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Evaluation survey - MPSES, MPSES

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2010-04-08 - 2010-06-08
Antal svar: 21
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 58%
Kontaktperson: David Pallarès»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Chalmers
Klass: Övriga
Utbildningsprogram studenten tillhör: Övriga studenter


1. Where did you take your Bachelor degree?*

21 svarande

Sweden - Chalmers (M)»5 23%
Sweden - Chalmers (K, Kf)»9 42%
Sweden - Chalmers (övrigt)»1 4%
Sweden - another university»0 0%
Another EU country»4 19%
Other»2 9%

Genomsnitt: 2.76

Programme information

2. From where did you get the most important information about the programme

21 svarande

(på denna fråga var det möjligt att välja flera svarsalternativ)

Presentation by Master Coordinator»9 42%
Another presentation, given at Chalmers»1 4%
Another presentation, given outside Chalmers»1 4%
Friends»3 14%
The web»12 57%
Other sources (please comment)»6 28%

- Informationsbroschyren om masterprogrammen» (Other sources (please comment))
- Personal contact during my Erasmus year» (The web, Other sources (please comment))
- Brochures» (The web, Other sources (please comment))
- Lars-Erik Åmand» (Presentation by Master Coordinator, Other sources (please comment))
- I looked up "Sustainable energy masters program" and Chalmers was one of the first to come up» (The web)
- Talking to Simon Harvey.» (Presentation by Master Coordinator, Friends, Other sources (please comment))
- Some courses are shared with the MPISC programme and that type of education (MPSES) appealed to me more than what was offered at the MPISC programme, so i switched.» (Other sources (please comment))
- The information should be better available to the ChemEng students» (Friends, The web)

3. To what extent did the official information about the programme influence your choice?

21 svarande

Notably, it was rather decisive in my choice»9 42%
Slightly, it helped partially in my choice»7 33%
Not at all, I had made up my mind already»5 23%

Genomsnitt: 1.8

4. What is your opinion on the offical information about the master programme when you applied?

21 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Rather poor»2 9%
Neither poor nor good»3 14%
Rather good»14 66%
Very good»2 9%

Genomsnitt: 3.76

Programme goals

5. Have you in mind the goals of the Master Programme?

21 svarande

Yes, mostly»5 23%
A few of them»12 57%
Not really»4 19%

Genomsnitt: 1.95

6. Are the goals fulfilled within the programme?

You can check them out at http://www.chalmers.se/en/sections/education/masterprogrammes/programme-descriptions/sustainable-energy/learning-outcomes

21 svarande

No, not at all»0 0%
To some extent»5 23%
Almost»7 33%
Yes, definitely»9 42%

Genomsnitt: 3.19

Programme layout

7. What do you think of the programme curriculum?

21 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Rather poor»2 9%
Rather good»14 66%
Very good»5 23%

Genomsnitt: 3.14

8. Is there any subject/course that you would like to add into the programme?

19 svarande

Yes (indicate which)»12 63%
No»7 36%

Genomsnitt: 1.36

- I read Power Market Management (EEK201) which was very helpful in understanding the overall electricity market system. This course gave a understanding of the limitations in the electricity grid and considerations of market situations which are very important when considering electricity generation systems, something that I lacked throughout the masters programme otherwise. It"s kind of odd to consider everything in a generation system except the ultimate reason for it - generating income & securing supply.» (?)
- I would like to have some kind of basic electricity course. Also, I think there are too few courses "for us". Sometimes it feels like we are running around in all other MSc-programs, and reading their courses, instead of having our own. A follow up course on for instance Industrial Energy Systems would have been super interesting, and it is too bad that no more advanced courses are available.» (Yes (indicate which))
- I think it would be useful to have something about renewable energy technology as compulsory» (Yes (indicate which))
- More courses about modelling and simulation tools for energy engineering. » (Yes (indicate which))
- More about electricity equipment/grid and wind and water power plants.» (Yes (indicate which))
- Maybe some nuclear engineering.» (Yes (indicate which))
- I was more interested in the softer side of energy systems, and I sat through the course: technological Change and industrial transformation, with staffan Jacobsson, and I found it to be more helpful in regards to policy supporting technical change from an industrial perspective. Technical Change and the environment was similar and good, but much more broad (historically)» (Yes (indicate which))
- Some kind of basic electrics for us coming from the chemistry program. We have no knowledge within this field.» (Yes (indicate which))
- More electrical engineering» (Yes (indicate which))
- More indepth courses. Also courses within basic electrical engineering.» (Yes (indicate which))
- Biorefinery» (Yes (indicate which))
- It seems HVAC is a field with the need of capable new engineers while it hasn"t been actively made attractive amongst the students. If its reputation was boosted, an/the more in-depth course could be/should be (might be, I don"t know) an optional course within the MP.» (Yes (indicate which))
- Combustion Engineering and Gas turbine Technology» (No)

9. Are there any courses that you think should either be heavily revised or even removed from the programme?

21 svarande

Yes (indicate which)»12 57%
No»9 42%

Genomsnitt: 1.42

- I think the program should have more specialized orientations, for example the HVAC course shouldn"t be mandatory for someone who does not want to specialized in that area. Exemples of orientations could be energy in houses/buildning (HVAC suitable), energy systems (more courses from e.g frt), sustaianble power (e.g. Heat & power course and maybe courses from electrical engineering) These modules could be semi-mandadory, depending wich "track" one chooses.» (Yes (indicate which))
- Sustainable Development should be removed. It starts on a far too low level, and never really works it way up. And also, most of the important things comes again in Sustainable Energy Futures, which is a better course. Therefore, Sustainable Development, in my opinion, should be removed from the program. Also, Energy Systems Modelling and Planning should be revised. The course contains key knowledge that is vital to any energy engineer but the course is so poorly run that it is sad.» (Yes (indicate which))
- Energy systems modelling and planning.» (Yes (indicate which))
- Heating, Ventilation and Air conditioning. I don"t like this course. It isn"t relevant to my main subject. It should not be the compulsory course of MPSES program.» (Yes (indicate which))
- ERIK AHLGREN... I have saved all lectures, all files given in all courses during the masters... but in his course (Energy systems modelling and planning) I have no folder called "lectures" because.. there was no material and the course didnt add anyhing - though MARTES was fun & quite good to get an investment understanding in a CHP situation. And to add to it all - some things on the exam was absolutely irrational, not that it was not imporant but that it was not brought up in the course - or if it was, it certainly didnt get through. And when we wanted to check our exams - 1. it took months! 2. no answer on mail 3. Still havent gotten an answer if there will be any changes to my exam results (he didnt correct one of my questions) 4. Now I"ve just given up...» (Yes (indicate which))
- Energy systems modelling and planning.» (Yes (indicate which))
- Energy systems modelling and planning. I think this course should be semi-mandatory.» (Yes (indicate which))
- Energy systems modelling and planning» (Yes (indicate which))
- Energy system modelling and planning.» (Yes (indicate which))
- Energy system modeling and planning» (Yes (indicate which))
- Sustainable Energy Futures or Sustainable Development, not only are they widely alike, but their contents are apparently also shared with at least one other course that I believe is taught to the M bachelors. Seeing the same slides is ok for one odd lecture but when it happens over and over again the course is wasted.» (Yes (indicate which))
- ESMP should be revised and transformed into a more "serious class" with better organisation, clearer goals of the assignments and also more lectures» (Yes (indicate which))

10. Have you identified lecture field overlap between any courses?

20 svarande

Yes (indicate what and between which courses)»11 55%
No»9 45%

Genomsnitt: 1.45

- Mycket mellan sustainable development, sustainable energy systems, Energy modelling and planning, och lite även från Industrial Energy systems» (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- Sustainable Development and Sustainable Energy Futures are very similar. I also think that not every course have to start with showing us the CO2-level in atmosphere-history. We know that already, and it is almost an insult to be shown that curve after almost a year on this master program. » (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- Some aspects of "Sustainable development" and "Sustainable Energy Future" are redundant.» (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- ESMP and all other courses except for a few parts in the course. To some extent the two environmental courses".» (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- Maybe some basic steam cycles get mentioned a little bit too much between courses, as well as brayton cycles... but practice makes perfect so its maybe not a bad thing. » (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- Between Sustainable courses (sustainable development and Sustainable energy futures for example)» (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- Sustainable development, Sustainable energy futures and most of the course in Energy systems modelling and planning» (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- Sustainable development in general and the background for climate change.» (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- Sustainable Development and Sustainable Energy Futures» (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- Mentioned in the reply to Q9.» (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- Sust. Dev & Sust. Energy Futures are quite similar.» (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))

11. Have you experienced large differences in the difficulty level between obligatory courses?

20 svarande

Yes, very large»1 5%
Yes, rather large»7 35%
No, just as reasonable»12 60%
Not at all»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.55

- Yes!For instance, the differences between fuel cell and industrial energy systems are huge but they have the same credits anyway.» (Yes, very large)
- Heat and power and IES is both courses with a bit more work load. Not too much though. Sustainable development is a course that one could understand in year one of chalmers. It is not really worthy of being called "Advanced level". » (Yes, rather large)
- Heat and power is more demanding than the other.» (Yes, rather large)
- ESMP - seemed very easy, exam seemed very easy... results however was chocking. The actual plot of the course never went through. » (Yes, rather large)
- Between general concept courses (SD, SEF) and more technical ones ( HVAC, Heat and power, Industrial energy systems)» (Yes, rather large)
- IES, Heat and Power and DIEE are more difficult than the others I have taken» (Yes, rather large)
- I found the first quarter of the program to be difficult but it was maybe more because I was adjusting to life in Sweden and returning to school» (No, just as reasonable)

12. Have you experienced large differences in the work load between courses?

21 svarande

Yes, very large»2 9%
Yes, rather large»9 42%
No, just as reasonable»10 47%
Not at all»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.38

- Much work on heat and power and IES, very little on sustainable development.» (Yes, very large)
- Yes!For instance, the differences between fuel cell and industrial energy systems are huge but they have the same credits anyway.» (Yes, very large)
- Nanotechnology for sustainable... rather low compared to Erik Ahlgerns course for exemple.» (Yes, rather large)
- Between Sustainable development and Industrial energy systems for example» (Yes, rather large)
- HPSE was more work than the others, and energy systems was consuming but probably because I had more interest in that course than others. The difference was between MPSES courses and the elective courses» (Yes, rather large)
- Sustainable development, Sustainable energy future ( light workload) vs Industrial energy system, Heat and power (heavy)» (Yes, rather large)
- The same as above» (Yes, rather large)
- Well, there is an extreme difference between CFD for chemical engineers (great course, VERY high work load) and ESMP (which was good at that time.. otherwise CFD course would have been impossible)» (No, just as reasonable)
- Some courses are reading/memorizing heavy, others maybe heavy in terms of learning a new computer program or working on big projects. All in all I"d say they work input is quite homogeneous.» (No, just as reasonable)

Programme administration

13. What is your general impression of the programme direction (David Pallarès)?

Programme administration means in this context the programme director/coordinator.

21 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Rather poor»1 4%
Neither poor nor good»2 9%
Rather good»8 38%
Very good»10 47%

Genomsnitt: 4.28

14. What is your opinion on the support from the Student centre (Per-Anders Träff, Cecilia Hedenstierna)?

21 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Rather poor»6 28%
Neither poor nor good»5 23%
Rather good»8 38%
Very good»2 9%

Genomsnitt: 3.28

Study climate

15. Did you feel welcomed by Chalmers and the staff at the master programme during your first days?

21 svarande

No, not at all»1 5%
To some extent»2 10%
Quite OK»7 35%
Yes definitely»10 50%
No opinion/did not attend»1

Genomsnitt: 3.3

16. How well has cooperation between you and your fellow students worked?

21 svarande

Very poorly»0 0%
Rather poorly»1 4%
Rather well»7 33%
Very well»13 61%

Genomsnitt: 3.57

17. Did you experience segregation between Swedish and non-Swedish students?

21 svarande

Yes, definitely»1 4%
Yes, to a too large extent»8 38%
Not much, but there was a litlle»10 47%
Not at all»2 9%

Genomsnitt: 2.61

- I didn"t know most of my Swedish classmate as a matter of fact.» (Yes, to a too large extent)
- Even though it may not be good to force people to co-operate like with the programme Martes, which was in Swedish - it certainly helped integration I think.» (Yes, to a too large extent)
- I think the idea of pre-defined mixed project groups in Erik Ahlgerns course was very good! Otherwise I think it is easy to just work with your "old friends".» (Not much, but there was a litlle)
- I think is very important that the groups are set by the teachers and not by the students. Otherwise swedish go with swedish, french with french, etc.» (Not much, but there was a litlle)
- Probably my personality more than segregation... » (Not much, but there was a litlle)
- Projects could and should be pre-grouped so Swedes and non-Swedes are mixed. When large groups of students come from the same bachelor class, mixing becomes next to impossible, at least if you don"t speak their language.» (Not much, but there was a litlle)

18. How satisfied are you with the opportunities to come in contact with teachers?

21 svarande

Not satisfied at all»0 0%
Not much satisfied»1 4%
Neither/not»1 4%
Rather satisfied»10 47%
Very satisfied»9 42%

Genomsnitt: 4.28

- Except for Erik Ahlgren and Physical Resource Theory.» (Rather satisfied)
- PhD-ers have been friendly, helpful and easy to get in touch with. The examiners are usually more absent, but there is also less reason to get in touch with them.» (Very satisfied)

19. To what extent is your knowledge/competence from your bachelor degree sufficient to attend this programme?

21 svarande

Fully, no problems at all»17 80%
Notably»4 19%
Scarcely»0 0%
Not at all, I struggled a lot»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.19

20. To what extent has the use of English represented a hinder in your learning?

(consider both yours and lecturer"s English)

21 svarande

Fully, a lot is lost on the way»1 4%
Notably»2 9%
Scarcely»9 42%
Not at all, it does not make a difference»9 42%

Genomsnitt: 3.23

21. Who has been the main responsible for this language hinder in your case?

16 svarande

Mostly the lecturer, he/she couldn"t express himself/herself»5 31%
50/50»7 43%
Mostly I, I struggled with my English»4 25%

Genomsnitt: 1.93

- No hinder.» (?)
- N/A» (?)
- and of course the softweare used in the courses should be in english!» (Mostly the lecturer, he/she couldn"t express himself/herself)
- The only times I had problems with the english was from the deliverer» (Mostly the lecturer, he/she couldn"t express himself/herself)
- From my parta, specially at the beginning is a little bit difficult to focus while working in another lenguage. But the problems is solved with no drama. Regarding the teachers, some of them have a little of an accent, but I don´,t think is a big problem. I am happy overall» (50/50)
- That"s the truth. » (Mostly I, I struggled with my English)

Summarizing questions

22. What is your general impression of the programme so far?

20 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Rather poor»1 5%
Neither poor nor good»1 5%
Rather good»10 50%
Very good»8 40%

Genomsnitt: 4.25

23. Considering your experience from this programme, would you choose this programme if you could turn back time?

21 svarande

No»1 4%
Probably not»0 0%
I would need to think more about it»2 9%
Probably yes»3 14%
Yes»15 71%

Genomsnitt: 4.47

- Because its a new program so it hasnt got a well established reputaion yet. For some employers that means alot.» (I would need to think more about it)
- This is what I want to do, but Chalmer needs to develop more courses to choose from. More on industrial energy systems and such, and more electricity course that concerns our MP.» (Yes)
- Very interesting, specially the whole sistem perspective» (Yes)
- This is what I care about, what I enjoy doing and what I want to do from now on. » (Yes)

24. What should definitely be preserved in the Master programme?

- The courses from frt, Simon Harveys course and Heat & power system engineering. »
- Courses about sustainability»
- The variety of engineering fields approach (energy engineering in industry, in building...). The pratical work should also be preserved.»
- Most of the courses»
- Heat & Power systems engineering - solid course. »
- Industrial energy systems, heat and power, and sustainable energy futures»
- the intro BBQ, DIEE, IES, energy systems modelling and planning, Heat and Power, one sustainable course. to a lesser extent HVAC (although I believe that field needs as much PR as it can get), and all the optional courses of which I have no opinion as I didn"t manage to take any of them.»
- The more technical classes, and maybe the sustainable classes could be merged into one?»

25. What should definitely be changed in the Master programme?

- I think there ought to be more elective of semi-elective modules.»
- Sustainable Development, and the governing over Energy Systems Modelling and Planning. I also think that 9 semi-compulsory courses (choose 6) instead of 6 compulsory could be good.»
- Improving the database for Master thesis, link with company... Record of the pass master thesis.»
- More about electricity grid and production from wind and water. »
- More academic activities, such as conference, competition»
- ESMP DIEE - was perhaps a little bit too focused on emperical approaches.. too much looking in a textbook - too little basic understanding. Little too much just about shell & tube heat exchangers.»
- Since the program has many international students, even from outside europe, it would be nice to have more input from asia or the americas, but this is likely difficult»
- Less overlap and more in-deepth courses.»
- Don"t have two courses within the same MP that covers the same thing with some alteration (Sus.Dev and Sus. E. Futures). The CFD course is from what I hear much too time consuming to be worth as few points as it is, and when I took EsysModelling&Planning the two courses had mandatory elements that clashed, so I had to chose one of them (I believe).»
- The ESMP class. »

Future plans

26. Was it difficult for you to find a suitable Master thesis?

21 svarande

Not at all»8 40%
Not really but It took some time»8 40%
Yes, it was not easy»4 20%
Yes, very difficult»0 0%
I dont know - I have not tried yet»1

Genomsnitt: 1.8

- I had a thesis in mind before applying to the program» (Not at all)
- Hard to find one at a company (in Sweden but i think it was due to the crisis and that i do not speak enough Swedish) but very easy to get one interesting at Chalmers (which I did)» (Not really but It took some time)
- It is not easy to find an ideal master thesis, especially in a certain company» (Yes, it was not easy)

27. What are your next intentions?

21 svarande

Job in industry (Sweden)»8 38%
Job in industry (abroad)»6 28%
Research (PhD)»3 14%
Further study (Chalmers)»0 0%
Further study (other)»0 0%
I"ll take a long time off»1 4%
I have not decided»3 14%

Genomsnitt: 2.66

28. Do you intend to continue in the same area/field as the Master Programme?

21 svarande

Yes (forever)»8 38%
Yes (for the time being anyway)»11 52%
Probably not»2 9%
Definitely not»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.71

- I plan to continue in building energy sector. » (Yes (for the time being anyway))
- It depends on the opportunity.» (Yes (for the time being anyway))
- i hope to start an NGO, or work with other established NGOs, that will try to help build local learning and innovation systems to support rural communities. Supporting diffusion and innovation of energy technology in this context will be a primary focus.» (Yes (for the time being anyway))

29. Do you at this point feel prepared for a professional career?

21 svarande

Yes»6 28%
Yes, but I still might need some training»13 61%
No, I definitely need some more training»1 4%
Not at all, I need much more training»1 4%

Genomsnitt: 1.85

Extra comments/suggestions

30. Finally, if you have some extra comment and/or suggestion about the Master"s programme, this is a good opportunity!

- I have less connections with my classmates. I won"t see most of them forever when I graduate. We don"t even have a picture. It is definitely a pity!»
- There seem to be little preparation for this masters in regards to preparing a proper research project and how to prepare a standard academic report. I took and elective course where the professor put strong emphasis on approach to writing and has been very useful, but this would have been good in the first quarter. »
- »

* obligatoriska frågor

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