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A4 Space for Healthcare, Housing & Work –,, Healthcare in the 21st century ht 08 (ARK260)

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2009-01-15 - 2009-01-30
Antal svar: 5
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 55%
Kontaktperson: Peter Fröst»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Chalmers

Goals and fullfilment of goals

The learning outcomes are given in the course programme, that is the knowledge, understanding, skills and perspectives you are expectd to reach. Notify for how well they have been fulfilled.

1. Learning outcome

Design, as a teamworker, a complex health care building.
- Understand, and be able to apply, the concepts of space for care.
- Take place in a work of programming for space for care, combining aspects of spaces for care, work environment and architectural systems thinking.
- Design and Communicate in the process of adding a new building to a larger complex of several interrelated buildings.

5 svarande

No opinion»0 0%
Very insufficient»0 0%
Insufficient»0 0%
Sufficient»3 60%
Excellent»2 40%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 4.4

- Too little workshgops in the beginning of the course.» (Excellent)

2. Are the aims and goals reasonable in relation to your pre-knowledge ?

5 svarande

No, the goals are to elementar»1 25%
Yes, the goals are reasonable»3 75%
No, the goals are too ambitious»0 0%
No opinion»1

Genomsnitt: 1.75

3. Are the goals reasonable in relation to the scope and amount of credits?

5 svarande

Too small scope in relation to credits»0 0%
Reasonable scope in relation to credits»4 80%
Too wide scope in relation to credits»1 20%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 2.2

- We always put too wide scope in relation to credits in the field of study in architecture. This course had many credits and we worked according to it. » (Too wide scope in relation to credits)

Education and course administration

4. How did the first meeting with clients and site work?

5 svarande

No opinion»1 20%
Very insufficient»0 0%
Insufficient»3 60%
Sufficient»1 20%
Excellent»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.8

- not time effective to spend such long time on travelling to stockholm,back and forth many times, no the information we got was not that much» (Insufficient)

5. How did the study visit by bus to hospitals and senior housing work?

5 svarande

No opinion»0 0%
Very insufficient»0 0%
Insufficient»0 0%
Sufficient»4 80%
Excellent»1 20%

Genomsnitt: 4.2

- the best way to learn is to see it alive» (Excellent)

6. How did the midcrits work?

5 svarande

No opinion»1 20%
Very insufficient»0 0%
Insufficient»1 20%
Sufficient»3 60%
Excellent»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 3.2

- I would expect more Architects so that we could get more feedback» (Insufficient)
- To midcritic I felt that we had putted alots of effort into something they did not care about, too few people showed up.» (Sufficient)

7. How did the second meeting with clients and site work?

5 svarande

No opinion»1 20%
Very insufficient»0 0%
Insufficient»2 40%
Sufficient»2 40%
Excellent»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 3

- When was the second time and what did we do then?» (No opinion)
- I would expect more Architects so that we could get more feedback» (Insufficient)

8. How did the external presentation work?

5 svarande

No opinion»0 0%
Very insufficient»0 0%
Insufficient»2 40%
Sufficient»1 20%
Excellent»2 40%

Genomsnitt: 4

- they didnt give many comments or ask many questions not efficient to travel such long time but we gained not much» (Insufficient)
- not all of them were useful» (Insufficient)

9. How did the crits work?

5 svarande

No opinion»1 20%
Very insufficient»1 20%
Insufficient»0 0%
Sufficient»2 40%
Excellent»1 20%

Genomsnitt: 3.2

- I would expect to see professionals with experience besides my instructors» (Very insufficient)
- the last critic was good but even better if we have such comments more often during the semester» (Sufficient)

10. What support have you got for your learning from course literature and other material?

5 svarande

Very little»2 40%
Rather little»0 0%
Rather big»3 60%
Very big»0 0%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 2.2

- the materials are not sufficient and not organized most of them are in swedish,which caused difficulties for exchange students the information about the project was not clear until the last few weeks» (Very little)
- we needed to have more illustration in our given book.(too much text)but in general in needs to be more specified next time» (Very little)

11. How did the organisation, memoranda, direct information etc. function?

5 svarande

Very bad»1 25%
Rather bad»0 0%
Rather well»2 50%
Very well»1 25%
No opinion»1

Genomsnitt: 2.75

- the course is not organized » (Very bad)
- memoranda? i did"nt get the point» (No opinion)

Work environment

12. How do you rate the possibilities to get assistance and ask questions?

5 svarande

Very bad»2 40%
Rather bad»0 0%
Rather well»2 40%
Very well»1 20%
I have not asked for assistance»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.4

- we didnt get enough support from teacher, the project could go better if we could meet the teacher more often» (Very bad)
- only one time or sometimes two times in a week which is not enough at all» (Very bad)
- I had the feeling I could ask Peter some questions on mail and this was new to me and I appreciated this. » (Very well)

13. How has the cooperation between you and students in your group been?

5 svarande

Very bad»0 0%
Rather bad»2 40%
Rather good»2 40%
Very good»1 20%
I have not tried to cooperate»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.8

- My personal relations are good to them all with one exception. But the groupspirit in this course was very low. We seldom met in the studio. We had some afterworks. » (Rather bad)
- we don"t even have our own studio (no own desk...etc) for us to work and gather, most students prefer to work at home,so group works are not good» (Rather bad)
- the best way is to increase meeting points like tours» (Rather good)

Concluding questions

14. What is your overall opinion of the course?

5 svarande

Very bad»0 0%
Bad»1 20%
Passed»2 40%
Good»0 0%
Very good»2 40%

Genomsnitt: 3.6

- the course is not well organized and resources and support is not sufficient» (Bad)
- Too little build up excercises in the beginning. It started up very good in the beginning with Åkes lecture but later I felt we were left alone with the task. My conclusion is that this could only be considered ok since we are in the latest course. » (Passed)
- I HAVE TO SAY WE WERE THE FIRST GROUP THAT EXPERIENCED HOSPITAL AND THE PROGRAM WAS NEWWWW AND INCOMPLETE. IT WAS COMPLETED DURING OUR EXPERIENCE.it is a very complex and detailed project and we need to have one or two guides from hospital personnel each week to control our works,otherwise...» (Passed)

15. What should be preserved next year?

- The subject of the course. Hospital is good and needed. Good workingchances in healthcare buildings. »
- At least the same»
- the Norway trips for sure»
- the idea of the project was good,but unfortunately we didnt manage to work it out in the best way because of the unorganized schedule and inefficient support from the school and teacher»
- I think what peter has done was great in general because he was only one person and we were too many.Thank you very much peter»

16. What shuold be changed the nest year?

- More workshops about the context in the book, for example about the prototypes of hospital. H type, L- type or other more fantasy provocing once. Work more in blocks.»
- more seminars with less amount to be read per time»
- maybe making some of the info clear from the start»
- more resources for students»
- put more time for consultation and if possible join hospital personnle once a week»

17. Other comments

- I thought of the course as being badly led by the teachers, but I accepted in with the thought that we are truly last years sudents and there can be a point in letting us mangage alone, still no liking of it from my side but acceptance.»
- maybe a bigger studio as the other courses»
- I think what peter has done was great in general because he was only one person and we were too many.he handled it very well but for the next time I would really like to see more guides in a case that any of them were not available we can find another one.Thank you very much peter!»

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