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Master programme evaluation - Solid and Fluid Mechanics

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2008-12-06 - 2008-12-21
Antal svar: 23
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 85%
Kontaktperson: Mats Ander»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Chalmers


1. Where did you study for your Bachelor degree?*

Please comment if you studied in another country than your native country.

23 svarande

Swedish - Chalmers»18 78%
Swedish - another university»1 4%
University outside Sweden»4 17%

Genomsnitt: 1.39

2. What is your opinion on the information about the master programme when you applied?

Information from home pages, programme administration etc.

23 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Rather poor»0 0%
OK»6 27%
Good»13 59%
Very good»3 13%
I did not seek/need information»1

Genomsnitt: 3.86

- Inte bättre eller sämre än de andra på Chalmers.» (OK)
- I looked at the website» (OK)

Your own effort

3. How many hours per week have you spent studying at this programme?

We mean total time, that is, it comprises the time you spent in class and the time you spent on your own work. Try to estimate the average time over the entire study period.

23 svarande

Around 30 hours/week or less»1 4%
Around 40 hours/week»7 30%
Around 50 hours/week»8 34%
Around 60 hours/week or more»7 30%

Genomsnitt: 2.91

- Hard to tell... some weeks it has been 70 hours/week and some only 20...» (Around 40 hours/week)
- For some periods even more» (Around 50 hours/week)
- thats a hard quest,,,so I shoot from the hip» (Around 50 hours/week)
- Substantially more than 60 hours/week» (Around 60 hours/week or more)

4. How large part of the teaching offered did you attend?

23 svarande

0%»0 0%
25%»0 0%
50%»2 8%
75%»6 26%
100%»15 65%

Genomsnitt: 4.56

- Väldigt olika beroende på vilken kurs. Varierade mellan 80-20% per kurs.» (50%)
- more or less 100%» (100%)
- Good teachers generally.» (100%)

Goals and goal fulfilment

The programme syllabus states the goals in terms of learning outcomes, i.e., knowledge, skills and attitudes to be acquired by the student during the education. The learning outcomes are (excerpts):

After the master programme in Solid and Fluid Mechanics the students should be able to

-formulate mechanical engineering problems as mathematical models.

-use advanced topics regarding mathematical modelling as well as computational and experimental techniques relevant for the specialized tracks.

-show insight and ability to work in teams and collaborate in groups with different compositions.

-be able to give written and oral presentations of their conclusions and knowledge to specialist and non-specialist audiences.

5. How understandable are the programme goals?

23 svarande

The goals are difficult to understand»1 4%
The goals give some guidance, but could be clearer»7 30%
The goals are clear enough»15 65%

Genomsnitt: 2.6

- Jag saknar något mål om anställningsbarhet.» (The goals give some guidance, but could be clearer)

6. Are the goals reasonable for a master degree?

23 svarande

No, the goals are set too low»0 0%
No, the goals are a bit too low»2 8%
Yes, the goals seem reasonable»20 86%
No, the goals are a bit high»1 4%
No, the goals are set too high»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.95

- De två första är för mig typiska för masternivå, de två sista kunde lika gärna vara grundläggande.» (Yes, the goals seem reasonable)
- I don"t know how they should be» (Yes, the goals seem reasonable)
- I have got the feeling that they this programme is more of a introduction to PhD studies than prepering for industry. Take the last course in non-linear mechanics for examples. I"m having a hard time finding out where my knowledge from this course will fit in in my future work. More of a PhD course that is more or less unnecessary for me. I know that I have chosen this course on my own but it was a although disappointment.» (No, the goals are a bit high)

7. Do the programme courses you attended all in all meet the programme goals?

23 svarande

No, not at all»0 0%
To some extent»3 13%
Almost»11 47%
Yes, definitely»9 39%
I do not know»0 0%
I do not know»0

Genomsnitt: 3.26

- The worst course so far is the project course. It"s so sad having that as a memory when the rest was satisfying.» (To some extent)
- Not very much oral presentations. Especially not for non-specialist audiencies.» (Almost)

Programme layout

The masters programme in Solid and Fluid Mechanics consists of two compulsory corses in the first quarter and the compulsory "Project course" in quarter four. Besides that, there are courses in quarter two and three that are compulsory for each track.

8. What do you think of the programme layout?

23 svarande

Poor»1 4%
Rather poor»1 4%
OK»6 26%
Good»13 56%
Very good»2 8%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 3.6

- split the solids and fluids from the start. I realized I haven"t got a continuation course in fluid dynamics. Only the beginners course and the turbulece courses. Thats really bad. I realize now, that Gunnar should get his course back, instead of the mech of soflu» (Poor)
- I think you should communicate more. E.g the Mechanics in solids and Fluids course did not meet the requirements for the material courses» (OK)
- I think that the program could advise more about courses that could be good to read besides the ones that are given by programme. Maybe optimization etc.» (Good)
- lagom nivå valfritt, men det skulle underlätta om man lättare visade upp kombinationer med andra masterprogram - ex material eller produktutveckling.» (Good)

9. Is it a good thing to have 3 mandatory courses?

23 svarande

There should be less»1 4%
It is OK»18 81%
There should be more»3 13%
No opinion»1

Genomsnitt: 2.09

- Alldeles lagom!» (It is OK)
- If there should be mandatory courses, I think it is important that those have some sort of quality. The first two were good, but the Project course (which I had significant expectations in), where a disappointment!» (It is OK)
- I didn"t really think about which courses were mandatory for the program and which were not. Personally I payed more attention what was included in the different tracks» (It is OK)
- If I have understood the outline correctly, it is enough to only take the "mech. of sol. and fluid"-course, "computations in mechanics course" and the "project"-course to get a mastersdegree in Applied Mechanics if you reead enough other credits at advanced level that does not necessarily have anything to do with mechanics. If this is the case, I think it should be more mandatory courses. But since most students follow atleast one track, this is not a big issue.» (There should be more)
- More courses that integrate solid and fluid mechanics, cause that is what the industry whant.» (There should be more)

10. Should there be a more pronounced emphasis on BOTH solid and fluid mechanics?

This could be achieved by further compulsory courses for all programme students within both fields. Expected outcome would be engineers with better overall knowledge in both fields, at the expense of deeper knowledge within each specialisation.

23 svarande

There should be less»2 9%
It is OK as it is»14 66%
There should be more»5 23%
No opinion»2

Genomsnitt: 2.14

- I fsomeone wants to read courses from both solids and fluids there are possibilities as it is right now. » (It is OK as it is)
- Det är lagom många gemensamma kurser, man kan ju välja valfria fluidkurser som solidstudent om man är intresserad.» (It is OK as it is)
- But it is a bit strange to have a master in Solid AND Fluid Mechanics after only studying 1/2 fluid course (Mechanics of fluids and solids) in the programme. » (It is OK as it is)
- It is ok now, since we can choose fluid course (if we are in solid track) as elective course... no need for obligation on this matter.» (It is OK as it is)
- If I would like to study solids I would have chosen that» (There should be more)

11. Do you miss a course or a topic in the master programme?

22 svarande

Yes»10 45%
No»12 54%

Genomsnitt: 1.54

- Maybe a more applied course for simulations using some commercial software.» (Yes)
- Inte ett kursnamn, men applied FEM var inte speciellt mycket tillämpat utan mer olinjär teori. Jag saknar en kurs där man får tillämpa teorin i hållf och fem på riktiga problem. Projektkursen är inte tillräcklig eftersom det är så många andra moment i den.» (Yes)
- Maybe a FEM course concentrating on applied FEM i commercial softwares. This could give the students some more knowledge about practical issues in applied FEM, for example: What element size should I use? Which type elements should I use? What approximations are useful? How should I make a good mesh?» (Yes)
- the course High Performance Computing should be in this masterprogram or at least the matlab part of it.» (Yes)
- Financial and project management, but I am also aware of that I am the only one with that opinion.» (Yes)
- There could have been experimental course as was there in the earlier Turbulence masters programm.» (Yes)
- In the solid mechanics track, it is good if a course be added that have very good usage of a software like Abaqus in it. We used it in our project course but we did not have good teacher for it and also there are more things to learn in these kind of softwares. » (Yes)
- Continuation course in fluid mechanics and some experimental course. The Project was a joke, so that doesn"t count. » (Yes)
- More courses in dynamics» (Yes)

12. Are there any courses that you think should either be heavily revised or even removed from the programme?

22 svarande

Yes»16 72%
No»6 27%

Genomsnitt: 1.27

- The project course and the vibrational control needs to be heavily revised!» (Yes)
- Material Mechanics var inte bra. Men det vet de som höll kursen om. Projektkursen behövs också ser över ordentligt map kommentarerna från kursvärderingen, men den har potential för att vara den absolut bästa på programmet. » (Yes)
- The Project course should definitive not be removed, but heavily revised...» (Yes)
- The project course should be revised.» (Yes)
- Material Mechanics is about a very interesting subject, but I though it was very hard to understand and follow. » (Yes)
- Maybe non-linear computation mechanics if it is a mandatory course, I dont know.» (Yes)
- vibration control» (Yes)
- The project course in the 4th quarter should be revised a bit.» (Yes)
- In the 3rd quarter instead of "fundamental structural dynamics" it would have been better to have a course with a lot of usage of a FE software like Abaqus.» (Yes)
- Remove the Project, or replace it with something serious. » (Yes)
- Computatuions in Mechanics» (Yes)
- The project course. Don"t really see the point. We"ve done plenty of presentations and worked in gourps before.» (Yes)
- I think that vibrational control does not fit as one of the last courses with quite a lot of repitition of old stuff. Should perhaps be more mathematical. » (Yes)
- I think that the project course might be revised and I am sure that so will be. It"s always hard to start a new course. For the CFD part of the course there might be better to have more compulsary computer labs with CFD expert as assistant :)» (Yes)

13. Impressions of the Computational solid mechanics specialisation.

NOTE! Only answer this question if you attended at least 4 courses in the Computational solid mechanics specialisation (Rigid Body Dynamics, Material Mechanics, FEM Applications, Fatigue Design, Advanced Material Mechanics, Computational Nonlinear Mechanics).
What is your impression of the


- Balance between numerical computer assignments and theory have been very good throughout the track. However there have been very few experimental situations. From my bachelor studies I am used to have experimental demonstrations or labs in courses related to research done at the department. There were also no longer (8h to 3days) experimental situations with belonging pre-study report and final report. I missed that. The project course does not count.»

available information on this specialisation?
16 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Rather poor»1 6%
OK»3 18%
Good»10 62%
Very good»2 12%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 3.81

teachers in this specialisation?
16 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Rather poor»0 0%
OK»0 0%
Good»10 62%
Very good»6 37%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 4.37

relevance of the courses to this specialisation?
16 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Rather poor»1 6%
OK»1 6%
Good»4 25%
Very good»10 62%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 4.43

balance between theory and numerical/experimental simulations in this specialisation?
16 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Rather poor»1 6%
OK»1 6%
Good»9 60%
Very good»4 26%
No opinion»1

Genomsnitt: 4.06

main thread in this specialisation?
16 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Rather poor»0 0%
OK»2 14%
Good»10 71%
Very good»2 14%
No opinion»2

Genomsnitt: 4

general depth of the courses in this specialisation?
16 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Rather poor»0 0%
OK»2 14%
Good»7 50%
Very good»5 35%
No opinion»2

Genomsnitt: 4.21

14. Impressions of the Fluid dynamics specialisation.

NOTE! Only answer this question if you attended at least 4 courses in the Fluid dynamics specialisation (Turbulent Flow, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Compressible Flow, Turbulence Theory, Turbulence Modelling, Gas Turbine Technology, Multiphase Flow).


- Some relevant courses should be included so we wont feel shortage of courses at the end of the year and to struggle to meet 90 credits of the course work.»
- Generally awesome teachers at TFD. Best phd supervisor 2006 (George) and 2007 (Davidsson) are both part of tfd, which says alot. Now we are mere MSc students, but it tells you about the commitment of these men. »
- I missed some Experimental stuff. I enjoyed attending to Lars D and Bill G courses. Thank you!»
- I think there might be more of numerical simulations.»

available information on this specialisation?
8 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Rather poor»0 0%
OK»2 28%
Good»4 57%
Very good»1 14%
No opinion»1

Genomsnitt: 3.85

teachers in this specialisation?
8 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Rather poor»0 0%
OK»0 0%
Good»1 14%
Very good»6 85%
No opinion»1

Genomsnitt: 4.85

relevance of the courses to this specialisation?
8 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Rather poor»1 14%
OK»0 0%
Good»2 28%
Very good»4 57%
No opinion»1

Genomsnitt: 4.28

balance between theory and numerical/experimental simulations in this specialisation?
8 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Rather poor»1 14%
OK»2 28%
Good»2 28%
Very good»2 28%
No opinion»1

Genomsnitt: 3.71

main thread in this specialisation?
8 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Rather poor»0 0%
OK»1 16%
Good»2 33%
Very good»3 50%
No opinion»2

Genomsnitt: 4.33

general depth of the courses in this specialisation?
8 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Rather poor»0 0%
OK»0 0%
Good»5 71%
Very good»2 28%
No opinion»1

Genomsnitt: 4.28

15. Impressions of the Structural dynamics specialisation.

NOTE! Only answer this question if you attended at least 4 courses in the Structural dynamics specialisation (Rigid Body Dynamics, FEM Applications, Fundamental Structural Dynamics, Applied Structural Dynamics, Vibration Control).


available information on this specialisation?
13 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Rather poor»0 0%
OK»3 23%
Good»9 69%
Very good»1 7%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 3.84

teachers in this specialisation?
13 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Rather poor»1 7%
OK»2 15%
Good»5 38%
Very good»5 38%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 4.07

relevance of the courses to this specialisation?
12 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Rather poor»0 0%
OK»2 16%
Good»4 33%
Very good»6 50%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 4.33

balance between theory and numerical/experimental simulations in this specialisation?
13 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Rather poor»0 0%
OK»1 8%
Good»5 41%
Very good»6 50%
No opinion»1

Genomsnitt: 4.41

main thread in this specialisation?
13 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Rather poor»0 0%
OK»1 9%
Good»7 63%
Very good»3 27%
No opinion»2

Genomsnitt: 4.18

general depth of the courses in this specialisation?
13 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Rather poor»0 0%
OK»1 9%
Good»9 81%
Very good»1 9%
No opinion»2

Genomsnitt: 4

Programme administration

16. What is your general impression of the programme administration?

Programme administration means the programme director, coordinators, study counsellors, student administrators.

23 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Rather poor»2 9%
OK»6 27%
Good»10 45%
Very good»4 18%
No opinion»1

Genomsnitt: 3.72

- See point 8» (Rather poor)
- The information was good in the beginning of the first year. You should have informed us when you changed program director! We feel left out and mistreated when we get this kind of information months later from third party sources. The general information about the master thesis have been none existing. What do we have to do to a thesis within the program? What demands are there on time schedule, opposition, time, field of work etc, etc. These are important questions. We have never done a master thesis before, remember? Strictly speaking, we haven"t even got the information that we have to do a master thesis to get a degree!» (Rather poor)

17. What is your opinion on the support from the Student centre work?

23 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Rather poor»0 0%
OK»4 30%
Good»6 46%
Very good»3 23%
Did not seek their support or help»10

Genomsnitt: 3.92

Study climate

18. Did you feel welcomed by Chalmers and the staff at the master programme during your first days?

23 svarande

No, not at all»0 0%
To some extent»1 4%
Yes definitely»22 95%
No opinion/did not attend»0

Genomsnitt: 2.95

19. How well has cooperation between you and your fellow students worked?

23 svarande

Poorly»0 0%
Rather poorly»0 0%
OK»0 0%
Rather well»8 34%
Very well»15 65%
Did not seek cooperation with my fellow students»0

Genomsnitt: 4.65

- Först i slutet av år 1 - med projektkursen - träffade man och arbetade med många nya man inte kände. Annars var upplägget innan - med bara två pers i varje grupp - gjort för att man arbetade väldigt individuellt.» (Rather well)
- Although it is peculiar that certain people even got in to this Master or even this school.» (Rather well)

20. How are the opportunities to come in contact with teachers?

General impression of the staff"s accessibility.

23 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Rather poor»0 0%
OK»1 4%
Good»10 43%
Very good»12 52%
Did not seek contact»0

Genomsnitt: 4.47

- Sometimes doors are locked to divisions. Why can"t the master students have accessibility to the divisions?» (OK)
- Always an open door, excellent!» (Very good)
- Always open door.» (Very good)

21. What do you think of attending an education given in English instead of in your native language?

23 svarande

Bad»0 0%
Rather bad»0 0%
OK»3 13%
Good»5 21%
Very good»15 65%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 4.52

- Works fine» (OK)
- Det är klart att undervisningen blir bättre på svenska, men de fördelar med internationella klasser väger upp det.» (Good)
- We learn all he english terms, but we don"t know what the swedish terms are. =)» (Good)
- not so good when the teachers are terribly bad in English (Not very often luckily)» (Very good)

22. Do you think that the student opinions and results from course evaluations have significant impact and are taken seriously?

23 svarande

Not at all»0 0%
Tome some extent»11 55%
Yes, definetly»9 45%
No opinion»3

Genomsnitt: 2.45

- Endast kursvärderingar räcker inte, utan det behövs en referensgrupp bland studenterna som har tätare kontakt med programmet.» (Tome some extent)
- I think it will be more useful for the next year students.» (Tome some extent)
- I certainly hope so, otherwise there would not be any use to have them!» (Yes, definetly)

23. To what extent is your knowledge/competence from your bachelor degree sufficient to attend this programme?

Did you have the prerequisites that you need to start and follow the courses in the programme? If you feel that you lack any knowledge, please comment.

23 svarande

Poor»1 4%
Rather poor»0 0%
OK»3 13%
Good»12 52%
Very good»7 30%

Genomsnitt: 4.04

- Not enough skills in Matlab.» (Poor)
- Maybe there should be good to have some more knowledge in matrix algebra. » (Good)
- Wish i had more mathematics before starting, then i think the programme would be even better. But it"s always easy to be efterklok. =)» (Good)
- Som m03:a är det nästan skräddarsytt efter mina tre första år, det vore ju också konstigt annars.» (Very good)

24. What is your opinion about that you are expected to have computer skills in Matlab etc?

When attending this programme, you are supposed to have some knowlege in Matlab, Office and other general softwares.

23 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Rather poor»0 0%
OK»4 17%
Good»12 52%
Very good»7 30%

Genomsnitt: 4.13

- It is better to have a Matlab course for the new (specially international) students. For me (international) it was really difficult in the first quarter, but then it became ok. I can say it is not something that you disqualify a student due to lack of knowledge in Matlab since it is not that difficult to learn (and I had used it little in my bachelor ) but it is good to have a course in the first quarter in Matlab. » (OK)
- At Chalmers you get an adequate background in these applications. But there should be a voluntary introduction course in Matlab in parallel with the other courses in the first studyperiod, for foreign students or other that feel that they need it. Maybe offer them the same course as M1 has the first period, or a shorter version of that.» (OK)
- I think that"s something you should be familiar with at the time you finish your BS.» (OK)
- Om det inte görs borde det erbjudas en grundkurs i matlab för internationella studenter. » (Good)
- It is not very hard to learn Matlab so... Haven"t used Office for several years though :-)» (Good)
- Regarding "Office", I have not used this software at all during the master program or at bachelor degree.» (Good)
- Well, since chalmers uses a lot of matlab from the beginning, it is good that we are supposed to know this programme. For students from other schools or countrys they could get some folder with a Matlab guide or something. As long as it is clear that the programme will be used extensively.» (Very good)
- There is no need for Office. LaTeX all the way!» (Very good)

Summarizing questions

25. What is your general impression of the programme so far?

23 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Rather poor»0 0%
OK»1 4%
Good»16 69%
Very good»6 26%

Genomsnitt: 4.21

- Som helhet är det mycket bra, men kvaliten i vissa kurser och de uppenbara problem det innebär att ge en kurs för första gången, jag tänker framförallt på projektet, drar ner betyget.» (OK)
- Think most of the courses have been relevant.» (Good)
- Some new courses need to be refined to fit a suitable workload. As a student of the first year of the programme I think we might have faced a little bit higher work-load than the following generations of applied mecanics students.» (Good)
- The course options were good in first year. But there were few course options related to fluid Mechanics in second year. Thus it was bit tough to select elective course related to fluid mechanics in 2nd year. » (Good)
- I liked the program, even though I sometimes wish I started one year earlier and did the previous turbulence master. I"ve heard so much great things about that.» (Good)

26. Considering your experience from this programme, would you choose this programme if you could turn back time?

23 svarande

No»0 0%
Yes»22 100%
I do not know.»1

Genomsnitt: 2

- It is a lot to do, and sometimes you get a little bit jealous of for examplpe "product development" or "Automotive" that does have a lot of spare time. But the feeling that you really get to know a lot about the stuff that you study is superior.» (Yes)
- ...and I hope all time that we have spend will generate good job opportunity» (Yes)
- But! I would have study some other courses maybe.» (Yes)
- I learned a lot.» (Yes)
- Really good job oppurtunities after graduating, i think. But better than most other programmes, i have the sense. » (Yes)
- Depending how many years...(see prev. answer) » (Yes)

27. What should definitely be preserved?

- Projektkursen och gemensamma kurser mellan solidare och fluidare.»
- Some kind of project course.»
- Project in applied mechanics. FEM-Applications. Applied structural dynamics.»
- Many courses has large assignment that generates a lot of point or nessesary knowledge for the exam. This should be preserved.»
- 1. That there are about 3 assignments in each course (almost) is really good for learning. 2. In "project course" the random selection of students for grouping is a good idea. 3. That the assignments are mostly not individual and are in groups of two is good. »
- A pity that Bill is retiring. He inspires the students. But we have many good left!»
- The open door policy! »
- The project course. »

28. What should definitely be changed?

- The structure of the project course. »
- Mer arbetslivsorienterade projekt och inslag. Mer fokus på anställningsbarhet.»
- Project course»
- The work load»
- Some relevant courses should be included so we wont feel shortage of courses at the end of the year and to struggle to meet 90 credits of the course work.»
- Some details in some courses, the project course should have clearer goals for example. But overall everything is good.»
- It is better that the basic Finite Element course (which we did not have it! and I think we should have) be in the 2nd quarter instead of the "Material Mechanics" course, and then the "Material Mechanics" be in the 3rd quarter. (also note that there is no elective course for the "computational solid mechanics" track in the 3rd quarter.) »
- The teachers should be more aware of what has been discussed in earlier courses. »

29. Additional comments

- I have no regrets for choosing this masters programme.»
- I think that it would be good to define the two tracks Computational solid mechanics and Structural dynamics more. They are often put as one, Fluide and solid track. Make it clearer that it is 3 diffrent traks and clearly define what is needed for each track. »
- Please keep us updated with what is going on with our own master program.»

* obligatoriska frågor

Kursutvärderingssystem från