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Master thesis presentation days, VT09, ARKX03

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2009-06-02 - 2009-06-10
Antal svar: 27
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 61%
Kontaktperson: Michael Edén»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Chalmers
Utbildningsprogram studenten tillhör: Arkitektur 300 hp

The procedure

The first question concerns the fixed time for final presentations.

1. Fixed days?

27 svarande

No –, go back to the system with individual dates.»4 16%
Yes –, once a year»3 12%
Yes –, twice a year»18 72%
No opinion»2

Genomsnitt: 2.56

- there are good & bad features for both procedures. But the advantages of a more flexible system is: - students & techers are less stressed to queeze everything into the end of the term, where all other years are finishing too. - The final presentations where much more visited and celebratory earlier. if all presentations are one the same date, it becomes somehow less prominent to finish. And less listeners come since it is hard to listen to more than 2 presentations a day. BUT: if next time, the final days can be promoted better, a larger non-academic audience may be attracted. (examples are the final exibhitions of the art-schools). This did not work too well this year. But this is the strongest reason to have fixed dates. (offer at least 2 per year, there are many different students from different countries, with different time-plans and needs. Dont generalize too much.)» (No –, go back to the system with individual dates.)
- jag tycker det är viktigt med ordnade dagar både för struktur men också för att skapa ett sammanhang och fortsätta diskussionen om utbildningen och utbildningens plats i samhället. » (Yes –, once a year)
- det skulle kunna vara vid tre tillfällen ett tillfälle efter sommaren » (Yes –, twice a year)
- but i"m not sure they need to be public. maybe the presentations could be during one or two days and then the exhibition for the public afterwards (on a weekend preferrably)» (Yes –, twice a year)
- Jag anser att det är väldigt bra att ha två permanenta datum per år som examensarbetena skall presenteras på. Detta gör det lättare att få klart exjobbet samt att det blir en mer högtidlig dag.» (Yes –, twice a year)
- It is very good to have an exhibition and so the master thesis will get an attention from the public. As well as the students can graduate and celebrate together. The end of year one should be integrated with the degree show (spring exhibition). » (Yes –, twice a year)
- KTH has a system with 4 fixed days which in my opinon works better, they spread out the students examtime a little bit, making it strict but still with focus on the students. A mid-term examnday in october and march f.e. would probably be convinient for chalmers as well. » (Yes –, twice a year)

2. How was your jury assessment accomplished?

The next issue is our assessment carried out in two steps. The aim of having a jury seminar before the final presentation is threefold. The first aim is that each thesis shall be examined. The second that the students shall be given the opportunity to adjust and improve their work considering the advice of the jury. The third aim is that the final presentation will be more oriented towards the public.

25 svarande

Only one independent teacher»0 0%
Only one external»4 16%
One external and one independent teacher»21 84%

Genomsnitt: 2.84

- Min examination genomfördes enligt "det gamla" systemet med endast ett presentationstillfälle då publik och kritiker var på plats samtidigt. En intern och två externa kritiker var på plats.» (?)
- Two externals, one of them with a restricted field of comments.» (?)
- This is a very good way of doing it. » (Only one external)
- Two external jury members.» (Only one external)
- - i am a little critical towards the wish to adjust the work for the final public presentation. For me, there where 5 days inbetween the two. and i finished all drawings and perspectives. One cannot change anything on the planning within this time, since it would mean to change all other drawings and perspectives. And everyone is tired for having the work done for the final seminar. I would not demand changes after the seminar (that should be the tutors job before the seminar). there are still posters, presentations and the publication to be fixed, which takes a lot of time and energy. If changes are necessary to be done, give the students time to do so.» (One external and one independent teacher)
- Jag skulle önska att det var fler utomstående med på en presentation av ett examensarbete. När en lärare är med som man haft någorlunda kontakt med under sina år på chalmers känns det inte "på riktigt" på samma sätt om det till exempel skulle vara tre-fyra utomstående med. Det skulle kunna vara lärare från andra skolor eller yrkesverksamma arkitekter... Jag ser det som postivt att ha juryn på första presentationen så att eventuella missöden kan rättas till inför slutliga presentationen. Dock hade jag önskat att den juryn som läste igenom våra planscher och utvärderade Chalmers gärna hade fått ge kommentarer till varje individ. Varför så rädda för att bli personliga? » (One external and one independent teacher)
- Sometimes, some teachers didn"t have enough time for the students so they did not understand what students are working on well enough, or their opinion is not objective enough. Having external jury for the seminar is a great idea and I would suggest at least 2 externals. » (One external and one independent teacher)
- The external jurymember was sick and didn´,t show up, and the teacher from school hadn´,t read the report.. » (One external and one independent teacher)
- tycker huvud iden är mkt bra, sedan är det viktigt med "rätt" lärare, person utifrån att delta. en bedömning utav examensarbetena från en jury (som överblickar alla arb) tycker jag var en god ide» (One external and one independent teacher)

3. What is your impression of the jury’,,s assessment?

27 svarande

The members had no criteria about the level of quality»4 18%
The members had different criteria»8 36%
The members had clear and common criteria»10 45%
No opinion»5

Genomsnitt: 2.27

- The concept of quality was never discussed. » (The members had no criteria about the level of quality)
- The criteria was obviously chosen by the member and strictly narrow» (The members had no criteria about the level of quality)
- my tutor failed to distribute the work in time to one examinator! thats is a big shame, since my tutor and the one examinator came to my presentation unprepared! (I sent out the work 10 days! before the seminar for them to study). Only the examinator i organized to come was well prepared. I consider this highly disrespectful towards my work!» (The members had different criteria)
- in my opinion my examinator didn"t know my work well enough (due to a lack of consultation hours) to choose relevant jury members» (The members had different criteria)
- jag är nöjd med den kritik som vi fick vid examinationen, dock skulle riktlinjer för examensarbeten kunna göra det lättare för examinatorer och jury att kommentera professionell standard» (The members had different criteria)
- Jag är besviken på att fel saker diskuterades. Juryn var väl insnöad på smala spår. Arkitekturen i vårt förslag togs inte upp som helhet på ett tillfredsställande sätt.» (The members had clear and common criteria)

4. What was the result of the jury seminar?

27 svarande

I did not have to adjust my thesis»4 14%
I had to adjust my thesis»23 85%

Genomsnitt: 1.85

- Gjorde trots allt lite ändringar pga att jag tyckte kommentarerna var relevanta och intressanta.» (I did not have to adjust my thesis)
- My work was good. I could have of course changed things, but not within this timeframe.» (I did not have to adjust my thesis)
- Mine was not quite finished, there were a few chapters missing. I did not get the feeling that I HAD to change it, but I liked the jurys advice, and changed a few things accordingly. » (I had to adjust my thesis)
- En del små ändringar i själva projektet. En hel del större i upplägget av rapporten. Det var synd att så mycket fokus lades på att diskutera rapportens struktur för det viste vi att vi skulle kunna fixa på egen hand.» (I had to adjust my thesis)
- which was a good thing» (I had to adjust my thesis)
- Jag fick en extra vecka från mitt planerade presentationsdatum eftersom en i min jury var sjuk och under den veckan strukturerade jag om i texten på mitt examensarbete. » (I had to adjust my thesis)
- The jury seminar is too late for doing any adjustments to the thesis. A lot of time it is NOT the minor details we have to change. The jury seminar should be somewhere 1 month before final submission.» (I had to adjust my thesis)
- Man ger mycket olika omdömmen. Har bevistat många examinationer och de olika nivåerna på kvaliten, både på arbetena och utlåtandena är skrämmande olika. Det innebär nu, med ett förseminarium att vissa måste komplettera mer än andra.» (I had to adjust my thesis)
- I made posters and re-arrangenged the report a little bit.» (I had to adjust my thesis)
- The report had to be edited a lot but the jury and examiner didn"t ask to see the final result. » (I had to adjust my thesis)
- Några småändringar. Men hade det varit mer hade det nog varit orealistiskt att jag hade hunnit ändra det innan examinationen» (I had to adjust my thesis)
- The material delivered was clearly a sketch, huge adjustments were obvious in advance fro all parts. » (I had to adjust my thesis)
- då vi ej var färdiga med arbetet vid examinations tillfället så fick vi viss kritik och uppslag för vad som skulle levereras. viktigt är att tänka över om man skall vara "klar" med rapport och arb vi examinationstillfället då detta i år var oklart!» (I had to adjust my thesis)
- We had our seminar 6 weeks before the presentation. We presented the main content of our thesis at the seminar. Not the finished "product". During the coming weeks we worked futher with both the content of the project as well as presentation material, how to show the project the best. Good with 6 weeks in between the seminar and the presentation. » (I had to adjust my thesis)

5. What was the outcome of the jury discussion and assessment?

27 svarande

Gave me no new insight or confirmation»4 15%
Neither –, nor, confirmed my knowledge»5 19%
Fruitful, gave me deeper insight»17 65%
No opinion»1

Genomsnitt: 2.5

- Surprisingly enough the there were NO discussion whatsoever of the work as architecture(!)» (Gave me no new insight or confirmation)
- Juryn som bedömde Chalmers arkitekturutbildning kunde inte ha gjort det bättre. Allt de sade tycker jag stämmer. Jag efterlyser hårdare regler, bättre information till studenterna, större krav på studenterna(möjlighet att inte bli godkänd och få göra om en termin), yngre och mer starka lärare med en fot i arbetslivet och en på Chalmers, mer krut på avslutningsutställningen och VARFÖR har inte Chalmers en avslutningscermoni med pompa och ståt för de som blir färdiga? Man har trots allt studerat i 5 år och det man fick var ett seminarie om hur dåligt det är på Chalmers??? Inte klokt vad arrogant av skolan... » (Neither –, nor, confirmed my knowledge)
- - since we were all clever people, there were very interesting points talked about. And that concerned not not only small chnages, but I also learned things about my way of working and what I can concentrate on in future to get better. I am grateful for that. I imagine, things could have been even more interesting, if all of my examinators were prepared.» (Fruitful, gave me deeper insight)
- a LITTLE fruitful» (Fruitful, gave me deeper insight)
- Jury from different background and focuses in architecture gave me insights on how my thesis could develop in a more all-around way.» (Fruitful, gave me deeper insight)
- vi hade god diskussion under examinations presentationen» (Fruitful, gave me deeper insight)

6. What was the outcome of the phase between assessment and presentation?

27 svarande

The adjustments were only a formality»7 28%
The adjustment gave me time to reflect and improve my work»18 72%
No opinion»2

Genomsnitt: 1.72

- I concentrated to prepare all the material for the final presentation, the exibhition and the books. No time for changes.» (The adjustments were only a formality)
- Since I personally have more than 3 weeks between assessment and final presentation.» (The adjustment gave me time to reflect and improve my work)
- viktigt är att tänka över om man skall vara "klar" med rapport och arb vi examinationstillfället då detta i år var oklart!» (The adjustment gave me time to reflect and improve my work)

7. Shall we keep the two step procedure?

27 svarande

No»6 23%
Yes»20 76%
No opinion»1

Genomsnitt: 1.76

- I think there should be a seminar much like the jury seminar to give students a chance to correct the thesis before the final presentation. However, the final presentation lost some of it"s relevance when is became a formality and nothing more. » (No)
- Själva kritikmomentet är intressant för de som kommer på examinationen och en mdiskussion kan uppstå. Det finns ändå ingen tid att göra betydelsefulla ändringar mellan slutseminariet och examinationen. » (No)
- Men med en rejäl uppskärpning. Är det ett slutseminarium så skall det kännas som det också!» (Yes)
- It makes sense to have the two steps. The first is an educational seminar for the student to learn and evaluate the master. The second is presenting the work to an audience. Thats good to me. Yet again, i am critical to making students adjust their work to the seminars outcome. You could give students a chance to change their work, if they wouldnt pass otherwise. If a student will pass without changes, this procedure is an extra burden, which is contra-productive to its educational intention.» (Yes)
- And i will suggest more than 3 steps. One pin up sessions 2 months before the final presentation would boost up the speed of the thesis work and ensure the QUALITY of the thesis, since the students would have more time to develop the thesis into an INTERNATIONAL standard one.» (Yes)
- we should have more time between the two step » (Yes)
- Jag måste tillägga att det måset ske en förändring vad gäller tid mellan jurymötet och slutpresentationen. Själv hade jag knappt 2 veckor på mig att justera mitt projekt samtidigt som jag skulle göra en presentation i A1 och digital presentation. Det funkar inte! Minst 4 veckor tidigare skulle det varit mellan jurykritik och slutpresentation. Sedan måste jag också säga att utskriftsproceduren skulle varit bättre förberett. Med så många studenter som skulle skriva ut samtidigt blev det KAOS och datastrul, och ingen som var ansvarig var där som kunde ordna upp nätverksstrul o liknande. Det slutade med att folk gick efter månaga timmars strul och projekten blev inte uppsatta i tid. Ska man utgå från att studenterna ställer ut sina projekt i tid så ska tillgång på fungerande plottrar finnas.» (Yes)
- Yes, but with more time in between, 48 hrs between deliverance and critics. More like mid critics.» (Yes)
- jag tror det är viktigt för att kontrollera arbetet och kontrollera inlämning. viktigt är också att trycka på en mellan kritik som också värderas i slutpresentatioen/juryutlåtandet då man som examensarbetere skall kunna uppvisa arbetsstruktur och satta kriterier i halvtid, inte enbart leverera ett gott resultat.» (Yes)
- I think it is a good system, it gives you an oppertunity to push the project longer and improve it more. The frames needs to be clearer though. » (Yes)

External evaluation

The next issue concerns the evaluation of the school as such. The censors’, role has been to give a judgment of the level of the school and to give us advice for the future.

8. First of all, shall we continue to invite external censors?

27 svarande

No»0 0%
Yes»25 100%
No opinion»2

Genomsnitt: 2

- But we should be able to give them our documents before, so that they can have a better understanding..» (Yes)
- men då tycker jag att Chalmers tydligt skall stå för vissa saker så som att man hela tiden under skolgången uppmuntras att grupparbeta. Vi har ju lärt oss här på skolan att man når mkt längre om man kan föra en diskussion under arbetets gång, varför inte göra klart för kritikerna att det är så vi jobbar här. Jag förstår inte vikten av att kunna bedömas individuellt om det ändå inte hjälper oss till ett bättre resultat.» (Yes)
- 100%» (Yes)
- I think that was good to have them. But please serve for a more impressive frame next time. It would be nice to have a celebratory, professional flair around it. How? - maybe an external location (Röhsska Museet, World Culture Museum...) - better marketing - beginning & ending ceremony - official dinner more cerebrational. - have year 3 organize that - create a tradition of "the famous architect school master week"» (Yes)
- IF you think you can make use of it.... » (Yes)
- ABSOLUT! Gärna fler på presentationerna! » (Yes)
- They have a more international insight of a master degree. This can help the students to learn to be more competitive in the global market instead of just staying in the Swedish well protected atmosphere.» (Yes)
- jag är glad över att detta arbete har startat och jag hoppas verkligen det kan fortsätta.» (Yes)
- It is a very good oppertunity for the school, both teachers and students with external sensors. It is also important to follow up and be updated on what happens in other schools around the world. You do not need a jury to open your eyes.» (Yes)

9. What is your immediate opinion of their work?

26 svarande

Unfair»2 11%
Fair»15 88%
No opinion»9

Genomsnitt: 1.88

- Because they had no knowledge of the document, their critics were not so fair... but it was a good excercise anyway... » (Unfair)
- Men en del av kritikerna kritiserade projekten och det var ju inte deras uppgift. Det blir orättvist om en del får kritik och inte andra. I det store hela var det ett rättvist arbete.» (Fair)
- they didnt say too much in the presentations i have been. But i cant believe their are unfair. It would be good if they are straight and clear so we know where we stand internationally. Thats good and important.» (Fair)
- Reasonable, after their conditions, but without understanding of how education works in Arch. as such.» (Fair)
- very accurate. Should be invited to give advice about the whole education, all five years. Thats where the problems start, with very little education about architecture on tha basic level and very little education about methods» (Fair)
- mycket bra, jag tror man skall vara ärlig och ta till sig viss kritik, Chalmers A är ingen spjutspetts skola med dagens mått men grunden är solid» (Fair)
- I didn"t have time to see them in action because I was preparing my own presentation. » (No opinion)
- No comment on my work, one censor joined part of the examination but left before end.» (No opinion)

10. Was the group adequate concerning the kind of theses that we produce?

26 svarande

The group lacked certain competences»3 25%
The group had an adequate representation of competences»9 75%
No opinion»14

Genomsnitt: 1.75

- I felt they were too formalist, we need all kinds of architects within the assessment group... more holistic and philosophical..» (?)
- the Group could be bigger and take more time to understand the projects in Advance» (The group lacked certain competences)
- too few options. they made some important points about structure - however i didn"t agree with them that the different thesis should be "formstöpta" and comparable. chalmers should go for width and exploration as well, not trying to fit all thesis into one shape. i thought the group members were too similiar in their opinions and approaches - were there no alternatives?» (The group lacked certain competences)
- Ja, det tyckte jag. Dock anser jag att det kändes som att Chalmers hade gått på knäna och snällt bönat och bett för att danskarna ska komma hit med höjt huvud för att peka på allt som var fel.» (The group had an adequate representation of competences)
- De hade väldigt mycket rätt i vad de sa på slutföreläsningen. Det måste finnas striktare regler vad gäller strukturen på projektutställningen och engagemang från examinatorer. Man känner att ingen riktigt bryr sig om amn är där eller inte. Man känner avsaknad av regler och avsaknad av information. Den här foldern med priojekt var det ingen som informerade om. Känns som om man har lagt mycket pengar på lite innehåll. Samtidigt måste jag säga att det är ett bra initiativ, men studenterna måste informeras i tid.» (The group had an adequate representation of competences)
- jag har stor respekt för den inbjudna juryn och deras kommentarer. samtidigt så presenterades utställning och presentationer på kort tid och utan riktlinjer, så med godare förberedning kommer standarden av utställt material vara bättre, jag är inte orolig för det. dock finns det inte något att skylla på att rapporter till projekten fattades vilket är mkt mkt dåligt och måste göras något åt! chalmers A är för slappt på denna typen utav upgifter och har varit från åk1-5» (The group had an adequate representation of competences)
- dont fully understand this question. What group?» (No opinion)

The presentation

The public presentation is mandatory, and should in one way or another reflect the learning you made from the jury assessment. Still, the value of this step can be discussed

11. What is your opinion of the final presentation?

27 svarande

The public presentation is not more than a formality»10 38%
The presentation is a meaningful communication exercise»16 61%
No opinion»1

Genomsnitt: 1.61

- I got the feeling that the presentation was basically a fomality, at the sametime I chose to see it as a meaningful exercise for communicating my project. » (The public presentation is not more than a formality)
- There should be only one final presentation, before the same jury, and the data should be submitted in advance, for the jury to understand the projects better. Besides, one member of the jury could be focused on the critics of one project, but both the presentation, the critics, the comments from the examiner and the debate from the public should happen in the same place and time, so everyone has the same understanding of the topic» (The public presentation is not more than a formality)
- right now it is just a formality since the most important is the final seminar. But I think i should be the platform for the masterstudents and the school to meet the non-academic public! Why did no newspapers come? Architecture magazines, other architects, people intersted in architecture, the göteborg planning office? Why were they not there? This is such a chance for students to promote themselves for companies. We are all unemployed now and this final exhibitiona and presentations can work as a architecture-fair. Here young ambitious architects promote themselves (and the schol) in a stunning exhibiton in the world culture museum. thats what we need!» (The public presentation is not more than a formality)
- Hade varit kul om det utvecklades till ett mer formellt festinslag» (The public presentation is not more than a formality)
- it depends on the thesis how important it is. » (The presentation is a meaningful communication exercise)
- lika viktigt som att kommunicera i arbetat material och div tekniker är att beskriva dessa till andra, ett moment som chalmers A är dåliga på och måste bli bättre, om yrket och utbildningen skall bli starkare måste studenterna lära sig att ta ställning och kunna presentera den » (The presentation is a meaningful communication exercise)
- I think it is very important not only as an exercise but also as one important part for the whole concept of the examination days. It complements the exhibition and gives oppertunities to all students to "brand" themselves. » (The presentation is a meaningful communication exercise)

12. Rules for presenting the theses?

27 svarande

The school should decide about common formats for reports»5 19%
The school should decide about a common format for posters»2 7%
Each examiner and student rule»19 73%
No opinion»1

Genomsnitt: 2.53

- The University should set common rules nut just for reports, but also for submission day, steps,level of presentation, level of theme importnace, etc and really follow them. This year the same rules that the Master Coordinator presented were not respected by him in the first place.» (The school should decide about common formats for reports)
- Vi som avgångsstudenter önskar självklart att få veta att det skall göras en poster och detta väldigt tidigt. Man vill också veta vad som förväntas med utställningen. Eftersom informationen kom några dagar innan tror jag att de flesta inte brydde sig speciellt om vad som hängdes upp eftersom tiden var knapp och ansträngningarna från skolan var obefintliga. » (The school should decide about common formats for reports)
- I will say BOTH reports and posters. And to give more creativity for the students. I would say the school should decide how much space a student has for the exhibition. for example, 3mx3m panel space, then they can come up more creative idea to present instead of just posters. Giving the rules by the school all give a guideline how much work a student should produce in order to achieve a similar standard of thesis (too reach a certain level of quantity is a quality)» (The school should decide about common formats for reports)
- skolan skulle kunna sätta upp vissa riktlinjer för examensutställning men alla borde få lika med utrymme men också med möjlighet till andra medier» (The school should decide about common formats for reports)
- I believe a rich variety of architectural communication is important. that includes posters, sculptures, books, sounds, paintings, models (in all scales), fotos, technical drwaings, film, projections or whatever. Show the whole broad and creative variety that architecture is and works with. Space for unexpected and surprising products. (which interests more crowd than only architects)» (Each examiner and student rule)
- flexibility! but there can be a recommendation » (Each examiner and student rule)
- If the examiners where more enganged and competent this would work but as the case is now, this don´,t work very well.» (Each examiner and student rule)
- Vad är iden med planscherna om det inte kommer någon utifrån? Försök kombinera vårutställningen och examensutställningen» (Each examiner and student rule)
- It think it is totally up to each project. How it can be shown and presented in the best way.» (Each examiner and student rule)

13. Language?

27 svarande

All theses must be written in English»6 23%
May be written in Swedish, depending on who the client is»7 26%
The presentation shall be made in English anyway»2 7%
The presentation could be in either Swedish or English»11 42%
No opinion»1

Genomsnitt: 2.69

- this is an international school» (All theses must be written in English)
- To make the school more competitive and well know internationally, English would be suggested in all kind of works since the medium of teaching is already English.» (All theses must be written in English)
- It is an international university with students from all over the world. » (All theses must be written in English)
- om det hade varit tydligt från början ser jag dock inget hinder i att allt skrivs på engelska, ne bra övning.» (May be written in Swedish, depending on who the client is)
- For swedish students presentations in swedish is ALWAYS equal to higher quality» (May be written in Swedish, depending on who the client is)
- i vårt examensarbete arbetade vi mot "beställare" i Sverige vilket gjorde att arbetet skrevs på svenska från dag 1, detta borde vara rimligt. annars är jag en förespråkare för engelska, studenterna borde (på masternivå) lära sig hantera "arbetsspråket" , yrket på engelska » (May be written in Swedish, depending on who the client is)
- - international focus - many of us have to apply for jobs europe-wide» ( The presentation shall be made in English anyway)
- I would love to understand every project presented and if they are in Swedish it is not possible. If the Master is International, if the Studding language is English, final Thesis presentation should be in English. » (The presentation could be in either Swedish or English)
- The main reason for writing the thesis is to use it when applying for a job, and it should be up to every student to decide which language they need in their portfolio. The thesis is too long to be translated into Swedish afterwords. » (The presentation could be in either Swedish or English)


The fixed schedule means that there is no “,,slack”,, in the system any more. Therefore, the start of the thesis work has become much more important.

14. Did you attend the “,preparation seminars”,?

27 svarande

No»18 66%
Yes»9 33%

Genomsnitt: 1.33

- I was partly abroad when writing my thesis. » (No)
- i started before the system change» (No)
- they were scheduled during times where we had other courses. very badly planned! it"s really important to get started when time is so much shorter. the one seminar i did attend was good however» (No)
- var ute ur systemet då jag påbörjat mitt examensarbete tidigare. men kommunicerade min vilja att vara med på möten och grupper etc. men uppfattningen är att få möten hölls.» (No)
- Certain seminars with external clients would benefit from an earlier start. A system for this procedure should be carried out. This could mean one day/week one semester in advance, either integrated in other courses or as free space for thesis work.» (No)
- ja, men jag missade ngt tillfälle, den förberedande kursen var dåligt kommunicerad och vid de tillfällen jag deltog minns jag de som tunna » (No)
- Could be extended and more integrated within each studio. Good to start to prepare as long in advance as possible. » (No)
- De var bra, de som blev av men allting var väldigt oklart och ingen hade svar på någonting. Informationen var knapphändig och salarna som mötena hölls i alldeles för små(vissa fick stå upp en hel dag). » (Yes)
- Some where very vague on what research is, some very practical, but I think they created more confusion than insight. » (Yes)

15. What was the outcome of the “,preparation seminars”,?

26 svarande

Meaningless»2 15%
Gave some advice»8 61%
Very useful»3 23%
No opinion»13

Genomsnitt: 2.07

- Spridningen på projekten var för stor i vår seminariegrupp. Sammansättningen av grupperna skall ha en tydlig tanke om de skall ge något!» (Meaningless)
- We had some useful meetings in the "cross critics"-group (with Michael Edén) but the rest of the meetings were meaningless. » (Meaningless)
- för mig var det ej givande, men jag tror att dessa tillfällen skulle kunna ge enormt mycket och vara en god förberedelse, starta dessa tidigt i höst!» (Gave some advice)

16. Does the school need a more firm preparation phase?

26 svarande

No, the option of attending the seminars is sufficient»0 0%
Yes - a preparation phase should be mandatory»14 100%
No opinion»12

Genomsnitt: 2

- Men då skall den vara bättre än vad den var i år. Om man inte höjer standarden kan man inte kalla den för obligatorisk.» (Yes - a preparation phase should be mandatory)
- I think the main thing is to get the information about the thesis out earlier. Some people didn"t know until very late that they were supposed to get their own "examinator/handledare". The school didn"t e-mail everybody about the thesis preparation course, and there was a confusion for some people who took the Sustainable-master but still wanted to be part of the preparation course. Some studios were to carry out the preparation themselves but the teachers didn"t seem to know about it at all. On the other hand, some studios used the autumn semester as one long preparation. » (Yes - a preparation phase should be mandatory)
- Only if neccesary» (Yes - a preparation phase should be mandatory)
- om man vill få bättre kontroll över arbeten, valda ämnen, examensarbetare, examen etc. så skulle detta vara ett sätt att få struktur. så struligt som det varit i år är ju inte roligt vare sig för lärare eller elever, skärpning, ni kan ju så mkt bättre och jag trodde faktiskt att det "nya" systemet var ordning och reda på, så ordna upp det så blir livet enklare för alla» (Yes - a preparation phase should be mandatory)
- It could be included within the respective studios during the autumn term. » (Yes - a preparation phase should be mandatory)

Student “,opposition”, and seminars

The rules of Chalmers say that each student shall conduct an “,opposition”, on another work. We have thought that these oppositions are more meaningful if they are conducted during the work process. We have, therefore, made an attempt to gather you into “,studios”, with the recommendation that at least two seminars with student critics shall be carried out. In the beginning, sometimes about mid- term and/or in connection with the jury seminar.

17. Have you given and/or received comments from/to students during the process?

27 svarande

No»12 44%
Once»5 18%
Twice»3 11%
More than twice»7 25%

Genomsnitt: 2.18

- - I am critical to this procedure. I do understand its hope to achieve a friutful dialoge an discussion among students. - But i believe this is the work of the tutors and examinatotrs not of the students. I strongly believe it is good to have authorities here, which have greater knowledge and they are allowed to be straigh and hard with the students. I find the criticism often too soft. And to have student-critics seems to me as an attempt of the professors not to have to be an authority (that is a swedish behaviour to me). - When we had cross-critics in an earlier term, there were huge confusions about how harsh or nice we need to critize. The relations between each other are confused. But there should be a more harmonic atmosphere among the students. But it is fine to have a more tense relation towards the teachers. Dont try to have harmonic relation from teacher<->student in expense of a difficult relation student<->student. - So please: have professors critizise hard, honest clrear and fair. students need to be able to take that and that makes us them stronger. And dont confuse the students with unclear relations.» (No)
- en gång, allt för lite och o organiserat, detta är mkt viktigt att få ordning på då det är en av de bästa verktyg skolan kan använda sig utav samt en god träning» (Once)
- Far to simple, but not bad.» (Twice)
- Dessa möten var väldigt givande. Jag hade dock hoppats på att skolan hade ordnat så att vi som var i samma studio hade möjlighet att sitta i samma sal. Någon sådan hjälp fanns inte. I Köpenhhamn tilldelas man platser utefter vilken kurs man går och kan inbördes ändra runt tills man sitter i rätt klungor. Detta fungerar superbra och ger gemenskap och en struktur. » (More than twice)
- It has worked very good in the Urban Design Studio with Ana Betancour» (More than twice)

18. When is the best time to conduct student critics?

27 svarande

During the process»20 83%
At the final presentation»4 16%
No opinion»3

Genomsnitt: 1.16

- Formal student critics is not as useful as the physcial environment provided as a studio. Different students need help in different time. The best way is to have a physical well equipped environment/ studio, that the different thesis students can work together. Thus the discussions and communications will take place at any time. It worked very well for me.» (During the process)
- A real thorough student critic should be mandatory before your own examination.» (At the final presentation)
- kritik och diskussion från andra studenter borde organiseras och genomföras både halvvägs och avslutningsvis och ordentligt» (At the final presentation)
- dont at all. but even more not in the final presentaion. - the final presentation has no educational function to me. It is a celebration of the students great master work and his/her platform to reach an audience. It is a important symbolic act.» (No opinion)

19. Has you receivd adequate information from your examiner about the procedure?

27 svarande

No»11 57%
Yes»8 42%
No opinion»8

Genomsnitt: 1.42

- not at all. I am very disappointed with that. And nowone know what papers to sign, where to find them or hand them in... Please make that clear for the next time. The hand out of the documents can be a ceremony within the master-exhibition-week.» (No)
- there was no adequate information!» (No)
- I"m not sure that he knew how the whole procedure would be, and what are the motives for it. » (No)
- Far from!» (No)
- But my examiner did not always know either, since this is the first time in the new system. » (Yes)
- så gott som examinatorn kunnat ge, förfarandet borde bli tydligare» (Yes)
- The school messages did not carry through the examiner. I believe the messages were most of the time unclear and in a mess which confuses the examiners.» (No opinion)
- inget engagemang.» (No opinion)
- Examinatorn hade fått dålig information i sin tur» (No opinion)

20. Has the examiner read the guidelines on the home page (Diploma thesis 080121.rev)?

27 svarande

It does not seem so»4 33%
It seems so»8 66%
No opinion»15

Genomsnitt: 1.66

- However, the "formal" guideline was changed time by time orally through different teachers in school.» (It seems so)
- sen kan det diskuteras hur punkterna skall följas, kanske bra om man som lärarkår/examinatorer samtalar om hur man följer dessa» (It seems so)

21. Have you read the guidelines?

27 svarande

No»3 11%
Yes»24 88%

Genomsnitt: 1.88

- At an early stage, I do not remember what they said anymore.» (Yes)
- I read them when it was way too late :)» (Yes)
- I found it useless because of the reason in question no.20» (Yes)
- In the beginning, but not very thoroughly. » (Yes)
- They need adaption to the actual thesis work together with the examnier» (Yes)
- ja, vid förberedelse för exjobb, då de ej tas upp, vidare i processen har de fallit i skymundan » (Yes)

Concluding questions

Finally, some more general issues.

22. Do you agree with the assessment of the censors?

27 svarande

Not at all»1 5%
Partly»7 35%
Mostly»5 25%
Entirely»7 35%
No opinion»7

Genomsnitt: 2.9

- there were very intersting and good points which taught me alot, but also parts i dont agree with. But thats totally fine.» (Partly)
- Jag är skeptisk till deras syn på grupparbete. Varför är det så viktigt med den individuella bedömningen?» (Mostly)
- Yes, but it didnt concern the whole field of architecture» (Mostly)
- I am very disappointed when I saw students with very low standard of work can still graduate and called as an architect. I doubt the swedish architecture level.» (Entirely)
- I think that their comment about setting up new criterias for the teachers/employing teachers was very important. With no ambition and tired teachers, the students does not come very far. The ambition level must set high up in the system. » (Entirely)

23. What points should the school prioritize?

- Find a focus for the school. Which kind of student you want adress?»
- Utformandet av regler och tankar om vad ett exjobb är. Uppstyrning av presentationer osv, det skall inte ligga på oss exjobbare att styra upp utställningen. »
- Better organization, stricter regulation, standardization of jury and procedure»
- - on the few presentaions and the critics i heard I felt there was a lack of discussion about the point where theory turned into design. This point is almost never talked about although it is the basis of a great or a poor design (in my eyes). - encourage to try sifferent methods of communication of an idea. (the focus is much on posters. i would like to see a greater variety of products). »
- Organization, assessment criteria and requirements»
- Hårdare krav på eleverna(möjligheten skall finnas att faktiskt bli underkänd och få gå om). Nya och yngre lärare. Bättre avslutningscermoni som faktiskt framhäver studenterna(nu kändes det som att skolan skämdes för sina avgångsstudenter och lät dem sätta upp sina alster i en hastigt planerad utställning för att sedan tvinga dem att ta ner planscherna en och en halv dag senare! »
- First, have communications between all the teachers in school. So that a common schedule and guideline can be carried out. Second, investigate what is a master degree of architecture in the international environment. The old way of "only building swedish houses" is not working anymore in this era of globalization.»
- everything has to do with lacks in the overall education, not only with the thesis process. but having a competent jury from outside the school, judging ALL thesisprojects and most important CHALMERS has to have a clear policy of which teachers the school want.»
- gör examinationen till ett festligt och öppet inslag. eventuellt på någon mer intressant och central lokal.»
- First: The architectural issues. Second: The formal thesis issues. Third: Other issues of specific interest of the actual theme of the thesis»
- place for presentation and possibilities to show your work (of severel months) in an fair and good way. The exhibition lacked all dignity.»
- tydligare riktlinjer, en gemensam identitet, något som larare och elever kan vara stolta kring»
- To make the examination days a large public event!!! As it is in many other schools. Show the works of the students in a professional way. Invite to discussions within the field of architecture, planning and design. The ambition level should be set high and aim to create great possibilities for the students in their further careers as well as putting Chalmers Artchitecture on the map again. »

24. What should be preserved in the procedure?

- Try to keep the way of working as open as possible.»
- Elevseminarium, en samlad presentation, externa kritiker samt avslutningsmiddagen»
- The healthy collaborative atmosphere»
- Free and open atmosphere. Own responsibility for learning, the freedom to choose what you want to immerse themselves in. The school maintains student interest and willingness to immerse themselves in the subject throughout the school. »
- Avslutningsutställning. Offentlig presentation med möjlighet för publik. Studio-möten med handledaren.»
- Giving physical support in organzing the presentation and exhibition is very much well appreciated. The exhibition committee should be kept and yet it should be formed earlier.»
- the common final presentation was really rewarding.»
- openess and flexibility.»
- Censors, two occasions of critics. »
- grundutbildningen är bra, lite mer dynamik och inspel vore önskvärt»

25. What can be improved in the procedure?

- Bättre slutseminarier, mindre stressade examinatorer med ett engagemang i exjobbet.»
- Make it clear from the beginning Follow it in the same way for everyone Set fixed dates for every step to all the students Give time to the Jury to understand the projects »
- i commented much on this. see above.»
- It is not clear from the outset what you need to know as a basis to become an architect. Exchange students often find it difficult to understand how to work without clear assessment requirements, and feel that they can make anything and be approved.»
- Allt! Bättre information är det mest akuta. Kanske anställa en sekreterare för studenterna som är som spindeln i nätet. Henne/honom kan man alltid fråga och den personen är oftast på sin plats. Tuffare kritiker och detta genom hela utbildningen. Möjlighet att faktiskt inte bli godkänd och tningas gå om(detta kommer göra prestationerna hos eleverna bra mycket bättre). Skolan ha idag ett rykte hos de utländska studenterna att godkänna det mesta så hit kan man åka om man vill ha kul, resa och inte anstränga sig och ändå ta en examen! Inte klokt! Antagningen kanske också skall bli tuffare? För att skapa större "hype" kring utbildningen. Det mesta jag anser Chalmers bör utveckla och bli bättre på har jag skrivit i övriga rutor. Tack!»
- The exhibition period should definitely be extended so that there will be more time for guests and even media to visit. And I personally know that there were architects coming to look for talented students as well.»
- Tydligare information och den måste komma tidigare.»
- spread the same information between the different studio. Some studio seems less include of the process than the other (no preparation course for the student of sustainable developement)»
- everything»
- Jag tycker att upplägget är bra men informationen och upplägget måste komma tidigare. Mittkritiken måste ske några veckor tidigare. Handledarna måste känna att de har mer press. Jag fick 2 timmars handledning av 8, det tycker inte jag är bra, brist av engagemang av handledaren. Årboksidén tycker jag är bra, då har man koll på vad studenterna gör och kvalitétsstämpeln kan öka.»
- mer tid åt varje examination med tid för firande efter varje examination. Mer struktur och information tidigare... Fick reda på att material skulle lämnas in digitalt 2 dagar i förväg. oacceptabelt. och att a1or skulle vara liggande vilket mina inte var också detta 2 dagar i förväg...»
- Most other things previously mentioned. »
- To few staff of the school attended to the final presentations. Making a cataloge is a good idea, but must be presented/performed in a much better way.»
- tydlighet skulle skapa lugn och arbetsglädje, minska stress och press, vi håller ju på med något av det roligaste och intressantaste, sikta på att utstråla det»
- Everything!»

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