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Simulation of Production Systems 2009, MPR271

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2009-12-10 - 2010-01-13
Antal svar: 44
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 67%
Kontaktperson: Björn Johansson»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Chalmers

Your own effort

1. How many hours per week did you spend on this course?

We mean total time, that is, it comprises the time you spent in class and the time you spent on your own work. Try to estimate the average time over the entire study period.

43 svarande

At most 15 hours/week»2 4%
Around 20 hours/week»11 25%
Around 25 hours/week»14 32%
Around 30 hours/week»9 20%
At least 35 hours/week»7 16%

Genomsnitt: 3.18

- More time spent before deadlines...» (At most 15 hours/week)
- two much work» (At least 35 hours/week)

2. How large part of the teaching offered did you attend?

44 svarande

0%»1 2%
25%»3 6%
50%»9 20%
75%»18 40%
100%»13 29%

Genomsnitt: 3.88

- I did not like the lectures, the level of the students seemed low and the topics were very easy to just go through by myself in 10min online instead of sitting 2hrs in a lecture hall.» (25%)
- was touring with Chalmersspexet so I wasn"t able to attend all» (75%)
- Some lectures were boring and didnt offer any material that seemed relevant for the course...» (100%)

Goals and goal fulfilment

The course syllabus states the course goals in terms of learning outcomes, i.e., knowledge, skills and attitudes to be acquired by the student during the course.

3. How understandable are the course goals?

42 svarande

I have not seen/read the goals»4 9%
The goals are difficult to understand»2 4%
The goals give some guidance, but could be clearer»11 26%
The goals clearly describe what I am supposed to learn»25 59%

Genomsnitt: 3.35

- The base for grading the project work could be clearer. Requirements stated for different grades. Expected level of detail etc..» (The goals give some guidance, but could be clearer)
- The goals of the knowledge test could be more specific. However, maybe it is not that important, it depends on which level you account the test in the grading.» (The goals clearly describe what I am supposed to learn)

4. Are the goals reasonable considering your background and the number of credits?

Answer this this question and the succeeding one, only if you do know the course goals.

41 svarande

No, the goals are set too low»0 0%
Yes, the goals seem reasonable»37 90%
No, the goals are set too high»4 9%

Genomsnitt: 2.09

- haven"t read them» (Yes, the goals seem reasonable)
- The course is a lot of work compared to the number of credits but one knew before.» (Yes, the goals seem reasonable)

5. Did the examination assess whether you have reached the goals?

40 svarande

No, not at all»1 2%
To some extent»13 32%
Yes, definitely»23 57%
I don"t know/have not been examined yet»3 7%

Genomsnitt: 2.7

- Faktum är att det oftast endast är en i grupperna som blir bra på att programmera är ett problem. Svårt att ta itu med gissar jag på, kräver resurser. Ofta blir det så att den som programmerar är så fast i det att man kanske väljer att skippa någon föreläsning som den andra går på och genom det kanske erhåller bättre betyg på duggan - och det är inte bra. Programmeringen tar 90% av all tid.» (To some extent)
- See answer 3.» (To some extent)
- examination project was good, but knowledge test was not. It could be better» (To some extent)
- It would be nice to know the results faster.» (To some extent)
- It could be a little bit more clearer how the parts which wasn´,t Discrete Event Simulation (for example Bertil Gustafssons lectures) was a part of the course.» (To some extent)

Teaching and course administration

6. To what extent has the teaching been of help for your learning?

42 svarande

Small extent»4 9%
Some extent»11 26%
Large extent»24 57%
Great extent»3 7%

Genomsnitt: 2.61

- I did not attend many lectures and the assistants in the computer lab had not so much knowledge.» (Small extent)
- Hade god programmeringsvana innan.» (Some extent)

7. To what extent were you satisfied with lectures given by the following lecturers?

Grade your answer in a scale from Excellent (5) to Poor (1) for each lecturer.


- Bertil is a great teacher, but not when it comes to having a lecture in english»
- Missade ÅF»
- I don"t know the others..»
- Björn och Anders som vi hade mest gjorde ett mycket bra jobb och agerade engagerade, något som ibland saknas hos lärare osv. De andra är svårt att ge betyg efter bara någon föreläsning men alla har gjort ett bra jobb.»
- Some lectures were REAL sleeping pills...»
- Almost all the things Bertil Gustavsson talked about during his lectures was things he already told us many times before during the three earlier years on Z.»

Björn Johansson
42 svarande

Excellent (5)»21 50%
Very Good (4)»16 38%
Fair (3)»5 11%
Weak (2)»0 0%
Poor (1)»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.61

Anders Skoogh
42 svarande

Excellent (5)»22 52%
Very Good (4)»19 45%
Fair (3)»1 2%
Weak (2)»0 0%
Poor (1)»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.5

Bertil Gustafsson
39 svarande

Excellent (5)»4 10%
Very Good (4)»13 33%
Fair (3)»12 30%
Weak (2)»8 20%
Poor (1)»2 5%

Genomsnitt: 2.76

Jonas Laring
36 svarande

Excellent (5)»6 16%
Very Good (4)»17 47%
Fair (3)»7 19%
Weak (2)»2 5%
Poor (1)»4 11%

Genomsnitt: 2.47

Rolf Berlin
34 svarande

Excellent (5)»6 17%
Very Good (4)»13 38%
Fair (3)»15 44%
Weak (2)»0 0%
Poor (1)»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.26

Hans Sjöberg
33 svarande

Excellent (5)»4 12%
Very Good (4)»13 39%
Fair (3)»14 42%
Weak (2)»2 6%
Poor (1)»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.42

Stefan Wertheimer (ÅF)
37 svarande

Excellent (5)»11 29%
Very Good (4)»15 40%
Fair (3)»9 24%
Weak (2)»2 5%
Poor (1)»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.05

8. To what extent has the course literature and other material been of help for your learning?

43 svarande

Small extent»5 11%
Some extent»12 27%
Large extent»19 44%
Great extent»7 16%

Genomsnitt: 2.65

- More material to the exact use of autostat» (Some extent)
- more trail and error than reading instructions» (Some extent)
- The gswa was pretty good.» (Some extent)
- Använde GSVan ganska sparsamt, det mesta går att testa sig fram. Annars är ju hjälpen i automod grym.» (Some extent)
- nice slides!» (Large extent)
- The lecture slides were powerful for learning before the knowledge test.» (Large extent)
- It helped a lot for the project» (Great extent)

9. How well did the course administration, web page, handouts etc work?

43 svarande

Very badly»0 0%
Rather badly»4 9%
Rather well»29 67%
Very well»10 23%

Genomsnitt: 3.13

- Webpage was not very well up to date, it would eg. been good to have the power point slides online before the lecture, in order to print them or in order to see whether the lecture seems interesting or not.» (Rather badly)
- I have to click a number of tabs to find the page for report submission » (Rather badly)
- Ping Pong is more complex/user-unfriendly than the studentportal..» (Rather badly)
- A shame that it was not possible to sign up for groups etc. » (Rather well)
- Jobbigt att vissa kurser går via PingPong och andra via Portalen» (Rather well)
- Det enda som är kasst är att Chalmers inte kan ena sig om ett gemensamt system.» (Rather well)
- Don"t like the fact that one of the courses is administrated on ping pong and the other one on studieportalen.» (Rather well)
- Signing up for groups on Ping Pong would have been a more smooth way of dealing with it.» (Rather well)
- Only tricky to find where to upload things. Also the slides could be better organized, its hard to tell which slides contain what, belong to which lecture, and were used by whom?» (Very well)

10. What is your opinion on the project?

42 svarande

Not good»2 4%
Acceptable»3 7%
Quite good»23 54%
Excellent»14 33%

Genomsnitt: 3.16

- too much work» (Not good)
- Fun!» (Quite good)
- The project was quite good and very helpful but it should be a bit more difficult.» (Quite good)
- Too much work concentrated around the last 3 weeks! It would be better to get the project 1 week earlier, and leave the other parts of the course outside the project time.» (Quite good)
- I would like to be able to verify the improvements in the project at a economic viewpoint also. » (Quite good)
- Would have liked maybe two smaller projects instead of one big. Would have been easier to separate difficulty level that way. » (Quite good)
- Very interesting project. The task should also include some financial information to enable us calculate a profit from money investments or ROI. Now it is hard to say are the investments reasonable.» (Excellent)
- I feel that a project is just the right way of examining this kind of course. » (Excellent)
- Mycket att göra men roligt» (Excellent)
- Bra, lagom storlek. Men som sagt, hamnar man i en sämre grupp är det en person som får dra lasset, och som kanske inte får belöning för det i slutändan då duggan inte inriktar sig så mycket på själva programmeringen.» (Excellent)
- The project was really fun! But sometimes you asked the same question two different people in the lab and got different answers, which is not really good.» (Excellent)

11. How much did you learn from the project?

On a scale where 1 = not much and 5 = very much

43 svarande

0 0%
0 0%
3 6%
19 44%
21 48%

Genomsnitt: 4.41 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- I learned a lot on simulation.» (5)
- Jag har lärt mig mycket och skulle garanterat våga visa det jag kan på ett företag.» (5)

12. Do you agree that project work is a good teaching method in this course?

43 svarande

Small extent»0 0%
Some extent»5 11%
Significant extent»38 88%

Genomsnitt: 2.88

- no (or at least no high) preasure during the term, reasonable deadlines» (Significant extent)

13. How were the opportunities for asking questions and getting help during project work?

43 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Rather poor»4 9%
Rather good»16 37%
Very good»23 53%

Genomsnitt: 3.44

- there should be more assistants, but they were helpful and good.» (Rather poor)
- It was hard to understand in the beginning and it was difficult to get help since everybody needed help. » (Rather poor)
- Det är nog det enda jag har att anmärka på: det är inte taktiskt att båda lärarna åker bort under de sista veckorna och lämnar oss åt handledarna som ju faktiskt inte är riktigt insatta i uppgiften. När man ber om hjälp vill man inte ha som svar "titta i hjälpfilen" det har jag ju naturligtvis redan gjort. Handledarna var jättetrevliga och försökte hjälpa till så gott de kunde men kunskaperna räckte inte till alla gånger vilket är synd. » (Rather poor)
- The teachers were very good but the guys in the lab most of the time didn"t had an answer to our questions. » (Rather good)
- Möjligheterna att fråga under projektets gånga var bra i början, men när vi nådde de två extra uppgifterna så fanns ingen som kunde förtydliga uppgifterna utan vi fick istället tolka dem själva.» (Rather good)
- sometimes you have to wait a bit longer to get help.» (Rather good)
- We had a lot of lab time where you could ask. Sometimes the time for waiting could be long, but it was good with so many assistants!» (Very good)
- Lärarna var engagerade, så detta var inget problem. » (Very good)
- Except for the last week(s).» (Very good)
- Many and very talented tutors» (Very good)

14. How was the coverage of the lab exercises (Tutorial and modeling exercise)?

43 svarande

They covered too little»8 18%
The covered about the right amount»31 72%
They covered somewhat too much»4 9%
They covered much too much»0 0%
Don"t know»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.9

- To have the tutorial the same day as the first lecture was a bit bad, it would have been good to be able to read through the gswa-parts at hoe first.» (The covered about the right amount)
- Man fick en kickstart i vad man behövde kunna för att sätta igång. Man lärde sig nödvändigheterna under projektets gång.» (The covered about the right amount)

15. What is your opinion on the "Knowledge test"?

42 svarande

Not good»5 11%
Acceptable»14 33%
Quite good»19 45%
Excellent»4 9%

Genomsnitt: 2.52

- you said that it would be enough to attend the lectures to pass the test. yeah, right....» (Not good)
- Some questions had very weird formulation, and it was hard to figure out what was actually required to answer it... Also some questions sounded similar..» (Not good)
- Ni måste nog utvärdera hur kunskaperna skall testat på ett mer rättvist sätt.» (Acceptable)
- ask more for facts and not for writing nice texts, dont ask for lean stuff, we nearly never talked about that in the lectures» (Acceptable)
- In my opinion it was maybe a little too easy. But it was allright» (Acceptable)
- It would have been good to have a larger room for writing it (now it was crowded!). Maybe it should also mean a bit more for the grade.» (Quite good)
- See answer 3.» (Quite good)
- It always depends on the outcome of the assesment of the test =)» (Quite good)
- Heard that the results was never posted anywhere last year. Would be nice to know ones score!» (Excellent)

16. What is your opinion on the paper presentations?

43 svarande

Not good»7 16%
Acceptable»16 37%
Quite good»17 39%
Excellent»3 6%

Genomsnitt: 2.37

- i didn"t get much out of this presentations. Everybody was just waiting the other ones to be finished.» (Not good)
- not necessary at all for this course, when we have lot of stuff to do» (Not good)
- Hade varit bättre att redovisa sina improvements i projektet.» (Not good)
- It didn"t fit in to the rest of the course, and I had done the same (with other articles) already in other courses. The level was terrible bad though, so maybe it"s good to keep after all..» (Acceptable)
- Didnt feel that relevant for the course... Also bad timing, could be earlier.» (Acceptable)
- I didn´,t really see how the paper presentations fitted into the course.» (Acceptable)
- Bra att få öva på att presentera utan att det påverkar betyget.» (Quite good)
- I think it"s not fair to include answers from the papers in the knowledge test, mostly because of the fact that if you"re in a room where there is a very bad presentation from one or more group you have a big disadvantage.» (Quite good)
- in principel a good idea but some of the papers (including the one we presented) was kindof boring, a lot of words for very little content. only summing up stuff one knew before.» (Quite good)
- I really really liked the idea of giving and recceiving comments after each presentation. good to practice these kind of things.» (Excellent)
- Good part of the course. However, the amount of effort put into the presentations varied a great deal from group to group, thus resulting in having to read extra for the knowledge test. Grading in some sense would be preferable.» (Excellent)
Genomsnitt totalt för detta stycke: 4.41

Study climate

17. How were the opportunities for asking questions and getting help?

43 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Rather poor»0 0%
Rather good»13 30%
Very good»28 65%
I did not seek help»2 4%

Genomsnitt: 3.74

18. How well has cooperation between you and your fellow student worked?

43 svarande

Very poorly»1 2%
Rather poorly»4 9%
Rather well»10 23%
Very well»27 62%
I did not seek cooperation»1 2%

Genomsnitt: 3.53

- I had a lazy groupmate, resulting in me doing most of the work. Luckily there were other students to discuss with aswell.» (Rather poorly)
- Personal reasons made it a little harder to get the work done. But we did the best we could and are satisfied with the end result.» (Rather poorly)
- It was ok, but we had VERY different experiences and level. If I would have known that, I would have preferred to work on my own. However, we didn"t know each other before and he did his best.» (Rather well)
- Jag hade goda kunskaper i programmeringen vilket ledde till att jag arbetade minst 5ggr så snabbt som honom vilket i sin tur ledde till att jag gjorde hela projektet, dels var han mindre engagerad men detta blev aldrig till något besvär då jag tyckte projektet var kul. Han fick istället ta mer ansvar för rapporten.» (Rather well)
- the work with my poject partner worked well but we didn"t seek help from others» (I did not seek cooperation)

19. How was the course workload?

43 svarande

Too low»0 0%
Low»0 0%
Adequate»25 58%
High»13 30%
Too high»5 11%

Genomsnitt: 3.53

- the average was adequate, but the beginning was to slow and the end was quite high..but im guessing it is more about priority.» (Adequate)
- Concentrated around a few weeks. Would be better if spread out.» (High)
- Depending, of course, on you personal background in programming etc» (High)
- assignemnt + modeling exercise + project + article + exam ? tooooo much!» (Too high)

20. How was the total workload this study period?

42 svarande

Too low»0 0%
Low»3 7%
Adequate»19 45%
High»17 40%
Too high»3 7%

Genomsnitt: 3.47

- Denna period har det verkligen fungerat med arbetsbelastningsfördelningen mellan de två kurserna. Mycket på grund av att iaf IE-kursen har anpassat sitt upplägg efter denna kurs (i IE-kursen ligger mer arbete i början än i slutet och i denna kurs tvärt om --> totalt blir det bra)» (Adequate)
- Tror nästan det är första gången vi haft en period med lagom belastning under alla veckor» (Adequate)
- It"s been hell.» (Too high)

Summarizing questions

21. What is your general impression of the course?

43 svarande

Poor»1 2%
Fair»1 2%
Adequate»4 9%
Good»21 48%
Excellent»16 37%

Genomsnitt: 4.16

- too hard» (Poor)
- Nice project, but boring lectures.» (Fair)
- En av de roligare kurser jag läst faktiskt, en hands on metod är alltid bra att bära med sig.» (Good)
- It was the best course I"ve ever had in Chalmers.» (Good)
- the best course I"ve had at chalmers so far» (Excellent)
- one of the best courses I ever took at chalmers!» (Excellent)
- The best course since I started to study at Chalmers!» (Excellent)

22. What should definitely be preserved to next year?

- maintain the same level of teaching...it"s really very good lectures that i had for this quarter..»
- almost everything»
- Different lecturers presenting the advantages of simulation and different use.»
- modeling exercise»
- The project work and the knowledge test. The visit from ÅF. Was very interesting to see a real life project and what prospects simulation has. »
- project, DES for sustainable manufacturing,emulation»
- projektarbetet»
- The project»
- Project»
- Examination Project Work. »
- the whole concept and structure of the course»
- The project and the test.»
- Project, lab time, knowledge test.»
- The project, a really good way to learn Discrete Event Simulation.»
- I think all things»
- The project»
- the project work»

23. What should definitely be changed to next year?

- only thing some extra time should be allocated for the project, those who are really new to the course.»
- easier knowledge test. or at least don"t tell us that it will be easy!»
- Maybe the first two times in the lab you feel lost and with no help, because you don"t know even what to ask. It would have been nicer to know a little bit more what we were suppose to do, how to get in ping-pong, etc. It was my first time using ping-pong.»
- no article, more teaching of coding! too much difference between the modeling exercise and project, why there was some parts in the modeling exercise not necessary (like batching) when it´,s sooooooo necessary in the project!»
- The presentation maybe should include some kind of hand in awell because it felt kind of sporadic. »
- the movie on the lesson of TOC is not necessary. As a result, lecturer could talk more about that.»
- I think there should be more focus on bottle neck identifying, analysing and optiming. Now its more like focusing on the programmer and analysing bottlenecks is aa subquestiong. It should in my oppinion be the other way. »
- Bättre formulering av projektbeskrivningen. I vissa fall var det oklarheter i hur man skulle tolka uppgiften. Alltså inte oklarheter i hur man skulle lösa den för så ska det ju vara. Men oklarheter i vad det frågades efter och hur man skulle tolka uppgifterna som gavs. »
- Don"t have the tutorial the same day as the first lecture.»
- Dugga and presentation»
- You could maybe move the paper presentations so that it doesn"t interfer with the presentation of the first assignment of the project»
- modelling exercise should be improved.»
- knowledge test: be more specific no lecture at 8»
- Maybe some more lectures about real-world appliances of simulation in industry.»
- The 8 o clock lecture on fridays! Sometimes problems in our code occured which none of the TAs could help us with, which lead us to a deadlock. I guess they could need better insight, or björn/anders should be present at the labs more often.»
- The paper presentations in some way, maybe presenting something done by oneself. It is easier and more funny to present something you have made yourself.»
- Financial aspects of improvements...»
- Smaller workload to finish the project.»
- the logic test was not what it was supposed to.I think you should work on the questions more carefully. and also the presentations.»

24. Additional comments

- At the beginning I didn"t like the course because I don"t like programming but at the end you understand the benefits of simulation. »
- Way too much is expected to be known. With zero knowledge it is quite hard to do the project, lectures should focus more on automod and cut some of the theory stuff like vizualisation, they were unneccesary and the same slides were used over and over again. make lectures about automod instead.»
- the teachers were really good, but too much pressure for this course»
- But still I think the course was really good, and gave the opportunity to see how simulation can interact with production, both with individual processes and how the work together. »
- tack så mycket!»
- When do we get the results from our projects?»

Genomsnitt totalt för alla frågor: 4.41
Beräknat jämförelseindex: 0.85

Kursutvärderingssystem från