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Programme Evaluation Sound and Vibration

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2009-05-07 - 2009-05-25
Antal svar: 20
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 66%
Kontaktperson: Wolfgang Kropp»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Chalmers

Your background

1. Where did you study for your Bachelor degree?

Bachelor degree or corresponding level


Fördelat på olika grupper:

Sweden - Chalmers: (0 st)

Sweden - another university: (0 st)

Univeristy outside Sweden: (0 st)

2. How do you follow the programme?

Students can follow essential parts of the master"s programme without being admitted to and registred at the programme


Fördelat på olika grupper:

Admitted to the programme: (0 st)

Exchange student who follows part of the programme: (0 st)

Student from Chalmers not admitted yet: (0 st)

3. Do you follow the first or the second year of the programme?


Fördelat på olika grupper:

Student in the first year: (0 st)

Student in the second year: (0 st)

Information about the programme before the start

4. What source of information was decisive for your choice of master"s programme?

20 svarande

Friends who had studied at Chalmers before?»3 15%
Programme director and teachers at Chalmers»2 10%
Chalmers web site»9 45%
Written information from Chalmers»1 5%
Other sources (please specify)»5 25%

Genomsnitt: 3.15

- A specific course and personal interest» (Other sources (please specify))
- "Känner" några personer som läst akustik innan och rekommenderade det. Matematik och akustik var det som var kul på kandidatprogrammet. Många lärare, få studenter ==> bra studiemiljö.» (Other sources (please specify))
- Friends that studied at Chalmers, the web page www.studyatsweden.se and Chalmers web site and the TA web site.» (Other sources (please specify))
- TA website and programme director and teachers» (Other sources (please specify))
- Programme directors and teachers at Örebro University» (Other sources (please specify))

5. What is you opinion on the information you got from Chalmers before your application?

20 svarande

Poor»2 10%
Rather poor»4 20%
OK»8 40%
Good»5 25%
Very good»1 5%

Genomsnitt: 2.95

- Tycker att man borde informeras redan innan man börjar eller i första året. Dessutom är det konstigt att reklamen bara görs på V, borde finnas på andra sektioner. » (Poor)
- Sound and Vibrations had almost no information on mechanical enginering and I think alot of students would apply if they got a bit more informatin» (Rather poor)
- Complete description of the courses» (Very good)

6. Could you easily get answers to further questions before the registration day?

Perhaps you needed more information when you knew that you were admitted

20 svarande

Yes, at Chalmers" web site»2 20%
Yes, through staff at Chalmers»1 10%
I found answers but it was difficult»5 50%
No, I could not get the information needed (Please, specify)»2 20%
I had all information needed»10

Genomsnitt: 2.7

- I sent some emails before coming here to inquire about some ambiguities, but I never received reply.» (No, I could not get the information needed (Please, specify))
- Few information for practical living and the most important info, the accommodation, is also few. » (No, I could not get the information needed (Please, specify))
- Got the information I needed from former students» (I had all information needed)

Introduction of the programme

Information and introduction during the first weeks

7. What is your opinion on the information you got?

Introduction of the department, of your master"s programme, of the study environment and facilities, of the Student Centre.

20 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Rather poor»0 0%
OK»9 45%
Good»3 15%
Very good»8 40%

Genomsnitt: 3.95

- I Don"t know. Wasn"t here the first week.» (OK)

8. What is your opinion on the information you got about procedures for students?

For instance of how to use the Student Portal to find information, to register for examinations etc.

20 svarande

Poor»1 5%
Rather poor»1 5%
OK»12 60%
Good»4 20%
Very good»2 10%

Genomsnitt: 3.25

- Studentportalen är värdelös. Teknisk Akustiks hemsida fungerar dock mycket bra för det mesta (brutna länkar ibland).» (Poor)

9. Did you miss some information in the beginning (Please specify)?

Information that you could not easily find at the web site

- I found everything i was looking for»
- time schedules»
- More contact with the people in "working life"»
- Maybe a more thorough description of the coarses in the coming semesters.»
- How to use Student Portal and Ping Pong. Please give an introduction about the use.»
- Nothing considerable»

10. What is your opinion on programme activities encouraging contacts between students?

For instance social events, organised presentation rounds, mixed student groups in project work, guided tours etc.

20 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Rather poor»0 0%
OK»5 25%
Good»9 45%
Very good»6 30%

Genomsnitt: 4.05

- I would like to have a workshop or a visit to a current project with external professionals on the field» (Good)
- Hela IPC kursen syftar väl på detta...» (Very good)

11. To what extent have you been informed about the Master"s Students Committee at the Dapartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering?

20 svarande

Not at all»5 25%
Small extent»5 25%
Some extent»7 35%
Large extent»3 15%
Great extent»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.4

- I don"t know what this is?» (Not at all)

Mandatory courses

The first semester consists of mandatory courses that should form a common basis for further studies in the programme

12. Did the programme start at an appropriate level with regard to your previous knowledge?

19 svarande

Yes, the level was appropriate.»18 94%
No, the level was too low. (Please, specify)»0 0%
No, the level was too high. (Please, specify)»1 5%

Genomsnitt: 1.1

- IPC är bra.» (Yes, the level was appropriate.)
- The level was appropriate,but i was not ready for it for personal reasons» (Yes, the level was appropriate.)
- The level was high but the demands balanced it so it was no problem to manage the courses anyway.» (No, the level was too high. (Please, specify))

13. To what extent were the mandatory courses a valuable basis for your further studies in the programme?

20 svarande

Not at all»0 0%
Small extent»0 0%
Some extent»2 10%
Large extent»14 70%
Great extent»4 20%

Genomsnitt: 4.1

- SVM och TA1 är ett måste. ATA enbart för de som inte läst ISV, samma kunskap två gånger.» (Great extent)

14. What topics did you miss among the mandatory courses? (Please, specify)

- none»
- I can"t think of something right now...»
- I think the topics were totally complete»
- Finite Element Method»
- Some more classes about how to use the different software!»
- I feel absence of courses in engineering mathematics and calculus. »

15. What topics included in the mandatory courses are not relevant according to you? (Please specify)

- I can"t think of something right now...»
- All the topics were relevant and important»
- Some matlab activities in the IPC course»
- None, but the Building and Community Noise course were very unclear and performed quite unprofessional.»
- almost nothing.»
- None. They are highly related and well structured.»

16. To what extent was the programme able to uniform the group of students during the first semester?

For instance by even out differences in knowledge and skills and prepare for further studies in the programme

20 svarande

Not at all»0 0%
Small extent»0 0%
Some extent»10 50%
Large extent»7 35%
Great extent»3 15%

Genomsnitt: 3.65

17. To what extent was the programme able to create a good social atmosphere among the students during the first semester?

20 svarande

Not at all»0 0%
Small extent»0 0%
Some extent»3 15%
Large extent»8 40%
Great extent»9 45%

Genomsnitt: 4.3

Elective courses

18. What is your opinion on the information you got about selection of elective courses

20 svarande

Poor»1 5%
Rather poor»4 20%
OK»5 25%
Good»6 30%
Very good»4 20%

Genomsnitt: 3.4

- Most of the info are from website and previous students" experience, only some are from teachers. It will be nicer if teachers can talk more about the coming elective courses .» (OK)

19. Do you miss some elective courses or topics that you think should be included in the programme? (Please specify)

- More ultrasonics would be nice»
- I would like to include an introduccion of CATT acoustics in the RAC and have access to similar softwares like Odeon and EASE»
- musical acoustics, underwater acoustics, flow acoustics»
- No»
- More signalprocessing»
- More signal processing.»
- yeah. More detailed and advanced courses in the field of structural dynamics, wave propagation, radiation, modal analysis for the group of Vibroacoustics.»
- A introduction course of digital signal processing will help student while doing the Matlab programming. Perhaps the sound and vibration course can include a course called " Applied Signal Processing" as a mandatory course, which usually takes place at study period 2.»

20. What do you think about the possibility to select courses from other programmes at Chalmers?

20 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Rather poor»3 15%
OK»9 45%
Good»3 15%
Very good»5 25%

Genomsnitt: 3.5

- Is a good option but is difficult to decide what course to choos,even though there is a huge list of courses and description,it would be good to have a core or suggested options depending on the field everyone want to focus on the future:vibration, room acoustics,environmental noise,building,psicoacoustics,etc.» (OK)

Programme administration

21. What is your opinion on programme information, schedule and general support during the study periods?

19 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Rather poor»3 15%
OK»6 31%
Good»5 26%
Very good»5 26%

Genomsnitt: 3.63

- Changes in schedule could come very close to the actual date.» (Rather poor)
- poor structure of some courses. The due dates and content of the course can be changed during the course, more often than acceptable.» (Rather poor)
- What"s the use of having a schedule if no one uses it? Especially in room acoustics it has been a mess,» (Rather poor)

Goals and goal fulfilment

If you are a student in the second year, you should think about the whole programme including the master"s thesis project when you answer the questions in this section.
If you are a student in the first year, you should consider your experience from the programme so far.

22. To what extent has the programme met the expectations you had when you applied for it?

20 svarande

Not at all»0 0%
Small extent»0 0%
Some extent»4 20%
Large extent»7 35%
Great extent»5 25%
More than expected»4 20%

Genomsnitt: 4.45

- Suveränt program. Mer TA till folket :)» (More than expected)

23. To what extent do you feel prepared for a professional carrier? (Second year student). To what extent do you feel that you are beeing prepared for a professional carrier? (First year student)

19 svarande

Not at all»0 0%
Small extent»0 0%
Some extent»7 36%
Large extent»11 57%
Great extent»1 5%

Genomsnitt: 3.68

- Det enda som saknas är ett sommarjobb :(» (Great extent)

24. To what extent have you been informed about engineering practice?

For instance through study visits, guest lectures, case studies, excercises and tasks from "real life", master"s thesis project within or in close contact with a company

20 svarande

Not at all»1 5%
Small extent»3 15%
Some extent»8 40%
Large extent»6 30%
Great extent»2 10%

Genomsnitt: 3.25

- I miss an internship in a Swedish company» (Small extent)
- I would like to have more interaction with the "real life", some field trips for instance» (Large extent)
- i attended to 90% of the seminars offered during this year and they were very interesting even though many concepts were totally unknown by the time. I think more study visit would be good, we only had one site survey to the Goteborg Opera, i would like to visit a lab for testing materials,a real contruction under process and look at the planning criteria, etc » (Large extent)

25. To what extent have you been informed about current research related to your programme?

20 svarande

Not at all»0 0%
Small extent»2 10%
Some extent»11 55%
Large extent»5 25%
Great extent»2 10%

Genomsnitt: 3.35

Summarizing questions

26. What is your opinion on education given in English instead of your native language?

20 svarande

Bad»1 5%
Rather bad»0 0%
OK»5 25%
Good»5 25%
Very good»9 45%

Genomsnitt: 4.05

- Vill lära mig akustik, inte engelska. Dock är det extremt trevligt med en internationell miljö vilket förutsätter engelska. Det är både bra och dåligt. Jättebra att man kan fylla i på svenska när språkkunskapen brister... typ sent på natten..» (Bad)
- some times i get the impression that the teachers could use some english practise.» (OK)
- It allows to expand my English skills but also sometimes is more complicated when very theoretical issues come or when reading scientific explanation with abstract contents.» (Good)

27. What should definitely be preserved in your master"s programme?

- Allt. Möjligen skulle ATA inte vara obligatorisk, enbart obligatorisk för de som inte läst ISV.»
- The activities in groups,the labs,the lab reports,the feed back and their corrections with valuable comments,the seminars, the guest lectures»
- - atmosphere in the Department - laboratories - relationships between students & teachers »
- The Sound and Vibration Measurements Course is very good, but need a lot of work»
- The courses»
- I believe nearly everything in the department is good and I was very satisfied with the programme.»
- The close connection to the teachers »
- The labwork. The croissants. »
- The main framework is very good. »
- The courses including Sound and Vibration, TA1, Room Acoustics (using current course structure), Active Noise Control.»

28. What should definitely be changed in your master"s programme?

- Kanske fler kurser? Man vill kanske läsa en TA3 eller ytterligare fördjupning i rumsakustik istället för de kurser som finns. Valfrihet är bra. Kanske en kurs mer inriktad mot fordonsakustik?»
- - Better ventilation in the lecture hall»
- i dont have at the moment something i want to change»
- - modernize the website, update it more often - use other rooms for lectures instead of the usual one which doesn"t have any window - shorter breaks (~10min)»
- Three courses the same time every study period, makes it difficult to concentrate on the study.»
- its good as it is»
- Could not think of anything that was so annoying or irrelevant. »
- I"d like more of a fundamental rigorous mathematical treatment of acoustics. The master program doesn"t cover much of the contents in a standard textbook in acoustics like e.g. http://www.amazon.com/Fundamentals-Physical-Acoustics-David-Blackstock/dp/0471319791/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1243192062&sr=8-1 . Maybe some or all of the IPC-course can give room to this. I also think that the TA1/2 courses could handle the basic mathematics a bit better/broader, and all the report-writing in the TA2 course gave much work for much less learning. It could contain a lot more.»
- Adding more advanced courses. Less attention to reports and more practical works(labworks). »
- The courses including Building Acoustics, Human Response to Sound and Vibration.»

Master"s thesis project

This part is only relevant for students in the second year.

29. What is your opinion on the information you got concerning the master"s thesis project in advance?

Concerning learning outcomes, requirements, organisation, procedures

9 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Rather poor»4 44%
OK»2 22%
Good»1 11%
Very good»2 22%

Genomsnitt: 3.11

- Last year they gave a list of possible thesis but they didn"t in our year. Thus we need to talk to the teachers who might have the thesis in interested fields.» (Rather poor)

30. How were the possibilities for you to find a relevant master"s thesis project that was interesting for you?

8 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Rather poor»2 25%
OK»2 25%
Good»2 25%
Very good»2 25%

Genomsnitt: 3.5

31. What is your opinion about supervision and other support that you get?

8 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Rather poor»0 0%
OK»3 37%
Good»3 37%
Very good»2 25%

Genomsnitt: 3.87

32. What is your opinion about the organisation of master"s thesis projects in the programme?

8 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Rather poor»1 12%
OK»4 50%
Good»2 25%
Very good»1 12%

Genomsnitt: 3.37

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