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Technology Based Entrepreneurship, CIP016

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2009-02-26 - 2009-03-06
Antal svar: 11
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 14%
Kontaktperson: Anneli Hildenborg»
Klass: Övriga

Goals and goal fulfilment

The course syllabus states the course goals in terms of learning outcomes, i.e., knowledge, skills and attitudes to be acquired by the student during the course.

1. How understandable and reasonable are the course goals?

11 svarande

I have not seen/read the goals»2 18%
The goals are difficult to understand»2 18%
The goals give some guidance, but could be clearer»5 45%
The goals clearly describe what I am supposed to learn»2 18%

Genomsnitt: 2.63

- The grading criteria did not exist, and the guidelines for the final examination were altered after we handed in the report (before handing in we got one document tellings us what the examiner would look at and when we got the reports back they had graded by completely different criterias). We never saw a "kurs-PM". Instead they gave us some infromation from time to time.» (The goals are difficult to understand)
- The goals were not clear at all, it was complicated to understand, it"s today and I still don"t know which assignment corresponded to which course. I have a grade on which I have doubts on what, was included to give the final outcome, I tried to find out in many ways, and it"s today, and I still don"t know.» (The goals are difficult to understand)
- I believe that the goals are clear, but what I think could be improved is the knowledge on the implementation of the information obtained in real life scenarios.» (The goals give some guidance, but could be clearer)

2. Did the examination assess whether you have reached the goals?

11 svarande

No, not at all»0 0%
To some extent»7 63%
Yes, definitely»4 36%
I don"t know/have not been examined yet»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.36

- Without the "kurs-PM" it is very hard to know. But the general feeling I have is that things were very ad hoc. Again, the final assignment (the Business Plan) was graded in a truly weird way, with new grade spans, and in a way where the examiner could disregard the official grading criteria if he/she felt like it.» (To some extent)
- The examinations were clear, straight forward, and you could link it by logic to which course they corresponded, and how goals were being met or not.» (To some extent)
- The feedback was in many cases hardly understandable, and the grading of the business plan not very intiutive.» (To some extent)
- I don"t think that there was a good relation between the weight of the assignments.» (To some extent)
- I think that the examinations are addressed to assess the goals. Even if I think that in some intent they try to trick your responses, which makes it interesting and assures that you really know your stuff and read thoroughly the questions.» (Yes, definitely)

Study climate

3. How were the opportunities for asking questions and getting help?

10 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Rather poor»0 0%
Rather good»7 70%
Very good»3 30%
I did not seek help»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 3.3

- Do not remember» (?)
- Many teachers answered ry vequickly via e-mail, though some didn"t answer at all. » (Rather good)
- In Administrative matters Anneli is very helpful. I terms of academic matters, the teachers were very open too, but in some cases it was hard to post questions due to being in such a large group.» (Rather good)
- If were to sum up my experience I answer what I have placed above, but this is due to that I have had very good opportunities from some teachers/lecturers and I have also had very poor experiences with specific teachers/lecturers.» (Rather good)
- Dependent on which teacher. Some consultations were very good, some very poor. Some answered emails instantly, some never. Consistency!» (Rather good)

4. How well has cooperation between you and your fellow students worked?

11 svarande

Very poorly»0 0%
Rather poorly»1 9%
Rather well»5 45%
Very well»5 45%
I did not seek cooperation»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 3.36

- Most of the course was based on a pre-decided group, and our group did not funcion well at all. » (Rather poorly)
- As in every group there are people who are helpful and some who are not. Noticed some unhealthy competitive actions by some people, but in the other hand, there were others very cooperative.» (Rather well)
- This has improved but this is very peculiar, some have excellent cooperation and others lack total personal relation capacities.» (Rather well)
- Hard to come over cultural differences! Must ensure language qualities more! Also barriers between engineers and lawyers, but that was more interesting and learning.» (Rather well)
- New students, new groups, it was difficult to find the right fellow to work with.» (Rather well)

5. How was the course workload?

11 svarande

Too low»0 0%
Low»0 0%
Adequate»4 36%
High»6 54%
Too high»1 9%

Genomsnitt: 3.72

- High but adequate for the education you sign in for.» (High)
- Border line too high, but i like to be whipped!» (High)
- On the fisrt weeks, we had many lectures, assignments, readings. Work 24/7.» (Too high)

Summarizing questions

6. What is your general impression of the course?

11 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Fair»1 9%
Adequate»3 27%
Good»7 63%
Excellent»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 3.54

- The course is not really a course but rather bits and pieces from the parts of the fall are linked to it. Some assignments in the DTIM-course should rather have been in this course. I have understood that the reason for the shift is that the other course needed gradeable assignments.» (Fair)
- I have really enjoyed the course and the topics that where issued, what I would improve is the implementation in real life scenarios not just the information based on books. A more real life scenario on how it really works.» (Good)
- Could be better with more consistency. Plus i have heard much of it before, financing, Porters 5F etc.. Some were on a too low level. » (Good)

7. What is your overall impression of the TBE course/module? Please motivate your answer.

11 svarande

Very good»0 0%
Good»6 54%
Satisfactory»5 45%
Poor»0 0%
Very poor»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.45

- I think the TBE managed to accomplish its meaning.» (Good)
- My overall impression is good, what I would improve is the implementation of real life scenarios not just the information based on books. A more real life scenario on how it really works, not with an academical perspective.» (Good)
- I have learned alot but I cannot put my finger on what I have learned.» (Good)
- I like the course and the finishing business model assignment was great. Some parts could be put more emphasis in though, such as financing and strategy. » (Good)
- In the beggining it was a module to know ourselfs and collegues work. Most of the lectures were clear and easy to follow, but the readings were demanding. » (Good)
- I liked the fact of combining different educations (engineering, business, legal) and making it work. some very good teachers, some very good lectures. What I believe could have been better is the application in professional life, I somehow felt it too academic and not applied into reality.» (Satisfactory)

8. What would you recommend us to do differently next year, do you have suggestions for improvements?

7 svarande

Very good»0 0%
Good»2 28%
Satisfactory»5 71%
Poor»0 0%
Very poor»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.71

- Not place so much importance of an academical perspective, give it a more executive perspective.» (?)
- Have another for of negoiations so that you know when you are suppose to do a role play or be a student. I would have wanted a lot mor feedback! I never knew what was good or bad or how I could improve myself. I would also wanted the final grades to be more individual than general in the group. I was on the border of getting a 5, but we got LOWER grade on the final shareholders agreement after getting advise from Boo and the lawyer, which should not be possible! Maybe the directives then should have been clearer and their help also whould have been clearer!» (?)
- To involve the business plan earlier and to think about every week what should be included, have that as an assignment, because it doesn"t get done.» (?)
- Move the culture week in front, try not to grade subjective papers (BP outline), keep the same tempo, improve the given feedback (especially for the BP!).» (Good)
- I suggest to give the literature mentioned below toguether with the summer reading.» (Good)
- - Create a "kurs-PM". - Be clear on what your grading criterias are, and stick to them. - Explain (several times) how the course is coherent despite it brining bits and pieces from weeks throughout the fall.» (Satisfactory)
- - Cases that you can relate to real life - Tasks related on how it would be to work in x position in a job» (Satisfactory)
- Improve the feedback, give it back to us in time etc... more clear grading system, and tell the students from the start, not afterwards as this year.» (Satisfactory)
- Gradings! Faster responses! Consistency!» (Satisfactory)

9. What was your general impression of the administration of the course?

11 svarande

Very good»1 9%
Good»4 36%
Satisfactory»5 45%
Poor»1 9%
Very Poor»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.54

- The administration is very professional and commited in helping the students. Very accessible professionals.» (Very good)
- In my opinion it was good, information was provided fast and accurately. I believe what could be improved is the communication platform, because we first started with ping-pong that was terrible, then gul which was not so good either.» (Good)
- Even though there were some problems with the rooms and other, I am sorry to say that compared to the TPL it was good.» (Good)
- I believe it requires further planning and respect to the students time. I lacked a lot of planning and structuring on location issues. » (Satisfactory)
- Se above..» (Satisfactory)

10. What was your general impression of the course literature?

11 svarande

Very good»0 0%
Good»6 54%
Satisfactory»4 36%
Poor»1 9%
Very poor»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.54

- The literature did not give much more imput than the lectures.» (Good)
- Dont remember tbh. Read mostly articels and Google pages. » (Satisfactory)

11. Miscellaneous comments

- The books didn"t get read because we had no time. The group work was from 8 in the morning to 10 in the nights..»

Part II: Lectures and Exercises

12. The introductory case: Denator Biotechnology

11 svarande

Very good»4 36%
Good»5 45%
Satisfactory»2 18%
Poor»0 0%
Very poor»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.81

- Challenging in terms of effort, time spent and speed of developments. A really good exercise, overall I wish a similar tempo was keep in the program.» (Very good)
- interesting! lotta was good» (Very good)
- To get us into what we should expect, but more clear instructions on the presentations would have been good. » (Very good)
- Good kick off. Good to learn new people. » (Good)
- This case was very interesting and demanding. But te presentations/debate about the case could have been better explained to the students.» (Good)

13. Expectations discussions - Tomas Faxheden, Jenny Almkvist, Caroline Pamp, Bo Heiden

10 svarande

Very good»1 10%
Good»3 30%
Satisfactory»6 60%
Poor»0 0%
Very poor»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.5

- But why do it and then not build on it? » (Satisfactory)
- I don"t know, when you are in a new group it is hard to really get throug. It would be more effective to do this induvidually over an evening so you really get to think. » (Satisfactory)

14. Group dynamics and business creation week - Karen Williams

11 svarande

Very good»2 18%
Good»7 63%
Satisfactory»0 0%
Poor»1 9%
Very poor»1 9%

Genomsnitt: 2.27

- I actually gave me a lot.» (Good)
- At the time it feelt like a wast of time but now I feel that I have some help in the new group knowing what is important to decide on in a first meeting.» (Good)
- Needed. Nothing special.» (Good)
- Have it after 1-2 weeks of working together. Build on it and assist groups that don"t funcion that well. » (Very poor)

15. Group norms introduction & workshop and exercises - Helena Kovács

9 svarande

Very good»0 0%
Good»3 33%
Satisfactory»6 66%
Poor»0 0%
Very poor»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.66

- Could be improved. Still fluffy and mumbo-jumbo"ish» (?)
- I liked it because it creates an open environment in which us, as different personalities, can express themselves.» (Good)
- Good exercise to know and understand the fellows methods to work.» (Good)
- More effective if the groupnorms should be written down and defined more.» (Satisfactory)

16. Learning styles exercises - Max Rapp Ricciardi

11 svarande

Very good»4 36%
Good»3 27%
Satisfactory»4 36%
Poor»0 0%
Very poor»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2

- Awesome guy. A keeper. » (Very good)
- Good exercise to know and understand the fellows methods to work and think.» (Very good)
- I liked Max - very interesting and you really listened.» (Good)
- Good lecture but it has not helped me in anyway, you need to handle everything anyway.» (Good)

17. Learning culture week - Karen Williams

11 svarande

Very good»1 9%
Good»4 36%
Satisfactory»5 45%
Poor»1 9%
Very poor»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.54

- This weeks was one of the most engaging (in an open relaxed way) weeks in the program - I would move it somewhere at the beginning of the education.» (Good)
- I liked the literature, but the lectures were not as good? hard to put it into reality perhaps?» (Satisfactory)

18. Enable learning - Mats Lundqvist, Susanne Olilla

11 svarande

Very good»1 9%
Good»4 36%
Satisfactory»6 54%
Poor»0 0%
Very poor»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.45

- Do not remember» (Satisfactory)
- The role play was a wast to prepare, better structure of the lecture would be good.» (Satisfactory)

19. Business Culture - Kamilla Kohn Rådberg

10 svarande

Very good»1 10%
Good»0 0%
Satisfactory»6 60%
Poor»2 20%
Very poor»1 10%

Genomsnitt: 3.2

- The best lecture to understand the cultural difference between the students in class.» (Very good)
- Do not remember» (Satisfactory)
- Stating generally known facts.» (Poor)
- That lecture totally sucked.» (Very poor)

20. Group Norms - Boo Edgar, Karen Williams

11 svarande

Very good»1 9%
Good»2 18%
Satisfactory»5 45%
Poor»3 27%
Very poor»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.9

- A good way to get people to talk openly about their fears and expectations in the group.» (Good)
- Do not remember» (Satisfactory)
- Odd forum. Too little page space. Quality really suffered from that. » (Satisfactory)
- Better instructions and closer in time to the workshop» (Poor)

21. Culture and competences workshop - Lars-Göran Andersson, Marie Simonsson

9 svarande

Very good»2 22%
Good»2 22%
Satisfactory»4 44%
Poor»1 11%
Very poor»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.44

- As a foreigner it was one of the most interesting days, i recommend it to be moved at the beginning of the education.» (Very good)
- Do no remember. » (Good)
- Do not remember» (Satisfactory)

22. Pitching Lecture and pitching exercise - Karen Williams, Boo Edgar

11 svarande

Very good»5 45%
Good»4 36%
Satisfactory»2 18%
Poor»0 0%
Very poor»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.72

- Very good, it is of highest intrest to learn.» (Very good)
- One of the best, keep and improve. » (Very good)
- Hard, but necessary» (Good)
- It did not seem to give much, communicating pitching methods is difficult - I do not think the message got through.» (Satisfactory)

23. Business plan slideshow hand-in and presentations Karen Williams

11 svarande

Very good»2 18%
Good»7 63%
Satisfactory»0 0%
Poor»1 9%
Very poor»1 9%

Genomsnitt: 2.27

- I have never written a businessplan before but it gave me a good grasp.» (Very good)
- The exercise was very good in testing our presentation abilities and in challenging us to think about possible questions and traps that we might face» (Good)
- Very much needed to complete the final assignment.» (Good)
- The lecture and slides were very good. But the teachers could have given more enphasis in doing the business plan in parallel with the assignments.» (Good)
- Inconsistent. Give us a framework and stick to it! Now there were several instructions circulating (BP-draft, BP and this BP-slideshow) and then you chose to use a fourth one when grading. How are we supposed to know what you expect? » (Very poor)

24. Negotiations theory and exercises - Max Rapp Ricciardi

10 svarande

Very good»4 40%
Good»4 40%
Satisfactory»2 20%
Poor»0 0%
Very poor»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.8

- Interesting, fun exercises. Max is a person that gets the class engaged, I hope the collaboration will last.» (Very good)
- Theory was njaa, and the exercice involved like 3 people. Not good enough altho i like max» (Good)
- Though it was more of a conflict management lecture than a negotiations excersize. We had no use of it in the negotiations later.» (Satisfactory)

25. Investor presentations and draft shareholder agreement - Lars Andersson

11 svarande

Very good»5 45%
Good»4 36%
Satisfactory»2 18%
Poor»0 0%
Very poor»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.72

- Even though for us the 1st presentation did not go good I think for educational purposes it was very insightful. It was one of the most realistic, harsh (in a way), objective, direct and complete feedback we received during our work.» (Very good)
- Have never drafted an agreement before so this was good and the negotiations gave a good setting for in which climate this is negotiated. » (Very good)
- Hard criticism was a learner! Keep!» (Very good)
- Good presentation and material.» (Very good)

26. Shareholders agreement hand-in - Lars Andersson

11 svarande

Very good»1 9%
Good»7 63%
Satisfactory»3 27%
Poor»0 0%
Very poor»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.18

- As a business student I did not like this assignment that much. However, I admit its educational purpose. The use of templates seems to be in this case a trap that should be avoided.» (Good)
- Hard for non-law students to do much...» (Good)
- Good to learn but the critisism from the bureu could be better instructed.» (Good)
- Grading was odd and not aligned with Mannheimers feedback at all!» (Good)
- How come we and many other groups did quite well on the draft and then after improving the SHA with the feedback we did worse? Did all of us misunderstand the feedback? Or did the requirements increase? If the latter one is true, please say so before! Interesting assignment however!» (Satisfactory)

27. Negotiations with investor - Lars Andersson

11 svarande

Very good»4 36%
Good»4 36%
Satisfactory»2 18%
Poor»0 0%
Very poor»1 9%

Genomsnitt: 2.09

- A very interesting experience that made us reflect and question the utility of our BM» (Very good)
- Best meeting of the course. Felt real and was fun visiting mannheimer. » (Very good)

28. Contractual conflict resolution - Lars Andersson

9 svarande

Very good»1 11%
Good»4 44%
Satisfactory»4 44%
Poor»0 0%
Very poor»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.33

- Very interesting, clear and to the point.» (Good)
- Do not remember» (Satisfactory)
- Did not attend. » (Satisfactory)

29. Business plan hand-in - Karen Williams

11 svarande

Very good»3 27%
Good»3 27%
Satisfactory»3 27%
Poor»1 9%
Very poor»1 9%

Genomsnitt: 2.45

- The teacher could have been more present to aswer doubts.» (Very good)
- I felt that there was not enough feedback at individual level on the grading of the Individual business plans. Personally when I asked about my grade I was not given any opportunity to say anything. It was basically this is your grade if you like it good, if you don"t too bad.» (Good)
- Stressful» (Good)
- The business plan as such is good, however the feedback given is very poor. Considering the amount of time and offered put by everyone in developing the BP, 2-3 lines of feedback (which is more or less general) seems like a sad joke.» (Satisfactory)
- what do you mean?» (Satisfactory)
- See 23.» (Very poor)

30. Reflection paper hand-in - Karen Williams

11 svarande

Very good»0 0%
Good»2 18%
Satisfactory»3 27%
Poor»6 54%
Very poor»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 3.36

- It would be good if we have had a feedback about our reflection paper. If we are already writing the journals, why write a reflection paper summarizing our learnig? It is twice work.» (Good)
- Considering the reflection paper is a personal reflection upon the course I do not see the point of it being graded.» (Satisfactory)
- Didn"t make much sense. Sure, we had to think back on the semester, but I do that now again. It would be so much better if our hand ins were used in some way! Feedback? » (Poor)
- Did not really see the point, and you did not even tell us when you uploaded the assignment on pingpong. shame on you! i alsmost missed it.» (Poor)
- It was to little time and we have the journals, not so serious at all» (Poor)

31. Diaries

11 svarande

Very good»0 0%
Good»4 36%
Satisfactory»4 36%
Poor»3 27%
Very poor»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.9

- I like the idea, thoguh it"s hard to do it well. Continuous reflection is good.» (Good)
- The purpose of the diaries seems good, personally I recommend them to be kept in this part of the education.» (Good)
- Good to reflect about the learning process. And now it does not take much time, it is just a question to get used to write.» (Good)
- I don"t think that anyone likes writing the journals, I personally don"t enjoy it at all, but at the same time I appreciate it for the insight.» (Satisfactory)
- i guess it was quite good, but hey what a relief to not have to do it now...» (Satisfactory)
- It is not so fun every night, but in the long run it might help reflect every day on what you have learned.» (Satisfactory)
- I feel that these where of no gain for the class nor the students besides the forced reflection. I feel that it was a loss of time for me.» (Poor)
- Felt more like a burden than anything else. » (Poor)

Part III: Course Literature

32. The Mystery of Capital, De Soto

How much of the book have you read?

11 svarande

None»3 27%
Half»4 36%
Most»4 36%

Genomsnitt: 2.09

- Should have read tho.» (None)
- Very good book.» (Half)
- The idea is good, but I could have stopped halfway through or read a summary of it and gotten the same understanding.» (Most)
- Very good book.» (Most)
- Very good literature - can be used as reference in a lot of situations.» (Most)
- Good.» (Most)

33. High Tech Start Up, Nesheim, J

How much of the book have you read?

11 svarande

None»6 54%
Half»4 36%
Most»1 9%

Genomsnitt: 1.54

- No specific opinion.» (Half)
- Good.» (Half)

34. University in The Knowledge Economy, Petrusson

How much of the book have you read?

10 svarande

None»2 20%
Half»3 30%
Most»5 50%

Genomsnitt: 2.3

- I read about 1/4 of the book, very hard comprehension.» (?)
- Very good, except for maybe the language.» (None)
- Good though hard to understand. I have read most of it after Christmas and now that we have started the ICM-training it is easier to read.» (Half)
- Good but complicated.» (Half)
- Too complicated» (Half)
- it gives an overview about all thelectures of the program. Very good.» (Most)

35. Term Sheets & Valuations: An Inside Look at the Intricacies of Term Sheets & Valuations - Wilmerding, A.

How much of the book have you read?

11 svarande

None»8 72%
Half»3 27%
Most»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.27

36. Financial Intelligence (Berman,K)

How much of the book have you read?

10 svarande

None»3 30%
Half»6 60%
Most»1 10%

Genomsnitt: 1.8

- I read less than 1/4 of the book, personally did not enjoy the reading.» (?)
- Easy and clear reading.» (Half)
- Good! Next time you might want to have the evaluation earlier, and also during the semester so that you can improve instantly.» (Most)

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