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Economics of Innovation 2008, IDY035

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2008-10-24 - 2008-11-10
Antal svar: 25
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 31%
Kontaktperson: Daniel Ljungberg»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Chalmers


1. I am originally coming from*

25 svarande

Industrial engineering at Chalmers»10 40%
another programme at Chalmers»3 12%
another Swedish university»1 4%
I am an international student»7 28%
I am an exchange student»4 16%

Genomsnitt: 2.68

2. I approximately attended

25 svarande

20 % of the lectures»0 0%
40 % of the lectures»1 4%
60 % of the lectures»1 4%
80 % of the lectures»13 52%
100 % of the lectures»10 40%

Genomsnitt: 4.28

3. Of the required reading, I approximately read

25 svarande

5 papers»2 8%
10 papers»5 20%
15 papers»5 20%
20 papers»10 40%
25 papers»3 12%

Genomsnitt: 3.28

General questions on the course

4. Overall the course was*

25 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Poor»1 4%
OK»11 44%
Good»10 40%
Very good»3 12%

Genomsnitt: 3.6 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

5. How much did you learn from the course?*

25 svarande

Nothing at all»0 0%
A little»2 8%
Medium amount»7 28%
Much»12 48%
Very much»4 16%

Genomsnitt: 3.72 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

6. The pace of the course was*

25 svarande

Too slow»1 4%
Slow»0 0%
Neither slow nor fast»16 64%
Fast»8 32%
Too fast»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 3.24 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

7. How demanding was the course?*

25 svarande

Not at all demanding»0 0%
Slightly demanding»2 8%
Quite demanding»10 40%
Demanding»9 36%
Very demanding»4 16%

Genomsnitt: 3.6 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

8. How difficult did you perceive the course to be?*

25 svarande

Not difficult at all»0 0%
Slightly difficult»6 24%
Quite difficult»11 44%
Difficult»6 24%
Very difficult»2 8%

Genomsnitt: 3.16 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

9. The lecturers were*

25 svarande

Very poor»1 4%
Poor»4 16%
OK»14 56%
Good»3 12%
Very good»3 12%

Genomsnitt: 3.12 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- Too much information and difficult to see the essence of what was presented.» (Very poor)
- The lectures were kept on a much too theoretical level. This made it very difficult to see the connection to real life applications.» (Poor)
- lektionerna blev bättre i slutet, i början förstod man inte alls vad de handlade om. det hade behövts bättre introduktion till hela kursen och till varje föreläsning. vore bättre om varje ämne introducerat med ett förenklat språk samt relevanta exempel. samt bättre slides! väldigt röriga och svåra att hänga med i. » (Poor)
- Sometimes hard to see the "red thread" in the lectures. But maybe I should have prepared better.» (OK)
- It was hard to understand what the lecturer wanted to tell sometimes. What was important. Gotten more clear at the end and when doing the exam.» (OK)
- It was difficult to see the red line through the course which makes the lectures difficult and boring sometimes. » (OK)
- I would say the course was at a bit too high level. I would prefer having more assignments (assignment II was great and it could be used on more in real life problems as well)» (OK)
- convincing good effort in linking heretical and actual aspect » (OK)
- Magnus did a fantastic job overall. I like the way he commented on our assignments.» (Very good)

10. Too little attention was paid to?

- To students" understanding.»
- making even clearer relations between key concepts»
- Practical applications of the theory»
- Definitions of important concepts. Hard to find by yourself.»
- How can we use what is being taught in class in real business situations? How is it going to help us in our future careers? Preferably use short cases that the students get to work on to apply the theories being taught in real live examples. Adopt more of a MBA style teaching method and work more with cases and refer back to readings much clearer.»
- The red line! And more interesting examples than mining and gaming industry, more real life examples from the economy.»
- Student interaction during lectures»
- The general outcomes of the course, the structure. Not enough concrete examples also...»
- Case studies. I see an enormous potential having cases describing successful innovations, unsuccessful innovations. Have one case each week and let the students read it through with an obligatory hand in (e.g. ppt slides) and then discuss it during the class. »
- level of coherence with Scherer book as a compulsory reference »
- Team working»
- artiklarna, genom att jämföra artiklarna med relevanta exempel had de blivit lättare att förstå.»
- Showing a read thread and making a connection between lectures and the articles.»

11. Too much attention was paid to?

- To the articles used.»
- Academic theories»
- Abstract theories.»
- Cultural aspects... sure it is important but perhaps not for the course. I know those parts were not there just for the course so I guess it is ok.»
- Explaining, a directer link to the literature would be nice.»
- The cultural part felt unnecessary. »
- final exam»
- ..»
- Examples out of the scope.»

12. Comments on the course literature?

- The number of articles was too much and sometimes difficult to understand.»
- To much prereading.»
- Generally relevant articles but would be better to be able to buy them as a compendium from Cremona rather than having to print them all.»
- some really hard readings, the book"s level is ok»
- Sometimes hard to understand»
- The course book was not really helpful»
- Are there no economists who thinks that somethink else than innovations are important for the economic development?»
- It was at times extremely demanding. Overall I am disappointed in how little the readings were referred back to during lectures. If we are supposed to read an article I expect it to be referred to, discussed and used in class.»
- Some papers are excellent but it felt like some of them were not useful for the course or for the exam. Perhaps remove some of the more irrelevant in order to make people read the others more carefully?»
- Some really interesting articles. The book could be left out in my opinion.»
- It was good. Specially the Scherer book.»
- Some readings really useful & interesting, others a bit less...»
- I actually hated the articles to begin with, but they are good you just have to read them carefully and perhaps twice. I think this could be better communicated, which articles are more demanding etc. »
- Challenging. For economics student, its very important to see the other school of "Schumpetarian" and Austrian school. »
- The articles were good but it was alot to read.»
- they were ok, but could have been more up to date»
- mycket intressanta artiklar men svår tolkade! skulle behöva mer stöd för att förstå dem både på lektionerna och på eventuella seminarier. »

13. What other comments or recommendations would you make for the future?

- To refer more to the course book. To give clearer definition of the course content and the key concepts. »
- The limits on the home exam are to large.»
- Less theoretical »
- Literature seminar as in the course Managing Development Projects. »
- There needs to be more interaction during class between the professor and the students. Make 5-10% of the grade dependent on class participation. This requires more work on behalf of the professor in learning the names of the students. However, I think this can easily be solved if each student has a name tag to put in front of them during class. That way the professor can call on people or people will be more inclined to actually participate since it matters. Lastly, I unfortunately have to comment on the english skills of the professors. Overuse of some expressions such as "Whatever else have you..." and "and so forth..." must be restrained. Furthermore, the professor has to consider the level of english used on slides and in speech. "Ain"t...", "wanna...", etc. is slang and should never be used, neither on slides nor when speaking! This gives an unprofessional appearance and is quite frankly rude! I was particularly shocked on september 22nd when the professor used the following phrases: "...fuck this...", "...women"s boobs..." and "...taste like shit..."! This is completely outrageous and it is a language not suitable for professors or students. THIS MUST IMPROVE IN THE FUTURE!! Overall I am quite shocked by the level of the english that some professors have. If Chalmers is supposed to offer international graduate programs this is a basic requirement that has to be fulfilled! »
- Little less crowded slides. Don"t put everything on the slide, use the notes function and put the .ppt files on the study portal so we can read your notes from there. »
- Include more assignments in which use of the literature is necessary. This is a great learning moment and preparation for the take-home exam.»
- Make the lectures more interactive and if possible add couple of literature seminars.»
- More concrete examples!!»
- Make the course case-based! There are hundres of Harvard business cases ready to be used. »
- As "Economics" of Innovation, there is something missing with "Economics approach". In some piece of material, it discussed about "completedness of utility theorem", but then its leave out, directly jump to messo level. The order between micro, messo and macro level should be bordered in a better way»
- Leek spin exercise was great for learning.»
- It would be useful to have seminar and discuss the articles.»
- the lectures should be reconsidered and try to increase their qulity..»
- sälja in ämnet bättre med exempel, jämförelser mellan olika världsdelar och olika länder så att man förstår t.e.x. hur det går om man inte promotar division of labor. Erbjuda hjälp, som t.ex. seminarier och bättre föreläsnings slides, för att förstå artiklar och allmänt kursens innehåll bättre. »
Genomsnitt totalt för detta stycke: 3.4

Specific questions on the course

14. I learnt to*


- The vast amount of topics made them all a bit invisible.»
- kursen är mycket relevant för programmet.»

Understand what economic progress means*
25 svarande

I fully agree»3 12%
I agree»21 84%
I agree some, but not much»1 4%
I disagree»0 0%
I totally disagree»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.92

Identifying and characterising key underlying phenomena (microfoundations) of economic progress*
25 svarande

I fully agree»3 12%
I agree»15 60%
I agree some, but not much»6 24%
I disagree»1 4%
I totally disagree»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.2

Understand and characterise different types of innovation*
25 svarande

I fully agree»7 28%
I agree»13 52%
I agree some, but not much»5 20%
I disagree»0 0%
I totally disagree»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.92

Identify and characterise key concepts of innovation*
25 svarande

I fully agree»5 20%
I agree»14 56%
I agree some, but not much»5 20%
I disagree»1 4%
I totally disagree»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.08

Relate different levels in the economy*
25 svarande

I fully agree»2 8%
I agree»16 64%
I agree some, but not much»7 28%
I disagree»0 0%
I totally disagree»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.2

15. I really think it is correct when the examiner claim that this course provides a backbone for the entire innovation area (i.e. the MEI programme)

24 svarande

I fully agree»8 33%
I agree»9 37%
I agree some, but not much»6 25%
I disagree»1 4%
I totally disagree»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2

- I have difficulties right now seeing this connection, but I am hoping that it will be clearer once I engage in the following courses.» (I agree some, but not much)
- To answer this properly, I need to go through the other courses first.» (I agree some, but not much)
- It was not clear why this course was important for the program.» (I disagree)

16. There was too little emphasis on


- Might have been more developing with slightly more focus on economy and economic models.»
- Did not understand the question fully»

The level of the economy in the course
25 svarande

I fully agree»1 4%
I agree»4 16%
I agree some, but not much»12 48%
I disagree»7 28%
I totally disagree»1 4%

Genomsnitt: 3.12

The firm and the industry levels in the course
25 svarande

I fully agree»1 4%
I agree»5 20%
I agree some, but not much»8 32%
I disagree»10 40%
I totally disagree»1 4%

Genomsnitt: 3.2

17. It is much better that the course introduces the entire MEI area than just sticks to one issue

24 svarande

I fully agree»3 12%
I agree»10 41%
I agree some, but not much»8 33%
I disagree»1 4%
I totally disagree»2 8%

Genomsnitt: 2.54

- men genom att göra en bättre kursplan, t.ex. dela in kursen i olika delar mer tydligt och förklara logiken i de olika delarna (röd tråd), kunde man få en bättre överblick över kursen från början och därmed ökad förståelse.» (I fully agree)
- The MEI program, and the Industrial Engineering and Management program at Chalmers, both suffer from making things too general by not focusing on key issues. I would prefer to know the 20% that create 80% of the value really well than have a vague idea about the other 80%. Therefore, I think that the MEI program and this course would benefit from a better focus.» (I agree some, but not much)
- It does indeed provide a holistic view but on behalf of details and deeper understanding.» (I agree some, but not much)
- The course was too broad and this was one of the reasons that we missed the purpose of it.» (I totally disagree)

18. This course was not challenging

25 svarande

I fully agree»0 0%
I agree»0 0%
I agree some, but not much»3 12%
I disagree»20 80%
I totally disagree»2 8%

Genomsnitt: 3.96

- Sometimes challenging but many of the basic concepts were known since before.» (I agree some, but not much)
- Repetition from previous courses, but not for MEI students I think...» (I disagree)

19. I wish I had started to read and study much earlier

25 svarande

I fully agree»6 24%
I agree»8 32%
I agree some, but not much»6 24%
I disagree»3 12%
I totally disagree»2 8%

Genomsnitt: 2.48

- I guess I suffer from Student"s syndrome... I have probably read more the last week then I did the first seven.» (I fully agree)
- I started to as soon as the readings were available on the study portal, it would have been better if they were available before the start of the course though.» (I disagree)
- I started reading day 1.» (I totally disagree)
- I started reading week 1, and much earlier is hard to start. » (I totally disagree)

Specific questions on literature

20. The course book by Scherer was very useful to me

25 svarande

I fully agree»1 4%
I agree»9 36%
I agree some, but not much»8 32%
I disagree»4 16%
I totally disagree»3 12%

Genomsnitt: 2.96

- Really makes you understand how things relate to each other and gives you a historical perspective. Very good! But does not seem to be a very objective book. » (I agree)
- It was interesting to read, but unfortunately it was used to a very small extent in class.» (I agree some, but not much)
- I learnt much more from the different papers.» (I disagree)
- Just read a few chapters and did not find it very useful. It was cheap however and provides understanding for the development so I guess it"s ok to keep as course literature.» (I disagree)

21. Some parts of the literature were very easy while other parts of the literature were very hard

25 svarande

I fully agree»10 40%
I agree»13 52%
I agree some, but not much»1 4%
I disagree»0 0%
I totally disagree»1 4%

Genomsnitt: 1.76

- The article by Loasby should be exchanged/excluded» (I fully agree)
- Loasby, Langlois and Robertson were really hard.» (I fully agree)
- Most papers were at least somewhat easy when I took the time to read them but then there were others (Loasby for example) that I couldn"t stand. Guess it is interesting if you really put effort into it.» (I fully agree)
- Especially the link with cognition» (I agree)

22. I found it hard to read the papers, since they were written in a very advanced English

25 svarande

I fully agree»1 4%
I agree»8 32%
I agree some, but not much»10 40%
I disagree»5 20%
I totally disagree»1 4%

Genomsnitt: 2.88

- Had been ok it we just had had better definitions on key concepts.» (I agree some, but not much)
- They are hard, but it just mean you have to spend some more time with them. » (I agree some, but not much)
- var mer innehållet som var det största problemet» (I agree some, but not much)
- The majority of the papers were easy to read.» (I disagree)

23. The lectures helped me to understand the articles

23 svarande

I fully agree»1 4%
I agree»8 34%
I agree some, but not much»9 39%
I disagree»5 21%
I totally disagree»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.78

- Don"t have an opinion, I rarely read the prereadings.» (?)
- But a bit hard to follow lectures if you are not prepared.» (I agree)
- I understood the articles by discussing them one by one with a classmate, and unfortunately I cannot say that I understood them through class.» (I disagree)

24. The articles helped me to understand the lectures

24 svarande

I fully agree»2 8%
I agree»12 50%
I agree some, but not much»10 41%
I disagree»0 0%
I totally disagree»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.33

- Don"t have an opinion, I rarely read the prereadings.» (?)

25. I did not read in advance

25 svarande

I fully agree»5 20%
I agree»4 16%
I agree some, but not much»10 40%
I disagree»4 16%
I totally disagree»2 8%

Genomsnitt: 2.76

- As it was one of the introductory courses hence had no initial idea exactly when to start.» (I agree some, but not much)

Specific questions on lectures

26. I learnt a lot during the cultural lectures

25 svarande

I fully agree»4 16%
I agree»4 16%
I agree some, but not much»7 28%
I disagree»5 20%
I totally disagree»5 20%

Genomsnitt: 3.12

- Very interesting lecture.» (I fully agree)
- Most of the things I knew beforehand» (I agree)
- Much are common sense and known since before.» (I agree some, but not much)
- I have lived in the US (2 years), France (6 months) and worked in India (1 month) so for me the lectures were not beneficial. I have read Hofstede before and seen it used both in academics and business life.» (I totally disagree)
- förstod inte varför den delen var med i kursen.» (I totally disagree)

27. There should have been more emphasis on in-class exercises

25 svarande

I fully agree»3 12%
I agree»5 20%
I agree some, but not much»7 28%
I disagree»6 24%
I totally disagree»4 16%

Genomsnitt: 3.12

- I would rather say in-class discussion on topics.» (I agree some, but not much)
- so many class exercises. Its good» (I agree some, but not much)
- If there are in class exercises they should be better prepared than they were now. The students should be given tasks to do before class for those exercises in that cas.» (I disagree)
- But perhaps a literature seminar or something similar mid-course.» (I disagree)
- Except that a literature seminar would have been a good idea.» (I totally disagree)
- bättre att göra övervakade övningar i mindre klasser. när man knappt vet vad övningen handlar om blir det bara en extra lång rast istället för övning.» (I totally disagree)

28. I really think there should be only a few slides during each lecture

25 svarande

I fully agree»3 12%
I agree»5 20%
I agree some, but not much»8 32%
I disagree»8 32%
I totally disagree»1 4%

Genomsnitt: 2.96

- Most slides were really too wordy and hard to follow...» (I fully agree)
- The lecturer has to learn to screen the information and decide what is important to present.» (I fully agree)
- Focus the lectures and get through the slides rather than use and ecessive number slides that will not even be touched upon.» (I agree)
- At least not 60+» (I agree)
- A little bit too many now, hard to see what is important» (I agree some, but not much)
- Many slides are excellent when looking back but they have to be motivated.» (I agree some, but not much)
- Perhaps not few but fewer! » (I agree some, but not much)

29. I found it very useful to look at the slides after the lectures

25 svarande

I fully agree»5 20%
I agree»10 40%
I agree some, but not much»7 28%
I disagree»2 8%
I totally disagree»1 4%

Genomsnitt: 2.36

- Especially after the take-home exam had been handed out.» (I fully agree)
- Slides were often confusing, having too much details and repeating themselves.» (I agree some, but not much)

Specific questions on examination

30. The take home exam was very difficult

25 svarande

I fully agree»4 16%
I agree»13 52%
I agree some, but not much»7 28%
I disagree»1 4%
I totally disagree»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.2

- The notion cognition is not mentioned enough in lectures and literature. To large page limit.» (I fully agree)
- svårt att veta vad som var själva frågan, ganska luddigt formulerade» (I agree)
- I spent a lot of time understanding basic concepts which it was hard to find a definition of.» (I agree some, but not much)
- It required some thoughts but at least question one and two were very straight-forward. So was q4 but q3 required more time to think about. The hardest part was to use course literature as reference. » (I agree some, but not much)
- The more stressful it is the more you learn. So it was good learning at the end.» (I agree some, but not much)
- I must say I am impressed of the content of the exam it was highly relevant and on a good level (of course it depends on the marking) » (I agree some, but not much)
- Its optimum level » (I disagree)

31. I really learnt a lot during the take home exam

25 svarande

I fully agree»11 44%
I agree»10 40%
I agree some, but not much»3 12%
I disagree»1 4%
I totally disagree»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.76

- Very good questions! You had to think a lot! Very good examination form! Do not change!» (I fully agree)
- That"s when most of the understanding occurred, might be connected to the fact that thats when I took time to think of the concepts and read some papers. » (I fully agree)
- In my opinion a great examination method. » (I fully agree)
- eller igentligen mer efter att man hade lämnat in tentan när kunskapenhar sjunkit in mer.» (I fully agree)

32. The take home exam really reflects the learning objectives

25 svarande

I fully agree»7 28%
I agree»11 44%
I agree some, but not much»5 20%
I disagree»0 0%
I totally disagree»0 0%
I have no idea what the “,learning objectives”, ar»2 8%

Genomsnitt: 2.24

- The strategy question was not really in proportion to the number of lectures and articles we"ve had on the subject.» (I agree some, but not much)

33. I thought assignment 1 was very good

25 svarande

I fully agree»9 36%
I agree»13 52%
I agree some, but not much»3 12%
I disagree»0 0%
I totally disagree»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.76

- It was very good because it forced us to read early and get some idea about the course.» (I fully agree)
- Made you have to start thinking.» (I fully agree)
- The assignment was very good but I would have wanted to get more feedback on it to be able to learn more from it.» (I agree)

34. I thought assignment 2 was very good

25 svarande

I fully agree»5 20%
I agree»7 28%
I agree some, but not much»6 24%
I disagree»6 24%
I totally disagree»1 4%

Genomsnitt: 2.64

- Fun.» (I fully agree)
- Common for both assignments might be that the grading was a bit too generous.» (I fully agree)
- It was challenging though interesting.» (I agree)
- From talking to my fellow students it seems that the grading and feedback was a little random on this assignment.» (I agree some, but not much)
- otroligt dåligt förklarad uppgift.» (I disagree)

Other comments

35. Additional comments or suggestions

- More perspectives upon whether innovation is really the most important thing in the economy. Sometimes it felt as if you learnt a political opinion. But maybe it is the general idea that economists have, I don"t know...»
- Please post slides in advance not just minutes before the class. »
- Quizzes in class will be good to keep track of our learning and literature reading.»
- mycket intressant ämne och kunnig lärare. men väldigt oigenomtänkt course-outline och alldeles för flummiga föreläsningar. med så svår och bred litteratur behövs strukturerade föreläsningar. mera röd tråd, logik och förklara skillnaden mellan vad de olika författarna säger. »

Thank you for your time.


Magnus Holmén

Genomsnitt totalt för alla frågor: 3.4
Beräknat jämförelseindex: 0.6

* obligatoriska frågor

Kursutvärderingssystem från