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Organisational Project Management, BOM050

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2009-01-22 - 2009-01-30
Antal svar: 22
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: ?%
Kontaktperson: Ingeborg Wasif»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Chalmers

1. What is your general impression of the course?

On a scale where 1=very poor and 5=very good

22 svarande

1 4%
3 13%
6 27%
10 45%
2 9%

Genomsnitt: 3.4

- Difficulties to understand, what we were supposed to learn from this.» (2)
- The course improved toward the end, when the objectives of the course got clearer. » (3)
- The weekly assignments were really good since they made one to think after before the real interview was performed.» (4)

2. Are the aims and goals reasonable in relation to your pre-knowledge ?

On a scale where 1 = nothing at all and 5 = very much

22 svarande

0 0%
1 4%
7 31%
9 40%
5 22%

Genomsnitt: 3.81

3. How much did you learn from the course?

On a scale where 1 = nothing at all and 5 = very much

22 svarande

0 0%
3 13%
8 36%
9 40%
2 9%

Genomsnitt: 3.45 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- some new terminologies only» (2)
- I would have wanted to get more theory about new findings - read more articles regarding the subject.» (3)
- The methodology was totally new for me and I appreciated the benchmarking principles and the maturity methods.» (4)

4. How did you find the lectures?

On a scale where 1=very poor and 5=very good

22 svarande

1 4%
3 13%
8 36%
8 36%
2 9%

Genomsnitt: 3.31

- Lectures were really boring and repeating the same as in project management course» ( 1)
- Sometimes the topics were not interesting.» ( 2)
- It could be valuable to have guest lecturers to expose real-life project management practices applied in the industry nowadays.» ( 3)
- Content was very good, but channel of delivery could have been improved. » ( 3)

5. Attendance

How many percent of the lectures did you attend?

22 svarande

<25%»0 0%
25-50%»0 0%
50-75%»1 4%
>75%»21 95%

Genomsnitt: 3.95

- all lectures» (>75%)
- I don"t think I missed any» (>75%)

6. Did the course meet your expectations?

On a scale where 1 = very poor and 5 = very good

22 svarande

2 9%
5 22%
6 27%
8 36%
1 4%

Genomsnitt: 3.04 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- I think that name of the course is not strongly correlated with the material that was given. It should have different name.» (2)
- I had no post expectations due to the blurry course objectives and goals.» (2)

7. Are the course contents relevant for your further studies and professional plans?

On a scale where 1 = nothing at all and 5 = very much

22 svarande

0 0%
1 4%
11 50%
6 27%
4 18%

Genomsnitt: 3.59

8. Did the exam reflect the course in a fair way?

On a scale where 1 = very poor and 5 = very good

22 svarande

1 4%
2 9%
5 22%
11 50%
3 13%

Genomsnitt: 3.59

- there was no exam» ( 1)
- In a way it reflected the content very well, but we lost lot of time (that could have been used for learning more) for creating the questionnaire. As said before, learning objectives were bit unclear, too much pressure on the questionnaire when compared to what could have been studied/learnded.» ( 2)
- I was expecting to get a better grade, because I participated in all discussions and did all I was asked for.» ( 2)
- We did not have an exam.» ( 3)
- NO EXAM» ( 3)
- there was no exam there was an assignment» ( 5)

9. Have the assignments met your expectations?

On a scale where 1=not much and 5=very much

22 svarande

0 0%
3 13%
4 18%
11 50%
4 18%

Genomsnitt: 3.72

- Not challenging enough, using google to search...» ( 2)
- I like the final assignment very much but I consider that it would be more revealing for the companies to have more commonality between the type of industry. The latter can also help to enhance the potential of this task for future benchmarkings and to build a database that could make historical data available for future benchmarkings.» (5)

10. How well has cooperation between you and your fellow students worked?

On a scale where 1 = very poor and 5 = very good

22 svarande

0 0%
0 0%
2 9%
12 54%
8 36%

Genomsnitt: 4.27

- worked well, even thou we worked as a "virtual team" in the end of the course» (4)
- Perfect group work and discussions» (5)

11. Was the course literature relevant?

22 svarande

very relevant»4 18%
relevant»18 81%
not relevant»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.81

- There should be more options for this question. the only three are not suitable.» (relevant)
- The course book was maybe not that good but after all it was relevant. I don"t know if there are other books in this subject but I wouldn"t say that the book was worth buying. » (relevant)

12. Did you miss anything that you think should be included in the course?

- Better to have more practical assignments.»
- I think that Financial Management course should be more focused on financial aspects in a more concrete way like budget planning techniques etc. However this course was focused on more general things.»
- More real life cases.»
- Real life examples, guest lecturer from companies.»
- Yes ,In my idea, assessing the company in 2hours is not logical.University can make an agreement with some organizations to assess their maturity in 2 month, I think it is more efficient for both side, organization can use the generated information to improve their organization maturity without any significant cost and on the other hand students can use this opportunity to improve their practical experience.»
- Maybe a general overview from previous years benchmarking scores. Even though some of the companies wanted to be anonymous I feel it would be interesting to see how companies reacts on back economical climate and the benchmarking comparsion between the companies.»
- Maybe a final feedback to explain what we have missed.»

13. Additional comments

- I think the teachers should insist on reading the liturature more for example they can highlight parts of the book for each week.»
- Have to give points for the lecturer who had very good understanding about the subject. But sometimes felt, that we were doing this job for the lecturer, not for ourselves.»
- Thank you for good course.»
Genomsnitt totalt för detta stycke: 3.25

Genomsnitt totalt för alla frågor: 3.25
Beräknat jämförelseindex: 0.56

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