » (3)
- The exam has too many subquestions so was difficult to make a complete reflection» (3)
- It had been better to skip the quiz and have an exam early on and let the deadline for the project be in the end of the course.» (3)
- The project was best» (4)
- For the project - absolutely. But as for the exam, the studying is rather tactical, which I believe has a negative effect on the reflective learning.» (4)
- Quiz no! the others yes.» (4)
- Havn"t done the exam yet» (5)
- Especially the project work» (5)
Genomsnitt totalt för detta stycke: 3.76

Project work and report

12. Overall the project work was*

On a scale where 1 = not good and 5 = very good

59 svarande

0 0%
4 6%
9 15%
31 52%
15 25%

Genomsnitt: 3.96 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- Under expectations» (2)
- Great as such. Demanding, but good. However group split up wasn"t really good. Lots of groups lost members, and did the same work as 5 did with 3, and as I"ve understood that will not be taken into account for grade. » (3)
- Too much and it feelt like the groups supervices by Sören got advantages» (3)
- In a group of five there should not be 4 swedish and one international student. I need not explain what happens then :)» (3)
- the projects were quite different from group to group and also the companies may be more helpful or not. this blurs the "fairness" of the final evaluation.» (4)
- But much easier to work with persons that have the same ambitions! Time consuming to work with persons that do not want to do as much as you. » (4)
- Worth too little of the course compared to the work effort!» (4)
- A lot of work due many people in the group. Coordination takes much time.» (4)
- Great project work idea and set-up! It turned out to be a quite heavy workload though from being designed for groups of 5 when some groups (incl. mine) was only less. Unfortunately is there a big difference between people in the class and your workload was hugely depending on who else was in your group. Some international students have poor English skills and less experience from this kind of tasks why the rest have to put in a lot of time trying to interpret and re-write their texts etc» (4)
- Very good coaching. The supervision in our case was on a reallt good level.» (4)
- free rider with exchange students (not by purpose but their level is not as high (no experience within this field and low level of the english language)» (4)
- It was really great. But bear in mind having pre-defined groups with different ambition levels will skew the work burden. Especially when a company is involved with an external perspective. » (5)
- Apart form the fact that we weren" blessed with the most inspiring or even interested company, it was a great task to undertake.» (5)
- One of the best things in chalmers have been work with a real start up» (5)

13. The task (project) was:*

On a scale where 1 = not demanding at all and 5 = very demanding

59 svarande

0 0%
0 0%
11 18%
33 55%
15 25%

Genomsnitt: 4.06 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- Too demanding with too little time.» (4)
- Very interesting and fun to work with a real company and case!» (4)
- It showed how hard it sometimes can be to gather the right kind of information.» (4)
- time consuming... difficult to understand the product/technology and industry» (4)
- Required a lot of work! » (4)
- The project was linked to a real business project. I really thankful that the course administrator was able to find some many real business cases for students to work on them.» (4)
- Next time, try to ensure several swedes in all groups. As alone swede, a lot of tasks fell on me. » (5)
- It became very demanding due to the uneven distribution of work in the group.» (5)
- Huge scope, narrow it down the next time. Also, there were a lot of rumours about the companies paying for our report. Eithr way, that should be clear to us aswell from the start. I"m a student, not a proffesional, if I"m supposed to work for money - I should get some of that aswell.» (5)

14. How much did you learn from the project?*

On a scale where 1 = not much and 5 = very much

59 svarande

0 0%
2 3%
12 20%
27 45%
18 30%

Genomsnitt: 4.03 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- In a battle between trying to please the company and the supervisor you do not have the time to learn rather to follow orders...» (2)
- It was a good experience and valuable for the students to learn from it. » (4)
Genomsnitt totalt för detta stycke: 4.02

Project coaching

Choose the project coach you had

15. Overall the project coaching was*

On a scale where 1 = not good and 5 = very good

59 svarande


2 3%
3 5%
20 33%
15 25%
19 32%

Genomsnitt: 3.77 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

Fördelat på olika grupper:

Project coach - Marcus Linder: (15 st)
10 0%
21 6%
34 26%
44 26%
56 40%

Genomsnitt: 4

- Well prepared. Good comments. Marcus did an excellent job!» (4)
- Marcus did an outstanding job. Clear in critique but didn"t "write the report for us" as I heard some other coaches did to some extent. Good job!» (5)
- Marcus was great! He cared for the groups, gave great feedback, was help ful in discussing not only structure but also ideas. One area of improvement for Marcus could be to be more involved in the companies as well. » (5)

Project coach - Sören Sjölander: (14 st)
11 7%
20 0%
33 21%
46 42%
54 28%

Genomsnitt: 3.85

- Kepet changing his mind about what was important in the project. Unfair in his judgement. It felt like some times he hadnot read our reports , though had negative comments for them.» (1)
- Was very good in the beginning but we did not feel that we got detailed feedback and applicable comments in the end. Also there was a lack of consistency as our supervisor asked why we had not done things that he previously had not mentioned at all.» (3)
- The drawback was that all critisism came the last meeting. » (3)
- The coach gave us the will to strive for the "little extra".» (5)

Project coach - Christian Sandström: (10 st)
10 0%
21 10%
35 50%
40 0%
54 40%

Genomsnitt: 3.7

- In the beginning, he did not really know what was expected from us. However, in the end of the course, he was a very good coach!» (3)
- Little concrete guidance, difficult to sense what he actually thought of our work» (3)
- I think Christian was more like a group memeber in the case of responsibility, than a supervisor with limited time, and I really appreciate that» (5)

Project coach - Jennie Björk: (11 st)
10 0%
20 0%
36 54%
42 18%
53 27%

Genomsnitt: 3.72

- Too vague, send in texts and only got "good" back.» (3)
- Jennie is helpful and her feedback were valuable for us. » (4)
- Jenneie is an excellent project coach. It was a pleasure to work under her supervision.» (5)
- very supportive and also understanding when it came to limitations of the work» (5)

Project coach - Joakim Björkdahl: (9 st)
11 11%
21 11%
32 22%
43 33%
52 22%

Genomsnitt: 3.44

- didn"t have much input... did not provide many useful advices that secured a better product in the end.» (3)

16. How did you perceive the project coach´,s competence?*

On a scale where 1 = very poor and 5 = very good

Frågan är kopplad till lärare: Company guests lecturers»

59 svarande


0 0%
2 3%
16 27%
17 28%
24 40%

Genomsnitt: 4.06 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

Fördelat på olika grupper:

Project coach - Marcus Linder: (15 st)
10 0%
20 0%
35 33%
45 33%
55 33%

Genomsnitt: 4

- He always had an answer.» (5)

Project coach - Sören Sjölander: (14 st)
10 0%
21 7%
31 7%
44 28%
58 57%

Genomsnitt: 4.35

- Sören is very competent but I think that he sometimes fails to listen to others and therefore draw premature conclusions.» (4)

Project coach - Christian Sandström: (10 st)
10 0%
20 0%
32 20%
43 30%
55 50%

Genomsnitt: 4.3

- In general - very competent» (3)

Project coach - Jennie Björk: (10 st)
10 0%
20 0%
33 30%
43 30%
54 40%

Genomsnitt: 4.1

Project coach - Joakim Björkdahl: (10 st)
10 0%
21 10%
35 50%
42 20%
52 20%

Genomsnitt: 3.5

- good.» (3)
- he didn"t seem to have much experience (might be in-secureness though)» (3)

17. How was the project coach´,s commitment and interest?*

On a scale where 1 = not good and 5 = very good

Frågan är kopplad till lärare: Company guests lecturers»

59 svarande


0 0%
3 5%
13 22%
20 33%
23 38%

Genomsnitt: 4.06 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

Fördelat på olika grupper:

Project coach - Marcus Linder: (18 st)
10 0%
21 5%
33 16%
49 50%
55 27%

Genomsnitt: 4

- Answered e-mails, phone calls etc. Very good.» (4)

Project coach - Sören Sjölander: (13 st)
10 0%
21 7%
32 15%
41 7%
59 69%

Genomsnitt: 4.38

- We met almost every week.» (5)

Project coach - Christian Sandström: (8 st)
10 0%
20 0%
33 37%
42 25%
53 37%

Genomsnitt: 4

- In the beginning, he did not really know what was expected from us. However, in the end of the course, he was a very good coach!» (4)

Project coach - Jennie Björk: (10 st)
10 0%
20 0%
31 10%
47 70%
52 20%

Genomsnitt: 4.1

Project coach - Joakim Björkdahl: (10 st)
10 0%
21 10%
34 40%
41 10%
54 40%

Genomsnitt: 3.8

18. Was the project coach helpful?*

On a scale where 1 = not helpful and 5 = very helpful

Frågan är kopplad till lärare: Company guests lecturers»

59 svarande


0 0%
4 6%
14 23%
22 37%
19 32%

Genomsnitt: 3.94 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

Fördelat på olika grupper:

Project coach - Marcus Linder: (17 st)
10 0%
21 5%
34 23%
48 47%
54 23%

Genomsnitt: 3.88

- We got very few comments on the report.» (3)
- Indeed, good balance between teacher and guide.» (4)

Project coach - Sören Sjölander: (13 st)
10 0%
21 7%
31 7%
45 38%
56 46%

Genomsnitt: 4.23

- The guidelines could have been less vague. He kept confusing us till the end.» (2)
- Would have been of help if he had put us on the right direction from the start. We spent some time on things that were not the fundamental in the beginning.» (5)

Project coach - Christian Sandström: (9 st)
10 0%
20 0%
34 44%
41 11%
54 44%

Genomsnitt: 4

- In the beginning, he did not really know what was expected from us. However, in the end of the course, he was a very good coach!» (4)

Project coach - Jennie Björk: (10 st)
10 0%
20 0%
33 30%
44 40%
53 30%

Genomsnitt: 4

- Jennie was very helpful and informative throughout the project.» (5)

Project coach - Joakim Björkdahl: (10 st)
10 0%
22 20%
32 20%
44 40%
52 20%

Genomsnitt: 3.6

- helpful with structure and language but not concrete help on what we could possibly say to the company.. Again Sörens groups got advantages.» (3)
Genomsnitt totalt för detta stycke: 3.96


19. Overall the quizzes were*

On a scale where 1 = not good and 5 = very good

59 svarande

9 15%
11 18%
25 42%
12 20%
2 3%

Genomsnitt: 2.77 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- I did not see the point with the quizes» (1)
- most because of the bad dorf & beyer book» (1)
- Question very narrow and sometimes tricky. The second quizz had two questions that were not in the scope gave by the lecturer» (1)
- The first was very easy and the second one very hard. Both of them must be on the same level. And why should we learn every word? Isn"t it better to know what it is, how it works and how to use it?» (2)
- Good for one reason = made us read the book.» (2)
- I don"t like quizzes since they does not provide any form of deeper knowledge. Detail knowledge is for academic studies on high school level if you ask me.» (2)
- not very relevant... just an extra burden....» (2)
- define good here, please... good basic idea? fair quiz? good benchmark to measure whether read or not?» (3)
- It was too much with both two quizzes, one huge case and one exam. The other course also takes a lot of time. Hopefully D&B won"t be the main thing on the exam because in that case, the two quizzes were not necessary.» (3)
- The first was too easy, the second harder and a bit blurry. The quiz should strive to check the understanding, not exact memorizing skills.» (3)
- Dont know how much i actually learned. the massive increase in level of difficulty between quiz on and two was also strange. I didnt really understand the point of giving us four alternatives with extremely small differences between them» (3)
- Quiz 2 was really "tricky" and required students to memorize some of the key points. » (4)

20. The quizzes were:*

On a scale where 1 = not demanding at all and 5 = very demanding

59 svarande

1 1%
9 15%
29 49%
16 27%
4 6%

Genomsnitt: 3.22 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- First one easy. second one very silly. Why having 3 answers differ one word?» (3)
- The topics was easy but the formulated questions hard to interpret.» (3)
- One easy, one hard.» (3)
- What was demanding was the time spent on reading the book. I would like to question the need to have this book at all. I think it doesn"t provide so much value more than explaining clearly the concepts which can even be found in Wikipedia.» (3)
- The quizzes were a good idea generally because they forced us to read the book early. If we had less load though it would be better.» (4)
- First one quite easy, second one much harder. Why have so similar examples?? If the intention is to chech that we have read it, don"t try to fool us.» (4)
- No 1 not demanding, no 2 focused on irrelevant things. I know what profit means, but I don"t rememeber how the book defines it.» (4)
- Quiz 2 was "tricky"» (4)
- Only demanding in terms of reading something for the sake of reading and not learning.» (5)

21. How much did you learn from the book Technology Ventures –, From idea to Enterprice?*

On a scale where 1 = not much and 5 = very much

59 svarande

5 8%
7 11%
24 40%
16 27%
7 11%

Genomsnitt: 3.22 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- Almost just self-evident facts in the book.» (1)
- Bad book. Only a bunch of definitions, I learnt more from one article than the entire book. » (1)
- if this was the name of dorf & beyer"s book, it was one of the worst school books i have ever had, poorly written, wanting to cover all but instead fail to cover anything properly. 1000000 unuseful lists, stupid explenations and what about those stupid formulas- does anyone realy use them in reality?? » (1)
- See previous question.» (2)
- A very american book that on very many pages describes things that most people already know.» (3)
- The book was excellent.» (5)
- the book is very good. It should be kept as the main textbook.» (5)
Genomsnitt totalt för detta stycke: 3.07


Sören Sjölander

22. Overall the lecturer was*

On a scale where 1 = not good and 5 = very good

Frågan är kopplad till lärare: Sören Sjölander»

59 svarande

0 0%
1 1%
10 16%
36 61%
12 20%

Genomsnitt: 4 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- Good lecturer, but not so much content in the lectures» (3)
- favorises some students... I dont like this, it is good that we write anonumous exams, othervice some would probably get more point because Sören liked them more.» (3)
- Sören don´,t interrupt pupils asking questions and guest lectures teaching. It can be seen as rude.» (4)
- Good with practical examples from the "real" world.» (4)
- I would prefer some adaption of number of slides to available number of minutes in each class or increase the number of lectures. » (4)
- Some lectures contributed less to the learning than others, being too "soft".» (4)
- The lecturer is experienced and knowledgeable. I appreciate that he was able to assign us with the real start-up projects. Great job!» (4)
- Sören is excellent! I really have respect for his knowledge and experience. Very kind and understanding person as well.» (5)
- interesting » (5)

23. How did you perceive your lecturer’,s competence on this topic?*

On a scale where 1 = very poor and 5 = very good

Frågan är kopplad till lärare: Sören Sjölander»

59 svarande

0 0%
1 1%
6 10%
16 27%
36 61%

Genomsnitt: 4.47 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- His competence was ok but he could not communicate it very well.» (4)

24. How did the lecturer present the information?*

On a scale where 1 = very badly and 5 = very well

Frågan är kopplad till lärare: Sören Sjölander»

59 svarande

0 0%
2 3%
15 25%
29 49%
13 22%

Genomsnitt: 3.89 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- ingen röd tråd genom kursen, bättre struktur och lite mer jämförelser. tex vi fick ca 5 olika teorier/infos om vad en affärsmodell ska inehålla men inget stöd i att tolka dem eller förstår vilken typ som passar när.» (2)
- A tip could be to use more forms of media. Not only power point.» (3)
- Some times difficult to follow...the relation with readings» (3)

25. How was the lecturer’,s commitment and interest?*

On a scale where 1 = not good and 5 = very good

Frågan är kopplad till lärare: Sören Sjölander»

59 svarande

0 0%
1 1%
7 11%
21 35%
30 50%

Genomsnitt: 4.35 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- Extremely committed and interest, this influenced the rest of us.» (5)
- Sören has been really inspiring!!!» (5)
- great!» (5)

26. Your opinion of the overall topic(s), relative to course?*

On a scale where 1 = not good and 5 = very good

Frågan är kopplad till lärare: Sören Sjölander»

59 svarande

0 0%
0 0%
12 20%
33 55%
14 23%

Genomsnitt: 4.03 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- Most of the topics were relevant. But as stated above, some topics were too "soft".» (4)
- The topics were very interesting» (5)
- ..but unstructured» (5)
- the project is very usefull to lern how to apply the topics» (5)
Genomsnitt totalt för detta stycke: 4.15

Company guests lecturers Icomera

Creating a new Business, Internet on Board - Icomera
Ola Sjölin, CEO, Icomera, Kristian Axelsson, co-founder, Icomera

27. Overall the lecturers were*

On a scale where 1 = not good and 5 = very good

Frågan är kopplad till lärare: Company guests lecturers»

59 svarande

0 0%
1 1%
17 33%
25 49%
8 15%
No opinion»8

Genomsnitt: 3.78 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- The second half was unnecessary.» (3)
- Sören interrupts a lot» (4)
- Kristian was great, we even email him some questions of the topic and he answer us really quick and with usefull information» (4)
- guest lecturers from Icomera were really good» (5)
- Interesting with adaptation of Business models. Great experience. » (5)
- excellent the participation of real cases» (5)
- did not attend» (No opinion)
- missed it» (No opinion)

28. How did you perceive the lecturers’, competence*

On a scale where 1 = very poor and 5 = very good

Frågan är kopplad till lärare: Company guests lecturers»

59 svarande

0 0%
0 0%
17 34%
24 48%
9 18%
No opinion»9

Genomsnitt: 3.84 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

29. How did the lecturers present the information?*

On a scale where 1 = very badly and 5 = very well

Frågan är kopplad till lärare: Company guests lecturers»

59 svarande

0 0%
2 3%
20 38%
26 50%
4 7%
No opinion»7

Genomsnitt: 3.61 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

30. How was the lecturers’, commitment and interest?*

On a scale where 1 = not good and 5 = very good

Frågan är kopplad till lärare: Company guests lecturers»

59 svarande

1 1%
1 1%
16 30%
23 44%
11 21%
No opinion»7

Genomsnitt: 3.8 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

31. Your opinion of the overall topic relevance, relative to course?*

On a scale where 1 = not good and 5 = very good

Frågan är kopplad till lärare: Company guests lecturers»

59 svarande

0 0%
3 5%
13 25%
23 45%
12 23%
No opinion»8

Genomsnitt: 3.86 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- usually... guest lectures don"t have a strong link and relevance to the course.» (No opinion)
Genomsnitt totalt för detta stycke: 3.78

Company guests lecturers SCA

Idea handling and Open Inovation
Bengt Järehult, Adjunct Professor, Director, SCA

32. Overall the lecturer was*

On a scale where 1 = not good and 5 = very good

Frågan är kopplad till lärare: Company guests lecturers»

59 svarande

0 0%
2 5%
9 25%
17 47%
8 22%
No opinion»23

Genomsnitt: 3.86 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- did not attend» (No opinion)
- did not attend» (No opinion)
- I did"nt attend that lecture» (No opinion)

33. How did you perceive the lecturer’,s competence*

On a scale where 1 = very poor and 5 = very good

Frågan är kopplad till lärare: Company guests lecturers»

59 svarande

0 0%
0 0%
8 22%
17 47%
11 30%
No opinion»23

Genomsnitt: 4.08 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

34. How did the lecturer present the information?*

On a scale where 1 = very badly and 5 = very well

Frågan är kopplad till lärare: Company guests lecturers»

59 svarande

0 0%
2 5%
12 32%
10 27%
13 35%
No opinion»22

Genomsnitt: 3.91 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- very good slides.» (5)

35. How was the lecturer’,s commitment and interest?*

On a scale where 1 = not good and 5 = very good

Frågan är kopplad till lärare: Company guests lecturers»

59 svarande

0 0%
1 2%
9 24%
17 45%
10 27%
No opinion»22

Genomsnitt: 3.97 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- Great!!» (5)

36. Your opinion of the overall topic relevance, relative to course?*

On a scale where 1 = not good and 5 = very good

Frågan är kopplad till lärare: Company guests lecturers»

59 svarande

0 0%
1 2%
15 40%
15 40%
6 16%
No opinion»22

Genomsnitt: 3.7 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- Relate it more to corporate new ventures!» (4)
- usually... guest lectures don"t have a strong link and relevance to the course.» (No opinion)
Genomsnitt totalt för detta stycke: 3.9

Company guests lecturers - Innovations Kapital

Venture capital - InnovationsKapital
Staffan Ingeborn, founder & CEO, Innovations Kapital

37. Overall the lecturer was*

On a scale where 1 = not good and 5 = very good

Frågan är kopplad till lärare: Company guests lecturers»

59 svarande

0 0%
1 2%
12 31%
19 50%
6 15%
No opinion»21

Genomsnitt: 3.78 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- perhaps the most interesting lecture of them all, perhaps due to my own interest. » (5)
- Unfortunatly I could not attend this lecture which was sad.» (No opinion)
- did not attend» (No opinion)
- I was not present» (No opinion)

38. How did you perceive the lecturer’,s competence*

On a scale where 1 = very poor and 5 = very good

Frågan är kopplad till lärare: Company guests lecturers»

59 svarande

0 0%
1 2%
5 13%
18 47%
14 36%
No opinion»21

Genomsnitt: 4.18 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- Unfortunatly I could not attend this lecture which was sad.» (No opinion)

39. How did the lecturer present the information?*

On a scale where 1 = very badly and 5 = very well

Frågan är kopplad till lärare: Company guests lecturers»

59 svarande

0 0%
2 5%
16 42%
17 44%
3 7%
No opinion»21

Genomsnitt: 3.55 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- Sören interrupts a lot» (4)
- Unfortunatly I could not attend this lecture which was sad.» (No opinion)

40. How was the lecturer’,s commitment and interest?*

On a scale where 1 = not good and 5 = very good

Frågan är kopplad till lärare: Company guests lecturers»

59 svarande

0 0%
1 2%
16 42%
14 36%
7 18%
No opinion»21

Genomsnitt: 3.71 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- Unfortunatly I could not attend this lecture which was sad.» (No opinion)

41. Your opinion of the overall topic relevance, relative to course?*

On a scale where 1 = not good and 5 = very good

Frågan är kopplad till lärare: Company guests lecturers»

59 svarande

0 0%
1 2%
10 26%
16 42%
11 28%
No opinion»21

Genomsnitt: 3.97 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- Unfortunatly I could not attend this lecture which was sad.» (No opinion)
Genomsnitt totalt för detta stycke: 3.84

Company guests lecturers - Vecho

Managing Sales at Vecho
Martin Lackeus, founder & VP Sales

42. Overall the lecturer was*

On a scale where 1 = not good and 5 = very good

Frågan är kopplad till lärare: Company guests lecturers»

59 svarande

0 0%
0 0%
13 36%
12 33%
11 30%
No opinion»23

Genomsnitt: 3.94 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- Hard to stay focused a whole afternoon with only a 5 min break.» (3)
- good that he applied crossing the chasm =)» (5)
- Unfortunatly I could not attend this lecture which was sad.» (No opinion)
- did not attend» (No opinion)

43. How did you perceive the lecturer’,s competence*

On a scale where 1 = very poor and 5 = very good

Frågan är kopplad till lärare: Company guests lecturers»

59 svarande

0 0%
3 8%
8 22%
15 41%
10 27%
No opinion»23

Genomsnitt: 3.88 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- Unfortunatly I could not attend this lecture which was sad.» (No opinion)

44. How did the lecturer present the information?*

On a scale where 1 = very badly and 5 = very well

Frågan är kopplad till lärare: Company guests lecturers»

59 svarande

0 0%
0 0%
12 33%
14 38%
10 27%
No opinion»23

Genomsnitt: 3.94 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- Unfortunatly I could not attend this lecture which was sad.» (No opinion)

45. How was the lecturer’,s commitment and interest?*

On a scale where 1 = not good and 5 = very good

Frågan är kopplad till lärare: Company guests lecturers»

59 svarande

0 0%
1 2%
10 27%
11 30%
14 38%
No opinion»23

Genomsnitt: 4.05 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- Unfortunatly I could not attend this lecture which was sad.» (No opinion)

46. Your opinion of the overall topic relevance, relative to course?*

On a scale where 1 = not good and 5 = very good

Frågan är kopplad till lärare: Company guests lecturers»

59 svarande

0 0%
0 0%
8 22%
15 41%
13 36%
No opinion»23

Genomsnitt: 4.13 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- Unfortunatly I could not attend this lecture which was sad.» (No opinion)
Genomsnitt totalt för detta stycke: 3.99

General comments about the course

47. Too little attention was paid to?*

- interaction in lecture»
- The actual learnings from the course. The articles were never really used. »
- solving problems»
- The articles. If include them, draw more from them in lectures. »
- the course load was too high throughout the quarter.. specially reading materials are too much.»
- N/A»
- marketing and sales»
- In my opinion the attention to different topics was even.»
- The chasm book»
- the quizzes was woth too little»
- Project coaching»
- A good idea to next year is to have case studies or seminars as a complement to the lectures. I think that the whole course content was good! »
- »
- The book, crossinging the chasm,s too focusing on the articles»
- Calculations»
- no»
- Learning and reflecting from the quizes.»
- It was good»
- Chasm»
- ...»
- All arguments were coverd»
- I can"t think of anything.»
- The course covers many topics that I would like to know more about but I understand that it would be a much larger course then.»
- Crossing the chasm»
- I think the content of the course can be put in more resources and case study!»
- nothing comes to mind»
- Discussion in smaller classes or teams. I would have liked some seminars...»
- Too little attention was paid to alternative or complementary financing sources other than VC.»
- More project coaching»
- Knowledge.»
- dunno»
- I do not know»
- project work»
- Defining concepts. The following were a bit confusing to me in the beginning of the course: business model business plan business strategy business solution»
- Venture Capitalists»
- pass»
- Data crunching»
- I would like even more on the topic of VC»
- The time clash between the other course (TCIT) and CNB»
- The real experiences. »
- Example calculations»
- Nothing really, but we knew too little when we started out projects»
- Business strategy.»
- venture capital firms and more on how that industry works and how it looks today.»
- critisism of the different litterature sources, »
- I thought the course was well-balanced»
- Nothing»
- Some of the lecture slides are exactly the same from Dorf & Byers course book. Perhaps the lecturer thought students should know the contents. The slides could be improved and make them more interesting. However, some of the slides are very interesting and informative.»
- the global economic development»
- I think the part related to Segmentation, diffrentatin and positioning needs more time to explain. it is a very attracting topic.»
- I paid considerable attention»
- no»
- Nothing was little paid»
- Consistency, should try to show the similarities and chose some methods and tools and stick with them and learn to use them in practice instead of just give 10 types of different theories.»
- Non-technology new ventures»

48. Too much attention was paid to?*

- poor textbook»
- To the project»
- The book, as it wasn"t really that good in my opinion. »
- the course load was too high throughout the quarter.. specially reading materials are too much.It will be better if the study load is reduced.»
- N/A»
- i"d say, nothing was overemphasized»
- In my opinion the attention to different topics was even.»
- Dorf and Byers book»
- The exam was worth too much»
- the exam»
- I think that the course covered all material very well. »
- »
- nothing I think»
- the project.»
- yes»
- Good relationships between the different parts.»
- It was good»
- spotify»
- ...»
- Enterpreneurship...and less marketing aspects»
- I can"t think of anything.»
- Venture capital - would have appreciated a discussion on what other sources of funding there is and possible downsides with VC.»
- ..»
- The theory part.»
- The project took a lot of time. It was a fun and useful experience though.»
- Hard to say, all the parts of the course were relevant.»
- to the book "Technology ventures"»
- nothing special»
- The book "Technology Ventures", which is not good at all.»
- dunno»
- the pass/fail tests»
- all the boring reading»
- Table and figures that are already presented in the course book.»
- Segmentation etc. (treated in earlier courses)»
- pass»
- Learning»
- I kind of liked the balance»
- Soft issues that are somewhat "obvious".»
- quizes... basic knowledge maybe not relevant?»
- Cant say»
- The text book. »
- Definitions in the book...»
- Business modelling.»
- Detailed innovation dynamics (e.g. entrepreneurial learning)»
- inget jag kan komma på»
- I thought the course was well-balanced»
- Dorf and Byers and i think crossing the chasm and the articles werte more interesting»
- Reading of compulsory course textbooks. »
- the business models»
- Nothing! i cant rememeber something exceeding.»
- yes»
- no»
- I think one quize is enough in week 5»
- Nothing in particular.»
- Chrossing the chasm»

49. Comments on the course literature?

- We did not use the articles in an evident way»
- too much or too little time..»
- course literatures are carefully selected and good.»
- venture technology was good from its content, but too much repetition. i could even find the exactly same sentence/statement twice within the range of 1.5 pages! -> this book can be cut down highly and a book half that thick can cover all topis»
- The course book was very relevant, interesting and easy to read and understand. Very helpful»
- Good but too much »
- Way too much to read!»
- »
- Nice, and easily read but quite a lot»
- To much litterature, to expensive»
- Good»
- The Dorf and Byers book was very inconsistent and often only stated the obvious which makes you easily lose interest. Crossing the chasm is a great book on the other hand. Generally the selected articles was very good and felt relevant to the course.»
- Too much to read in too short time.»
- Dorf & Byers book was very long in relation to its content.»
- I liked it and reallt learned a couple of new stuff in this course. I also liked that the academic mambo jambo was put aside and that the topics actually focused on what matters. »
- chasm good, dorf/byers bad»
- It was extremely confusing which books are obligatory and which not. In fact, now, one day before examination I still don"t know. It doesn"t matter however, as I"m not able to read the third book anyway.»
- too many books... not really related or important for the course...»
- Exclude the Dorf & Byers book. It does not add much value.»
- ok»
- Good»
- Much to read»
- Bad, bad book.»
- Quite well structured, interesting overall.»
- crossing the chasm = jättebra! D&B = värdelös Artiklarna = ok, men vissa förstod jag inte varför dom var med. »
- Good but too much, should prioritize »
- To read all the course books and articles were challenging. »
- Dorf & Byers only consist of bullet lists, is this the most important or is it the overall knowledge gained...?»
- the dorf and byers was good crossing the chasm was also good»
- the books demand a lot of time... »
- maybe the Dorf&Byer"s book is too much focused on american"s market & laws»

50. Other comments/suggestions for how the course can be improved?*

- Don"t put everything in one course. If students don"t have the time to study or apply to the case, that didn"t help us at all.»
- Such courses should run through a whole semester. It is impossible to try to squeeze an important project, two books , articles, quizes and an exam in 8 weeks.»
- don´,t take in excange student that can´,t speak english..»
- *Ensure groups have even spread of swedes *Email groups well in advance and ensure the members will take the course, or have them accept a invitation before a certain date to get a case group. *Speak more to Staffan in other course, and ensure the dates are not so similiar in both courses.»
- marks for 2 quizes can be imposed. It will help the students to collect additional points.»
- N/A»
- ...»
- It"s good to have quizes, because then the wrokload by the exam is less, and it keeps students more motivated to read the book and follow the lectures. The project work was very demanding. Maybe it would be better to reconsider the industries the companies are picked from. Most of them, were too specific, so it took long time for a project group to figur our how actually company does this and that...because we were not familiar with the industry at all.»
- Chose the group members self ans less articles included as course literature.... »
- Change the way the quizzes are done. Should give bonus points one the exam, otherwise useless. Unessecary to have to know every word in the book. Very good with a real project on a company!! The project should be worth more. »
- More attention to the project, and less on the exam»
- I suggest that you can choice your own groups and request a specific project in groups next year.»
- »
- more coordination with parallell courses and actually some more lectures»
- change the project. I suggest to have several cases instead.»
- I think is ok.»
- Improve the case, clearer purpose towards the company.»
- No»
- Less litterature, less articles»
- ...»
- Introduce seminars»
- The project is absolutely essential for this course. I definitely learned much more in the project than during the lectures.»
- Change the course book. Coordinate workload with the other course. Make sure that Swedes from "I-linjen" are evenly distributed in the project groups in an attempt to even out the workload and possibilities to make a good study.»
- Remove the quizzes or make sure that there are no questions on D&B on the exam since it would feel very weird to have three "exams" on one book.»
- ...»
- Next time maybe the number of group members can be more balanced.»
- Nothing comes to mind»
- Once again, seminars instead of quizzes. Provides deeper understanding.»
- Spliting it over two quarters could allow better outcomes regarding the project?»
- Take away the Chasm book»
- A literature seminar where we can discuss the literature would be good.»
- less quizzes exams and pw»
- less focus on tests and more focus on the very interesting projects with start-up companies»
- focus on empirical project work instead of literature and lectures»
- I"ve really enjoyed the course. However, why not serving some free coffee during the breaks? That would improve student motivation even more! :) Oh, and by the way... Thanks for the small party after the presentations. It was nice!»
- ensure to keep the live projects with the company.. improve supervision!»
- Pretty high workload, this course counted for one and a half and the TC&IT course was quite intense as well. Lot"s to read!»
- No quizzes»
- Remove the quizes, introduce two small cases instead of the final exam. »
- I think Sören can favour students but it should not influence others!! I got very angry about this. I should not matter, everyone should get the same chance, not because your in the evaluation group or one of Sörens groups for the project.»
- Should conduct workshops about how to write business plan and business model, i.e. in reality and not only in theory. »
- Maybe change the time of the course. Not with Staffern"s course at the same time. »
- Narrow down the scope of the project, focus on a couple of areas rather than everything. Ii"s difficult to look at everything and still do a good job. Just because some may have managed that, that doesn"t mean that they didn"t put in more time that should have been necessary. Much depends on the commitment of the company and their willingness to share information...»
- Keep the many guest lectures and always refer to real life examples since creating new business preferably should be done practically.»
- Perhaps let more mature companies be the targets for the BM-project.»
- sammanstaget var kursen ganska spretig, skulle vilja ha en mer genomtänkt kursplan där man också jämför lite mer vad litteraturen säger, blev ganska rörigt nu. men jätte bra case, bra att inte var teori baserat! »
- Sören is good, committed lecturer and I believe it is just unfortunate that his and Staffans TCIT courses were running together. I think the results in both courses would have been different if they had not run simultaneously.»
- change it for adifferent quarter since also TCIT is also very demanding»
- Attendance was poor at the end of the course even though the lectures were interesting due to "clashes" of this course without the other. Better arrangements could ensure students will attend the lectures. »
- Remove the quizes and swith dates for exam and project report. Too much focus on testing details instead of the overall knowledge.»
- I don"t understand why we had quizzes when we had an exam. i think you should skip the quizzes next time. »
- About the projects, I beleive that all the companies were not at same level. some of them were really interesting, but some had few interesting product, idea, etc. I think it had better to set all companies in an average level.»
- It is needed to improve the system of examination... it was not good. (quizzes and exam)»
- Propose more relevant quizzes.»
- All the companies for the project work were quite in the early phase, They were trying to get their first sales, I think companies like Vecho which have experienced a successful business creation maybe more useful for learning this course»
- Better to learn some things good than just give 20 authors different views on it.»
- I did not really like the course book, think it was unfocused and lacked a clear struckture. I would have prefered to read more articles, as I found these very educational, in stead of the course book (Dorf and Byers)»

Genomsnitt totalt för alla frågor: 3.84
Beräknat jämförelseindex: 0.71

* obligatoriska frågor

Kursutvärderingssystem från